The Greene County Guardian, December 6, 1956
THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN POLLING PLACES ESTABLISHED Farmers Face Corn Referendum . 11 p n T-V-*a *» p frti* tVl -ip i ra C >1 Voting places have been es tablished in eastern Greene County townships for the corn referendum Dec. 11. Polling will take place from 8 a. m. until 7 p.m. Farmers of New Jasper and Caesarcreek townships will vote at the New Jasper town ship house. Those from Cedarville vote at the t r u s t e e s o f f i c e in support as p r o v i d e d in the Agricultural Act of 1956 be fore such program can be put in effect. The Soil Bank Act provided for the establish ment for 1956 a total base acreage of corn for the com mercial corn-producing area of. fifty-one million a c r e s , 'and for the apportionment of such base a c r e a g e among counties and farms wi t h in Fanners who have read p r o v i s i o n s o f the alternatives offered for voting Dec . 11 h a v e discovered a little-publicized fact: under neither of the proposals are corn growers offered the program now in effect.’ The vote is not a matter of voting for or against the present set-up. Whichever way you vote, it means a cut-back. And there is no provision for maintaining the status quo. Cedarville. Ross, Silvercreek and Jefferson township far mers cast their corn ballots at th e t r u s t e e offices in Jamestown. L a ur i s Smith, Wa y n e L. T u r n e r and Ma r l i n Cum mings are in c h a r g e of the polling place in Jamestown. KentClemans, Leo Wells and Edgar Little are handling the Cedarville v o t i n g spot and the New Jasper booth will be run by LeRoy Hollingsworth, Russell Pickering and Fr ed Van Tress. The referendum of farmers who produced corn in 1956 in the 1957 c o m m e r c i a l corn-producing area will be held to determine whe t he r such farmers are in favor of S o i l Bank Base acreage for the 1957 and subsequent crops of corn at such level as the Secretary of Agriculture de termines will a s s i s t produ cers in marketing com in the normal channels of trade but not encourage the unecono mic production of corn. At l e a s t two-thirds of the corn producers voting in the referendum must vote for the corn base acreages and price such area. Whenever base acreages are in effect for corn a producer to be eligible for price sup- . port as a c o o p e r a t o r must comply with his f a rm base a c r e a g e of corn and must devote an acreage of crop land on his farm equal to 15 p e r c e n t of the f a rm base acreage for corn to the acre age reserve program provided for by the Soil Bank Act. The Soil Bank Act provided that b a s e acreages of c o r n will not be established after 1956 if the result of the ref erendum is that Gorn acreage allotments will be establish ed for 1957 and subsequent years. Producers will be compen sated under the acreage re s e r v e program for reducing their acreages of corn below their farm a c r e a g e allot ments of corn or farm base acreages of corn, whichever are applicable. Each f a r m e r who was en g a g e d in the production of corn in 1956 and was entitled to share in the proceeds of the 1956 com crop shall be eligible to vote. No person shall be entitled to more than one vote r e g a r d 1ess of the number of farms in which he shares an interest. The indi vidual members of a qualified partnership shall each have one vote but the partnership as such shall not have a vote and an individual who qual ifies as an eligible voter by reason of his separate farm- i ngope r a t i ons will be en titled to one vote even though he is interested in an organ ization such as a Corporation wh i c h is also eligible as a voter and e n t i t l e d to one vote. An i n d i v idual may cast a ballot as guardian, adminis- t r a t o r , etc, if qualified in such capacity. A m i n o r is not disqualified from voting solely because of his minor ity if otherwise eligible. No farmer shall be eligible to vote in any c o m m un ity o t h e r than the township in which he resides at the time of the referendum except that any farmer who will not vote in such township m ay v o t e at the polling place in the township in which he wasen- edarville Group Feast The Cedarville Firemen's A s s o c i a t i o n will hold a Christmas B a n q u e t for the f i r e m e n and t h e i r wives Tuesday Dec. 11 at the IOOF Hall. The R e b e k a h lodge will serve the dinner for this e- vent. Members of the plan ning committee include Paul Evans and John Engle. Cedarcliff DAR Meets SAturday The Cedarcliff chapter of' the Daughters of the Ameri can R e v o l u t i on will meet Saturday at the Cedarville Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Ho s t e s s e s are Mrs. Fr ed Townsley, Mrs. Paul Towns- ley and Miss WilmaSpencer. It was requested that all the members bring C h r i s t ma s gifts for approved schools. A Christmas program is on tap. g a g e d in the production of corn in 1956 which will qual ify him as a voter. There will be no voting by proxy or agent except that a duly authorized officer of a corporation, association, or other legal entity may case its vote. Persons who planted corn in 1956 but did not harvest any corn or who in 1956 placed acreage intheSoil Bank Pro gram with r e s p e c t to corn shall be eligible to vote in the referendum. The r e f e r e n d um will be held generally in accordance with the wheat quota refer- e ndum regulations but far mers are again reminded we are not voting on a compul sory p r o g r am for corn. No marketing quotas will be in effect regardless of the out come of the r e f e r e n d um . The corn program, soil ban! base or allotment base, is still a voluntary program. If the base acreage allot ment program is approved, 37, 288, 889 acres, price sup port will be available in the commercial c o u n t i e s at a n a t i o n a l average of $1.36 per bushel. Greene county's loan rate at this phase of the program will probably be a- round $ 1 .41 . The price sup port level is determined by the formula of the law which applies when acreage allot ments for corn are in effect. There is no formula law set up if the soil bank base acre age c a r r i e s . This figure is set by the Secretary of Agri culture. There are no plans to offer price support for 1957 corn p r o d u c tion which is not in c o m p l i a n c e with acreage allotments or soil bank pro visions. Such "non-compli ance" price s uppo r t s were available in 1956 because of special conditions. The unit rate for determin ing payments under the corn acreage reserve program of the soil bank in 1957 will be 92 c e n t s per bushel, the E LMO B . HI GHAM AGENCY Insurance and Real Estate 32 W. Washington St. Jamestown — Phone 4-4191— McKINLEY LONG, Real Estate Salesman — Phone 4-4954 — Mr. Long was formerly associated with Little, real estate broker of Jeffersonville, Ohio, and is now associated with this office. Selling Farm , Residence and Investment Property JAMESTOWN Concrete block building, two modern apartments up stairs, commercial garage downstairs. Each apartment has roomy four rooms. Excellent rent property. CEDARVILLE Two bedroom bungalow with connecting garage with modern bathroom and heating by forced furnace. This home is less than four years old and includes a living room, dinette, and up-to-date kitchen. Can be purchased on contract with $2000 down. . CEDARVILLE A three bedroom bungalow with a connecting garage. Wall to wall carpeting in living room and hall included. Modern bathropm. This house is less than five years old JEFFERSONVILLE Business opportunity in Jeffersonville. Prof i t -maki ng furniture store, inventory included, or building alone. Building is large, two-story commercial structure, 60 X 83 feet, divided into three sections downstairs with ample display space. Upstairs includes apartment and more dis play space. Freight elevator to second floor. Loading dock included. See this one. I— -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- !P-»1 same as for this year. Each farm will set up a n o r ma l y i e l d after the referendum on December 11, 1956. The corn supply available for 1956-57 has reached an a l l - t i m e record level of 4, 579, 000, 000 bus he l s . A near-record 1956 crop, esti mated at 3 , 4 1 3 , 0 0 0 , 000 bushels, was added to a re cord. carry-over of 1,166, - 000, 000 bushels of corn pro duced-in former years. This hugh s upp l y is directly re sponsible for the further drop in the national corn acreage a l l o t m e n t and the "allo t ment" price support l e v e l s which have been determined by the formula of the law. ' G r e e n e county h a s been alloted 41, 776 acres as their a l l o c a t i o n to distribute a- mong the. corn farms in the county. This is 16 p e r c e n t drop from our allocation for 1956 or 49, 872 acres. The county alloted 57, 145 acres to be applied as the soil bank base, the first allocation to county farmers. Order Your BalerTwine twihc Packed two balls to the bale, 40 pounds gross weight. L e ng t h : Average 331 feet per pound, 9000 feet per bale. Tensile strength average 325 pounas. Waterproofed, treated to resist rot and repel rodents and insects. $8. 75 a bale cash off a car in January. ' * 4 *• ! •uIe V >»/«'' 'i Farm Bureau Baler Twine is under con stant inspection during its manufactur ing process. One out of every hundred bales of finished twine is tested to Farm Bureau's strict specifications fo r uni formity, tensile strength, footage and knot strength. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE $6 .65 a bale cash off the car in January. The Greene County FarmBureau Xenia 251 Bellbrook Aye. Phone 2-3541 Bowersville Phone 3-8501
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