The Greene County Guardian, December 13, 1956

THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Jamestown, Ohio December 13,1956 Page Nine Classified Ads in the GUARDIAN Call 4-5091 JAMESTOWN Personals LOST - -Two-wheel, rubber- tired bottle gas truck in the vicinity of Cedarville. Re­ ward. Phone 4-4911. FOR SALE--Siegler fuel oil heater with 275-gal. fuel oil tank. Like new. Used very little. $125. Terms. Phone 4-8551. FOR SALE- - Scot sman Fuel oil heater. Like new. A good deal at $50. Phone 4-8551. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Kistler of L i t h o p o l o is, O. , were S u n d a y guests at the home of their daughter and son-in- law, Dr. and Mrs. Ri char d H. Dill of Jamestown.. . Mr. and Mrs. Myron Fudge, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Hersel Long attended a victory supper at Shawnee School. The supper I was sponsored by the Repub­ lican party. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gray, Elm St., J a m e s t o wn , are w i n t e r i n g in Florida with their son-in-law and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Scoville, former Jamestown r e s i d e n t s who now live at 1311 SE 13th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. FU PPIES,—W ill be three- weeks old C h r 1s t m as Day. P a r t C o l l i e . W e g o t l l . Phone Cedarville 6-3225. FOR SALE — Antique cherry wood c h i n a closet. Call 4-4424. FOR RENT -Unfurnished a- partment. Three rooms and bath. Upstairs. Call 4-8742. FORSALE—70000 BTU Home C om f o r t Fuel Oil Heater - With blower andthermostat- Like new-A bargain at $85. Phone 4-8551 FORSALE--Six c y l i n d e r , 55 Plymouth engine. $100. Call 48155. FOR SALE — 1 ski ball ma­ chine, 3 restaruant booths. •18 E. High street, Jefferson­ ville. FOR SALE—Duotherm Fuel Oil Heater-Large size-Blow- er and thermostat-$ 75. Phone 4 - 8 5 5 1 _______________ FORSALE—Tur’ eys, drestod, or on foot. Mrs. Arthur Allen, 4-9296. Mrs. Oscar Jenks and Mrs. C*B. Jenks spent Tuesday in S o u t h S o l o n attending the South Solon Home Demon­ stration Club. ADDRESSES Addr ess of A/IC and Mrs. Jordan A. Upham has been received by Mrs. Uph am ' s mother, Mrs. Sally Leath of J ame s t own . It is A/lc and Mrs. Jordan A. Upham, 700 62nd AC & W Sqdrii., North Truro, Mass. The T e x a s address of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cummings isCountryside Trailer Court, Box 29C, Route 3, Killeen, Tex. Mr. Cummings is the son o f M r, and Mrs. Arlo Cummings o f j a m e s t o w n , Route 1. FOR SALE—Utility cabinent. small rocking chair, stands, feather tick, quilts, caning of all kinds of chairs. Call at 3 E. Nelson street, Jantes- .town. Host Home Picked Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. John will be ho s t s to the Neigh­ borhood Supper Club Satur­ day evening at 7:00 p.m .'at their home on the New Jas­ per Pike. T h i s w i l l be the club's Christmas party with an ex change of gifts. Grange Slates arty AChristmas party is coming Dec. 20 for members of the Jamestown Grange. Members b r i n g a 2 5 - c e n t g i f t and Santa Claus will be on hand for m e m b e r s of the Junior Grange. Last week’s m e e t i n g was the Grange town and country night. After a covered dish supper and business meeting, Mr. R o b e r t Schierloh sang "Home on the Range, “ and "Over the R a i n b o w , " a c ­ c o m p a n i e d by Doris Jean W i g a l on the p i a n o . Guy Johnson, assistant steward of th e Oh i o G r a n g e , was speaker for the evening. Pro­ g r am was f o l l o w e d by a square dance. Adams-Thuma Yard & Mill Will Be CLOSED # Monday D ec . 24 . Mr. and Mrs. James Knisely and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cav- e n d e r and s o n . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Arthur and son are moving from Jamestown to north of Selma on the old Springfield Road.. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hag­ gard, Mrs. Marie Bobbit and George Bobbit spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Cather­ ine Haggard and Mrs. Flor­ ence Turner. The occasion was Mrs. Catherine Haggard s b i r t h d a y . . .Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Brown and daugh­ ters s p e n t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edwards of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins visited Mr. and Mrs. William Bobst in Springfield Sunday night.. . Willard Edwards and Miss Joneil Flint spent Sunday in Chicago wh e r e they saw Miss Martha Haines bowling in the national tournament. SERVICEMAN R o b e r t E. Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monford (Ted) Carroll, Jamestown, has been promoted from airman sec­ ond class to airman first class in the U. S. Air Force. His p r e s e n t a dd r e s s is A/lc Robert E. Carroll 424Ogle­ thorpe Ave., Apt. D ., Al­ bany, Ga. It’s A BOY-Bom Dec. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. D o n a l d L. Ballard at the Lima Memorial Hospital. The Ballards' second son is named Jeffrey Lynn and the m a t e r n al grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Knecht of Jamestown. GIRL-Born Dec. 8 to Mr. and Mrs. R i c h a r d Pettit at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Day- ton. She weighted seven and a half pounds and has been named Krisann. The mater­ nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William P i c k e n s and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pettit, all of Jamestown. BOY - Bo r n to Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t J a c o b s , Route 1, J a m e s t o wn , on Dec. 5 at Ha i n e s Hospital. The baby weighed six pounds and seven ounces and has been named Barry Kevin, Mrs. Jacobs is the former Miss Janet Slusher. GIRL-Bo rn to Mr. and Mrs. V e r non Sparks, Jamestown, Dec. 5 at Haines Hospital. She weighed eight and a half pgunds and has been named Rebecca June. The mother is tlfe former Miss Peggy Curtis. Santa To Hit New Jasper S a n t a Claus is coming to New J a s pe r , Saturday Dec. 22. T h i s p a r t y for all the children in New Jasper town­ ship is being sponsored by the New J a s p e r Volunteer Fire Troop 25, Girl Scouts, made a trip to S p r i n g f i e l d this week to buy copper to make copper jewelry. They were accompanied by Mrs. Harold R e i n h a r d , their leader. A c o p p e r kiln has been pur­ c h a s e d for the use of Girl S c o u t troops in Cedarville and instructions will be given lleaders on its use.* 2 Check our Toy and Gift Department Free Prizes Given Weekly PRIZE WINNERS Saturday, Dec. 8 GI RLS 1. P atsy Shaw 2. Patty Haines BOYS 1. M i k e y Pierson 2. Larry Ma r t i n HA L L J . H I L L Farm Service Jamestown Ohio DON'T THROW AWAY that old radio.. . there's life in the boy yet. IF YOU HAVE an ailing television set and a radio (or phonograph or auto radio) needing repair, 111 restore both at a specially reduced price. HOME CALLS made throughout the area. Dent Radio & TV 71 N. Main Ph. 6-4881 CEDARVILLE GIRL-Born Dec. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. (Loretta Carter)William Ha r t , Route 1, Jamestown, at Fayette Memorial Hospi- jtal in Wa s h i n g t o n . " S h e w e i g h e d seven pounds and fourteen ounces and has been named Kathleen Jane. The m a t e r n al grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carter and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hart. GIRL-Born to Mr. and Mrs. (Connie Hite) James Beard, Route 2, Jamestown, on Dec. 2 at Haines H o s p i t a l . She w e i g h e d eight pounds anj) f our o u n c e s and has been named L a c ind a Kay. The baby's maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hite, Route 2, Jamestown. Department. Santa Claus Will arrive on the fire truck at 2 p.m. and will stay until four. AH-Me at A lb g if 490 pound r VEGAMOTO Vegetable Cocktail 3 c a n s ..........25£ T * Paper Shell P ECANS . . . 4 9 £ lb C h t ittm Tms — Hilltop Mofket Cedarville Ph. 6-2151 COOO INSULATION U P U IO oprotects against cpSTS v ♦ • A . t O 'K * 0 : COSTLY N i t r r l o s s k.' Cedarville Lumber Co. Lumber and Building Materials Cedarville Phone 6-1331 He Is a Santa Claus — Plus While he was savinghis Christmas money this year, the thought often came to him — "saving money to give it a wa y. . . is that sensible?" After thinking it over for some time, the thought struck him "why not give myself a Christmas gift with part of my Christmas money?” Then he made a decision. This year he would budget his spending within sensible lim its.. . and continue to remember those near and dear to him with gifts. With the balance, he would open a Miami Deposit Bank Savings Account and add to it each week or month.. . the same way he saved his Christmas money. . . keep it up until he saved a "ready cash" safety fund for his family security. He is wise! . . . it r e a l l y works.. . it h as for years for hundreds of families with the Miami Bank. It's easy and sure, too! You save con­ veniently. . .receive liberal interest (cur - rent rate of 2 per cent) which makes your savings grow faster. All the time they are insured safely up to 10 thousand dollars. There is no red t ape. . . no annoying rules. You are i n v i t e d to o p e n a Miami Bank Savings Account today. Miami Deposit Bank C e d A r v i l l e FOR THE CONVENIENCE of Qiristmas shoppers, the Miami Deposit Ranit win re­ open Friday evening, December 14, from 6 to 8 p .m . and during the same hours on Mon­ day. December 17 , Thursday. December 20 , and Friday. December 21 .