The Greene County Guardian, December 13, 1956

GET AN Miss Webb Miss Eleanor Webb became Mrs. R o b e r t E. Baker Nov. 25 at Richmond, Indlanna. . The b r i d e is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Webb of Sabina, Route 3, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Is Bride Mrs. Elbert Baker of James­ town, Route 2. BANK PARTY Employes' Christmas party of the Farmers and Traders B a n k of Jamestown will be held Dec. 19 at 1 p.m. At Curley's Restaurant. ' Mrs.Tucker Hostess For WSCS The Wo m a n ' s Society of C h r i s t i a n Service of New Jasper Methodist Church was h e l d at the h o m e of Mrs. Labona Tucker of Xenia, last Tuesday afternoon. Sixteen members and two guests were present. The business m e e t ing was conducted by the president, Mrs. Willard Garringer. The program was in the hands of Mrs. Fred St. John with Mrs. Wa 1 1 e r St. John presenting the wo r s h i p service at the end of which a solo was sang by Mrs. Hattie Wilson. Mrs. Myron Fudge c o n d u c t e d a study course of " M i s s i o n s U . S . A . " Each member brought a toy which was later taken to the United Voluntary Service at X e n i a . These toys will be g i v e n to needy children at Christmas. Refreshments were s e r v e d by Mrs. Tucker and her as­ sisting hostesses, Mrs. W i l l Fudge and Mrs. Elta Spahr. fHE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Page Three FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS JO IN OUR CHR I STMAS CLUB That you give HER a NORGE Washer and Dryer for Christmas O r = Check our line of PHILCO and MOTOROLA Television Sets Jamestown, Ohio, December 13, 1956 The Lions Roll... SPINNING THE LIONS MUSIC—President John Reese of the Jamestown Lions Club gets an assist from Mrs. Max Jenks on selecting music for the Christmas-time Ladies Night event Tuesday night at L i o n s H a l l . Some 50 or more couples visited the ballroom during the evening. Wives of Lions were treated to a banquet-type me et i ng, followed by dancing. Reese did most of the disc-jockey labor for the proceedings. (Guardian Photo). You'll find it oosy to sov« a littlo •ach w««k and watch your savings growl Prepare now for a “ paid in advance" Christmas next year. Join our Christmas Savings Club today! SEE US FOE COMPLETE, MODERN BANKING SERVICES Fames andTraders Bank JAMESTOWN Phone 4-9281 Frank W e lle r suggests Watch For! ...the arrival of Santa’s elves at the bank.Read next week’s Guardian. EARLY START OES toInstall Mrs.Thompson, Conner Merritt A new slate of O f f i c e r s , h e a d e d by Mrs. R i c h a r d Thompson as Worthy Matron and Conner Merritt as Wor­ thy Patron, will be installed by members of the J a m e s * , town Chapter 141 of the Or­ der of the Eastern Star Dec. 13. Installation ceremonies will begin at 8 p. m. at the Ma­ sonic hall. The retiring worthy patron and matron are Mr. and Mrs. Willis Glass. Rest of incoming o f f i c e rs includes Mr. and Mrs. Dan Powers, a s s o c i a t e worthy patron and matron; Mrs. Al­ bert Wigal, conductress; Mrs. Chester Knox, associate con­ ductress; Mrs. Mabelle Hur- Asia Topic of WSCS Meeting A c 1 a s s on Southeast Asia led by Mrs. J.E . S t a f f o r d highlighted the meeting of the W o m e n ' s S o c i e t y o f C h r i s t i a n Service of the Jamestown Methodist church. The noon l u n c h e o n was enjoyed by the members and 23 guests. During the after- noon program Mrs. Elwood Ro s e , wife of the f o r m e r M e t h o d i s t minister here,- presented a Christmas pro­ gram. Program c h a i r m a n was Mrs. Mary Watson and Mrs. Frank Moorman's group was hostesses. Letters were read from Doris Hartman of Cedarville who is a mission­ ary in Japan. Instead of exchanging gifts this year, WSCS m e m b e r s b r o u g h t woollen garments which will be sent to a mis­ sion in Nome, Alaska. ley, s e c r e t a r y ; and Mrs. Lillian Falstreau, treasurer. M a r l i n H i n e s , marshal; Willis Glass, chaplain; Mrs. William Henry, organist. Mrs. Do r a F i e l d s , Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Robert Br own, Mrs. Marlin Hines, and Mrs. Ra l ph Stitsworth, star points; and Mrs. Willis Gl a s s , warder; and Richard Dabney, sentinel. 1n s t a 11 ing officer will be Mrs. Lee Bartley of the Bel­ mont chapter of the OES of Dayton. Mrs. Bartley, a past matron of the Dayton chap­ ter, is a former Jamestown .esident. POINSETTAS # CHRYSANTHEMUMS POINSETTAS CUT ROSES The Flower Shop C e d a r v i l l e P h o n e 6 2 2 1 1 THRIFTY SHOPPING LOTS OF 500 dub The 500 C l u b h e l d their Itegulat meeting at the home of Mrs. Hester Cultice last week. The evening was spent playing 500 with first prize going to Mrs. Theo Dorton, and low prize to Mrs. Alta Connor. Traveling prize went to Mrs. Ethabelle H a g l e r . Gifts were presented to Mrs. Jesse Chamberlain in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Cultice served a date l o a f to h e r guests and the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Hagler THE BEST DEAL IN LARGE a n d SMALL Appliances CedarvilleHardware Cedarville Phone 6-1941