The Greene County Guardian, December 20, 1956
the greene county Vol. I No. 4 Jamestown,Ohio December 20,1956 OBSERVE HIS BIRTH Church Programs Slated It's Christmas, the birthday twinkling lights of children's of the Prince of Peace. ieyes as t h e y gaze upon the Beyond the blinking lights oflgleamingboxesheapedunder- th e j e w e l e d trees and the|neath, is the time to celebrate the birth of the Saviour ofman. | Most churches in the area are f marking theholiday with spec- § ial programs. In Jamestown, the Methodist | Church choir will sing a can- | tata at the morning services at 10:30 a. m. Sunday. The f F r i e n d s Church will present f the pageant, "Journey to Beth- f lehem," at the evening gath- f ering while the boys and girls I of the Sunday school class will | present a program preceding | the morning service. At J a m e s t own's Church of j Chr is t, a cantata will high- | light the morning worship ser- | vice and the play, "Shining | S t a r , " will be performed at I the evening service beginning § at 7:30 p.m. S u n d a y evening at James- town's Baptist church the en- f tire Sunday school will join in a play depicting the mess- f age of Christmas. Council Pumps A Action into Well Jamestovpi councilmen today!of a large fire coinciding with are seriously digging into an- failure of the southwell, coun- other digging proposition — cil m em b e r s were quick to that of a new water well for point out. the village. I n f o r m a l estimates on the The matter was discussed at cost of s ink ing another well Mo nd a y's council meeting, run from approximately $7000 and after a few legal hurdles (Continued on Page 10) are cleared, action will pro--------- ------— — ■— - - bably be forthcoming on the R n | l p n f { n p s i nk i n g of a second well to backstop the single producer l m Q T l that, in effect, is the village's ' ^ U U l l L l I l I l c U . 1 sole source of water. The vacant s e a t on james- Situation facing the village town's council has been fill- is this: The two wells norh of ed by Paul Ballentine, local town, drilled in 1934, can pro-i engineer, duce 30 gallons per minute in The 49-year-old new coun- an emergency for three hours cilman was sworn into office and then they 're through. That Mond a y night after council means that if the other village members elected him to fill well on the Rodne y Roberts the unexpired term of Hynson property south of town, which Talbott who moved to Florida pumps 125 gallons per min- in October, ute and is the main source of President Hersel Long made supply, goes out J am e s town the nomination and Ballentine is without water. was g i v e n a yea vote by all Output of the old wells is on- the council members present, ly e nough to keep water - - Mrs. H e l e n Heifner, Robert but not pressure- - in the lines Ringer, andRay Cushwa. Frank ,Village Ma i n t e nance Chief Wgller was absent. IMilton Pettit explained. This This b r i ng s council to full |wtould spell disaster in event strength. . . . WANTS FOR Christmas is his two front teeth, claims Cedarville's A1 Harphant as he displays a dental passage way you could drive a rein deer through. On, Dancer, Prancer! And Chomper and Clomper! (Guardian Photo) Council, Trustees to| Meet on F ire Chief Whom is to followDora Fields as Jamestown fire chief is still undecided. Village councilmen made no decision Monday night, rather scheduled a meeting with the township trustees next week to hash out the matter. Jamestown firemenhave rec - ommended Delmer Shinkle but the choice is in the hands of the village and the town ship. Two plays, "No Room at the Inn, "and "Three Wise Girls, " will be performed at the eve ning services starting at 7:30 p.m. At the Ross C h a p e l , AME, Sunday evening has been set (Continued on Page 10) Santa Claus in Jamestown Hiis Saturday Children of the community will be treated by the Lions Club of Jamestown between 7 and 8:30 p .m . Saturday,Dec. 22, when Santa Claus returns to town. Age limits for the children are one day to 12 years. Sales of Christmas trees are being used byLions to finance Santa's visit and his treats to the kiddies. O t h e r proceeds from the sale of trees will be used far aidingneedy families and for die Hungarian relief fund. 33 Cedarville Firemen Granted Fire Certificates;Complete 10-Week Course , Thirty-three members ot the, c e r t i f i c a t e s of graduation son, H a r o l d Wo lf e, Blaine Cedarville village and town- were: Brown, Chester Butler, Vemo ship fire departments were a - Lewis Lillich, John Bradfute, Carpenter, Jesse Chamberlain, warded certificates Monday, Lyle Bradfute, Floyd Liming, Earl Chaplin, .Kent Clemens, n i g h t for completing a 10-j EdwinMarkeson, Albert Mott, Ernest Collins, Roger Collins, week firefighting course. j odan Myers, Bill Shoemaker. Harold Cooley, Jim Crumrine, Ed Pitt, Springfield depart- Donald Sipe, Donald Straley, Robert Dennehey, PaulDob- ment chief, c o n d u c t e d the| H a r o l d S t o rmo n t , Arnold bins, NathanElder, Paul Evans, c l a s s e s at the fire house in Thordson, Robert Van Tress, Robert Guthrie, Harold Hanna C e d a r v i l l e . Those winning; Fred Wilburn, Bob William- and Raymond Keener. mm**'-
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