The Greene County Guardian, December 20, 1956

Jamestown, Ohio,'Dec ember 2 0 ,1 9 5 6 , Page 10 The GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN New Jasper Notes Mr. and Mrs. F r ed Fowler honoring their daughter, Mrs. attended open house held in celebration of the 50th anni­ versary of the Sheffield Gage Manufacturing C o ., of Day- ton Sunday afternoon.. . Mr. and Mrs. Harley Rogers spent Sunday eveningwith Mr. and John T i b b s and d a u g h t e r , Sherri, of^Genoa, Texas. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Loyd and daughter Nora Ahn; Mr. and Mrs. R i c h a r d Loyd and sons R i c k , Mark, Wesley, and Sammy; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark and children. Ross Township Mrs. Jasper Brown and family Linda, Karol, Karin, Eddie, r , • w David and Bobbie, all of Day- at Jamestown__Mr. and Mrs. , ton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loyd, E?rl Wooley s Sunday guests ^ Sam Loyd> and Mr_ and we r e Mr. and M rs. C. D. j^rs. kelson Porter and child- Stines and Mrs. M .C . Hays- jren, Judy, M a r y b e t h , Jan, lett of Dayton and Mr. and :and Mike.___________ Mrs. Nelson Porter of X e n ia .. i d l l i r c l l C S . . . Ch a r l e s Dean, son of Mr. iaside for the Christmas pro- and Mrs. Russell Dean, was sworn in to the United States Air Force Reserve Sunday at Clinton \AFB. The Co u p l e s Class of the New Jasper Methodist Church met in the church basement Sund a y e v e n i n g for their annual Christmas party. After enjoying a turkey dinner, the 18 members and their guests exchanged gifts. Merry Jean Collins, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John M. C o l l i n s , was joined at her first b i r t h d a y party by Mrs R o x i e Collins, Miss Deloris Collins and Tom Cooper from Cincinnati, and Mr. and Mrs. B e nK o o g l e r from Batavia. The, e v e n t was h e l d at the parsonage Dec. 15. Fourteen young people of the New Jasper Methodist Church gram with Sunday school ch il­ dren giving r e c i t a tions and c a r o l s by the mixed high school chorus. AtCedarville's United Pres­ byterian Church, Christm as c a n d l e light vesper services w i l l b e held at 7:30 p.m. , Sunday. The choir will take the main part in the program with the assistance of the Sun­ day school classes. At Grape Grove's Church of Christ, the e n t i r e s unday s c h o o l w i l l join the play, "Why Christmas? " at the 7:30 | p.m. services. Refreshments! will follow. 1 C oun c il ... to $10,000, the variation being in cost of test wells. There is enough money in the general operating fund of the Mrs. David Harper Telephone 4-8384 Correspondent Douglas Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. L a m a r Lo ng returned home F r i d a y f r om Greene Memorial Hospital where he u n d e r we n t an appendicitis o p e r a t i o n . . .Mr. and Mrs. William St. John entertained Saturday evening at a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rit- enour and f a m i l y , Mr. and Warren Little, Mr. and Mrs. Ha r o l d Brown and son, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond St. J o hn and Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i a m Jenkins and fam ily ... Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cum­ mi n g s and Mrs. Arlo Cum- ings attended a surprise birth­ day party dinner for Mrs. Lilly Ro wa n d at the home of Mr and Mrs. Da v i d Wi l s o n of London.. . Mr. andMrs. Robert Garringer and family were Friday even­ ing g u e s t s of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spahr and fam ily ... The Wo-He-Lo Club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Atley Wednesday afternoon for their annual Christmas party. The b u s i n e s s meeting was con­ ducted by Mrs. Faye Liming, Clair Young, former Greene County agent, was a special g u e s t and was in charge of recreation. to Lnl C’Vffle With CDNetwork A 250-watt radio receiver that will give Cedarville an early w a r n i n g in event of hostile a t t a c k will soon be installed there. John McMillan, a ham op­ erator, has agreed to serve a ' mo n i t o r for the receiver on a 24-hour basis. And ten- ative plans ca ll for it to be i n s t a l l e d at the McMillan Funeral home. The radio will be in direct contact with the Montgomery County Sheriff's department, part of the nation-wide civil defense network. McMillan agreed to the installation if the village will foot die es- t i m a t e d $90 annual power bill. Cedarville council mem- ,pr eTi" d~e m."Following* a" g ift! bers d 1sc u sseci * * Pr0P°fal exchange, the hostess served a ta sPecial meetln8 MondaI . r e f r e s hme n t s . The January attended the passion play at water department to pay for Xenia We d n e s d ay. Tickets the newwell, ClerkDean Sess-j were donated byMyron Fudge Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wooley ,and son, Tom, ent e r t ai ned S u nd a y at a family dinner lar reported G eo 1o gists believe there is more water to be found in the areas of the south well m e e t i n g will be an all-day meeting with a covered dish s uppe r at the home of Mrs. O. T . MarshaU.. . ] The Ross Champs club, the Snip, S t i t c h and Stir Club, and the Greeneview Conserva^ tion Club met at Greeneview North for a combined Christ­ mas party Thursday evening., Gift e x c h a n g e and games were enjoyed by the guests. - Winners this week at Hall J. H ill’s Girls: Shele Shelley Liming Kay Ann Jacks Boys: Michael Jacks Tom Werek HippyEliini Ms with our Selected Oysters Christmas Hams Cedarville Ph. 6-2151 COOD INSULATION AffMIO correctly »prefects against dpSTS COSTLY H I AT LOSS Cedarville Lumber Co. Lumber and Building Materials Cedarville Phone 6-1331 We re Saying Thanks Way! In A Big P R E S E N T S F O R A L L Holiday Hours *B a n k e r ’ s Hours’ are your hours. To better serve you in the holiday rush, The Farm ers and Traders Bank will be open: F t i d n y 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Snintdny 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. We have enjoyed serving you during the year and now,in the Christmas season, we wish to show our appreciation for your patronage. Santa’ s elves will be at The Fa rm e rs and Traders Bank in Jamestown Friday and Sat­ urday d i s t r i buting free gifts for all. These gifts are a measure of our thanks and a token of friendship in the Yuletide season. Men, Women, Kiddies Farmers and Traders Bank n E g h K Y m w