The Greene County Guardian, December 20, 1956

Page Six The GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Jamestown, Ohio, D ecember 20, 1956 Historians Say Martin Luther Began Christmas Tree Saga According to the U.S. D. A . , the Christmas tree went through a long period of development. 'Some historians trace the Christmas tree back to Martin Luther (1483-15- 46). The story is that while Istrolling in the countryside one Christmas Eve under a brilliant starlit sky, his thoughts turned to the Nativity of the Christ child. Luther was im­ pressed with the beauty of the heavens and the winter land­ scape. He observed the snow - f l ecked evergreen trees sparkling in the moonlight. Returning home he related the experience to his family and attempted to reproduce the outside scene. To a small evergreen tree he attached lighted candles to simulate the r e f l e c t i on of the starlit heaven-the heaven that looked down over Bethlehem on the First Christmas Eve. That wouldddate the first lighted Christmas tree prior to 1547. From then until about 1700 the Christmas Tree cus­ tom appears to have been confined to the Rhine River dis­ trict. But it was firmly Established inmost of Europe early in 1800, and the Hessian soldiers had a Christmas Tree in Fort Dearborn, Illinois, in 1804. From Luther's time, the spirit behind the Christmas Tree has never changed. But th e tree itself has, in keeping with fee times. It has become more beautiful. Mayor Lauds Chimes Fixer-upper Mayor F l o y d E. Smith this Other residents also extend- week commended Max Jenks, ed their th anks to Max, both Jamestown, for inst^JLing the for the chimes and for fixing musical chimes being played the bells which toll the hour at the Methodist Church. on the church clock. SANTA’S A THRIFTY SOUL. Jesse Chamberlain of the Mi ami Deposit Bank,Cedarville, opens up a savings account for St.Nick. It’ s time now, also, to start that Christmas Club plan for next year. Santa sure appre­ ciated that big check this past month for the shopping s e a s o n . Prepare now for next year and the y e a r s to come by saving. Miai WHAT Y OU ’ VE B E E N LOOKING FOR. Mrs. Mary Pickering of Pick­ ering E le c t r ic, Cedarville, shows Santa just the thing Mrs. Santa has been wanting. And you can still pick up this S u n b e am s a u c e pan as a Christmas gift. There’ s s till time for shopping at P icke t': -ij E lectric in Cedarville. RIGHT FOR THE- OCCASION. Mrs. Janet Wakley of The F lo wer Shop, Cedarville,picks out abeautiful poin- setta--just like the one you can buy— for jolly St. Nicholas. Santa’ s price was a mere $2. 50. You can pick up the same bargain for adding beauty and grace to that Christmas gather­ ing at your home. Poinsettas at other prices and other Holiday flowers and decorations abound here,Santa found. Picketing Electric Cedarville Phone 61221 The Flower Shop telephone 62211 Cedarville JUST THE GIFT F«Ht HER. Duke Shawver of Duke’ s Appliance helps S an t a C l a u s pick out anew gas range for delivery Christmas morn­ ing. Easily installed and ready to go, this new Skelgas range will cook the Claus Christmas dinner. D U K E ’ S Appliance & Hardware Phone 4 8 5 5 1 J a m e s t o w n EASY DOES IT,SANTA. Mrs. O. S. F i e s e a m a n (Hazel) makes sure Santa is comfortable during a visit to J a m e s t o w n Furniture. Santa liked it so well he slipped a-bug in Mrs. Santa’ s ear for this beautiful contour lounge chair. And she’ ll pick it up at an unbelievably low price. Other furniture values could be just the thing you need for that family gift this Christmas. | i Jamestown Furniture W. Washington St. Jamestown Phone 4-4011 David E. Robison “ Y ou r F r ig id a ir e D e a le r F o r O v er 20 Y e a rs” Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-9151