The Greene County Guardian, December 27, 1956
the greene county GUARDIAN Vol. I,No. 5 Jamestown,Ohio,December 27,1956 Ten Cento PAY BOOSTED, TOO Bob Ringer Shinkle Takes FirePostiHome First For Lights De 1m e r Shinkle dons the Jamestown's fire chief's hel met at the first of the year. S h i n k l e accepted the ap pointment Wednesday n i g h t after a u n a n i mo u s vote of approval at a joint meeting of the Jamestown fire depart-i of a heated garage for winter mentfor the past eight years,, storage apparently blocks the purchase of one now. Both councilmen and trustees agreed that the tanker was a j needed item and indicated a w i l l i n g ness to invest in the CHIEF DEL SHINKLE . . . dons the helmet most of that time as an assist tant fire chief. A proposal to buy a tanke. t r u c k for the use of the fire department was discussed at of the village council and theNhe meeting. However, lack.) t a n k e r township trustees. Jamestown Volunteer f i r e - men were also vo t e d a 50- cent-an-hour raise across the board. With Shinkle's appointment came a $100 raise in annua] pay, boosting the yearly waget drawn by the fire c h i e f tc $400. ' Shinkle will move from as- s i st a n t fire chief to the top spot Jan. 1 when the resigna tion of Do r a L. F i e l d s be comes effective after 25 years of service to the village. Shinkle was the sole choice put forward by the Jamestown volunteers for the chief's po sition. Russell Flax was also n om i n a t e d at a firemen's m e e t i n g earlier this month but s a i d that he c o u1d not accept the post. Into S h i n k l e ' s hands falls the direction of fire fighting in J ame s t own , Silvercreek t own s h i p and part of Ross township, the maintenance responsibility of the 25-year - old Reo pumper, and the new pumper, plus a myriad o f de tails that attend the. position of fire chief. The raise in pay for the chief came with the approval' of an additional $100 annually by township trustees. That means that the v i l l a g e pays $200 of the salary and that sum is matched by the township. The 5 0 - c e n t hike in fire men's pay was j o i n t l y ap proved. It means that the as sistant chief, or chiefs, will draw $2.00 for the first hour of f i r e fighting and a $1. 50 thereafter and firemen will receive $1. 50 and $1.00 This is an academic increase in earnings, however, for it is firemen's c u s t om to turn t h e i r earnings into the fire men's fund Which is generally used to purchase new equip ment. Fields became chief simul - taneously with the arrival of the Reo pumper 25 years ago and has served continuously in that post since then. He submittedhis resignation to the v i l l a g e council last mo n t h , saying that he felt that he* had done the job long enough and was moving over for a younger man. Selection ofFields' successor fell jointly into the hands of the v i l l a g e council and the township trustees as the vil lage fire department s e r v e s both the municipality and the surrounding countryside and is jointly supported by both. Shinkle's sppointment was for the customary one year period. He was administered the oath of office Wednesday Cedarville Mayor Claims Top Record Morris O.DeForge, now liv - [ partment, new traffic signs,. START POLIO SHOTS EARLY, PARENTS HERE ARE WARNED antes town ions Treat 650 Children More than 650 youngsters," f r om this -area were given treats by S a n t a C l a u s last S a t u r d a y night in uptown Jamestown. S a n t a 's visit was sponsored by the Jamestown Lions Club. The L i o n s , after seeing the k i d d i e s were treated here, made a trip with Santa to the Greene County C h i l d r e n ’s Home , and to the Gr e e n e> Cou n t y Home , both near Xenia. Seal Sales H it 69,000 Three-fourths of the county! Christmas Seal goal has been r e a c h e d — $9,000 out of a $12,000 — a c c o r d i n g t o C h r i s t m a s Seal Chairman Thomas J. Adair of Xenia The amount came from 4936 contributors out of a total of 20,000 letters moiled in No vember. "We are not in a hurry for your contribution, "Adair said, "but we do urge you to use the e v e n i n g b yMa y o r Floyd now “ d th r o u g h New Smith. Year's while they gay and Shinkle has been a member seasonable. P o l i o immunization should be started as soon as possible this year, Coun^Healm Com missioner Dr. Gordon ,E. Sa vage warned parents this week." If the first shot is given right away, the first two doses can be given in time for thejhird shot to be given in the heighth of the polio season from July 1 to September 30. Dr. S a v a g e said that if a child has had only one dflse, the second can be given after a month's i n t e r v a l , if two doses have been given and an interval of six to seven months has elapsed, the third shot can be given at any time. He a d v i s e d consulting the family physician about a boo ster innoculation if the third dose was r e c e i v e d several months ago. Bob Ringer's tasteful lighting arrangement Wednesday night was j ud g e d the outstanding home decoration w i t h i n the Greeneview School District. Three judges selected Ring e r ' s h ome for f i r s t prize in the annual home lighting con test sponsored by the James town L i on s Club, it was an nounced today by John' Reese, Lions president. Ralph Lewis, E. Washington S t ., took s e c o n d prize and third p l a c e went to R o b e r t P i a t t . Both the R i n g e r and Piatt homes are in the Horn berger addition. Honorable mention went to Ralph Geis and Frank Moor man.. Duke’s; Appliances, the lone en t r y , took top s po t in the commercial lighting division. o id Mm Bought at Cedarville Mr. and Mr s . W i l l i a m O'Rourke, Wilberforce, have purchased the Old Mill Motel, at die edge of C e d a r v i l l e , from Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Da vis, it was learned this week, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, resid ing during the winter in Cali fornia, had owned the motel for ma n y y e a r s . They had leased the property and bus iness at various times but most r e c e n t l y had operated the business themselves. The O 'Rourkes, first Negroes to own die property, now own a dry cleaning establishment in Dayton. The O'Rourkes re portedly plan to continue op eration of the motel and rest aurant business in much the same manner aswas customary under the Davis ownership. Davis Loses His Wallet in Xenia Melvin Davis of Jamestown lost a wallet Monday in down town Xenia, police there re ported. The b l a c k leather billfold ing in S i d n e y but retaining the mayorality of Cedarville, this we e k estimated Cedar ville 's y e a r - e n d financial condition wiU be the best in decades. DeFarge pointed out the vil lage has enjoyed an ftiedme t o t a l l i n g $8, 293.53 during the period from Jan. 24 through Nov."24. His mayor's court, DeForge s a i d , t o o k in a t o t a l of $9, 865.32. Of that, the vil lage retained $8,293 . 53, the s t a t e received $423. 75 and the county was paid$l, .098.24. The b a l a n c e of 4 9 .80y eq t for v a r i o u s refunds, such as the Division of Wildlife, the county coroner's office, and so forth. All of th e mo n e y was off f i n e s and forfeitures. There were 633 cases run before the mayor by village police. The t o t a l of cases on the docket amounts to the most the vil lage ever handled, DeForge said. Money c o l l e c t e d through p a y m e n t of fines and bond forfeitures has gone t owa r d buying a new police cruiser, a new truck far the street de- paid for construction of traffic i s l a nd s at Chillicothe, East and South S ts., paid for a new school light, codification of village ordinances and carried die entire payroll of the police department. Zoning Board Named Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals have been appoint ed by the Silvercreek township trustees. The new board, ap pointed since passage of the township zoning code last No vember, is e s s e n t i a l l y the same group which previously comprised the planning board in the township. Sam S t o n e r is building in s p e c t o r . He is in charge of issuing building permits with in the township. Z o n i n g Bo a r d of Appeals members are Grover C. To bias, chairman; Dennis Tidd, clerk; Miller Bullock, Robert Sanders and Donald Glass, e m p1o yment pass, personal pape r s , fishing license and| about $7 or $8. Clerks Probe Importance of October Tax Settlements Here Cierks of taxing subdivisions! Budget Commission, which de- in this area currently are flip-, cides the "need" of the taxing ping through their books to de termine just what the recent ly-announced October tax set tlement w i l l m e a n to this year’s operating income. Jamestown received $1,610. - 79, Cedarville got $1, 569.25, B ow e r s v i l l e was allocated $402.32, Clifton was handed $79 .87 and the checks for the townships i nc l uded : Cedar ville, $3, 046.38; Jefferson, $2 ,509 .42;New Jasper, $2,67- 8.77; Ross, $2 ,477.50; Silver creek, $3,130.34, and Caesar- creek, $2^633.24. This is one of two such sett lements for the year and results from collections six months earlier of personal and classi fied taxes and distribution of die local government fund. Personal and c 1assified tax collections are distributed on contained his driver's license, the basis of contribution by the taxing subdivisions. The local government distribution is de cided by the Greene County s u b d i v i s i o n s as expressed through yearly budgets. Distributions announced for school districts in this area in clude J e f f e r s on , $3,026.30; Greeneview, $14,076.82, and Cedar C l i f f , $7,130.09. All school district money comes from personal property taxes. Jamestown’s check for $1,6- 10.79 comes from $754.15 in personal property taxes,$626. - 77 classified and$229.87 local government. Cedarville's $1, 569.25 i n c l u d e s $1,119.38 personal, $235.23 c 1a s sified , and $214.64local government. Township distribution is high - er all the way around, despite the fact d iswibution is from only personal property taxes and ;the local g o v e r nme n t fund. Under state law, how ever, 10 percent of all local government mo n e y coming into the county from the state must be distributed first to the townships./ _ IT SNOWED, ANYHOW Eastern Greene County Settles Down One more big n i g h t , a big day and residents of eastern Greene County automatically willjheave a big sigh. The " B i g " part of the year is no more. Christmas broke crisp, cold and wispsjof snow wh i s t l e d through me air despite an al most universal o u t p o u r i n g from the mouths of weather men that no such thing could happen. This was C h r i s t m a s 1956, one which s t o r e k e e p e r s in J a m e s t o w n and Cedarville m a r k e d down as their most successful in years. It was one most residents of die area al so have m a r k e d off as their most enjoyable in years. With the economy still rid ing high, £ i f t s were l a r g e , expensive/Acd numerous. Holiday cheer still is float ing*into this pan o f the coun try in preparation for the big New Year's celebration. Then die a r e a settles back to fo rm al. C h i l d r e n return t& school] Wednesday for wh a t usually seems die longest grind o f th< year. There aren't any big holiday weekends up scon. This means mother turns to! finding storage s po t s for die extra accumulation o f house hold i t e m s gathered through Christmas giving.Dad buckles down to turning out die long g r e e n which pa y s for those things given. Things get back on schedule.; And , w i t h the r e t u r n to schedule, comes that spoken o f “big sig h ."
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