The Greene County Guardian, December 27, 1956

Page Two The GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Jamestown, Ohio, December 2 7 ,1 9 5 6 JAMESTOWN Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeder and d a u g h t e r Harriet spent C h r i s t m a s with Mrs. Zella Baker at South Charleston. The Rev. and Mrs. Grover Reed ipent Christmas with their son Ralph in C incinnati... Those a ss o c i a ted with the Dean Sesslar accounting ser­ vice h e l d a Christmas party Friday. There was a gift ex­ change- in the afternoon and a turkey dinner that evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haggard, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sesslar and family, Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t Brown and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glass and family, Mr. and Mrs. Home r Persinger, Mrs. Alma.Cooper, Mrs. Ag­ nes Sutton and Dean Sesslar... Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and d a u g h t e r D i a n e had Christmas d i n n e r Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jones' par- ents^ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swa- neyonthe Jeffersonville Pike. Mr. and Mrs. M i l o Cooper entertained Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald Mossman, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harness and daughters, Mr. Reid C o o p e r , and Mr, Vernon Cooper and daughters Monday evening. . . M r . and Mrs. Robert Brown and family visited Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffith of Utica Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hannum and fam­ ily and Mrs. E.L. Lanum of Newark on Christmas day. .. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Beekman were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glass and family, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Suttles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Suttles and fami­ ly, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fin­ ley and famil y. . . Dean Sesslar and Agnes Sutton were Christ­ mas Eve guests of the Robert Browns... Among servicemen home for the Christmas h o l i d a y s was K e n n e th L. Kavanagh, now at the Army Language School, Presidio of Monterey, Calif. Cedarville Jottings... \Ar anH X4ro D R VAnnp - . . . Mr. d Mrs. R. B. Kopp e spent C h r i s t ma s in Dayton with Mrs. Koppe's sisters, Mrs New Jasper Fire Unit Holds Event! The New Jasper Volunteerl | Fire Department entertained their families, trustees and commissioner, Arthur Bahns, Thursday evening, Dec. 6 at their annual Christmas sup­ per. The supper was prepared and s e r v e d by the Ladie's Auxilary to the Fire Depart­ ment. After supper entertainment was furnished by some young boys from die Band Box in Xenia. Rev. JohnCollins of the New Jasper Methodist Church gave a short Christmas story, fol­ lowed by \ group singing ofl Christmas Carols. J.W.Frank ofDayton andMrs. W.C.Stanton of Brutu$,Mich, Mr s . W i l l a r d K y l e o f Peeoples, spent Sunday with her son-in-lawiand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wells and fam ily.. .M rs.J.F . West was s u r p r i s e d on her birthdayi We d n e s d a y evening when her sons and families, - -Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery West1 and c h i l d ren of Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Jo West and f a m i l y of Woodstock, visited. She received phone calls from-her d a u g h t e r s , J a n e Hutchison in Chicago and Suzanne West of Toledo? and forth Westlof Detroit.. . Bowersville Lions Set Family Night It's f a m i l y n i g h t for the Bowersville Lions Club Friday night at a h o l i d a y program featuring a speech by the dis­ trict governor. Each family is to bring a bas- bet of d i n n e r which will be jpoo Mayor Slaps Down Fines Glenn King J r . , 20, Painters- ville, was fined $20 for reck­ less operation by Mayor Floyd Smith in Jamestown's mayor's court last week. King pleaded g u i l t y to striking the corner of T i f f i n Walker's house at the c o r n e r of B u c k l e s and Church streets on Dec. io . Kenneth Dennis, 20, 18 S.l C h u r c h Street, Jamestown,j f o r f e i t e d a $25 bond on a charge of failure to yield the right of way at the intersection of Buckles Ave., and S. Lime­ stone on Dec. 8. Dennis struck an automobile b e i n g driven by N e i l Ho p p e l , Route 2, Jamestown, causing consider­ able d a m a g e to the Hoppel car. ________________ Scouts Clean Cedar Church Girl Scout Troop 30, under the direction of Mrs.Herbert H a m e r , Saturday evening c 1e a n ed and decorated the Cedarville Methodist Church as part of their work toward a housekeeper's merit badge. Following this, Mrs. Harner served the Scouts hot choco* late at her home. Meanwhile, the Girl Scouts have decided to buy a kiln for the firing of copper with, their portion of dona t i on s ! f r om f o r m e r mayor Karlh, B u l l . B u l l d o n a t e d m a y o r ' s salary to village organizations. Golden Rulers The Golden Rule Circle of C e d a r v i l l e ' s Methodist church met last Thursday at the church. Mrs.J. West read the second chapter of the Book of Luke, the Christmas Story, and the group sang Yuletide carols. Mrs. Anna B a r l ow , die president, was in charge of the business meeting, while hostesses were Mrs. Blanche Huffman, Mrs. Alma Sprack- lin, Mrs. Margaret Ne l s o n .and Mrs. Minnie Fields: CHURCH CALENDAR THE GRACE BAPTIST JAMESTOWN METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School, 9:15 Divine worship, 10:30. Ser­ mon topic, "We Too, Can Be New. " We dn e s d ay, Jan. 2, Inter­ mediate Youth Fellowship, 7. Choir rehearsal, 7:30. led for the meal. Miss Harrison to Become Bride of Charles Horney Stickas Hold Buffet 6<ent Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sticka of Cedarville entertained at a Christmas buffet for 20 guests at their home last weekend J w®*^in8' The e n g a g e m e n t of Miss B e v e r l y Ha r r i s o n to Mr. Charles Horney was announced by her parents, Mr. andMrs. William Harrison of J a m e s ­ town. No date has been set for the| Enjoying the: event were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Chamberlain, Mr and Mrs. Harold Strobridge, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman, Mr. and Mis. Robert Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. P .J. McCorkle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flatter, Mr and Mrs. Kent Clemans, Mr, and Mrs. Rex Rihl, Mr. anc Mrs. Paul Dobbins, and Mr. and Mrs. George Ward The groom-to-be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. VernonHorney of Bowersville and is employed1 by National Cash Register in Dayton. Miss Harrison is a senior at G r e e n e v i e w S o u t h High School. Call News Tips to 4-5091 75JOOO-BTU Gas Heater Heats six=room-house. Used one sefcson.............. $35 A i Westlnghouse 8.6-cubic foot Refrigerator $45 Guaranteed The SCOTCHMA (watch ref^Ur) 3 E . Washington St, 3 Past Matrons of OES at Meeting Pa s t wo r t h y ma t r ons of Jamestown's c h a p t e r of die Order of the Eastern Star met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Robert Moorman. S e c r e t pals were revealed after die gift exchange, Westminister Meet Holiday dinner ot the West-, minister F e l l o w s h i p of the First Presbyterian Ch u r c h of Cedarville will be held Dec. 29 at Geyer's r e s t a u r a n t at 6:45 p. m ,______* Ralph's Carry-out BEER 13 Different Brands Jamestown |>hone 4-5111 Advance Chib Has Yule Party Christmas meeting o f James­ town 's Advance Club was held Monday at the home of Mrs. Laws on Reid with Christmas s t o r i e s told by Mis. Charles Fudge and a humorous recita­ tion by Mrs. Roy Powers high­ lighting the program. Mrs. Ralph G e o r g e poured for the following members: Me s d a m e s John Ferguson, Charles F ud g e , Ralph Geis, Ralph George, Max Heifner, Henry Ho r n b e r g e r , Harold Lewis, Norman Linton, Robert Lucas, Clay Mauch, Roy Pow­ ers, C h a r l e s Reeder, O. F. Reeves, Bliss Smith, Braden Smith, J. E. Sy f . e r d, C. E. Thuma and the hostess. Nine Lions ArcHono red Monarch certificates we r e awa r d e d to n i n e 10-year members of the Jamestown L i o n s C l u b at its Nov. 27 meeting. The club also laid furthef plans for the annual Christ- m a s d e c o r a t i n g contest. A n y o n e i n the Greeneview School District is eligible ta enter. Ten-year members honored last week were R. M. Smith, EdwardHarper, Floyd Harper, He r s e l Long, Ernest Long* John R e e s e , Fred Furnace, L e i and Sm ith and Milton •Pettit. The club voted a$50 dona­ tion to Hungarian relief and $10 through the West Milton Lions Club to a trust fund for a young man there who had both eyes removed. CHURCH OF CEDARVILLE T h e R e v . Harry E. Cole,, pastor. (temporary location: Milner Chapel, Cedarville College) jam estow n first BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Ha r o l d Cassidy, Minister. Supt. R. Stickley. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m .; Worship service, 10:45 a.m. JAMESTOWN FRIENDS The Rev. F r a n k J. Long , Minister. Sunday S c h o o l 9:30 a. m. , Willis Goodbar, Supt. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 p. m ., Bible; study and prayer. NEW JASPER-METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. John M. C o l l i n s , Pastor Donald Smith, Superintendent S u n d a y , Dec. 23, Church school, 10 a. m. ; Wo r s h i p, 11:15 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Jamestown Sunday, 10:30 a . m. , worship s e r v i c e , Lord’s Supper; l l a .in :, C h r i s t m a s Cantata; 7 : 3 0 p . m. , play, " S h i n i n g Star" by all the Sunday school children. Everyone invited. GRAPE GROVE CHURCH OF CHRIST Charles N. Ross, Pastor S u n d a y , Bible School, 10 a . m . ; worship services, 11:00 Missionary Group Exchanges Gifts Meeting of the Baptist Mis­ s i o n a r y s o c i e t y was held Thursday at the Chnrch with Mrs. B. A. Knecht, the presi­ dent, as hostess. Gifts were e x c h a n g e d be­ tween secret pals and new se­ cret pals were drawn for the coming year. The program on the theme of "Love Gift" was in charge of Mrs. David Rob­ ison, the vice-president. Pre­ sent were 18 m e m b e r s and OPEN New Years Day MAIN Restaurant N. Limestone Jamestown Phone 4-9210 The Calendar BEARS WATCHING! Money deposited before the tenth of January earns you 3% interest from the first of the month. Only one dollar opens your path to happiness via regular saving. The Cedarville Federal Savings &• Loan Association The Greene County GUARDIAN Now is on Sale at $4 per year EXPERT SERVICE SAVES YOU MONEY We can detect hidden sources of trouble that may save you a major overhaul. C a l l today. Deni Radio &TV 71 N. Main Ph. 6-4881 CEDARVILLE We now have O N H A N D a complete line of % and International BALER TWINE and Red Brand FENCE Better order now! 2 Xenia FarmersExchange j Company Jamestown Dial 4-4471