The Greene County Guardian, December 27, 1956

Page Si* T h e GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Jamestown, Ohio, December 2 7 ,1 9 5 6 BRUCE G. CONNERS Couple Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon Conner soon will be at home in North! Hampton after the r e t u r n from a short honey­ moon trip. The c o u p l e wife ma r r i e d Sunday in a double r i ng C e r e mo n y at N o r t 1 Hampton. The bride is the former Don­ na Lee Anderson, thedaug.iter of Mr. and Mrs. John .Ander­ son ofN'orth Hampton and i s g r o om is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Conner of (Jedar- ville. The Rev. M.P. S c h o e p f l e o f f i c i a t e d at the afternoon ceremony at the Evangelicai and Refo i C h u r c h . The bride wore a : rincess dress of wh i t e v e l v e t witfi a fitted jacket. A fingertipj veil hung from her tiara and she carried an Orchid on a Bible. Mrs. Savage to fell o f Missionary’s Experiences Mrs.Robert Savage, who.has[ Presbyterian church, been a missionary in Ecudor Mrs. Savage is the daughter for the past 1 i years, will be a special speaker at the eve­ n i ng s e r v i c e at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Cedarville’s F i r s t of Mr and Mrs. C.W. Steele} oDC e d a r v : 1le. She will be; visiting with her parents over the weekend. Cup O’ Coffee with GORDON BASKETT Miss Anderson s sister, Miss Glenna An d e r s o n , was the maid of ho no r . She wore a gown of pink lace over taffe­ ta. Asilver bandeau encircling her hair matched her slippers. Mr. Richard Williamson, the bridegroom's cousin, was best man and ushers were Donald R h e u b e r t o f Cedarville and Ivan Carter of Dayton. Choice of the bride's mother was navy blue lace over taf­ feta with white and navy a c -1 c e s s o r i e s while the bride­ groom 's mother wore a dress of rose with lace t r i mm i n g and black accessories. A reception-was held in the church parlors following the ceremony wi t h Mrs. Harvey Haddix, a cousin of the bride­ groom, and Mrs. Donald Mel- .vin, sister of the bridegroom, .as hostesses. ■The bride was g r a d u a t e d from Capital University and |now t e a c h e s at R o c kwa y School near Springfield. The bridegroom is a junior at Ohio State University, Subscription Sales On Guardiam School children throughout the area will be knocking on your door soon with subscrip­ tion blanks in hand. The Guardian is ready to go on a subscription basis. Reception of this newspaper has been t r eme n d o u s , the publishers feel, and residents of the. Jamestown, Cedarville, Bo we r s v ille vicinities have proved they appreciate their Peggy Myers Is Elected by ’teens Miss Peggy Myers is the 1957 president of the 'teen age mis •sio n a ry group of the United) Presbyterian church of Cedar­ ville. O f f i c were elected at a meeting at the home of Miss Raida Adams. Other officers include J a n e Ellen Dobbins, vice-president; Mildred McAllister, secretary; Joy Evans, t r e a s u r e r ; Patty Stevenson, t h a n k 9 offering. own newspaper. Merchants have shown their gratification for a m e d i u m through which to tell of their wares. Their advertising paid off this Christmas. They can expect an even better return through c o n t i n u e d business du r i ng the remainder of the year. Counseling Unc erway A discussion of the s t ud e nt counseling program now be­ ing set up in c o un t y schools was conducted when members of the g u i d a n -ommittee g a t h e r e d last week at the county offices. Among those present were Lelia Fauikner, G r e e n e v i e w S o u t h ; Rose Ha i n e s , Jefferson; Kathleen Wilburn, Greeneview North; and Robert Guthrie o Cedar Cliff. This is the time house­ wife uses the newspaper the mo»-for r,.-' s h o p p i n g . By flipping through pages oTtKe Greene County Guardian, Mrs. Housewife can see who is sell­ ing what it what price. She saves herself time, money and trouble. This is one secvice of a news­ paper. Other services are numerous. Their benefits are both direct and indirect. You, the reader, have shown your desire for a newspaper. Now it's your turn. Valuable prizes are being offered to the youn^ subscription salesmen g o i n g into the field for the Guardian. Their schools also will benefit financially from the subscriptions obtained. And--most of all--you, the reader, will benefit by sub­ scribing to The Guardian at the low rate of $4 for one full .year. 3LIGHTLY late for C h r i s t ­ mas, but a Y u l e t i d e story anyway. Du r i ng last vseek's village council meeting, Dean Sesslar brought up a case of a past- due water bill. She's a Widow on pension payments, and the house is owned by people else­ where whowant the water off. "We l l , it's Ch r i s t ma s . " says Dean. And, q u i c k as a wink, the c o u n c i l ups and rebates the bill to the first of January, a temporaty s o l u t i o n but one that assured a Christmas with running water. No t e to b e l a t e d S a n t a Clauses: the bill comes to a- round $17. * * * ANOTHER un-holiday story. The lad was s i t t i n g at the soda counter with a brown bag nestled in his lap, a black ob­ ject protruding from the sack. - "Know what this is?"he asks, the lady behind the counter. She doesn’t. "It's a muskrat tail, “he says. And sho' nuff, he pulls out the tail to disclose a very stiff muskrat attached to the other end. Market’s pretty bad, he a l­ lowed, while finishing off the oda. POINTED COMMENTS sub­ mitted by J ame s t own ' s Joe Decker.. . There are few A- mericans whohave never seen an automobile, but many who h a v e not s e e n one soon e - nough...When a person be­ gins to realize the truth about himself, it reduces the desire! to try to reform his neighnor. A flying rumor never has any! trouble landing. * ♦ * WE HAVE a heap of e x t r a s of that d o u b l e picture page we ran a couple of weeks ago with the old shots from Cedar-! yille and Jamestown if any­ body wants one for a memen­ t o .. . Sunny Florida's upping the strength of its s i r e n call for s e m i - s n o w bound lbcal folks, the Harold Lewises a- mong the latest d e pa r t u r e s and De a n Sesslar's trying to find time to buy his ticket, That is Yes, We’re Lighting The Fuse Under Prices On All 1956 Ford Trucks YEAR From Us of The At Prices You Can’t Afford To Pass NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL: Free LulricationWith Every Oil Change guardian Rambo-Yoder Ford Gordon Basket!...Ja ies Gatten.... Mrs. Bonnie Jenkins...Mrs. David Harper...Mrs. Earl Wooley...Mrs. Ralph Shumaker iJ amestown Phone 4-8821 8 N. Limestone St.