The Greene County Guardian, January 3, 1957
the greene county GUARDIAN Vol. I No. 6 January 3,1957 J amestown,Ohio STATE MEN GIVE OKAY Deck Cleared fo r Light at School State approval of the in stallation of a school light at the t r i p 1 e intersection fronting Greeneview Hi gh s c h o o l was received this week. This c l e a r s the deck for the final action which will t r a n s f o r m the light into r e a 1 i ty--appropriation of funds. The matter is scheduled to come before the James town village council at its r e g u l a r meeting Monday night. Cost of the installa tion has been estimated at $500. The council and Edward I r ons , p r e s i d e n t of the Greeneview board of edu cation, have p r e v i o usly discussed financing of the light and informally agreed to a 50-50 split - - t he vil lage p a y i n g half and the school board paying half. Although approval had to be g r a n t e d by the state .highway department before installation could be made, cost of installation and op eration of the light is a lo cal responsibility. As p 1a n n e d , the signal would be a three-way con trol for the traffic on State * 72 and the South Charleston Pike. It wou l d operate during s c h o o l hours and special events- - such as basketball games - -only. The s i g n a l would allow t r a f f i c to flow either in bound or outbound on 72 while t r a f f i c inbound on the Charleston Pike would be stopped. Free-flow onto or out from the Charleston Pike would be allowed on the reverse signal. After s c h o o l hours, the l i g h t will c o n v e r t to a blinker signal to eliminate confusion to motorists. State h i g h w a y officials are r e 1u c t a nt to approve addition of any new signal lights, a representative of the department told coun cil members when the sub ject was b r o u g h t before them. However, traffic count at the intersection indicated that volume was heavy e - nough to deem the instal lation. But, the state department p o i n t e d put, the light is, not a cure-all at the school c r o s s i n g . In fact, they added, it nrigjit contribute to a more hazardous con dition by breeding an un thinking faith in die light both on the part of drivers and school children. Tax Rates Sliced For Most Owners In This Vicinity THE REV.. KENNETH CAREY . . new Cedarville minister. Rev. Carey Takes Over Cedarville UP Church i The Rev.Kenneth Carey this The R e v . Mr. C a r e y , his i week took over the pulpit of wife, and four-year-old son, ICedarville’s U n i t e d Presby-TKenneth, have moved into the Tax bills will be lower this year for most residents of east-' ern Greene County—not much 1 but lower. Figures from the county aud- iitor's o f f i c e indicate a drop in tax rates for n e a r l y every operating expenses. Tax rates in the various sub d i v i s i o n s of eastern Greene County include: Cedarville township--Cedar Cliff S c h o o l District, 2 2 . 9 mills (down from last year's terian Church The Iowa-born minister be comes the first full-time pas tor the church has had since the d e p a r t u r e of the Rev. James Patterson for Tuscum- bia, Al a . , a year ago. A g r a d u a t e of the Tarkio Seminary in Missouri, the Rev. Mr. Carey also graduated from the Pittsburgh-Xenia Semin ary at Pittsburgh. He served four and half years in the Air F o r c e , the f i n a l y e a r at Wright-Patterson AFB. He comes to Cedarville from UP parsonage. taxing subdivision east of Xen-a 23. 9); G r e e n e v i e w School ia--w ith th e e x c e p tio n s o f Cedarville v illa g e and those areas within th e X enia City School District. District, 2 3 .2 (down from last' year's 2 4 .3 ); S o u t h e a s t e r n School District, 2 4 .3 (down from 2 4 .4 ); X e n i a S c h o o l over where he has been for the past two and a half years Dog Bites Evans Girl was a c o m p l e t e loss. The home was valued a t-$10, 000.; Only about half of the home and contents was covered by insurance, firemen reported. Bowersville Fire Department responded immediately to the A dog that bit 9 - year - old blaze' F i r e m e n there were Linda Evans o f j a m e s t o w r a s s i s l e d by the New Jasper Tuesday is under observation Fire DeParunent total local tax bill of $ 4 4 ,1 9 0 .- 21. Residents of J a m e s t own R n u r p r c v i l l A pay $ 5 1 .4 5 6 .0 8 and resi- ' " L l “ “ A A I C |dent, of Bowersville will kick l i J I i e P f l through wi t h $ 9 , 9 2 6 . 73 for AX ^ U ; local taxes during 1957. Those totals are based on the 1957 tax rates of 2 7 . 6 mills for Bowersville, 25.2 mills for Jamestown and 2 8 .9 mills for Cedarville against valuation figures of $359,664 for Bowers ville, $2,041,908 for James town and $1,529,073 for Ce darville. Cedarville village's tax rate of 2 8 . 9 mills is up from last -year's 28.1-m ill rate, largely because of the street lighting and operating expenses levy voted at the November e le c tion. Rises in t h o s e parts of the area within the Xenia School District, of course, are precip itated by the $1,380,000 bond issue voted there last May. This means that residents o f District, 25 (up 2 2 .2 ), Cedarville this year will pay a and Cedarville village, 2 8 . 9 against 2 8 . 1 in 1956. Jefferson township- -Jefferson SD , 2 3 . 7 ( up over 23. 5); G r e e n e v i e w SD, 24 (down PyHot Stove Fire touched off by an over-' h e a t e d furnace completely destroyed the tennant house of the E. B. G r e g o r y farm, Carpenter Rd. , about 5 p. m. Saturday. Baxter Butcher, the tenant, and his family escaped with- a church at Davenport, Iowa out injury but the p r o p e r t y OKAY IN MAY New Chance Looms To Light Up Town It looks like Jamestown voters surely will get the opportunity to flip the switch on twice as much lighting in the village when the May primary election comes around. If village councilmen heed high running public sentiment they will place the on ce-de feated light levy measure be fore the voters again in May. In f i g u r i n g your property P ^ a r y cause of the narrow points out. today for signs of rabies Firefighters we r e hampered j t a x e s > usethe vaiuation figure! defeat * N o v e m b e r was a j The law that allows it to b. The girl, The d a u g h t e r o f : h? hiSh wi nd s and l a c k o f !(which is available on every 8eneral lack of P1* * 1® infer- placed on the ballot at a pri . . ° - .'i t .. i . . . matinnnnlhp nmnntal-main- mary election goes OUt Of ef fect in June of this year, h< said. r* Cedar Books Closed Out f r om 25) ; L i b e r t y SD, 28 (down horn 2 7 .9 ); Bowersville 2 7 . 6 (down from 3 0 .7 ). New Jasper township--Cae- sarcreek SD, 2 6 . 2 (down from 26 . 7; Greeneview SD, 24. 7 (down from 2 5 .4 ); Je ffe rso n SD,. 2 4 .4 (down from 23. 9); X e n i a SD, 2 6 . 5 (up over 2 3 .3 ) .' Ross township --Greeneview SD, "25TZT(down from 2 4 .2 ); Cedar Cliff SD, 2 2 , 9 (2 3 .8 ) Southeastern SD, 2 4 .3--JTame S i l v e r c r e e k township - ■ G r e e n e v i e w SD, 23 (dowr from 2 4 .4 ); Jefferson SD, 2 2 . ' (down from '2 2 .9 ); Jamestowi 2 5 . 2 (down from 2 5 .6 ). If this were 1958, Jamestown- ians would not have anothei c h a n c e at the lighting yoti until a general election, Vil lage Solicitor George R. Smitl Mr. and Mrs. John Evans of 14 E. Adams street, was bit ten in the left kneecap by a dog harbored by William B. Cox, 14 E. Nelson S t . , Police ChiefHoward Wright reported. Wright said that the dog had not been vaccinated against rabies and was being confined for a five-day period to de termine if it was rabid. water. iproperty in the county at the ; auditor's o f f i ce in case you jdon’t know)as the basis. TTien jmultiply by the rate of taxa - \ tion rate for the d i s t r i c t in 1which you live. _ . , , , , For instance, if you live in Collision of a Dickun t r u c k -. y , . F i , . -Jamestown you pay a rate of and a passenger car Wednes- ' y - r y Car, Truck Collide Here BACK ON SKED NEXT WEEK The G u a r d i a n wUl slide back i n t o s c h e d u l e next week after the one-day de lay caused by both Christmas ' and New Year's f a l l i n g in j the middle of the production workweek. December w a t e r bills were] Employes of the newspaper ready to go into the mail, to |were given two days off for Jamestown residents Thursday*! the holidays, throwing The morning, Village Clerk Dean j Guardian's publication one Sesslar reported. j day behind. Water B ills Ready day afternoon at the intersec-1 tion of Washington and Syca more street in Jamestown re- sutled in m i n o r damages to the automobile of Robert E. Lawson, 23, Kokomo, Ind. Lawson's car was struck by a truck driven by James Dwyer, 45, Route 1, J a m e s t o w n as Dwyer came south on Syca more. P o l i c e Chief Howard Wright said that Lawson de clined to press charges. THIS IS THE FINAL FREE ISSUE OF The Guardian Subscription Blank On back page. 2 5 . 2 mills. If your property is valued at $ 4 ,0 0 0 , you pay; i $80 this year fo r p r ope r t y taxes. S c h o o l s t a k e the largest ' chunk from every tax dollar. o o t e propos ly what it m e a n t in dollars and cents--most observers of the local seene agree. What die voters turned down in the Nov. &general election was a one-m ill tax that would f i n a n c e replacement of the present b o u l e v a r d lighting system in the business district with 1 0 , 7 0 0 - l ume n fixtures Cedarville village council- men closed out the year-end similar to those used in Xenia's j bills last Friday at their final downtown section. j meeting of 1956. The proposed levy also would | Council P r e s i d e n t Harold , f. , nrT1„ have p a i d for installation of iSpitler reported that the vil- to the county and the remain-! additional lights along laf J * * “ V 1“ ° der—although there isn’tmuchl U ' S ' 35 “ .Y,e , t e r n aP‘ * e onthe .P“ d ,a »? of a remainder by then -goes IP* b tbe V1^ a8®* to the village or township gov-i Although a numerical m a- emment for operating expens-! 1 ° ^ of the voters approved es. In most cases, th e local j tax * " 300 votes government (village or town-1 against—die pro-lighting ship) takes something like 1 5 1vote did ^ t hit the required L« n t» from each tax dollar fort 60 P ? cenl "M f * would have 1 1leveled the tax for a four year period. > When, and if, the voters get a second chance on the m a t- fo rm er iamestowni an Named Teacher o f Month A former Jamestown teacher who taught here for 22 years has been named "Teacher of the Month" in Montgomery County. She is Mrs. Estle Leadingham, the former Catherine Shickley, who taught intenrted- iate grades in the Silvercreek Township school. Mrs. L e a d i n g h a m now teaches at the Southern Hills school in Kettering, an in corporated suburb of Dayton. "But Jamestown is still home, " she said' last week in one of her frequent visits here. Formal presentation of the award, desig nated by a comm ittee of the Dayton Jun ior Chamber of Commerce, will be made later this month. MRS. LEADINGHAM |ter in May the proposal will have sligfrtly different char acteristics. Although the tax rate of one m ill will remain die same, a majority of only ■55 per cent is needed for approval. Fur- t h u r , die l e v y can only be a p p r o v e d at this vote for a two year period which means that it will have to be brought up again at a general election j for a four-year okay. of an alternator for the patrol car that would mean a more reliable power supply for the cruiser radio. No other formal action was taken at the brief meeting. METERS GIVE $405 HERE Two c o l l e c t i o n s from Jamestown's parking meters yielded $ 4 0 5 .5 1 during De cember. A collection Dec. 4 brought $ 2 1 3 .2 6 i n t o die v i l l a g e coffers while a D ec. 17 pick up boosted die treasury by $ 1 9 2 .3 5 . The m e t e r s were drained Tuesday but totals were not a v a i l able Wednesday eve ning.
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