The Greene County Guardian, January 3, 1957

Jamestown, Ohio, January 3 ,1 9 5 7 The GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Page Three Webb-Baker Marriage... RECENTLY MARRIED-Miss Eleanor Webb and Mr. Robert Baker were married recently in Richmond Ind. The bride is the daughter of Mr. anc^Mrs. Alfred Webb of Sabina and is a first year student at Miami University at Oxford. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Baker of Jamestown, Route 2, and is now serving with the U. S. Navy at Provi dence, R. I. _____________________________________ Farm Bureau Council Number Two Meets at Bernard Franklin Home Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley He t z 1er, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jenks, Mr. andMrs. O. T. Mar- shall.Mr. and Mrs. LeroySpahr, Mr. and Mrs.Delmer Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Tobin, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Turner, Miss Bennie Mo r g a n and a special guest, Mr. A. Z. Gha- fari, from Iran, who spoke to the group. Mr. Ghafari is an attorney who has spent the last year here in the states study­ ing our various institutions. Izetta Gerard Engaged to Wed Engagement of M i ss Izetta; Gerard to Mr. John E. Thomp­ son of Bowersville has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerard of the J a m e s t o w n - P o r t William Road. Mr. Thompson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Car­ ter of Bowersville. Both were g r adua t e d from the Jefferson High s c h o o l at Bowersville and attended Wil mington College. Miss Gerard is a teacher at the Beavercreek School and the groom-to-be is employed by the Kroehlei Furniture Company at Xenia Date for the wedding has not been set. Mrs. Early Atley, Mr. and Mrs Mark Bingamon, Mr. Herman Brickel, Mr. and Mrs. Paullin Smith-Sh inkle Banns Posted Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Smith, New Jasper, are announcing the e n g a g e m e n t of their daughter, Carol Jean, to Duane Shinkle, son of Mr. and Mrs G e o r g e Shinkle, Xenia St. Jamestown. Miss Smith is a graduate of Greeneview High S c h o o l in J ame s t own and is now em ployed at Wright P a t t e r s o n Field. The Groom-to-be is also a graduate of Greeneview and is now working for Howard’s Pastries in Fairborn. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Jacobs Weds Mr. S. B. Abels The wedding of Marva Ellen Jacobs to Stanley Bruce Abels was S o l e m n i z e d Saturday, 29, at .2:30 p.m. at the M i l l i g e v i l l e Me t hod i s t Church. The double ring cer­ emony was performed by the Rev. Robert Slocum. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rankin Burson of Milligeville and the bride­ groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. James A. Abels ofCedar- ville. The bride's sister, Mrs. Dale Anders, washer a t t e n d a n t wh i l e the groom's brother, Lowell, acted as best man. Given in m a r r i a g e by her father, the bride wore a pow­ der blue street length jersey dr es s with n a vy accessories and carried a corsage of pink roses. She wore a necklace of rhinestones with sapphires, a gift of the groom. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the so­ cial rooms of the church. The couple left for a wedding trip to the south. Mr. Abels is a graduate of. the Miami-Jacobs Bus i ne s s c o l l e g e and has been em­ p l o y e d by the Morris Bean Cedarville plain for the past three years but will be leav­ ing soon for s e r v i c e in the army. The bride is a student of the Frederick Beauty Academy in MRS. DAL6 ROTHWELL . . . Bowersville bride Sally Ann Peering Becomes Bride Wedding of Miss Sally Ann Deering and Mr. Dale Eugene Rothwell was solemnized Dec. 22 in the Bowersville Church of Christ with the Rev. Fran­ cis Reid officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deering of Washington C. H. Agraduate of the Washington C.H.High School, Miss Deer­ ing was employed at the Kro­ ger s t o r e there. The groom was graduated from Jefferson High S c h o o l in 1954 and is associated with his father in farming. Farm Bureau Advisory Coun­ cil No. 2 met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frank­ lin, near B owe r s v i l l e , New Year’sEve for its turkey dinner and New year’s Eve party Those attending were Mr. and Springfield. She will continue her training. Cedarville FHA Spreads Cheer Members of the Cedarville Future Homemakers of Amer­ ica beamed a light'of Christ­ mas cheer into the G r e e n el County Children's Horiie this year. " Among gifts they distributed to the children at the home we r e 12 do l l s , 18 boxes of j e w e l r y and a host of toys. The girls had refurbished all of the presents. Mrs. Bertha Mae Willis ,Wife of Joseph W illis,D ies ere at 6 _ Mrs. Bertha Mae Willis, 66, wife o f j o s e p h B. W i l l i s , Jamestown, pa s s e d away in her sleep at her home on W. X e n i a St. at 3:45 Tuesday morning. She had been suf­ fering from a heart condition or twojnonths. She was born ugus t 24, 1890 in Ironton, Ohio, and was married in 1911. Mrs. W i l l i s was a member of the Jamestown Ch u r c h of Christ. Survivors besides her hus band are seven children. Mrs. C l a r e n c e G o o d b a t Jamestown, Glen Willis, Cor­ ing, Garland Willis, Frank­ furt, Germany, Mrs. Robert Jenner. Xenia, Pearl Willis, Cincinnati, E u g e n e Willis, Midwest City, Oklahoma, and Mrs. John Blankenship, South Charleston; also a half sister. Mrs. Nora Lynd of Ironton, 21 grandchildren and four'great - Fo rfe its $10 Bond: R o b e r t Dale Ma t t i s , 22, L ewi s bu r g , forfeited a $10 bond in Jamestown's mayor's court this week when he failed to appear on a charge of reck­ less operation. Police Chief Howard Wright arrested Mattis Monday evening.__________ OUR SHOP IS FULLY EQUIPPED We h a v e the electronic equipment and t r a i n e d service men to do an ex­ pert job of TV repairs for you. Call us now! Dent Radio &TV UN. Mala Fh. 6 - 4 M 1 CEDARVOLE Legal Notice PUBLICATION FOR DIVORCE C o n s t a n c e Neely Points, who s e place of residence is unknown and cannot after the exercise of reasonable d illi- g e n c e ascertained will take notice that on the 6th day of December. 1956, the under­ signed, Charles F. Points, filed his petition against her in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, said case num­ ber being 30740, praying for a d i v o r c e and relief on the g r ounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for hearing on and after six weeks from the date of the first pub­ lication hereof. /S/ Charles F. Points Shaw and Cox, attorney grandchildren. The funeral will beat 2 Fri­ day in Powers Funeral Home with Mr. W. R. Golden offi­ ciating. Burial in New James­ town cemetery. Friends may ca ll at the f u n e r a l h ome Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 and Thursday evening from 7 to 9. ________ _ ■■■■a VENARD THEATER | W. Washington St. Jamestown, O. > Presents: | SATURDAY NIGHT “THE -SPOILERS* Anne Baxter, Jeff Chandler, / Rory Calhoun SUNDAY NIGHT "SOMEBODY VP THERE LIKES ME” Paul Newman, Pier Angell Legal Notice NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given that the assessment of the cost and e x p e n s e s necessary to con­ struct a sanitary sewer in Elm Street and in Cedarville Pike from the p r e s e n t sewer line terminus northwardly approx­ imately 1850 feet, on the lots and lands benefited and to be charged therewith, as set forth in R e s o l u t i o n No 1-1956, p a s s e d on the 3 0t h day of January, 1956, has been re­ ported to C o u n c i l and said assessment is now on file in the o f f i c e of the C l e r k of C o u n c i l of the village of Jamestown, for the inspection and examination of all per­ sons interested therein. Objections to such estimated assessment must be in writing, and must be filed in the office ofsaid clerk within two weeks after the e x p i r a t i on of this notice, to wit, five weeks af­ ter the date hereof. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF JAMES­ TOWN, OHIO Jan. 3, 1957 $4 buys you 52 big editions of the Guardian. Order Nou > Order before Jan. 15 and you receive a| $ 2 per hundredweight discount on pullets. A small deposit holds for delivery your convenience. Jamestown Feed On S . Lim estone S t. D ial 4-7711 at Common Sense tells you that some things should be kept locked up in the security, privacy and fire-safety of Safety Deposit Box / 9 BIRTH CERTIFICATES and citizenship papers. A ' WILLS, notes, mortgages, contracts, deeds, j income tax records. INVENTORY of household goods and personal property.. . for your protection in case of fire or other loss. INSURANCE POLICIES. . . life, fire, auto and any other. ou Can Think o f Others _ If you o^ n bonds or stock c e r t if ­ icates, heirlooms of sentimental value tha could never be replaced, important personal items, military service records...these are things that should be in your safety de­ posit box. The cost is nominal. MIAMI Deposit Banlr Cedarville Phone 6-2311 The Old ~ Is Back ♦ ♦ ♦ in Operation Under New Management >V / . * A Motel Restuunnl Complete Meals Served From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. We’re Here to Serve And Satisfy You He Cliff House ...A delightful place for small gatherings.... South of Cedarville on U.S. 42