The Greene County Guardian, January 3, 1957

Jamestown, Ohio, January 3 ,1 9 5 7 The GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Page Five Cup O Coffee with GORDON BASKETT LOTS OF talk around this week about taxes (lower, mostly, in our neck of the woods) and that goes even double with the Jamestown light levy bit glowing hot again. CedarviUe Jottings M l Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCall- ister entertained 20 guests at a buffet dinner Saturday even­ ing. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frantz of Englewood, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Boyle of N o r t h r i d g e , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Konkler of Trotwood, Mri and Mrs. Herman Devor of G r e e n v i l l e , Mayor Dale Binkley and Miss Ethel Bom Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mjfm- ma, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Smooch, Mr. and Mrs. H e r m a n Brett1 of Dayton, Mrs. Ruth Ham of Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roche of Celina, Mr. and Mrs. John McCallister of Fairborn, Kent Creswell and Celea Bell of CedarviUe en­ joyed a new year's eve buffet dinner with the Greer McCall­ ister family. . . Lois McCallis- JAMESTOWN Personals Mrs. Arthur Geary of Route 2, Jamestown, has been a - warded a 10 dollar certificate in a nation-wide "Name the Tire" c o n t e s t conducted by A i d e ns In c ., Chicago maU order company__ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Huffman and f a m i l y of Xenia enter­ t a i n e d a n u m b e r ofguests Christmas day including Mr. Mrs. Huffman. ! mershire of Brookville, Mr. , , , . , , ,, „ Iand Mrs. DeKoine Stevens of; ter, the daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. Arthur Huffman of And it's a d a r n good thing,; in mathematical terms, a ! sp» ngfiels> Senator L o w e H |Mrs. Greer McCallister. re - ‘ we t h i n k , that the light bidjmill is one tenth of one per Fejs 0 f Y e l l o w Springs, Mr.i turned home Monday evening might get a s e c o n d chancejcent. This is expressed . 001. and Mrs> Paul xilton> Mr. and1after s p e n d i n g the holidays for a v o t e r s ' okay in May. From the tax s t a n d p o i n t , ^ R and Mr> atld, with Mr> and Mrs> R o b e r t What defeated the proposal in your b i l l is figured on wh a t . . ____ ------------------------------------------ the November 6 election was; the estimated v a l u e of yodr a lack of information, most property is. f o l k s agree, and w e ' r e not ( T h i s prpoerty valuation is going to let that happen again; generally done under contract if we can help it. tt y a private firm working un- The proposal boiled down tolderthe auspices of the county mo r e than t w i c e as much! auditor’s o ffice .) lighting for a next-to-naught The m i l l a g e bite is taken cost to the average taxpayer, out of that property valuation Mrs. Ohmer McClain of Day - ; Walker and son, Mitchell, of ton. . . Dayton. Bowersville... Mrs. Ralph Shumaker Bowersville 3-8598 The Bowersville Lions Club Bowersville has been dismissed ' from the G r e e n e Memorial 1H o sp i t al after treatment. Garringer R o a d , Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mossman and family of Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family of C edarville.. . Mr. and Mrs. Elden Brock and family of South Solon ca lled ; at the home of Mr. and Mrs.: A r t h u r Huffman Wednesday! e v e n i n g . They also visited; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mossman.1 Mr. B r o c k is the nephew of; Ralph's C a r r y - o u t BEER 13 Different Brands Jamestown Phone 4-5111 John Q. Taxpayer w|s‘asked total, usually about half what had their a n n u a l Christmas ^ ^ f b r o t e n ^ t to approve a one mill levy on theproperty is actually worth party Dec. 28. f e a t ur i ng a suffered8in an accidental fa ll. . h i m s e l f that would pay for That me a n s it you own a Icovered dish supper and treats the installation of the lights 1house and a large hunk of land j for the children, and provide enough money to that is evaluated at $10, 000, i The Shining Star Class of the foot the additional electricity a one-mill tax would mean a bills, cost to you of $10. May haps what threw some Or, more simply stated, a people-- and, sadly, it often mill is one dollar on a thou- does--is that one mill. sand. Or, 10 cents on a hun- Just what exactly is a mill? dred dollars. A m i l l is not much of a;; It's that simple, household word, like a penny,; The 1957 m i l l a g e rate for Bowersville Methodist Church met Sunday, Dec. 30, at the h ome of Mr. and Mr s . Foy Ge r a r d of Bowersville for a say, and thus becomes hard to visualize. In the pre-inflated days s ome s t a t e s used mill tokens for state sales taxation Most of the mills we've seen looked like World War Twice ration tickets and were about as popular. Jamestown is 25. 2 mills which means that you are p a y i n g $25. 20 for each $1000 of pro­ perty e v a l u a t i o n annually. Approval of the a d d i t i o n al one-mill for lighting woul d kick that up to $26.20 a year. Easy, huh? That** the se c re t sealing up that origin- covered dish supper and 50- ihe h ome of Mr. and Mr s . d a l f l a v o r SO t h a t i t W ill cent gift exchange. Mrs. Alva Marion Swearingen and child- A b e d e l i c i o u s l y p r e s e n t ny°ur f00d is P“‘ on ter BobbyMarshall J r ., tore ffithe table. thetendons in his ankle p la y - y The c o n s t a n t S U b -Z e rO ing basketball and will be on Ellis and Mr. Ernest Johnston were on the p r o g r am com­ mittee. The Bowersvi l l e Methodist' Church fellowship supper was held Saturday, Dec. 2 9 . . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strautman of f t | SPEAKING OF mills, Cedar- _ _ ■ j v i 11 e ’ s Old Mill is back in ■ ! full o p e r a t i o n now in the ■ |hands of Mr. and lylrs. Willi m 1am O'Rourke and their family ™ of Dayton. He's planning to keep the restaruant open until 8 p. m. to catch late dinners. John E v a n s ' John Deere day drew a heap of folks into town Wednesday. John was in the midst crawling over the shiny - new tractors lined up in front of his place. ..And Wear-U- Well Shoes' national publica- ___ FOR RENT--Room for man and : tion is planning to use Owenj^ty wife or single man. Hear and Ellison's Gu a r d i a n picture " ‘ light f u r n i sh e d . Miss Katy with S a n t a C 1a us in a soon Judge, 13 W. Xenia St. upcoming edition as an ex- . ............. ample of "smart merchandis- FOR EFFECTIVE Flu, Pnemon- ing"- •-Same goes for the M ia, foot rot and Shipping Fev- & W publication with a shot, er treatment, use Penicillin- Hall J. Hill with his new*jj Streptomycin I n j e c t able a- Hydra-Gauge Dynamometer, C lassified Ads in the GUARDIAN Call 4 -5091 Mr. S.H. Vanniman has been hospitalized for treatment of a broken hi p. . . Mrs. Dwight Burr is ill at her home . . . Mrs. A l i c e Hodge and Sam Adams spent Sunday crutches for a few days. Jitemperature maintained in our locker insures you Columbus spent Christmas day Dayton, and Willadean Combs $ against loss of one wisp of flavor because of slow ♦’•freezing, something the ghome freezer can’t do. A Investigate the low cost lof o u r complete locker serv ice today. wi t h Mr. and Mrs. J o hn R. boothby.. .Miss Delores Roth- well of Bowersville was dis­ missed from Greene Memori- at Hospital Christmas Eve af­ ter surgery.. . . Mr s . Ar t hu r C r o s i e r of In Jamestown... Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Weis- miller and daughter of Elwood Ind., were weekend guests of Mrs. Sally L e a t h . . .M r. and Mrs. Richard S n o d g r ass and daughter, Becky Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Persinger spent the holidays in Florida, return­ ing home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bobbitt, and Marie B o b b i t t and son, G e o r g e , Bowersville, spent New Y e a r s in Cinncinati at "Cinerama" Notice The annual m e e t i n g of the C e d a r v i l l e Federal and L o a n Association for the e l e c t i o n of Directors and for the transaction of any other b u s i n e s s of the association will be held at its o f f i c e 14 Xenia St., C e d a r v i l l e , Ohio, Wed. January 16, 1957 at 2 p. m. iCedarville Locker Storage Co. S. Main St. Cedarville Dial 6*-1141 1 We now have O N H A N D a complete line of vailable at He i f n e r ' s Phar­ macy, Jamestown. one of the f i r s t - - if not the first -- - to be put into service I in Ohio. “Drive A Little and Save A Lot” ; -Motor'ola=Philcol and International B A L E R T W IN E and Red Brand F E N C E Better order now!I a new GARAGE serv ice for auto- owners of Cedarville. Specializing In Transmissions Brakes m il. A FULL LINE OF PARTS Entrance Through Alley M A S T E R W iFormersExc/ian^ei f ■ C om p a n y ' Jamestown ■ I 1 Dial 4-4471 Bellamy’s GARAGE <OpenDaily After 4 p.m.- phone 6-1921