The Greene County Guardian, January 10, 1957

the g r e e n e count y GUARDIAN VOL. H NO. 2 JAMESTOWN, O. JANUARY 10, 1957 10 CENfS COUNCIL LOWERS BOOM ON NON PAYING TRUCKS * Soil Bank Corn Shares Village councilmenhave lowered the boom onfreeload- A R p B f H p n ing loaders and unloaders in Jjunestown. YT H C t l U H A The council asked Mayor Floyd E. Smith Monday night to instruct police to ticket trucks loading and unloading in metered spots if they do not feed the parking meters. Council members agreed that too many spaces were be­ ing consumed by delivery trucks without any coins tink­ ling into the meter. This action will not apply to truckers who must double park because of no space at the curb. Ringer Elected To Council Presidency Robert Ringer today is the president of the Jamestown village council. The London auto salesman, who was e l e c t e d by the c o un c il last year to fill an unexpired term, s u c c e e d s Hersel Long as president of the body. He was e l e c t e d Monday n i g h t at an organizational m e e t i n g that saw Ma y o r Floyd E. Smith appoint com­ mittees for the year and the c o un c il re-appoint George R. Smith as village solicitor at his previous salary of $200 annually. Committees, their mem­ bers, with chairman listed first, follow: Streets--Hersel Long, Ray Cushwa, Frank Weller; Lights--Mrs. HelenHeifner, Ringer, Paul Ballentine; Sewers--Cuswa, Long, Wel­ ler; O r d i n a nc es--Ballentine, Ringer, Mrs. Heifner; Sidewalks--Weller, Long, Cushwa; Health and Safety--Ringer, Mrs. Heifner, Ballentine. S e a l e d bids from James­ town’s three retail gasoline outlets were opened and the municipal contract for the year was re-awarded to the Pure Oil C o ., who offered 2 1/2 cents off list price per gallon for gasoline. Other companies offered two cents off per gallon. Clerk D e a n S e s s l a r an­ n o u n c e d that the county Two Midhaps On Icy Roads Snow and ice on area roads were culprit s in two a cci­ dents Me Jay near Cedar- ville. Mrs. Kathleen E. Wilburn, 27, was unhurt when a car driven by Smith A1vis Mace, 61, Washington C. H. skidded into her car on State 72 one and two tenths miles south of Cedarville. And Ben H um ph r i es, 32, Rossmoyne, O ., escaped in­ jury when his car overturn '•d on U. S. 42 two-tenths of a mile north of C e d a r v i l l e Monday, morning. But state patrolmen charged him with speed e x c e s s i v e for road conditions. auditor had approved appro - pr i a t i o n of $13, 105. 90 to the village general fund this year. Discussion of the proposed newwater well was continued under the direction of Dr. R. L. Haines, chairman of the board of public affairs. No f o r m a l action was taken, pending a clear approval of- land for drilling. No action was taken on fi­ nancing of the school light at the triple intersection in front of G r e e n e v i ew High school._____ _____________ fDimes’ Is Underway The March ot Dimes is un­ derway in e a s t e r n Greene County. Lions club m e m b e r s are handling the annual cam- paigh for funds to fight polio in both Jamestown and Bow- ersville, while the American Legion Auxiliary is running the show at Cedarville. In Jamestown, Lions Presi­ dent John R e e s e said that collection containers h a v e been d i s t r i b u t e d and that donation e n v e l o p e s were passed out to school children Wednesday. Aporchlightparadeis plan­ ned for both Jamestown and Ce d a r v ille .____________ Tlremen Douse Chimney Blaze Cedarville f i r e m e n were called out Tuesday afternoon to quelch a chimney blaze at the h om e of Howa r d Wagelen. Damage was limited to the chimney and stove. No one was home at the time of the fire and the alarm was turned in by a next door neighbor, Mrs. Stevenson. The G r e e n e County ASC Town ship Committeemen, under the supervision of the County ASC Committee, are s e t t i n g up individual farm indexes for farms that parti­ cipate in the 1957 Soil Bank Program on corn. Ohio has received a t o t a l a l l o c ation of $21, 426, 500 for payments to farmers par­ ticipating in the 1957 soil bank acreage r e s e r v e pro­ grams. County ASC commit­ tees are not expected to be ready to accept 1957 acreage reserve agreements for corn before Feb. Nationally, far­ mers have already pledged more than 10. 5 million acres of 1957-crop winter wheat. Except that the acreage for any c ommo d i t y placed "in the a c r e a g e reserve for a farm shall not e x c e e d the farm allotment for the com­ modity, the maximum acre­ ages that may be originally entered for a farm are: wheat, 50 acres or 50 percent of the farm allotment, whichever is largest; corn, 20 acres or 30 percent of the allotment, whichever is larger. There will be no minimum acreage limitations on the a mo un t of land that may be entered in the program except those a l r e a d y in effect for 1957 wheat. Acreage reserve agreements will be accep*ed on a "first come, first served" basis to the extent county funds are available. Farmers wishing to partici­ pate above maximum acre­ age l i m i t s for a particular crop must i n d i c a t e this in their original agreement. If additional f unds are made available through realloca­ tion after the s i g n - u p has closed, the additional acres will be accepted to the ex­ tent funds permit. The deadline for s i g n i n g 1957 acreage reserve agree­ ments will be M a r c h 8 for corn. Greeneview Hosts Players The A n t i o c h Players will present a family play, "You Never Know, "at the Greene­ view PTO meeting Monday at 7:45 p.m . at the South school. The play is part of a project sponsored by the state mental health division. CEDARVILLE PARATROOPER WINS'COLD WAR’ PRIZE Army P f c . Ru s s e l 1 E. Frederick of Cedarville this week won a cold p r i z e in a chilly competition con­ d u c t e d in a snow-bound country. The paratrooper made a long d i s t a n c e call to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Richendollar of Cedarville, Monday night to tell them that he had won a skiing contest at his home station of Fairbanks, Alaska. It was 46 b e l ow zero in Alaska, he told his parents. The prize? A flight over the North Pole next week. Lions Accept Two Acres For Community Building J a m e s t o w n Lions Tuesday accepted two acres of land north of the v i l l a g e as a site for a proposed community building. The land was donated by the three owners, Drs. R. L. Haines and Norman Linton of J a m e s t o w n and Glenn Compton of Dayton. The plot is adjacent to the South Charleston Pike north of the wooded area on the Lackey farm. It is north of the baseball diamond owned by the Lions club. Lions President John Reese said that the organization is contemplating b u i l d i n g a s t r uc t ure there that would be available for community user Although no plans are final, the b u i l d i n g is planned to include a meeting hall and a kitchen. The land surround­ ing the area will be beauti­ fied into a p i c n i c ground, Reese said. A five-man committee to investigate a d v a n t a g e s of i nc o r po r at i on for the pro­ posed c o n s t r u c t i o n was n a m e d . It includes Hersel Long, Dr. R. M. Smith, M il- ton Oliver, George R. Smith, and R. C. Moorman. L i on s have been planning this b u i l d i n g for the past T ru s tees Elect Rodney Roberts Re-organizational meeting of the Silvercreek Township trustees S a t u r d a y evening ended with the re-election of Rodney Roberts as chair­ man of the governing board. Vice-chairman for the year is P. D. Garringer and R. E. Devoe is cemetery superin­ tendent. Juiylndicte Burglar For 5 Break-Ins Greene Co un ty grand jur­ ors handed down a five-count indictment against J a m e s ­ town’s hardware burglar this week. And R o b e r t Hosier J r ., a former re s ident, will make his plea F rid ay as he is ar­ raigned before CommonPleas Judge Dan M. Aultman. Hosier, who listed his ad­ dress at S pr i n gfield at the time of his capture, has a l­ ready admitted that he was responsible for the string of b u r g l a r i e s here that kept, store own e r s without sleep for two months. Formal c h a rges were only filed for five of the cases of breaking and entering. Near­ ly all of the hardware outlets were hit in the thefts. Mis­ sing items ranged from hand tools to television sets. Police ChiefHoward Wright snagged Hosier after he had eluded him once in a flurry of gunshots at Gibbs Hardware store on a November night. T h e p o l i c e chief snared Hosier after a lOS-mph chase between here and Cedarville that led to Hosier’s overturn­ ing the s t o l e n ca r he was driving. three years. At their meeting, Lions a l­ so voted an appropriation for eye research as pan of their sight-saving program. Guests at the meeting were R. Stick- ley and R o b e r t Haggard of Jamestown. Yule Seal Fund Passes $10,000 Sale of Christmas Seals in Greene County this week hit $10, 653. 79 and is expected to climb to $12, 000 before culmination of the drive. County s e a l c h a i r m a n , Thomas J. Adair, said that contributions toward the tu- berculosising-fighting cam ­ paign are still welcome and may be s e n t to P.O. Box 202, Xenia. Cedarville village council Monday night spent most of its minutes in meditation — looking back over 1956 and planning ahead through 1957. Some slight changes remain to be made in the 1957 bud­ get, Clerk Marjorie McCork- ell reported, and that docu­ mented statement of what’s to come t h i s yea r has not formally been approved. Council sent that into com­ mittee. Also being kicked around in committee right now are the names of possible appointees to the village co u n c il post vacated by erstwhile council president Ralph Cummings. Harold Spitler, president of council, also has a problem h e ’s sharing with other mem­ bers. Spitler do e s mo s t of the mayor's work now that Mor­ ris O. DeForge has moved to Sidney. But DeForge has held onto the m a y o r ' s title, at least t h r o ugh March 1, and Vets’ On-Farm Training Planned Fo r This March Period for e n r o l l m e n t ot farm veterans in "INSTITU­ TIONAL ON FARM TRAIN­ ING " c l a s s e s w i l l be in March. At present, there is no such C l a s s in G r e e n e County, but several Greene C o u n t y farm veterans are e n r o l l e d at Wilmington or Wa s h i n g t o n , C.H. Cedarville councilmen this week issued a stern warning to vandals in the village. The w a r n i n g came alter council members set aside money to replace a parking meter fine box that was pried Board Prexy Edward Irons Tuesday was r e - e l e c t e d to l e a d the Greeneview board of educa­ tion. S c h o o l b o a r d members, meeting in special session, p i c k e d Albert Wigal to be vice-p r e s i d e nt to succeed Thurman Tidd. Approval was stamped on $225, 000 appropriation for this year which will cover the operation of both schools, the cafeterias, and will take care of $6, 000 in retirement bonds. Total bonded debt on the school system is now$13, 000, C l e r k - T r e a s u r e r Richard Dabney said. Financial report for 1956, p r e p a r e d by Dabney, was approved by theboard mem­ bers. Regular meetings were set for the fourth Monday of each month. Spitler dr aws n o n e o f the mayor's salary--which really isnt' much anyhow, the real problem is getting the sec­ retarial work of the mayor's office done. There are a lot of records to be kept. The v i 11 age may wind up hiring a part-time bookkeep­ er to maintain village records. No reorganization of council was voted Monday night since the r e s hu f f l i ng caused by Cummings' resignation and DeForge's p e n d i n g similar action came so recently.. Tests Near For Seniors High school seniors in the Greene County area should be making arrangements to attend the general scholar­ ship tests for seniors, Satur­ day morning, Jan. 19. More than 100 seniors have indi­ cated i n t e r e s t in this test, conducted annually by the State Department of Educa­ tion.' Seniors in the upper 40 percent of their class scho­ lastically, aje e l i g i b l e to enroll in the test. The test is divided into five parts, English, history, math­ ematics, science, and read­ ing comprehension. A per­ f e c t s c o r e would be 300 p o i n t s . Two and one-half hours are a l l o w e d for the test. Seniors from this area take the test at Xenia Cen­ tral Hi g h School. off a meter on S. Main last week in front of Dyas barber shop. Anyone apprehended dam­ aging village property will be prosecuted, the council .warned. Parents will be held responsible for juveniles. Cedarville Plans Projects fo r 1957 CEDARVILLE COUNCIL WARNS METER MAULERS