The Greene County Guardian, January 24, 1957

PAGE 6 JANUARY 24, 1957 th e greeme comnly GUARDIAN J1Ed Pickering to Speak At Farm Meet Monday church calendar SHOWNHERE is Teresa and Eddie Fife, children of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife, Cedar- ville. Teresa Is five and her brother is three. P a t e r n a l g r and parents are Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r Fife, South Charleston and the maternal grandmother is Mrs. John L. Stewart, Cedarville. (Nelson Crcswell Photo. 1 Ed Pickering, an Interna­ tional Farm Youth Exchangee from Jamestown who recent­ ly returned from Israel, will be g u e s t s p e a k e r at the Greene County Farm Forum at Geyer's in Xenia Monday evening, Jan. 28, at 6:30. The Greene County youth is oTie of sixty-three IFYE amb a s s ado r s of good-will from the United States who visited countries in Europe and the near east last sum­ mer. While in Israel, Pickering lived and worked on a num­ ber of collective farms learn­ ing about the country and its people. He will speak and show colored slides on his trip and experiences in this country which is now in the world's news headlines. Ross Township members are a r r a n g i n g and will be in charge of the program, which will also include entertain­ ment by students of Greene- view Schools under direction of R o b e r t Schierloh. O. T, Marshall and Robert Luttrell are program co-chariman. The 1957 Forum schedule and committee assignments will be a n n o u n c e d by the incoming president Ar t hu r Ba h n s . Dinner reservations should be made at the County Agent's office (2-3071) by Friday evening. G I R L - - f o r Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunn, Route 2, Xenia. The baby was born at Haines Hospital in Jamestown Jan. 21. She weighed five pounds and three o u n c e s and has been named Donna Sue. BOY - - Born Jan. 9 to Mr. and Mrs. G e r a l d E. (Nip) Koppe of O'Fallon, 111. The baby, weighing eight pounds and four ounces, was named Lee Allen. Paternal grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Koppe of CedaTville and the m a t e r n al grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howa r d Andrus of Springfield. JAMESTOWN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Harold Cassady, Pastor Sunday, 9:45 a. m ., Sunday school; 10:45 a. m ., morning worship service. Wednesday, 7:30 p . m. , choir practice. Thursday, 3:30 p. m ., Junior choir practice. ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday, 9:00 a . m. , mass. Thursday, 8:00 p. m. .evening devotions. Missionary Society At Miller Home Members of the Baptist Mis- Bernard Knecht. WANT TO BE TEACHERS MOST SENIORS INDICATE ['caching leads the list of cial artist. s t ud c n t-preferred occupa­ tions, Greene County High school seniors indicated last week. Eighty-three seniors, taking the general scholarship tests at Xenia, were asked to in­ dicate tlie field they plan to make their life work. Leading occupations were teaching with 23; engineer­ ing- 16; secretarial work-9; d o c t o r s - 6 ; nursing-5; and scientisls-4. To indicate the individuality, the following occupations had one each- designer; veterinarian (girl); home e c o n om i s t ; interior decorator; lawyer; contrac­ tor; airline hostess; journal­ ist; fashion expert; labora­ tory technician and coraiiicr- The Greene County GUARDI AN Published every Thursday of the year at 3 S. Limestone St., Jamestown, Ohio, by The Guardian Publishing Co. Gordon C. Baskett and James 1. Gattcn, Publishers. • National advertising repre- s en t a t i ve , Weekly News­ paper Re pr e s entatives and the Ohio NewspaperServices, Inc., 198 S. High St., Col­ umbus, Ohio. Subscription rates: By mail i n-Gr eene County, $4.00 per y e a r ; for other areas, $4. 50 per year ; for members of armed forces, $4. 00 per year’. Second class permit under the Act of March 3, 1879, a p p l i e d for at the United States postoffice at James­ town, Ohio. They were also asked to give the c o l l e g e s at which they p l a n n e d to train for these positions. Only 7 sen­ iors indicated that they did not have a particular choice of college. Leading the field as possible training centers were: Miami University-10; Ohio State U n i v e r s i t y -9; University of Dayton-6; Mi- ami-Jacobs-5; and 4 seniors i n d i c a t e d an interest in Dennison; Cincinnati; Ohio University and Wilmington. T h r e e chose Otterbein and Oberlin; 2 each chose Bowl­ ing Green and David Lips­ comb. The remainder were scattered among 20 schools with one each. Results of the test will be announced as soon as they have been scored electrically by the Ohio Scholarship Test Division in Columbus. Re­ cords of the s e n i o r s scores will be sent to these various colleges in which they ex ­ pressed an interest. Seventeen seniors from this area took the test, 10 from Cedar Cliff, four from Bow- ersville Jefferson, and three from Greeneview. PTC Dance Slated G r e e n e v i e w ' s P a r e n t Teacher O r g a n i z a t i o n is sponsoring a 50-50 dance at the Greeneview North School Tuesday, Jan. 29. sionary S o c i e t y of James­ town's First Baptist Church met last week at the home of Mrs. Harry Miller with Mrs. Bernard K n e c ht, president, presiding. Mrs. Rothwell Stickley was devotional leader and her theme was love. Mrs. Ralph Devoe was program chair­ man. The program consisted of a play en titled , "Jewels of the East." Aiding Mrs. De­ voe were Mrs. David Robison, Mrs. Paul Garringer and Mrs. Diane Jones Is Honoree Nineteen g u e s t s gathered last week for a b i r t h d a y party honoring Miss Diane Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jones. The attendees played games and e n j o y e d refreshments. The contest prize was won by Mary Lou Charles. A t t e n d ing the party were Su s a n Morr, C o n n i e Lou Smith, Lolita Foster, Connie K i s e r , Patty Sue Rudduck, Judy Jones, Pauline Cum­ mings, Becky Ellis, Cheryl George, Tina Piatt, Sharon Dailey, A l i c e A l b r i g h t , Jeanne Ruddu c k , T o n y a Crowl, Mary Lou Charles, Ma r q u e r i t e Ellis and Mrs. Jones. Contined from Page 1 - Stevens then was taken by C h i e f W r i g h t and Officer Orville K n is l ey to Greene County Jail, thence to Greene Memorial Hospital, Xenia, where S t e v e n s ' scalp was sewed up. TOPFLIGHT SEEVK® ^ Specializing in Body • Work Painting • Bellamy’s Garage •Located In Rear of Rhinehart's Cafe, Entrance in Alley Phone 6-1921 Now Is The Time For Oysters Fish We have them fresh every other day. Cedarville Locker Storage Co. S. MainS t Ceaarville Dial £-1141 All of the members present s i g n e d a get-well card to Mrs. Logan Nickell who is in th e Greene Memorial Hos­ pital. Attending were Mrs. Lfna Church, Mrs. Pdul Gar- ringer, Mrs. Bernard Knect, Mrs. Rothwell Stickley, Mrs. Ralph Devoe, Mrs. William Jones and Diane, Mrs. Lin- nie Knox, Mrs. Homer Per- s i n g e r , Miss Nora Powers, Mrs. David Robison, Mrs. Viola Little-and the hostess. Cedarville Loan Directors Renamed In Reorganization Three directors were e le c ­ ted and officers were chosen at the r e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l m e e t i n g this week of the C e d a r v i l l e Home Federal Savings and Loan Associa­ tion. I. C. Davis, C. E. Masters and L. A. Rog e r s were re­ named to the board of di­ rectors. Holdover directors are J. A. Davis, E. B. High- am, M .C . Nagley and C.W. Steele. O f f i c e r s named Monday night were C. W. S t e e l e , president; J. A. Davis, vice p r e s i d e n t ; J.C . Ferguson, secretary-treasurer, and John V. Gibney, attorney. NEW JASPER METHODIST The Rev. John M. Collins, pastor Sunday, 10:00 a . m. , Sun­ day school; 11:15 a. m ., wor- shipservices. Carroll Is Installed by Cedar lOOFfc Dale Carroll last week took office as the noble grand of the Cedar C liff Lodge 630 of the International Order of Odd Fellows. Aiding Carroll in his ad­ ministration is the following slate of officers: R a ymo n d Hi x o n , vice- grand; Ralph Truesdale, war­ den; Charles Bratton, con­ ductor; Robert Beam, trea­ surer; Fred Wilburn, record­ ing secretary; William L i s t e r , financial secretary; Tarence Gillaugh, right supporter of the noble grand; Melvin Charles, left supporter of the noble grand; Robert Bullen, chaplain. Howard Fenner, right scene supporter; Charles Rheubert, left scene supporter; Richard Moffett, inside guardian ;Paul Townsley, outside guardian; Chester Butler, right support­ er to the vice grand; Robert Van Tress, left supporter to the vice grand. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, 10 a . m. , Sunday School, classes for all ages; 11:00 a . m. , Morning Wor­ ship, " B a t t l e of Jerich o ." 6:15 p.m.,_ Young People's Fellowship Hour; 7:15, organ prelude; 7:30 p.m . .Evening Worship Service, "God's De­ linquent. " Wednesday, 7:30 p . m. . Mid - Week Worship Service. JAMESTOWN METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. G .C . Reed, Pastor Sunday, 9:15 a. m ., Sunday school; 10:30 a . m. , divine worship, youth day, sermon s u b j e c t , "Man, A Jig Saw Puzzle. " Wednesday, 3:45 p. m ., class in church mem­ bership; 7:00 p . m. , inter­ m e d i a t e youth fellowship; 7:30 p. m ., choir rehearsal. Deere Readers: We just returned from trac­ tor s c h o o l at the b r a n c h ouse in Columbus, filled with ideas and information on our new models. Really, these m a c h i n e s will do t h i n g s we neve r dreamed possiblq. That new c u s t o m powrtrol actually lives up to its name. And there's a big push for economy this year, it seems. Six of our new mo d e l s are e c o n o m y fuel champions. That was p r o v e d in recent N e b r a s k a tests, I'm sure you 'll be glad to know. Now that we're all filled with new information, give us a chance and we'll tell you about it. We feel now that our tractors are equipped to do you r wo r k not only b e t t e r but also easier and more cheaply. --John Evans IVANS FARM SUPFIT Dial 4-7831 - is- Buy The Norge Pair dryer washer America's _top-rated auto­ matic wa s h e r in Consumer Buyers Gu i d e . . .with dual cycle. . . five-year warranty. Exclusive H a m p e r -Door, automatic safety controls. . . with germicidal lamp. . . and four-way selective drying. 149. 95 as low as 1 3 9 .95 Smith’s Farm and Home Center Jamestown After 6 p . m. Call Frank Weller at 4-7491 Phone 45811