The Greene County Guardian, January 31, 1957

100 Receive New Minister PHILLI P MOODY, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Nag- ley, Rou t e 1, Cedarvllle, will be eighteen months old on Feb. 7. H l s m a t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s are Mr. and Mrs. M.F. McCoy, Route 3, X e n i a , and his p a t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s are Mr. and Mrs.M.C. Nagley, Route 1, Cedarville. (Nelson Creswell Photo.) At Cedarville More than 100 persons att­ ended a r e c e ption Su nday, Jan. 23, for Rev. Kenneth G. Carey, new m in is te r of the Cedarville U n i t e d Presby­ terian Church. The Rev. Mr. Carey is from Lenox, Iowa. He is a graduate of Tarkio C o lle g e and was graduated f r om Pittsburgh- Xenia Seminary in 1050. He was or da i ned and installed at Davenport, Iowa, in 1950. Rev. Carey was in the U. S. Air Fbrce four and a half ye­ ars, stationed at Wright-Pa- tterson AFB four 14 months. Hs was married' to the former Mi s s Dorothy Dale of St. Loui s* Mo., in 1948 and t h e y have a son, Kenneth, Mark, 41 /2 years old. Shower Honors Recent Bride at Bowersville Mrs. Dale Rothwell, the for­ mer Sally Deering, was hon- ' oree a t a m i s c e l l a n e o u s shower last week at the Bow­ ersville Gr a n g e Hall. Co- hostesses were Misses Delor­ ies and Shirley Rot h we 11, Mrs. Jujhita Deering, Mrs. Mabel Rolfe and Mrs. Ellen Hite. Contest winners, Mrs. Mar­ tha Hollingsworth and Miss Myrna Creamer, presented their gifts to the bride. A green and white color scheme was carried out. Guests were Mrs. Earl Mc- K e it /. i e , Mrs. John Smart, Mrs. Dean Everetts of Hills­ boro; Mrs. Dave Smith and Miss Jo Rhoades of Wasljiug- church calendar PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF CHRIST The Rev. T. L. Dooley, Pastor Sunday, 10 a. m ., Sunday- school; Morning Worship, 11 a. in., Evangelistic Service, 7:30 . Wednesday, Pray­ er Meeting and Bible Study, 7:30 p. m . ; F r i d a y , Youth Service, 7:30 p.m. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Cedarville, Ohio The Rev. Harry Cole, Pastor Sunday, February 3, 10:00 a. in., Sunday School with classes for all ages; 11:00 a. m ., Morning Worship, the Lord's Su p p e r will be ob­ served, Communion Medi­ tation by the pastor; Nursery care and Jr. Church provided for babies and children. The right hand of fellowship will be extended to new mem­ bers. 6 :15p .m ., Ba p t i s t Young People's Fellowship Hour, film, "Shield of Faith" 7:15 p.m. , Organ prelude by Mr. Warren Webber; 7:30 p .m ., Ev e n i n g Servi ce, i ^ x. BRANDS OF V T MEET CX/CDV MCCh T TO EET EVERY NEED Boy Minister Due at Ross The Rev. Franklin E. Gray, the boy preacher of Frankfort, O ., will preach at the Ross Chapel AME Church Sunday at 7 p.m . Every one is invited to hear the yount; ministe r CLASSIFIED LOST- -Beagl e hotfnd pup. About 4 mos. old. Black and white. Answers to "Duke. ” Reward. Phone 4-7541, FOR SALE--Used electric pump, hot water heater, 52 gal. 4-8395. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dm K im * cmmty G U A R D IA N JANUARY 31,1957 Page THREE BOY - - f o r Rev. and Mrs. Harold Cassady, Dayton. The baby was born Jan. 24 at The Good Sa/naritan Hospital in Dayton. The baby, the Cas- s a d y ’s first, w e i g h e d six pounds and thirteen ounces and has been named Harold David. Rev. Cassady is min­ ister to the F i r s t Ba p t i s t Church in Jamestown. GIRL--For Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of Cedarville, Route 2. The baby was born Sunday at the Greene Memorial Hos­ pital. GIRL--Born S u n d a y at the Greene Memorial Hospital to ton C.H. ;Miss Carolyn Jean J o n e s of Xenia; Mrs. Mary Seaman, Miss Ruth Meddock, Mrs. E l i z a b e t h Beard and Miss Janet Spurgeon of Bow­ ersville; Mrs. Donna John­ ston, Mrs. Mildred Hughes, Miss Eleanor Hamman, .Mrs. Goldie Jette and Mrs. Edith T h omp s o n and Patti Jo of Sabina; Mrs. Grace Mason, Mrs. Ve r l e Marshall, Mrs. Helen Gustafson, Mrs. Ella Stephens, Mrs. Richard Har­ graves, Mrs. Orland Reed, Mrs. Austin Bell and Connie, Mrs. Hol l i ngswor t h, Mrs. Maud Hargrave, Miss Cream - er, Miss Frances Creamer, Mrs. Helen Earley and Diane and Miss Bonnie Rothwell BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION BEVERLY MILLER was hon­ ored with a birthday party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miller, New Jasper. Bever l y was 13 on Jan. 19. Records and games were p l a y e d and refresh­ ments were served. Guests s hown are Becky Turner, Be ve r l y Pickens, Carol, Sesslar, Sandra Flax, Cheryl Ewing, Ruth Ann Mi- chell, Sandy Smith, Margar­ et Brown, JoAnn Miller, Jun­ ior Howard, Glenn George, Bill Swaim.Paul Pitzer, Jim­ my Garringer, David Shaw, Jeff Powers and Charles Bing- amon. Other guests were Margar­ et Carter, Mel Miller, Shir- ey Shaw, Bub Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bereli Smith and - Connie. FOR Effective Flu, Pneumon­ ia, Foot Rot treatment, use Penicillin-Streptomypin in­ jectable. HEIFNER’S PHAR- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sipe of MACY. Cedarville, Route 2.______ Eastern Star Event F e b r u a r y meeting of the J a m e s t o w n Order of the Ea s t e r n Star will be held Thursday, Feb. 14. This will be the n i g h t for initiation services and all members are urged to attend, ___ Mrs. Ma r t h a Hargrave of Bowersville and Mrs. Marie Boysel were the dinner guests of their mother, Mrs. May ■Ellis of J e f f e r s o nville , i R R n n u n n k i VENARI) THEATER W. Washinfton St. Jtm ettowB , O. Prefen!*: SATURDAY NIGHT THIS ISLAND EARTH Jeff Morrow-Faith Domergue SUNDAY AFTERNOON & SUNDAY ANNIE GET TOUR GUti Betty Hutton-Howard Keel Congregational Singing, spe­ cial music and a Bible mes­ sage by the pastor. Wednes­ day. 7:30 p.m. , Mid-Week Service of Praise, Prayer and Bible study. CHURCH OF CHRIST The Rev. W.R. Golden, Pastor Sunday, 9:30 a. m ., Bible school; 10:30 a .m ., morn­ ing worship, The Lord's sup­ per; 7:00 p.m. , youth groups, young people (13 years and up) and the Jet C a d e t s for Christ (6 years to 12 years); 8:00 p. m ., Sunday evening services. Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. , teen-age p l a n n i n g meeting; 8:00 p. m. , Bible study; 9:00 p .m ., choir re­ hearsal. JAMESTOWN METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. G. C. Reed, Pastor Sunday, 9:15 a. m ., Sunday school; 10:30 a .jn .. Divine wo r s h i p , , sermon subject, "The AwM Truth"; 6:00 p. m ., youth fellowship; 7:00 p .m ., Tw e n t y Plus Class, speaker, Mr. Vaughn Lewis, t o p i c , "Gossip. " Monday, 8:00 p .m ., Greene County Br o t h e r h o o d will meet at Cedarville. Wednesday, 7:00 p .m ., youth fellowship; 3:45 p .m ., Class in Church Mem­ b e r sh ip; 7:30 p. m ., choir rehearsal. Phone Society News THE GUARDIAN 4-5091 Leaders Class Of Friends Church The Le a d e r s Class of the Jamestown F r i e n d s Church met last Friday night in the church annex. A covered dish supper was held followed by a business meeting in charge of Louise Skyles, president. Mrs. Leonard Conner was ,in charge of d e v o t io ns. A social hour was enjoyed. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Mack Brown and sons. Villa Chaffin, Mr. and Mrs. Leo­ nard C o n n e r , Mrs. Myrtle Fenker, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Knick, Mrs. Della Paullin, Miss Lelia P a u l l i n , Miss Louise Skyles, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Swigart, Mrs. Lenna Fields, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Long and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chaffin. Valentines Day Is Only Two Weeks Away! Order Your Flowers Early Cut Roses .Bouquets .Pot Plants .Corsages The Flower Shop Pho C e d a r v i l l e n e 6 2 2 1 EAT OUTOFTEN We Cater to Private “Prideof the West” * “Green Gold” ■BAND BBAND Xenia Farmers Exchange Co Jamestown Phone 4-4471 Fine Food at Family Prices CURLEY'S RESTAURANT Jamestown 9 D INVENTORY CLEARANCE Starts THURSDAY, tome In early! GIBBS HDWE. Ohio Dial 4-4911 "SERVING GREENE COUNTY EOR 21 YEARS" i