The Greene County Guardian, February 14, 1957
library Cedarville College Cedarville, Ohio 2 /5 5 HOSTESSES FOR GARDEN MEET... HOSTESSES- - J a m e s t o wn ’s three garden clubs today are p l a y i n g hostess to more than 130 gardeners from southwest Ohio as District 16 of the Ohio Association of Gar den Clubs meets here. Pr e s i d e nts of the local organizations. Mrs. Norman Linton, president of the Ve r d e J a ; Mrs. Russell Haines, president of the Multi-Flora club; and Mrs. R. L. Haines, p r e s i d e n t of the Garden Club, discuss plans for the event. Mrs. Meeks 150 EXPECTED Dies Sunday Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday fo r Mrs. L u c i n d a Terry Meeks who died Sunday afternoon at her C e d a r v i l l e home after an i l l n e s s of eight years. She was 82 years old. The Rev.G.L. Winans, pas tor of the Cedarville Metho dist Ch u r c h , officiated at the services conducted at the M c M i l l a n Funeral Home. Bu r i a l followed in Yellow Springs. Mrs. Meeks had been a re sident of Cedarville for the past six years but she was a native of Richmond, Ky. She was a member of the Meth odist Church there. • Surviving is her hus band, Charles Meeks; a son, Edward of Dayton; a brother, Morris Bur t on of Richmond, Ky . ; and five grandchildren, Mrs. Lucille Boger, Indianapolis Andy Me e k s , Alpha; Mrs Thomas Hamilton, Yellow Springs; Mrs. Robert Parke Dayton; and Miss Jean Meeks of Cedarville. W. L. Cline Final tribute was paid Mon day to Wi l b u r L. Cline, a leading figure for many years i n Bowersville educational and uovernmental circles. M r. C l i n e died at the age o f 7 7 a t h is h o me on the NewHope Road near J a m e s town Friday at 7 p . m . Hi s death followed a y e a r - l o n g illness wh i c h had placed him in the critical ist for the past ix months, j e r v i c e s were conducted from the Powers F u n e r a l Home with burial following in Bowersville’s Woodlawn Cemetery--a plot ’ that Mr. Cline helped to plan when he was a member of the Jef ferson Township trustees. Mr. Cline, born the son of Ma d i s o n and Anna Gerard Gardeners Converge On Village Today De c o r a t i o n s built on the Valentine theme will greet the members of garden clubs from a five-county area as they roll into Jamestown to day for a district meeting. More t h a n 130 ladies are e x p e c t e d to gather at the Jamestown Methodist church for a meeting of District 16 of the Oh i o Association of imtowmLeads In New Phones Jamestown led the area in the installation of new te le phones during 1956, the Ohio Bell T e l e p h o n e Company reports. Du r i n g last year 30 new connections were made here to make the total o u t l e t s 961. Cedarville added five pho n e s f ora total of 722. And Bowersville i n c r e a s e d by 7 outlets to bring the to tal to 284. Dead at 77 Cline near Bowersville, was clerk of the board of educa tion when the present Jeffer son High school was built. Mr. C l i n e attended Ohio Northern Un i v e r s i t y and taught at the Orchard Grove School near Bowersville for two years. He served as clerk of Camp No. 4 9 7 7 of the Mo d e r n Woodsmen of America for 42 y e a r s . He was also a member of the Bowersville Methodist Church where he taught S u n d a y school and served as superintendent for a number of yeaft. Mr. C l i n e was born April 20, 1879. On Nov. 5, 1902 he married Ethel Gano who survives him. Ot h e r survivors are a son, Carl R. Cline of Knollwood two brothers, Stephen of near Bowersville and Charles of B o we r s v i l l e ; four grand - children and s e v e n great grandchildren. A sister, Elva preceded him in death. Garden Clubs. The t h r e e local g a r d e n clubs, the Jamestown Garden Club, the Multi-Flora, and the Verde-Ja, are acting as hostesses for .this meeting-- the first of its type to be held here. Sessions will last throughout the day with registration cf gue s t s in the morning fol lowed by a panel discussion of gardening problems. Highlight of the afternoon session will be a speech by Carlton Lees, horticulturist with the Kingwood C e n t e r at Mansfield. The regional director, Mrs. Gorden Shepherd of Xenia, will preside over the meet ing of the g a r d e n e r s from G r e e n e , Clinton, Warren, H i g h l a n d , and Madison counties. Jamestown's Garden Cl ub members will s e r v e coffee to the guests as they register. The Multi-Flora me mb e r s were responsible for the table decorations and the Verde Ja gardeners prepared the table favors. Mrs. G. C. Reed, the wife of the Me t h o d i s t minister h e r e , will offer the devo tions. Heart Sunday Slated Here Heart Sunday is Feb. 24 in Jamestown, Co - Ch a i r ma n Earl Gerard and Richard Dab ney of the Heart Fund drive announced this week. Volunteer workers will can vass the village that after noon for contributions to the fund f i g h t i n g the nation’s n umb e r one killer, heart disease. Mrs. Ra l ph Geishas been named the c a p t a i n in the Hornberger addition. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson will take the a r e a e»ist of Limestone street while Kenneth Fields has everything west of Lime stone. C h a r l e s James is in charge of Adams and Nelson streets. the g r e ene c oun t y GUARDIAN VOL II NO 7 JAMESTOWN, OHIO FEBRUARY 14, 1957 10 CENTS Students TOP JEFFERSON Talk Out Rams May Face Problems i 7 < i • t p * l Eagles in finals Students hashed over their problems in a panel discus sion at a novel session of the Cedarville Parent-Teachers Association Monday night. The panel was composed of two m e mb e r s of the three1 uppe r classes in the school and Kent Creswell acted as moderator. S e n i o r s on the panel were Lois Thayer and Don Flax, juniors were Kay Murphy and John Bell, and s o ph o m ore representatives were J o e l l e n Stokes and Thomas Gunsauley. The students h a s h e d over the composition of the stu dent senate, a proposition to lengthen the 40-minute lunch period to an hour, and the merits of the recently in iti ated detention system. Parents and teachers in the audience joined in the dis cussion from the floor with suggestions and que s t i ons . Most P T A ' e r s agreed the meeting was a stimulating one and plans are in the mill for a similar program at a future session. Panel m e mb e r s felt that the s t ud e n t senate should have representatives with a longer tenure of office and should have more authority. Anote of dissent was sounded over the first come-first serve method of scheduling social events. The s t ud e n t s and school officials agreed that it would be h e l p f u l to lengthen the l u n c h period to an hour to help alleviate cafeteria jams and also g i v e s t uden t s a chance to make it home and back for meals. With the new detention sys tem, i n i t i a t e d mainly to combat t a r d i n e s s , panel members suggested that new rules be explained fully to the student body before they are put in effect. Jamestown and vicinity this week reels in the grip of the annual fever spread by tour nament basketball. T h i s is t h e big year for Greeneview, fans are hop ing, The Rams knotted for the league title and Tuesday night knocked off Bowersville Jefferson 73-59 in opening- r ound play of the G r e e n e County tournament. Playing before a capacity c r owd at the Xenia Field Ho u s e , Coach Fred Long's charges left little doubt from the start of the ball game, It was a Ram victory all the way. Greeneview jumped off to a 14-7 first-quarter advan t a g e , led by 38-23 at the half, 63-32 at the third quar ter mark and kept on pouring in p o i n t s through the final frame. With the Jefferson defense collapsing around big Jerry Hill, Ram center, Forward Jack Franklin collected the high Greeneview total of 19 points. Hill still managed to sink 15. Marshall poured in 17 for the Tigers. This means the Rams will meet the winner of the Ce- d a rv ille -Y e llow S p r i n g s game - - s l a t ed tonight--on Saturday evening at 8 o 'clock. Bryan High's B u l l d o g s are favored to take that contest. The I nd i a ns of Cedarville, however, aren't counted out too soon. That team, carry ing the solid backing of its fans despite a poor showing on the season, has the poten tial of running hot in tour nament play. Bellbrook, which defeated Greeneview in the G r e e n e C o u n t y League and forced the l o o p into a tie, is ex p e c t e d to wind up against the Rams in the finals. RAM ROOTERS- CHEERING CLAMOR for the crown -bound Greeneview Rams is led by a quartet of cheerleaders who this week unveiled a new banner for the Jamestown high school as thS county tournament opened. Cheer directors are, from left, Becky Glass, Maxine Swaney, Sharon Rogers, and Margaret Car ter. (Guardian Photo). Bellbrook stopped Xenia St. Brigid Tuesday night while Xenia East thumped Spring V a l l e y . That mean’s Bell- b r o o k ' s Golden Eagles ^nd the Panthers of X e n i a East t a n g l e Thursday at 9 p.m . The wi n n e r goes into the finals. So does the winner of Sat- u r da y n i g h t ' s g a m e of Greeneview a g a i n s t either Yellow Springs or Cedarville. Results: GREENEVIEW--Franklin, 5- 9-19; Ferguson, 5 -1 -11 ; M il ler, 1 -0 -2 ; Faulkner, 1-^- 6; Bradds, 2 -2 -6 ; Hill, 5 -5 - 15; Howa r d , 4- 0- 8; Cart wright, 1 -0 -2 ; Patterson, 2- 0-4; Totals, 26-21-73. JEFFERSON--Guthrie, 0- 2- 2; Gustafson, 4 -3 -1 1 ; Mar shall, 4 -9 -1 7 ;’Hineman, 1- 2-5; Brown, 6 -3 -1 5 ; Galla gher, 0- 2- 2; Williams, 3 -0 - 6; Ferguson, 1 -0 -2 ; Totals, 19-21-59. By quarters: Greeneview 14 38 63 73 Jefferson 7 23 32 59 R. G ilbert,6 6 , Funeral Today S t e v e n Raymond Gilbert, the f a t h e r of Capt. E. L. Gilbert of Cedarville, died Sunday at his son's home in Cedarville. He was 66 years old. F u n e r a l S e r v i c e s were scheduled for T h u r s d a y in Yates City, 111., where Mr. Gilbert resided before com ing to l i v e with his son at Cedarville in 1955. A retired steam fitter, Mr. Gilbert was born March 26, 1890, in Kansas. He was a m e m b e r of the Ma s o n i c Lodge at Yates City, 111. Surviving, in addition to his son, is a s e c o n d son, Stephen Richard G i 1b e rt of Charleston, W. V a ., a daugh ter, Mrs. Roy C h e s t n u t of Yates City; two sisters, Mrs. B e r r i l l Poorman and Mrs. Phillip Harland, Peoria, I I I ., and two brothers, Henry G il bert, Peoria, 111., and Or ville Gilbert, G l e n d a l e , Calif. Funeral arrangements were h a n d l e d by the McMillan Funeral Home of Cedarville. Area enm Call James Oliver S t e w a r t of Cedarville and James Kent Steward of Route 1, James town, were in a group of 15 Greene Countians inducted into the Army this week by the l o c a l selective service board. Welcome to Jamestown, Ohio Garden Clubbers
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