The Greene County Guardian, February 14, 1957

PAGE 4; Feb. 14,1957 the greene county GUARDIAN ways to GUARD your heart 1• See your doctor 3 * Get enough rest 5 * Ease up and rela^ Americanism ________________________Is Topic For 2 * Control your weight Advance Club Cedarville Dairymen Take First Places in County Cedarville 4 . Keep physically fit 6 . Fight heart disease he l pvour heart fund. . . help your heart Mrs. Downing Demonstrates Terrarium to Multi-Flora Mrs. Da i s y ’ Down i n g of •X e n i a showed members of J a me s tow n 's- Multi-Flora Garden Club how to make a terrarium at the club's meet­ ing last week at Curley's. After the demou s t r a t i on The Greene County GUARDI AN Published e v e r y Thursday of the year at 3 S. Limestone St., Jamestown, Oh i o , by Tlie Guardian Publishing Co. Gordon C. Basket! and James I. Gatten, Publishers. National advertising repre­ sentative, Weekly Newspaper Representatives and the Ohio Newspaper S e r v i c e s , Inc., 198 S. High St., Columbus, Ohio. Subscription rates: By mail in Greene County, $4. 00 per year; for other areas, $4. 50 per year; for me mb e r s of armed f o r c e s , per year; for me mb e r s of armed f o r c e s , $4.00 per year. e n t e r e d as second class ma t t e r unde r the Act of March 3, 1879, at the United States post office at James- towiij Ohio. two of the terraria were giv­ en to Mrs. Russell Haines and Mrs. Lamar Long whose num­ bers were picked in a draw­ ing. The t a b l e was decorated with Valentine appointments. Mrs. Haines, the president, c o n d u c t e d the bus i ne s s meeting. Attending were Mrs. Donald Martin and her mother, Mrs. Downing, guests of the club; Mrs. Haines, Mrs. Richard Dill, Mrs. Kay Dean, Mrs. Fred Morr, Mrs. David Harp­ er, Mrs. Lamar Long, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Russell Flax, Mrs. Robert Garringer, Mrs. Carl Yoder, Mrs. Fred Rambo, Mrs. Leland Smith, Mrs. Chester Knox, Mrs. Dale Atley, Mrs. Robert O'Bryant, Mrs. Lawrence S p ah r , and Mrs. Max Powers. Its A ..,, BOY--Born Feb. 7 at Haines Ho s p i t a l to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Conkel, Jamestown. The baby we i g h e d seven pounds and three ounces and has been named Anthony Ray. Mrs. C o n k e l is the former Patty Palmer. Me mb e r s of Jamestown's Advance Club selected A- mericanism when they met l a s t we e k at the home of Mrs. Charles Reeder. The president, Mrs. Roy Powers, presided and led the club in g i v i n g its prayer. Mrs. Ralph G e o r g e read a verse on Americanism. Four­ teen members answered the roll with m i s c e l l a n e o u s quotations. Mrs. Braden Smith read a paper entitled, "Our Amer­ ican Indians. Mrs. John Fer­ guson took for her subject, "The Loyalties of Ameri­ cans. " She covered a num­ ber of American heritages. Mrs. Ralph Geis sang the b e a u t i f u l " I nd i a n Love Call. " She was accompanied by Mrs. William Henry who was a guest of the club. C e d a r v i l l e d a i r y men "walked away with top honors at last week's meeting of the Greene County Dairy Service Board. County Agent E. A. Drake, reported that first place hon­ ors in all t h r e e production classes went to the 19-cow herd of Paul T o w n s l e y of Cedarville Township. His herd was first with an average of 498 pounds of fat and 12, 756 pounds of milk per cow. He a l s o held the h i gh c ow in f a t with 714 pounds and in milk with 18, - 640 pounds. Herbert Fields and Sons, a l­ so of Cedarville Township, took second place in the herd c o n t e s t with an average of 494 pounds of butterfat and 12, 783 pounds of milk. In election of officers Glenn Hamer was re-elected for a two-year term as a director from C a e s a r c r e e k as was notes from New Jasper La u r i s Straley from Cedar­ ville Township. Darrell Fer­ guson was elected to succeed Neal Beard in Jefferson. In other events of the annual membership meeting, Mark Bingamon of Ross Township reported that 67 herds were in the county production test­ ing program including 35 on Dairy Herd I m p r o v e m e n t A s s o c i a t i o n t e s t , 26 on owne r - s ampl e r and six on advanced registry. Robert Fudge of Jamestown reported that the county has been designated a modified accredited area free of tuber­ culosis for three years. Ano­ ther brucellosis and tubercu­ losis test is slated in June, he said. Me mb e r s of the Ha ppy Workers 4-H Club of Cedar­ ville, under the direction of Mrs. Ma r y Mott, provided entertainment for the m eet­ ing wh i c h was held at the Tecumseh School. W SCS Meets TheWSCSofthe Cedarville Methodist Church met Wed­ nesday evening at the home of Mrs. G e n e Winans with Mrs. Tom Harner, the pre­ sident, conducting the busi­ ness meeting. Mrs. James Florence gave the devotions. The program "Whom Shall I Send?” was in c h a r g e of Mrs. Charles Pflaumer. She was assisted by Mrs. C a r l Ritenour and Mrs. Marvin Agnor. Refresh­ ments were s e r v e d by Mrs, John Mills, Mrs. Ethel Mc- Callister and Mrs. Winans. Joe's Taxi Dial Cedarville 6-4021 FREE Available Now By Mrs. EARL WOOLEY Phone 2-3851 The Re v . and Mrs. John C o l l i n s and family had as their guests Sunday the par­ ents of Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Dinner Party For Verde -Ja The February m e e t i n g of the V e r d e - Ja Garden Club was h e l d in the form of a Valentine's party at Curley's last week. The t h r e e table arrange­ me n t s were made by Mrs. Boyce Moore, Mrs. Harold P i c k e r i n g and Mrs. Frank Jones. A Valentine card ex ­ change was held for secret pals. The group worked on favors for the district meet­ ing which is their share of the preparations. P r e s e n t we r e Mrs. Paul Dennis, Mrs. William Ewing, Mrs. Ro b e r t Fudge , Mrs. Wendell Garringer, Mrs.Earl Gerard, Mrs. Frank Harris, Mrs. Max Heifner, Mrs. Ted Heil, Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. Norman Linton, Mrs. Boyce Moore, Mrs. Robert Parker, Mrs. Harold Pickering, Mrs. John Queses, Mrs. Roger Rit­ enour, Mrs. Emerson Ward and Mrs. Ralph Wilson. There were two guests at the party, Mrs. Dale Rous h and Mrs. Delbert Fowler. Mrs. Ben Kooger of Batavia, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford and f a m i l y had for Sunday gue s t s Mr. and Mrs. Don S m i t h and family and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Smith. The WSCS of the New Jas­ per Methodist Ch u r c h met recently at the home of Mrs. Ross Houston in Xenia. Four­ teen m e mb e r s and t h r e e guests were present. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Hattie Wilson and the program was in charge of Mrs. Myron Fudge. Re­ freshments were s e r v e d by Mrs. Hou s t o n and her co ­ hostesses, Mrs. F ud g e and Mrs. E.M. Baughn. 1957 "Edition Sherwin- Williams 1, 000 Home Decorating Hints Home Decorator ADAMS- THUMA CO. Jamestown Ph, 4-9631 The New J a s p e r Do-Ettes met recently at the home of Mrs. Delmer Matthews. Ele­ ven members were present. The Greene County Home Demonstration Leaders held an all-day m e e t in g at the NSw J a s p e r Me t h o d i s t * 1 Church. Mrs. Philip Buck of Xenia and Mrs. Oscar Jenks of New Jasper and Mrs. Mary Harris of Fairborn were the leaders in charge. Ademonstration of cleaning rugs and floor coverings was given. start pigs f a s t . . . grow ’em fast . . . with Farm Bureau Starter Feeds -------------— ----------------— ----------— i Special Combination FEED and FEEDER OFFER! 50 lbs. Farm Bureau Pig Starter Pellets and • Pig Creep Feede r . . . only $4.50 T Ihe profit balance Is in your favor when you feed baby pigs Farm Bureau Pig Starter Pellets. They start faster, and gain faster. And more stay alive. For a limited time, we’re making this spe­ cial combination offer, because we’d like for you to see for yourself the gains you can make. One Pig Creep feeder handles entire litter; hangs on pen or sets oh floor. Helps pigs start earlier On dry feed, top quality 24- ga. galvanized steel construction. Wt. 7 lbs. GREENE COUNTY FARMBUREAU CO-OP ASSN. _ XENIA Bellbrook Ave. & Walnut S t Xenia, O. Ph, 2-3541 BOWERSVILLE