The Greene County Guardian, February 14, 1957

th e jgw n e county GUARDIAN February 14,1957 Page BARD OF MT. TABOR Poet Picks Rams for Tourney Guardian Classified Here is the 24th annual offering of Leroy Hollings- wo r t h , the "Bard" of Mt. T a b o r , who attempts to prophesy the outcome of the Greene County Class "B" Cage Tourney held in the Xenia Field House. VIEWING THE TOURNAMENT The t o u t n ame n t point of view, Is often feebly guessed. Never exactly we knew No o n e is blessed. t h a t mu c h The fifty-seven teams, Are all to be relied. A task to me, it seems, Two dozen times we've tried. Suggestions come galore Telling of what to do. Eight teams we must explore To b r i n g some light to view. Cedarville College Students Find Busy Time Off-Campus Cedarville College students with the older boys and girls are busy both on and' off the and report a good attendance campus. at most meetings. Reports from the practical Teams of college students work department of the col- also are v i s i t i n g old folks lege show that there are 12 homes, hospitals, jails and Bible clubs reaching 115 boys helping in churches, and girls in Xenia, Cedar- T h e r e are also mu s i c al ville, F a i r b o r n , Dayton, groups, both vocal and in- S p r i n g f i e l d , and Yellow s t r um e n t a l , available to Springs. c h u r c h e s and other groups There are 24 teachers en- for t l a s k i ng , gaged in this work. The Pioneer Girls and the Boys’ B r i g a d e are working Improvement dub Meets The February r q e e t i n g o f . the Rural Improvement Club was held Feb. 6 at the home of Mrs. Robert Kieth in Day- ton. Mrs. Braden Smith read a paper e n t i t l e d , "Facts on Food, " and Mrs. Fred Lewis chose " Ho r s e and Buggy Days" for her subject. There were fourteen mem­ bers and one guest p r e s e n t at the meeting. They were, Mrs. Mark Bingamon, Mrs. Paul Blankenship, Mrs. My­ ron Fudge, Mrs. Paul Gar- ringer, Mrs. Frank Glass, Mrs. C h a r l e s Leach, Mrs. Fred Lewis, Mrs. O. T. Marshall, Mrs. Earl Murry, Mrs. Bra­ den Smith, Mrs. Ralph Spahr, Mrs. Co r a S t . John, Mrs. Ro s c o e T u r n e r and Mrs. William Ewing. The March meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Leach. 4-H’ers See Selves In Motion Pictures Third s e s s i o n of the 4-H Tractor Maintenance C l ub was h e l d last week at the shop of J o h n A. Eva ns in Jamestown. The leaders, Guy and Carol -Jamestown, Smith, discussed the func­ tioning of an internal com­ bustion engine. Movies were s hown of the club's recent trip to Moline, 111. Another meeting was sched - uled this week. It's nineteen fifty-seven A task we have in view. It's seven, come eleven, But that will never do. It's a one point decision Can always stay we tried. It's giore Or less a vision With records laid aside. So with "proverbial" care For those who disagree "Class we must compare And wait for things to see. A winner, we try to choose With tension on the wane The ups, have things to lose, The downs, have things to gain. Just what we have in view No one could ever guess, We go along with "Greene- view" And that we must confess. "Bryan"has a pondered look For Bryan is plenty good, We lean a bit for "Bellbrook" And wonder if we should. It's speed for "Xenia East" And that we must admit Jefferson's hope increased With recent strides to hit. It'shard to change the views When records fill the mind "Cedarville" will pay just dues Co u l d feebly crash the line. "St. Brigid" so to speak Could set a blinding pace, " S p r i n g Valley" slightly weak Is always in the race. Wi t h t h i s t h e "Bard" is through, And "Views" all complete. To me it's "Greeneview" Down at the county seat. FOR SALE FOR S AL E - -Dearborn gas heater, 65,000 BTU, ther- mo s t a t , $ 6 5 . 4-9511 or 4-9431 after 6. 2t-2/14-2/2’ Red Cross County Goa! Is *34 ,273 G r e e n e County's quota in the Red Cross funds drive has been pegged at $34, 273—an increase of $1, 653 over the originally announced quota. The addition will be the county's share of the nation­ al budget for disaster funds in the mid-south flood area. These additions will elimin­ ate the n e e d for a special fund drive. Meanwhile, scores of vol­ unteer workers are being en­ listed in the county for the fund drive which will be held in March. I n c l u d e d in the township captains are Mrs. D. B . Pag- ette, and Mrs. James Beam, Caesarcreek Township; Mrs. J o h n Bul l and Mrs. Joseph F l a t t e r , Cedarville Town­ ship; Mrs. Orval Labig, Je f­ fe rso n v ille Township; Mrs. Arthur Bahns and Mrs. Oscar Jenks, New Jasper Township; and Howard N. Girce, Ross Township. NAME BABY Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gor­ man, Jamestown, Route 1, have named their new daugh­ ter, Linda Lou. She was born Feb. 5 at Haines Hospital in PIPERAZINE WATER wormer for hogs and poultry, Safe, simple and economical to use. Only $ 1 2 .45 a gal. HEIFNER’S PHARMACY — *------------------------------- ' DIAMOND JIM--5 2 " char­ coal grey gelding; 3 1 /2 yrs. Blaze & hind stockings. Un­ usual disposition. Good con- f o r m a t i o n . Green broke, g e n t l e . Ready to train for anything; ^Western, English, cutting. Price: $375. Wanted, quarter horse mare or filly. Dr. J. Carl Brewer, RR 4. Box 803, Loveland, O. 2t - 2/ 7- 2 /14. Card of Thanks The family of Arthur (Tom) Houser wishes to express their guardian ______________________________ Classified 1957 Officers Named for % Une’ onetime Two times, 110. Three times, 100. Four times, 90. Minimum: 300. CALL 4-5091 County’s 4-H Council The G r e e n e County 4-H C l u b Council at their first m e e t i n g of 1957, elected the following officers for the coming year; President, Guy Smith; Vice-President, Eddie Hawkins; Secretary, B e t t y Schweibold; Treasurer, Mon­ roe Pyles. The council con­ sists of two representatives from each of twelve town­ ships. Mr. Smith reported on the election of council members for the four southern town­ ships as follows: Spring Val­ ley; Mrs. W. E. Hadeler and J e s s e Sanders; Sugarcreek, Mrs. Herbert Starbuck and Everett Gregg; Jefferson, Mrs. Wilfred McDonald and Russ­ ell Pickering; Caesarcreek, Mrs. Donald Hurley and Fred Van Tress. The following committees were named: Enrollment and Leadership, Pa u l Stafford, Fred Van Tress, Mrs. Floyd L i m i n g and Mrs. Donald Brannum;Health and Safety, Mary Mott, Mrs.W.E. Hade­ ler, Russell Pickering, Mrs. Franklin Boots; 4-H Camp, Eddie Hawkins* Mfs. Herbert Starbuck and Mrs. Do n a l d Hu r l e y ; Home Economics, Mrs. Herbert Starbuck, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Mrs. Wil­ fred McDonald andMrs.E.B. S c h w e i g o l d ; Agriculture Committee, Howard Paxson, Everett Gregg, Guy Smith, and Carl Pickering; Conces­ sions Stand, Mrs. Amy Jo ­ hannes, Mrs. Donald Braq- num and Jesse Sanders. It was announced that the 4-H Advisors Banquet would be held T u e sd a y evening, March 5, 6:30 p.m. at the Trinity Methodist Church. The c o u n c i l named Lois T h a y e r and Kenneth Davis to a t t e n d the State Junior Leader Award Conference in March. Hugh Morris, a s s o c i a t e county agent, gave the fol­ lowing summary of the 1956 club year - 1093 members, 74 4-H Clubs, 90 °lo comple­ tion, 1471 p r o j e c t s , 224 J u n i o r Campers, 57 Senior C a mp e r s , 67 4-H Junior , Le a de r s , 135 attended the Advisors Recognition Banquet, 400 the 4-H Officer Training, Meeting and 415 the county picnic. Top Prices Paid For Poultry Need Hens Now ROBERT RHODES Charleston HObart 28291 Ross Champs 4-H Club Attracts 21 The t h i r d meeting of the Ross Champs 4-H club was held at the home of Mike, Dave and Bobby Haugh last week with 21 members pre­ sent. Guy Smith discussed going to C o l umb u s on farmer’s week and it was decided to go the week of March 20. Refreshments were served. The next meeting is March 7 at the h o me of V i c t o r Stroup. VENARD THEATER W. Washington St. JsmeiWw i, O. P retests: SATURDAY Ain't Misbehavin' Rory Calhoun-Piper Laurie Jack Carson SUNDAY The Man Who Knew Too Much James Stewart-Doris Day 6 A S m OI L Tires-Batteries Washing Lubrication Accesories Gumm and Bradds SERVICE STATION State 72 at Selma Pike »» HOG BOXES Hog Box, 6 x 7 $ 5 2 .5 0 Box, 7 x 14 (without floor) $125 (with floor)...... ...... .............. $135 COLONY HOUSE, two 8 x 16 houses joined together .Will accomodate six brood sows. $ 3 4 5 L.R. Jacobs Yellow Springs Clifton Pike Telephone 7-9321 make King Tractor Your Equipment Center for FORD NEW IDEA New Holland Sales - Service King Tractor Sales 115 Hill St. Xenia Phone 2-6161 appreciation for the ma n y acts of kindness and the many beautiful f l owe r s received during the death and illness of their loved one. OBITUARY Edna Blanche Little, daugh­ ter of George A. and Luetta F. Little was born in Silver- creek Township at the home of her maternal grandparents on F e b r u a r y 25, 1892 and d e p a r t e d this life at 2:30 a. m. on January 23, 1957 at her h o m e near Gr a p e Grove, in a room which was a part of the house in which her parents established their first home in 1887. At the p a r s o n a g e of the Grape Grove Church on Oct. 17, 1917, she was united in m a r r i a g e with Millard K. R i t e n o u r with whom she faithfully trod life's pathway for almost 40 years. To this union were born three child­ r e n : a son who died in in­ fancy in 1918, Anna Louise McKnight of Camp Denni­ son, Ohio, and Susan Isabel Babik of Killeen, Texas. On February 18, 1908, she u n i t e d with the church of Christ, worshipping at Grape Grove, being baptized into Christ in the stream nearby on a cold winter day. To this confession she remained in­ creasingly f a i t h f u l adding those graces necessary to a- do r n a true Christian,char­ acter. She was a kind and patient wife and mo t h e r , always giving full consideration to the welfare of her loved ones. Her m i n i s t r a t i o n s to her friends and acquaintances, . especially to the s i c k and aged will long r e m a i n a hallowed memory. As Dor­ cas of old she did many things to serve others and to let her light shine for the Christ of her salvation. Although car­ ing for an invalid mother as her declining years cast their lengthening shadows across her way, she found time dur­ ing the erection of the new church to make the baptistry curtains and to drive to the city to buy the carpet. she l e a v e s to mourn her pa s s i ng , her husband, two daughters, two sons-in-law, five grandchildren, two bro­ th e rs and a large circle of o t h e r relatives and friends by all of whpm she will be sadly missed. But earth's loss is heaven's gain and as she leaves a vacant place in the old home which can never be filled, the memory of her busy and f r u i t f u l life will linger on as the fragrance of a lovely flower. As she and baby b r o t h e r linger in the Master's pre­ sence, close by an open gate awaiting our coming, may our loving heavenly Father, who marks even the sparrows fall, so d i r e c t the lives of her friends and loved ones, all of whom were so precious to her, that they may emu­ late the many good deeds of her life that they too may dwell in the house of the Lord forever. "Precious in the sight of the Lor d is t h e d e a t h of His Sain ts." ' lt-2/14 May we express our appre­ ciation to each and every one who h e l p e d in any way to bring comfort during the il l­ ness and death of our loved one. Al s o for the beautiful flowers and sympathetic words of e n c o u r a g e me n t we are most grateful. M. K. Ritenour and family.