The Greene County Guardian, February 21, 1957

Library Cedarville College Cedarville, Ohio 2 /58 the greene county GUARDIAN VOL II NO 8 JAMESTOWN, OHIO FEBRUARY 21, 1957 10 CENTS * CHURCH PLANS--Rcv. G. C. R e e d , p a s t o r of the Ja m e s 1o w n M e t h o d 1st Church, surveys new build­ ing plans with Rev. Hoover, Director of Crusades, Board of Missions, Philadelphia. (Guardian Photo.) Gives Birlh to Srcond Calf in 2 Months lime A Grape Grove farmer this week reported he has a cow that might have made his­ tory in the bovine books by giving birth to two calves in two months. The s e c o n d calf, healthy and spry, is scampering a- round the farm of Paul Man- hardt at Grape Grove. The first ca lf is apparently un­ concerned about the intrus­ ion. Manhardt's brother-in-law Mack Long, Jamestown real­ tor, reported the incident. Long bought the productive cow two mon t hs ago from W.N. Linton of Bowersville and later sold her to Mau- hardt. At the time of the purchase, the cow had just given birth to a calf. Th a t was two months ago, Long said. And then Monday night she gave birth to another heif­ er. Long said that a veterinar­ ian had said that this, to his knowledge, was unknown in the a nna l s o f veterinary medicine. H o w e v e r , the veterinarian added, it was not unique among livestock Methodists Open Canvass For Building Fund Money N e a r l y 60 solicitors have begun a campaign of the en­ tire m e m b e r s h i p of the Jamestown Methodist Church for a new additijyi. The f und -'raising crurade now in progress will be c li- m a x e d with a c a n v a ss' of members on Sunday, Mon­ day and Tuesday. Workers are being trained in three sessions by Crusade D i r e c t o r Re v . Walter E. Hoover of the Board of Na­ tional Missions of the Meth­ odist Church in Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. G .C . Reed, pastor of the c h u r c h , reports that a minimum g o a l of $50, 000 has been set and that the a- mount is sought in cash and pledges. Cedarville Zone Being Made'New Selling Intact on Farm To be Related Maps for'zoning of Cedar­ ville township now are being prepared by the newly-ap­ pointed Zoning Commission there. The group elected o f­ ficers in a meeting last week with township trustees. They a re A l b e r t Mo t t , c h a i r m a n ; Lauris Straley, vice chairman, and Nelson C t e s w e l l , township clerk, secretary. Creswell is not a member of the commission. Other members are Harold T. C o o l e y , Kent Clemans and L e o jri e l l s . James H. TUrpbull is chiarman of the Board of Township Trustees w h i c h appointed the com ­ mission. Cedar Lions Gird For Benefit Teacher Game Cedarville Lions today are w h i p p i n g themselves into s h a p e to defend their title against the high school fa c­ ulty members. The game is being staged March 1 with proceeds being earmarked for pu r c ha s e of an audiometer, a device to test hearing ability, for the high school. Record between the teachers and the Lions stands at one to nothing with the Lions on top. However, a member o f the L i ons t e a m said this w e e k "If we have another one of those t h r e e - h o u r practice s e s s i o n s we won’t livelon g e n o u g h to beat them again." Taking to the floor for the Lions will be Jim Turnbull, the coach; Roger C o l l i n s , Ha r o l d Corey, Leo Wells, John S t o v e r , Harold Stor­ mont, Fr ed Luttengerger, Jr., Jack Huffman, Dr. Mar­ tin Fuhrer, assitant coach; and Robert Willjamson, water boy. • S e e k i n g to avenge their D e c e m b e r defeat will be How New T r e n d s in Food M e rc h a nd i sing Effect the Farmer, will be discussed by M e r l e J. T h o m a s at the Greene County Farm Forum at Geyer's Restaurant, Mon­ day evening at 6:45. Thomas, who was associate agent in Greene County in 1951, is now a g r i c u l t u r a l councillor for the Kroger Co. at Cincinnati. X e n i a township members, co-chairmaned by D e l m e r Bul l and James Lundy, are a r r a n g i n g and will be in charge of the program. This wiH be good neighbor night and every member is urged to invite a neighbor, according to Ar t hur Bahns, Forum president. R e s e r v a t i o n s should be phoned to the County Agent's O f f i c e (2-3071) by Friday evening. Bowersville teachers Roger Ulsh, Robert V g m p e f | „ r L I m p s o n , P e t e r Honaker, 1 , < U , l e s V j l t l K C l y d e Walker, and Ronald McFarland. Ulsh is coaching the faculty team. Preceding the feature game will be a battle between the Clifton 6th graders and the Cedarville 7th graders. Prizes will be awarded to spectators. At the Lions'Tuesday night meeting two new members, Roger C o l l i n s and Harold Stormont, were initiated. Lions also called a special meeting for next Wednesday FeJ>. 27, at 7 p .m . to make ; final plans for the basketball j benefit. I ,1 Mrs. John W. Richardson has been named village clerk at Bowersville to replace Mrs. C h a r l e s McVey, who re­ signed. Mrs. McVey's resignation was accepted l a s t week at c o u n c i 1 meeting. She was c l e r k three years and quit the job since die has moved to Bloomingsburg. The re­ signation becomes effective at the end o f February. V i l l a g e councilmen also appointed Robert C. Shaw, former Xenia City Commis­ sioner, as village solicitor. Crackdown Ordered On Hot Rodders Here Stray Dogs, Parking Violators, Fire Chasers Included in Edict Jamestown’s village council this week issued orders for a sweeping crackdown on hot rodde r s , parking violators, fire chasers, and stray dogs. The o r d e r came out of a three and half-hour session of the village council Mon­ day night in which a sweep­ in g variety of subjects was— covered. Both Mayor Floyd E. Smith and V i l l a g e C l e r k Dean S e s s l a r called it the most productive meeting o f th e village governors in recent times. Both council mem ­ bers, hired village officials, and members of the b o a r d of public affairs took part. Village Solicitor George R. Smith Jr., outlined the legal p r o c e d u r e that allows any p r i v a t e c i t i z e n to file a c h a r g e against a motorist for the kn own violation of a traffic law. Any responsible citizen has the l e g a l right to initiate legal action against another for the k n o wn violation of the law. Smith pointed out that this could be done in the case of t r a f f i c violations--and has been worked with success in o t h e r cities. He added the main requirement was that the. reporting citizen had to s t and behind his indentifi- cation of the violator. The council suggested that this procedure be publicized. It works like this: The private citizen sees a traffic violation. He records time, place, nature of the offense and the person who committed it.«Ht~. He then c o n t a c t s either Mayor Smith or a member of the police d e p a r tme n t . The accused offender is then subject to trial on the basis of the f o r m a l charge and testimony or affidavit of the private citizen. In a d d i t i o n , councilmen instructed Ma y o r Smith to order the p o l i c e force to crack down on traffic viola­ tions of all kinds. But, they emphasized, pur­ pose of the o rd er is not to •c r ea t e a " s p e e d trap” at Jamestown. Of particular emphasis in the order was the curbing of hot r o d d i n g drivers within the village. Councilmen re­ ported n ume r o u s private complaints on this score. Also, the mayor announced that s t r i c t enforcement of the village ordinance against stray dogs is being started. According to the law, any dog, either with or without a tag, that is not within the complete control o f his own­ er is liable to be impounded. "Ohio law is very rough on dogs, " the village solicitor pointed out. "The owner is c o m p l e t e l y liable for die dog's actions under any con ­ ditions. ” Unauthorized f i r e chasers a r e a l s o a t a r g e t of the c r a c k d o w n order. Police have been instructed to arrest any person following the fire truck who is not a fireman in discharge o f his duties. In other actions, the coun­ cil; --Was t o l d that the light for the Greeneview scTTool intersection was on its way and installation s h o u l d be completed in the near future. --Was i n f o r m e d that die new sewage disposal plant is within d a y s of being ready for operation. Village Main­ tenance Chief Milton Pettit will conduct routine chem i­ cal tests required by law and •the village plans to contact o u t s i d e experts to perform the more technical testing. - -Ordered the street depart - ment to remove the mud on the dead end lane of E. Nel­ son strpet and surface it withi crushed stone. --Tabled a motion to pur­ c h a s e a two-way radio for •the police cruiser until fur­ ther investigation could be completed. - -Revoked a one -dollar fine p e n d i n g a g a i n s t Harold Thompson for illegal park­ ing. Thompson was charged with parking outside of lined zone a l l o c a t e d for meter space in a ticket issued by Police Chief Howard Wright. Village law defines that the l i n e s s h o u l d be plainly marked and Thompson con ­ tended that they were not. Councilmen agreed and or­ dered a re-painting of the lines as soon as weather per­ mits. CLUBS HERE HOSTESS 182 (kwdeners tit Jamestown Session One- hundred and eighty- two g a r d e n club members from a f i v e - c o u n t y area gathered last week at James­ town for the meeting of Dis­ trict 16, O h i o Association o f Garden Clubs. M e m b e r s of Jamestown's three g a r d e n clubs played h o s t e s s for the m eeting-- with duties that kept them so busy that most didn't have a chance to attend the ses­ sions. Also busy were the ladies of the WSCS of the James­ town Methodist church who served luncheon to the dele­ gates. Mrs. G o r d o n Shepherd of Xenia, the regional director, announced the forthcoming e v e n t s for this year. Mrs. RichardSackett, county con ­ tact c h a i rm an, conducted the meeting. In the morning, guests lis­ tened in on a panel discus­ sion covering all phases o f amateur gardening. After­ noon f e a t u r e was a speech by Carlton Lees, horticultur- Car Tag Sales New a u t o m o b i l e license tags will go on sale March 1 in the G i b b s Hardware Co. room next to Can 's Cut Rate store, W. Washington street. Mrs. Ma r y A l i c e Ward is deputy registrar for James­ town this year. ist from Mansfield. Triple h o s t e s s e s for the meeting, the first of its kind to be held in J ame s t o wn , were the members of James­ town's G a r d e n Club, The Multi-Flora and the Verde- Ja. ___ _______________: Affairs Board To Buy Gasoline. For Cedar Truck Cedafville's village fathers Monday night worked out a new procedure for financing operation of the new village truck at a brief f i n a n c i n g session. C o u n c i l has purchased a 1957three-quarter ton pick­ up up o n w h i c h they have t a k e n delivery. It will be used for maintenance work in the village. In the past, the council has paid for repair work to the village truck while the board of public affairs has paid for the gasoline and oil expenses. Under the new arrangement, all operating and mainten­ ance expenses on the truck will be paid by the board of public affairs. Attending the joint meet­ ing were Mayor Harold Spit- ler, Councilman James Cor- bean and P r e s i d e n t Jesse Chamberlain of the board of public affairs. SCAMPY He Came Home to Die Scampy worked hard for his c h a n c e to live among the people he loved. But Scampy just d i d n ' t have a chance with the speeders along the Jeffersonville pike. Scampy, of course, was a d°g- And he was a dog loved by- the Jamestown family along the road. But Scampy, after being teased once too often by a neighbor lad, nipped at the boy. It was then the family d e -' cided to move Scampy else­ where. They took him to a farm in L o g a n County, 65 miles from Jamestown, and left him. Scampy, however, was de­ v o t e d . It took him t h r e e weeks but he made it home last Wednesday morning.^- It was W e d n e s d a y after*- noon--the same day Scampy had completed his long jour­ ney f o r r e u n i o n - - t h a t a speeding motorist didn't even bother to dodge and Scampy was killed.