The Greene County Guardian, February 28, 1957
Cedar !!>: College Cedarville, Ohio 2 /5 5 HEART WAS HAD... A HEART W.AS HAD BY ALL, die c o l l e c t i o n figures on Jamestown’s Heart Sunday indicated. Volunteer wo r k e r s rounded up more than $350 for the Heart Fund in door-to- door collections here. Mrs. Clara Mauck shakes some coins from a plastic heart as the total was added up this week. It came to more than $444. (Guardian Photo.) WORKERS LAUDED Local Heart Drive Total Passes $400 m Donations to the Heart drive t i n k l e d to a total of $444. 78 in Jamestown t h i s week. Co-chairmen E a r l Gerard andRichard Dabney said that the turnout of the volunteer OwenEllison Retires Here After 19 years in the shoe business, Owen Ellison hung up his cobbler's hammer this week. The W e a r - U - W e l l shoe s t o r e on Washington street was taken over this week by Mrs. John W. Pitzer. Mrs. Pitzer has worked with Ellison for the past year. She will h a n d l e the retail end and her hus ba nd , who is a foreman at a local imple ment dealer's, will do shoe repairing in the evenings. E l l i s o n was in a similar bu s i n e s s for five years in Bowersville 1; e f o r e moving to Jamestown. Before that he farmed in Adams County. He’s planning to leave soon for a drive to' G l e n d a l e , Ariz., wh e r e his wife and daughter are now and then return to JamestoWn to live. The shoe business? "A pretty good business. " workers onHeart Sunday this week was highly gratifying. Most of the total collection came from Sunday's door-to- door canvass. School co lle c tions amounted to $67. 72. Gerard and Dabney wished to commend the following workers: B e u l a h L i t t l e , Kenneth Dennis, Mrs. Harold Break- field, Mrs. R o b e r t Fudge, Mrs. Ira Garringer, J. C. Fer guson, Helen Heifner, Mrs. Gayle Bryan, M b . Charles Leach, Mrs, Donald Glass, M b . Winifred Stuckey, Mrs. John Collette, Freda Baker, Mrs. John Parker. C e c i l Sprinkle, Joe Geis, Mary Alice Ward, Mrs. Her man Haller, Bill Evans, M b . Cecil Brown, Mrs. Carl Yo der, Clara Fay Leach, Sharan Litteral, Patty Staley, Mrs. FredRambo, John Evans, Mrs. Norman Leach. Mrs. Forest Stingley, Ken neth Mangan, M b . Roy Swa- ney, Ruth Ann Brown, Regina Reid, Charles James, Mrs. Frank Moorman, Mrs. Dora Fields, Mary Savory.______ Club to Convene The Rural I mp r o v e m e n t Club will meet Wed. March 6 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Charles Leach. Mrs. George Cline Dies At Her Jamestown Home Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday for Mrs. Eva May Boy e r Cline who died at 7:35 a. m. Tuesday morning at her home on E. Washington street in James town. She was 75 yeaB old. Death came to Mrs. Cline after an i l l n e s s of several yeaB which had been classi fied as serious for die past month. She was born the daughter of MaBhall and Alice Lucas B o y e r on May 8, 1881 in Fayette County. Mrs. Cline was a member of the F r i e n d s Chu r c h of Jamestown. Surviving are her husband, George Edward Cline; a sis ter, Mrs. Glenn Brock, Jef- feBonville; a brother, Morris Boyer, also of JeffeBonville. One son p r e c e d e d her in death. The Rev. F r a n k J. Long, pastor of die Friends Church here, officiated at the fun- eral and interment followed in the Jamestown cemetery. Powe r s F u n e r a l Home handled arrangements. the greene county GUARDIAN VOL n NO 9 JAMESTOWN. OHIO FEBRUARY 28, 1957 10 CENTS PARKING METERS BLAMED* D&C Halting Deliveries Truck deliveries to the doors ofjamestown merchants will be stopped Monday. "Up in arms" has become more than an e x p r e s s i o n . Merchants may have to take their merchandise from the D and C Transportation Co. exactly that way unless the parking meter situation here is resolved. Henry Harlow, president of the trucking line, informed all D and C freight users by letter that the door-stop ser vice will be stopped Monday. He said the Village Council's decision to make trucks feed the meters is "unreasonable." Wails of protest have arisen from truck drivers since vil lage police started enforcing a council e d i c t that trucks feed the meteB while load ing and unloading. Council members instructed Mayor Floyd E. Smith to di rect p o l i c e to m a k e the trucks pay in an action last month. Councilmen asserted that t r u c k e r s had violated l o a d i n g privileges by con suming parking space after loading had been completed. The v i l l a g e r u l e , as it stands today, is that trucks must pay the meters if they are o c c u p y i n g a metered space. Merchants here have been asked by Harlow where the trucking f i r m may deposit f r e i g h t wi t hout plugging pennies. No answer has been made. Merchants are fuming and a s t r o n g recommendation to Village Council is expected to come f r om T h u r s d a y night's session of thg James town Businessmen’s Associa tion. That group will meet at C u r 1e y 's Restaurant and the trucking situation probar bly will be agenda number one item. Mr. Harlow was not avail able to outline just what ac - tion h is f i r m will take if merchants make no answer by M o n d a y . The trucking line is o b l i g a t e d to haul freight to Jamestown because af its franchise. But merchants feel the line has the upper hand since there is no provision in the fran chise about where deliveries are to be ma d e . And poor service from the trucking line Prayer Day Here Next Wednesday Wo r l d Da y o f Prayer in Jamestown will be observed Ash Wednesday March 6, at the B a p t i s t Church at 1:30 p .m . The pu r p o s e of the World Day of Prayer is to u- nite all Christians in a bond o f p r a y e r . T h i s y e a r t h e churches of Jamestown will c e l e b r a t e this great world wide observance on the fiB t day of lent. Miss Helen Fletcher, mis sionary of the Friends Church to Kenya Africa, will be the guest speaker. She is a mem ber of the Jamestown Friends Meeting, home on a furlough to study, and Jamestown is previlegedto have her in our community where she is a- vailable to speak. The High School Chorus of 30 voices under the direction of Mr. Robert Schierloh will sing. A committee of women from each of th e churches has p r e p a r e d the program wi t h Mr s . G. C. Reed as chairman. Everyone of the community is most cordially invited to attend. Lions Seek Incorporation For Community Building by the club for the past sev eral years. Recent acquisi tion of the l a n d , largely t h r o u g h donation, brought the vision closer to reality. Now that the legal step of i n c o r p o r a t i o n has been started, the c l u b stands in full approval of the project. V a r i o u s fund -raising ideas are being considered. Howard Hasbrook, from the Dayton office of the Social Security administration, was speaker for th£ Lions Tues day night. He outlined pro cedures for business and pro fessional men in Social Se curity accounting. Jamestown Lions Club took a big step T u e s d a y night toward eventual construction of a c o mm u n i t y building. The c l u b v o t e d to incor porate. As a non-profit corporation the Lions will be legally en titled to hold property as an organization. Land for the future building is a v a i l a b l e but funds.for c o n s t r uction are yet to be raised. It is anticipated that . t he bu i l d i ng may actually c o m e into use during 1958 or 1959. Jamestown Lions have en v i s i o n e d a c omm u n i t y :tathering c e n t e r sponsored is anticipated unless cooper ative action is taken by the village. Nearly all c o m m e r c i a l freight, other than that de livered by rail, comes into the village by way of the D and C line. Mr.Harlow's letter to mer chants: "Effective March 4, 1957 we will not be able to make deliveries to your door as in the past. This is due to the parking meteB we are now supposed to feed on deliveries from our truck. "This is unreasonable and impractical for our driver to do so considering the number of stops he makes in James town each day ." "We regret this action. " P l e a s e advise where de- liveries may be m ade.. . " CEDAR TUSSLE IS TOMORROW Cedarville Lions put their unstained basketball record on the line tomorrow night for the benefit of the Ce darville High school. It's a R e t u r n match be tween the L i on s and the high school f a c u l t y that will be staged at the college gym. Proceeds from the game will go to the purchase of an audiometer, a d e v i c e to test h e a r i n g , for the high school. Prizes will be awarded at the game. Pre-feature event will be a hardwood tussle between the Clifton 6th Graders and t the Cedarville 7th Graders. The record stands at one to n o t h i n g for the Lions after they scored a victory o v e r the teachers in De cember. DELIVERY, ANYONE?... MAKING HAY in the darkness of a motor freight boycott here, enterprising Johnny Baker is toying with the idea of manually hauling freight into Jamestown. He figures that he can parlay one wheelbarrow and a set of muscles into something as local merchants face a cu t-off of doorway deliveries Monday. The D&C line, the franchised carrier here, is protesting a village edict that parking meters must be fed during loading and unloading operations. (Guardian Prayer Day at UP Church Plans have been completed for the World Day of Prayer to be held Friday, March 8 at 2 p.m. at the Cedarville United Presbyterian Church. The Church of the Nazarene m e m b e r s are in charge of the p r o g r a m , assisted by c o n g r e g ations of six other churches in the community. The Rev. J. Harold Marsh, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Xenia, will be the guest speaker. Melvin Campbell of Wil- berforce university will pre sent special music. Smoke Damages Spahr Home Considerable smoke dam age was caused Wednesday mo r n i n g at t h e home of L a w r e n c e (Bud) Spahr, S. Charleston Pk ., because of a short in the furnace blower. J a m e s t o w n firemen re s po nd e d at approximately 9 a .m . Wednesday. Spahr's report indicated at first that
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