The Greene County Guardian, February 28, 1957

;{jlotorola=Philco = l4o rg e -tlngV xou se Jamestown Phone 4-8511 Greeneview Juniors Rehearse For March Play Presentation Page 6, February 28, 1957 the prvem county GUARDIAN Rehearsals have started for the annual play produced by IT'S A ... BOY--Born Feb. 22Xt Mid- d l e t o wn to Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeHighley, 4223 Venest Avenue, Middletown, The boy, named George Walter, we i g h e d seven pounds, J5 o un c e s . The mother is the former K a t h e r i n e Rice of Jamestown and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Legg of Jamestown. Greeneview Menu Ne x t w e e k ' s me n u for Greeneview schools includes: Monday, grilled luncheon meat, mashed potatoes and s a u e r k r a u t , applesauce, bread and butter. T u e s d a y , creamed dried beef on biscuits, green beans, pears, milk, bread and but­ ter. Wednesday, Spanish rice, bu t t e r e d peas, sandwiches and o r a n g e j u i c e , milk, bread and butter. Thur sday, Pork potatoes, lettuce salad, peaches, milk, bread and butter. F r i d a y , M a c a r o n i and cheese, spinich, fruit salad and cookies, milk and rolls and butter. Betrothal Announced The e n g a g e m ent of Miss Ma r t h a Anderson of Xenia to Mr. Ro b e r t Steward of J a m e s t o wn has been an­ nounced. The b r id e - t o - b e is the daughter of Mr. Robert An­ derson of X e n i a and Mrs. Hester Barrett of Columbus. Mr. Steward is th e son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steward of Route 1, Jamestown. A wedding in May is being planned. Miss Anderson attends Xenia C e n t r a l High school. Her fiance attended J e f f e r s o n Hi gh school at Bowersville and is now e mp l o y e d by Ringer's Dairy. Debbie Has Party Debbie Lee Williamson of near Cedarville entertained a few of her friends on her sixth birthday Monday eve- n i ng at t he h ome of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boysel. Jamestown. Icecream , cake and orange pop was served. P r e s e n t were Roger Gray. Roger Hardy, Cindy Hoppel, Henry Glass, Stevie Groves, Ronda Oney, Shannon Groves, L e i s a Groves, Carol Oney, Marjorie Flax, Mary Kathryn F l a x , Sondra Williamson, Mrs. M i 1dr ed Hardy, Mrs. Mary Groves, and Mrs. Donna Gray. Grass Blaze Bowersville firemen we r e called Sunday a f t e r n o o n when a grass fire at the south - ern edge of Pa i n t e r s v i lie threatened a barn. About half an acre was burned over be­ fore the blaze was brought under control. The Jamestown American Legion Auxiliary are having a 00-00 dance in the Greene­ view North school auditorium *kAarrh R the junior class at Greene­ view High school. The t h r e e - a c t comedy. " J u s t Ducky," revolves a- round a couple of teen-agers, played by B e c k y Glass and Betty Gordin, who bollix up poppa's civic aspirations by concocting a lulu of a letter to the local lovelorn editor. Mrs. Lelia Faulkner is di­ recting the play which will be presented March 29 at 8 p. m. at the school. The cast includes Cy Moor­ man, Bonnie Stingley, Jack Sanders, Charles Humphrey, Cedar Needs Teachers C e d a r C l i f f schools will need a n o t h e r high school teacher, an additional e le ­ mentary teacher and a part- time instructor when the new school year starts, education boa r d members decided at their meeting last week. Action on e x p a n d i ng the teacher f o r c e was deferred until the March meeting of the board. Meanwhile, board members okayed advertising for bids on a new roof and other re­ pairs to the Clifton school, which is in its jurisdiction. Wo r k is p l a n n e d for this summer. The board accepted the re- s i g n a t i on of Roger Ulsh as Cedarville H i gh basketball coach. Ulsh will continue as a teacher and will coach the track and baseball teams this spring. No successor to Ulsh was named. M a r g a r e t C a r t e r , Craig . Mo o r e , Daryl Swearingen, Pat Ph i pp s , Marthana Rit- enour, and Maxine Swaney. P r omp t e r s are Charlene Shaw and Linda Sesslar. Jr. Helpers Slate Dinner The Junior Helpers of Ross Chapel A. M.E. Church will serve chicken pie, slaw and coffee for a thirty-five cent donation Sat. March 2, at the h om e of Mrs. Harry Rock- hold, E. Adams S t . , James­ town. S e r v i n g time will be be- tween 4 and 8 p. m.________ Greeneview OKs Salary Boosts Greeneview's board of edu­ cation fell in line with other school districts in this area Monday by a p p r o v i n g the recommended salary s c a l e for ijj teachers. Board members put a max­ imum of $400 annual raise limitation on the i n c r e a s e in salaries. Both Cedar Cliff and Jefferson school districts ■ recently approved the sched- ile which was recommended last year by the county office. Bids will be r e c e i v e d on March 25 for a new roof to be put on the G r e e n e v iew . North school main building. Ross Township Trustees to Apply Zoning Regulations Zoning statutes have been v o t e d into f o r c e by Ross Township trustees. Cecil Ary has been named inspector and p e r m i t s will be issued at his greenhouse in Grape Grove. Boa r d of a p p e a l s to the z o n i n g decisions, recourse for Ross residents who protest their zoning classification, is c omp o s e d of Ray Reid, Leroy- Spahr, Clarence Mott, Mark Bingamon, and Millard Ritenour.___________________ Pizza Party Tops Outing for Teens Agroup of Greeneview teen agers gathered at Tom Thu- ma's h o u s e Saturday night after the b a s k e t b a l l game for a pizza, pop, and potato chip party. Enjoyrng the chow and the song f e s t r a t e r were Judy Green, Sharon Rogers, Nan­ cy Matthews, Doris Wigal, B a r b a r a R o a c h , Donna S t e i n e r , Margaret Carter, Tom Wooley, Melvin Miller, Herman Brickel, Jim Faulk­ ner. Jerry Hill, Gary Evers and the host.______________ PERFORMANCE SP E A K S LOUDER THAN W O R D S “Drive A Little and Save A Lot” PURE PREMIUM sets 30 new performance records at Daytona Beach Tot*) numbnr of necordi now * al M l-m o f* than «iny oilier {■ For appointment after 6 p.m. call Frank Weller 4-7491 NOW, MORE THAN EVER, YOU CAN BE SURE WITH PURE The gasoline proved by performance lame stown E. Washington St. ooain and nantn Phone 4-4951 Our 500,000th PersonalizedCheckDelivered Just one year ago... ...We installed our Todd Imprinter and this week the 500,000th check imprinted on it was p r e s e n t e d to E a r l Gerard of Jamestown by President R.C. Moorman of the Farm ers and Traders Bank. In our own office... The Imprinter has enabled us to givv personalized checks, printed on our own premises, in a matter of minutes. The process formerly took a week or two be­ cause the checks had to be sent out of the •bank. Mrs.Edward Brill shows how swift­ ly a stack of checks can be personalized with the Imprinter. Another FreeCustomer Service ol JAMESTOWN OHIO