The Greene County Guardian, March 7, 1957

Merchants Set Bargain Days SHOPPERS' market ba s ke t s will be loaded with values during a two -day sale event being cooked up this month by Jamestown merchants. Businessmen voted to stage a town-wide bargain bazaar March 22 and 23 at their monthly meeting last Thursday at their monthly supper meeting at Curley's. It's to be called "Jamestown Bargain Days” and is con­ templated as a monthly event. PRESIDENT Max Powers of the businessmen's group in­ dividually polled the retailers present at the meeting and each agreed to put up for sale at least one bargain item as part of the town-wide promotion. As an example of the all-encompassing scope of the event, Warren Little of the Pure Oil station offered to sell gaso­ line at two cents off per gallon and Bookkeeper Dean Sess- lar is considering completing income tax returns for half price. Other retailers a g r e e d to put'forward bargain items for the thrift-minded shopper. * * * THE BARGAIN days will make the first concerted town­ wide sales event since the discontinuing of the Harvest Days prize drawings a few years ago. Businessmen have been looking into a town-wide promo­ tion for a couple of months. Approval of the Bargain Days plan followed a study by a three-man committee composed of Charles Rutter, Hall J. Hill, Earl Gibbs, and O.S.Flesch- man. At T h u r s d a y ' s meeting, Gordon Baskett of the Greene County Gu a r d i a n outlined various promotional type of plans. Merchants rejected a shopping guide proposal. * * * INSTEAD, at the suggestion of Earl Gibbs, they voted to use the columns of The Guardian to advertise the event. Merchants will buy and mail enough papers to reach every home within Jamestown's trading area. So much time was consumed with the Bargain Days plan­ ning that only a few minutes was devoted to the parking meter controversy, expected to be a stormy issue in light of last week's announcement by the D&C freight line to cut off doorway deliveries in metered zones. Village Solicitor George R. Smith opined that the motor line was only trying to bluff the village to keep from feed­ ing the meters. • * • IF THE matter was taken to the public utilities commis­ sion, Smith said, the truck line's Jamestown franchise would be revoked. Smith, reiterating the position taken by the village coun­ cil, said that enforcement of the parking meter ordinance must be equal to all-trucks included. He said that he had checked with Xenia officials and had been told that the metei-feeding was in force there for truckers. However, during the morning hours, trucks can double park if they cannot get to the curb in front of the store to which they are making deliveries. I'M TIRED of talking about it, "Smith said. "And I'll even offer to pay the pennies if you'll quit bothering me about the meters. " Friday Deadline to Sign Com Acreage Agreement Friday March 8, is the dead- UP t0 maximum acreage line for farmers to sign agree- u n d e r the Acreage Reserve ments under the 1957 Corn program will be entered into Acreage Re s e r v e program, on a ^ rm kas*s as long as the Delmer L. Bone, manager for Co u n t y allocation of funds The Agricultural Stabiliza- p e r m i t s . Th e maximum th e g r e e n e c o u n ty GUARDIAN Library Cedar' College Cedarville, Ohio 2/58 VOL II NO 10 JAMESTOWN, OHIO MARCH 7, 1957 10 CENTS FOR AQUA-ADPACTS QiiarrySite of $40,000Club tion and Conservation Com­ mi t t e e , has reminded far­ mers. Agreements will be entered into on a "first-come, first- served" basis, and late-com- ers will have to take their chances of additional funds being made available later, he declared. He explained that agree­ ments with f a r me r s to put Heart Canvass 8403 at Cedar The Cedarville Heart Fund drive neted $403. 56 for vil­ lage and t own s h i p . Mrs. Walter Cummings was vil­ lage chairman. Mrs. John Davis and Mrs. Robert Mc­ Gregor for the township. Six co-chairman were Mrs.Har­ old Strowbridge, Mrs. David Reynolds, Mrs. Harold Spit- ler, Mrs. Fred Luttenberger, Mrs. John M cM i 1lan, Mrs. Wi l b u r Wisecup, were re­ sponsible for obtaining their own volunteer helDers. acreage for corn is 20 acres or 30 p e r c e n t of the allot­ ment. F a r me r s who sign agree­ ments a f t e r such funds are exhausted will be listed in the order of s i gn i n g, and these a g r e e m e n t s will be h o n o r e d later if additional funds are made a v a i l a b l e t h r o u g h reallocation from other counties after the close of the program signup. Greene Co u n t y has been granted a b u d g e t of $288, 221. 00 for t h i s program and, to date, $59, 688. 50 has b e e n obli­ gated. Any farmer who wishes to put an a c r e a g e under the program which is larger than the allowed maximum should indicate this at the time he signs the original agreement, if additional funds are allo­ cated later, anew agreement for the l a r g e r amount will then be entered into by the farmer and the County ASC Committee. Construction of a $40, 000 c l u b h o u s e for Ohio skin d i v e r s has been started at the Cedarville quarry. Backing the project is Oth- mar Pief, Cincinnati manu­ facturer of fishing equipment and skin-diving enthusiast. Mrs. Davids Dead at Funeral services were con­ ducted T u e s d a y f or Mrs. Grace Riggleman Davids# of Jamestown who died unex­ pectedly Saturday n i g h t at the age of 81. She was the widow of John Davids and had been in fail­ ing health for a year. A native of Jamestown, Mrs. Da v i d s was born Sept. 24, 1875, the daughter of Felix A. and Elizabeth Riggleman and married her late husband in 1897. He preceded her in death in 1946. She was the last surviving member of a family of nine c h i l d r e n and had been a m e m b e r of the Methodist Ch u r c h and the Jamestown Order of the pastern Star for more than 50 years. Surviving is a niece, Mrs. Rut h Achille of Columbus; a n o t h e r niece residing in Columbus and two cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Craw­ ford of Springfield. The Rev. G.C. Reed, pas­ tor of the Jamestown Metho­ dist Ch u r c h , officiated at the ceremonies which were held from the Powers Funeral Hom£. Bu r i a l followed in the Jamestown cemetery. Eastern Star services were conducted by m e mb e r s of the Jamestown chapter Mon­ day. Stand Pat on Meter Feeding J a me s t o wn councilmen Monday n i g h t devoted less than two minutes to discus­ sion of the doorway delivery b o y c o t t by the D&C truck lines. "There is no middle ground to it, " Mayor Floyd E. Smith said. "We are going by the ordinance." There was no representative of the truck line at the meet­ ing;______________________ POST OFFICE METER OUT An unmetered parking space in front of the J a me s t o wn Post Office is being opened for a 60-day trial period. C o u n c i l President Robert Ri n g e r initiated the action at Monday's council meet­ ing and it was passed by a unanimous vote. Approval was a motion to hood the post office meter and establish a five-minute parking limit for a 60-day trial period. The change will take effect as soon as a sign is available for the meter. Completion is s l a t e d in 90 days, Pies said. The structure is being built on the northwest side of the quarry which is the nearest to US 42 running from Cedar­ ville to Xenia. It will be a two-story building with the bottom floor containing wash rooms and a club lounge and the second f l oo r enclosing living quarters for Pies and his family who plan to stay there on weekends and vaca­ tions. Howell New Cedarville Councilman W i 1b u r Howell, longtime C e d a r v i l l e resident and a Mo r r i s Bean and Co. em­ ploye, Mo n d a y night was sworn in as a m e m b e r of Cedarville Village Council. Mr. Howell officially re­ places Ralph Cummings as a member of the village dads. He l i v e s on E. Xenia Av., formerly known as Grove St. That will l e a v e one seat still v a c a n t on the village council when Harold Spitler's status as mayor becomes of­ ficial. T h a t happens when he is sworn in. For all prac­ tical purposes, Mr. Spitler has been mayor of the village since Dec. 8. O f f i c i a l action Monday night left the minutes show­ ing that Morris O. DeForge dropped the mayor's title on Dec. 3, the day he left the office and began moving his family to Sidney. DeForge is working out of Sidney as a probation officer for the state of Ohio. He was elected Ce.darville's mayor without opposition, in Nov­ ember 1955, several months after his resignation as a ser­ geant with the Greene Coun­ ty Sheriff’s Department. Several other village m at­ ters were discussed Monday night but no official action was recorded. Pi e s said that the roof of the stone building would ex­ tend five to six feet above the ground level and would be visible from the highway. Included in the p l a n s is a 25 x 15 foot enclosure for a swimming pool at the water level. Pies added. He s a i d that the building will be officially known as Ohio Skin Divers Headquar­ ters, Inc., and that mem­ b e r s h i p would be open to qualified aqua-addicts in the state. At present, he added, the club has six members but he antivipates a total member- shipofmore than 100 divers. Pies bought the 10 acres of water area in the quarry and two acres of land from H. A. Ty s o n of Cedarville. The architectural f i r m of Jack Mi l l e r and A1 Martina of Cincinnati d r ew the plans and a r e directing the con­ struction sub-contracting. Pi e s s a i d that the deep, Clearwater of the quarry of­ fers an ideal diving place for the skin diving crew. Jury Indicts Robert Shaw A s e c o n d degree murder indictment Monday was re­ turned against New Jasper's Robert Thomas Shaw by the Greene County Grand Jury._ SShaw, 26, is charged j.n the death ofhis step-father, Jesse Pa u l Sh aw, 48, who died Jan. 25 two d a y s a f t e r a f a m i l y squabble in which the younger Shaw is charged to have interceded and beat the step-father. Al so indicted was Marion A l b e r t Reed, 22, formerly of Jamestown, on a charge of second degree manslaugh­ ter. Reed now lives in Wil­ mington. Reed was driving when his p a s s e n g e r , James Smith, Xenia, was killed when the Car ran off US 42 north of Xenia and upset. The acci­ dent occured Aug. 12 of last vear. ITS TAG TIME ... TAGGED WITH PAPERWORK are county auto license reg­ istrars as the maroon 1957 plates went on sale the first of the month. Mrs. H.L. Pickering of C ed arville displays one of the new plates and the v a r i e t y from which the license buyer must select the correct form. ( Gu a r d i a n Photo). Equipment Mis-Used Charge A heated discussion flared through Jamestown's village council Monday night after a protest against using public equipment on private' proper­ ty was e n t e r e d by a local plumber. The complaint, contained in a one-paragraph special delivery letter addressed to the mayor and council, was signed by Floyd O. Harper. Ha r p e r was not present at the m e e t i n g to detail his protest. Ma y o r F l oyd Smith and Village Solicitor George R. Smith a g r e e d use of t . x- p t . i c h a s e d equipment in c o m p e t i t i on with private business was unfair. Both Village Maintenance ChiefMilton Pettit and Clerk Dean Sesslar told of jobs that had been done--mainly dig­ ging with village backhoe-- which' were considered of an emergency nature. The village had received a reasonable fee in all cases, Sesslar said. Sesslar said rh?' -ome mis- understar ing m i g h t have arisen out of th" work that the Lead Brothers construc­ tion firm has done in the vil­ lage on a gratuity basis. Since the construction firm was awarded the contract for the building of the new sew­ age disposal p l a n t , Sesslar said that their equipment has b e e n donated for a variety of municipal jobs. "The village has received a b o u t $4000 worth of work from these people and have not paid a cent for it, " the clerk said. C o u n c i l President Robert Ri n g e r suggested that work of an em ' e r g e n c y nature c o u l d be performed by the village equipment if private facilities were not available p r o v i d i n g the village re­ ceived an equitable fee for the work. r Solicitor Smith reiterated that competitive use of the equipment was not fair but said that e me r g e n c y work for which a reasonable fee was charged was acceptable. Harper's father, Eddie Harp­ er, who was present at the m e e t i n g said that his son would be present at the next council-meeting. In other actions, - - Ap p r o v e d payment of $268 to a Chicago firm for the school light to be hung at the Greeneview South in­ tersection. --Was t o l d that only re­ seating of a pump and a few minor d e t a i l s were to be c o m p l e ted before the new sewage disposal plant could •be put into o p e r a t i o n and p l a n n e d an inspection trip to the site so that plans can be formulated for a protec­ tive fence. --Approved routine bills in- c l u d i n g $ 9 9 as the village half of a overhead gas heater for the firehouse. Silvercreek Township trustees are to pay the other half. --Told Dr. R. L. Haines that e n l a r g i n g and converting f r o n t porch of the Haines Hospital into an additional room Was not a violation of zoning laws. Dr. Haines said he is planning the construc­ tion as o f f i c e space for an additional physician at the hospital.