The Greene County Guardian, March 7, 1957

>age 6, March 7,1957 the greene county GUARDIAN Entsminger Rites Set Funeral services are sched­ uled Th u r s d a y for Bonnie Howard (Barney) Entsminger who succumbed' Monday at his E. Adams street home in Jamestown following a heart illness of two years. He was 61 years old. S e r v i c e s are to he held Thursday at 2 p. m. from the Powe r s Funeral Home in Jamestown wi t h burial fol­ lowing in the J a me s t own cemetery. A native of Lexington, Va., Mr. En t s m i n g e r was born March 28, 1985, the son of Da v i d and Nancy Hartless Entsjninger.In 1917 he mar­ ried the former Goldie agnor. He was formerly employed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Bas e and was a member of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Xenia. In addition tohis widow,he is s ur vi ved by 10 children. They are E l me r Lee Ent- smingerofXenia; Mrs. Thel­ ma Gr e e n , Port William Da v i d of Jamestown; Mrs E l i z a b e t h Burba of Xenia Mrs. Ad d ie Smalley, Mrs Bernice Hickman and Mrs Ma r c p l l a Cu r t i s , all of J a me s t o wn ; Howard Jr., Wi l l i a m and Miss Eleanor Entsminger, at home. Also surviving are two brot her s, Albert of Fairborn and Henry of Oak Hill, W. Va., and five sisters, Mrs. Virgie Hay- slett, Birmingham, Mich. ; Mrs. Zona Da v i s and Mrs. Annie Smith, both of Stross- burg, Va. ; Miss Mary Ent- sminger and Mrs. Delipha, Stump, both of Washington, D. C ., and 36 grandchildren. notes from New Jasper By Mrs. EARL WOOLEY Phone 2-3851 Thursday brought to a close the c i r c u i t wide course on how to improve your church school. An average of over 20 attended each evening, 15 having a perfect attend­ ance record. Lynn Rainsber- ger of Columbus, director of adult work for the Ohio Con­ ference, was the instructor. Fourth quarterly conference will be held at the New Jas­ per Methodist church Tues­ day evening, March 12, at 7:30 p.m . Anyone interested in the official actions of the church and the circuit are invited to attend. The New Jasper Intermedi­ ate Youth Fellowship held a skating party at Hodges Rink in Springfield Monday eve­ ning. Those attending were Sanderson Funeral Read F u n e r a l rites were con­ ducted Saturday at S a b i n a for Jesse Sanderson, 77, the father of Mrs. Elbert Baker Mrs. Lauris Smith, both of Jamestown, Route 2. Mr. S a n d e r s o n died last Wednesday at his home near Bloomington, O ., after an illness of several years. He was a member of the Bowers- ville Church of Christ. Funeral services were" held Saturday at Sabina with bur­ ial following in the Milledge- ville cemetery. Cedarville Jottings IM By Mrs. VIRGIL STICKA Phone 6-4181 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kulp of London were weekend guests of the Joe Flatters. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fife, for­ merly of Cedarville are an­ nouncing the birth of a son Feb. 22. The baby weighed 8poui.dsandhas been named David Mark. The Fifes now live in Bellbrook. Mr. Fife teaches at Kettering. The American Legion held a special meeting last night at the legion hall to promote ideas for raising funds. The nominating committee was also established for election which will be complete by April 12. Wilson Everhart is chairman of this committee with Bob Guthrie, Ed Mark- erson and Ed Gilbert. PTO Film Slated Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snarr of Dayton and their son Neal, who is home from Anderson College in Ind., were guests last weekend of Mrs. Snarr's mo t h e r , Mrs. Della Stro- bridge. Eddie and Howe Perry, Den­ ny and Dick Arasmith, Bev­ erly and Joan Miller, Wanda and Wa r r e n Fields, Kenny Da l t on , Pat Howe, Sandra Smith, David Ramey, Becky Tu r n e r , Ann Bone, Peggy Fos t e r , Mrs. Roger Miller, Mrs. He r b e r t Perry, Mrs. Chester Jenks, Mrs. Charles Arasmith, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howe. Mrs. Charles Ford and Mrs. William DeHaven will repre­ sent the New Jasper church at the mass evangelic meet­ ing in Columbus Tu e s d a y . Others from Mount Tabor and Eleazer along with Rev. John Collins, pastor of the church, will also attend. The all day meeting will be held at The Veterans Memorial Hall. The Ladies Auxiliary of the New Jasper fire department held their monthly meeting at the fire house on Feb. 26. New officers of th e group are Mrs. Russell Beam, presi­ dent; Mrs. Guy Conklin, vice president; Mrs.Donald Tidd, s e c r e t a r y ; and Mrs. Fred Fowler, treasurer. Ar t h u r Tolle of the New J a s p e r P i ke is in Fayette Memorial Hospital at Wash­ ington C H for treatment of a back injury. He is a tenant on the farm managed by Dick Jenks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hiles had as t h e i r guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hiles of Middletown. Cedar FTA Installs Jefferson School Menu A film on the danger signals of c a n c e r and a talk by a Xenia physician will high­ l i g h t Monday's meeting of the G r e e n e v i e w Parent- Teacher Organization to be held at the Greeneview North school at 7:45.p. m. Next week's menu for Jef­ ferson school includes: Monday, Ham salad sand­ wich, corn and bean succo­ tash, carrot and mango strips, cherry crisp, bread and but­ ter and milk. Tuesday, Beef ancf noodles, b i s c u i t , green beans with ham, apple sauce, bread and butter and milk. We d n e s d a y , Hamburger sandwich, buttered corn, jello with vegetables, bread and butter and milk. Thursday, Split weiner with cheese, baked potatoes, cab­ bage and p i n e a p p l e salad, bread and butter and milk. Friday, potatoe soup, pea­ nut butter sandwiches, cottage cheese with lime jello, bread and butter, ice cream and milk. CYPRESS LUMBER Ready for Immediate Delivery Car of Tidewater Red. Cypress Boards IX 4 -in ., 6-in., and 8 -in ., Random Length $ 16 per hundred board feet Cedarville Lumber Co. Lumber and Building Materials CALIFORNIA NOTES Greeneview Conservation Club Elects Lee Lovett President By Mrs. DELBERT GLASS PASADENA, CAL. Re c e n t v i s i t o r s o f Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stafford, of Hunting- ton Park, were Mr. and Mrs. ed Molln of Ma n c h e s t e r , Lowa. Mrs. Molln, the for­ mer Dorothy O 'Bryant, is the sister of Mrs. Stafford. They also s p e n t some time with another sister, Mrs. Blanche (O'Bryant) Johnson and her husband Scott of Carlsbad, California. The Greeneview Conserva­ tion Club held its s e c o n d meeting of the year Thurs­ day, Feb. 28. New officers were elected. They are pre­ sident, Lee Lovett; vice pre­ sident, Bonnie Heinz; secre­ tary, Lamar Newell; Treas­ urer, Marilyn Bowersmaster; News Re p o r t e r , Ch a r l e s Humphrey; Recreation Lead­ er, James McPherson; Health and Safety Officers, Denny Arrasmith. Advisors are Mrs. Ralph Lovett, Fred Morr, and Mack Morris. Several new members were accepted to the club. Pro­ jects for the c o m i n g year we r e d i s c u s s e d and each m e m b e r decided upon his own project. Refreshments were s e r ve d byJudy Andrews and Marilyn Bowermaster after which re­ corded music was provided for dancing by Hugh Morris. The next meeting will be held at the Greeneview South a u d i t o r i u m , Wednesday, March 13, at 7 p. m. On Sunday, March 3, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Glass wtre the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max M i l l e r and son Jerry. The occassion was in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Glass. Greeneview Menu H M f t t JAMESTOWN I We here in Southern Cali­ fornia have for the past cou­ ple ofweeks been ENJOYING our usual rainy season. Aside from a severe e l e c t r i c a l storm which ushered in the month of March, most Cal­ ifornia residents have wel­ comed the much needed rain. The precipitation so far this season now stands at 10.63 inches as compared with 13. 77 inches for the same period last year. We all know whatever a- mount we now receive will have to s u f f i c e for many months to come or perhaps October of November. The average temperature for the past few weeks has been a- round 65 to 75. Ne x t w e e k ' s me n u for Greeneview schools includes: Mo n d a y , barbecue sand - j wich, corn, apple sauce and < milk. J Tuesday, meat loaf, mashed ; p o t a t o e s , buttered carrots, half and orange, bread and butter and milk. We d n e s d a y , Lima Beans j with ham, corn muffins, cole j slaw, apricots and milk. Thursday, Lunch meat sand- j wich, spagetti and tomatoes, peaches and milk. Friday, Scalloped potaotes, green beans, pineapple slice, cookie, rolls and butter and milk. C0MIN6 M uch n - n * STARRY-EYED * Installation of officers of the Dr.Jurkat Future Teach­ ers Association of Cedarville Hi gh school has been con­ ducted. The ceremony was opened with the pledge to the flag and Superintendent Ro b e r t Impson gave the introduction and welcome. Jane Ellen Dobbins read the history of the FTA. Kay Mur­ phy outlined the purpose of the FTA. Ann Stover told the guiding principles of the FTA. County School Superinten­ dent Vaughan Lewis was the speaker for the ceremonies. Installation ceremonies were conducted by m e mb e r s of the Horace Mann chapter of Bryan High school. Home from Skiing Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dill and Dr. and. Mrs. Ru s s e l l Haines have returned from a s k i i n g trip at the Ausable S k i Ra n c h near Gaylord, Mich. * * .Moonlight Rides are Nicer in a Deere Readers: i It seems e v e r y b o d y has h e a r d the good news that this new disc fertilizer open­ er1for the corn p l a n t e r is definitely the n e x t step to the high y i e l d s we are all reaching for. It s e ems t h e y h a v e all learned that this is the best way to a p p l y fertilizer in high quantities and high an­ alysis and receive the great­ est benefits without danger of burning. The folks who had these' last year found that the planter penetrated hard ground more easily, and it was not nec­ essary to have the ground as f i n e to get a good job of covering the corn. Up to now a b o u t t h r e e fourths of our parts sales have been parts for the fertilizer attachment. But nowwe know that this picture will change because these new disc open­ ers will be much more trou­ ble-free. If you h a v e n ' t seen these attachments drop in and take a look at them. Everybody who has seen them so far has been enthusiastic. --John Evans * Rambo-Yoder readv-to-go v * • ^ Used Car * ’56 Ford Station Wagon $2395 Fordomatic, R&H, WSW t i r e s * ’56 Ford Victoria $2395 Fordomatic, R&H, WSW t i r e s ’52 Ford $845 Two-door custom,WSWs,R&H,OD ’55 Buick Special hardtop, R&H, . 1 $1695 Dynaflow 955 DODGE Yellow and Black,less than 10,000 miles Was $2195-—NOW $1995 TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL ’51 Kaiser $49.95 Cedarville Phone 6-1331 IVANS FARMSUPPLY Dial 4-7831 m Rambo-Yoder Fort 8 N. Limestone St. Phone 4-8821 Jamestown,Ohio T * * ¥ * t • \ “