The Greene County Guardian, March 14, 1957
Library Cedarv‘lle College Cedarville, Ohio 2 /5 8 SHAPE OF progress Is recorded at the $79,000 addition to the sewage disposal plant at J a m e s t o w n . The circular, finned object is a new a e r a t i n g t a nk . Water is flowing through the old section of the plapt which has been re modeled under the project. As final step, waste matter will be pumped out into leaching beds, for which the valves can be seen, and dried under sunlight. The aurated water is pumped back into the creek. (Guardian Photos.) PHOTOG FINDS Beauty L New Sewage Plant the greene coun ty GUARDIAN VOL II NO 11 JAMESTOWN, OHIO MARCH 14, 1957 10 CENTS Beauty lurks in odd places. This week a Guardian pho tographer wandered through the about-to-open addition to Jamestown's sewage dis posal plant and recorded in terplay of light and shadows on the shining new shapes of progress. The new equipment means that the capacity of the plant has been more than doubled- from a maximum of 80, 000 g a l l o n s daily to 200,000 gallons. During peak loads, the olo plant was fed almost twice as much as it could handle. The Leach B r o t h e r s con t r a c t i n g company of Bell - fontaine is almost completed with its work at the enlarged plant which is part of $ 100, - 000 outlay which included 178 Sign Up In Soil Bank A total of 178 Greene Coun ty farmers had signed 1957 agreements to put corn land in the soil bank reserve as the deadline passed Friday. Manager of the ASC office, D e l m e r L. Bone, reported that the a g r e e m e n t s took in 2196.9 acres. If farmers c om p l y with the program they will be eligible to earn amaximum of$114, 508.60. Thirty-nine farms offered more acreage than could be accepted und e r the initial s i g n - up , Bone said. If the addition acreage is approved it would a mo un t to 475. 9 a c r e s and would raise the total maximum compensa tion to $141,153. 60. the laying of, new sewer lines in the Hornberger Addition and on Xenia avenue. Today the only thing that s t a nds between opening up the new portion of the plant is the erection of a hand rail, painting, and a few minor details. Floyd LeFever, Leach Bro thers foreman, estimated that the plant would be ready to roll in a week. Meanwhile, v i l l a g e offi cials are cooking up a cere mony for the throwing of the switch that will channel flow into the new section of the plant.. During the construction pro- \ i . • ¥ ) cess which has been under- • CIS 111 fjOHMS LIONS PLAN FOURTH FETE Jamestown Lions are cook ing up a event-packed ce le bration for this yean Fourth of July festival. At their Tuesday meeting, committees were appointed to i n v e st i g ate a carnival, c o n c e s s i o n for barbecued chicken and a drum and bu- ble corps. The Independence Day c e l ebration always draws crowds to the village and Lions this year are planning to make this one the most attractive celebration held in recent years. Legiosi to A'd MANHUNT CALLED Attack FeUs Hill On Fishing Jaunt way since last May the sew age has, at t i m e s , been pumped into the creek behind the plant site creating both an unsanitary and odiverous condition. The new plant will not pro duce a d i s a g r e e a b l e odor, LeFever said. If there is any odor at all, he said, it will be a over-sweet smell. Cost of the addition to the sewage plant is $79, 000. The Wallace C. Anderson Post of 544 American Legion, Cedarville, will furnish assis tance to Korean veterans in completing their bonus ap plications, Friday the 15th of March, from 7 to 10 p. m. at the Legion Home. Application forms will be available at the Home. Vet erans should bring their orig inal discharge or separation papers. Mrs. Bowermaster Funeral Conducted Wednesday F u n e r a l s e r v i c e s were scheduled Thursday for Fred Hill who died suddenly Mon day afternoon on a fishing excursion to Caesar's Creek. A rain-drenched searching p a r t y of 30, aided by the B e a v e r c r e e k emergency squad searchlights, combed the area in vain Mo n d a y night for Mr. Hill's body. The search was kicked off when Mrs. Hill became un- e a s y when her husband did not return home by dark from his normal afternoon fishing excursion. Neighbors Howard and Ivan Tidd contacted Police Chief Howard Wright and the vol unteer searchers were called in a f t e r Wright discovered the Hill automobile locked and parked on the Hoop Road. The night search was called off at 3 a. m. Tuesday and resumed with daylight. Mr. H ill’sbodywas found at 7:25 a. m. Tuesday morning. He had a p p a r e n t l y been s t r i c k e n by a heart attack while r e t u r n i n g from the creek to his car. Services for the retired mail c a r r i e r were scheduled for Funeral services were held We d n e s d ay for Mrs. Mary Flax Bowermaster, the wife of Lee Bowermaster of Bow- ersville. Mrs. Bowermaster died at 12:08 a.m . S u n d a y at the G r e e n e Memorial Hosp'ital after an illness that had con fined her to the hospital for three weeks. She was 73 years ' old. She had been in failing Jamestown Firemen health for the past five years. On Run. Wednesday Jamestown firemen rolled out Wednesday noon to ex tinguish a grass fire on the property of Howard Leach, Rou t e 1, Jamestown on S. L i m e s t o n e street. Flames were confined to the grass. She was born the daughter of Ham and Sarah Granville F l a x , Ma r c h 30, 1883 at Pleasant View. She has lived in Bowersville for the past 37 years and m a r r i e d her husband on March 23, 1927. Mrs. B o w e r m a s t e r was a m e m b e r of the Church of Christchurch at Bowersville. F l a m e s , spurred by high *inds, Monday leveled the lome of George Kennedy at >hady Grove. Volunteer fire departments :rom J a m e s t o w n and New [asper raced to the scene but the flames had raged out of Home and furnishings were a total loss. J a m e s t o w n C h i e f De l Shinkle said that Mrs. Ken nedy, who is confined to a wheel chair, was evacuated from the home without injury. Kennedy told firemen in- Thursday at the Turner M il ler Funeral Home in Hills boro wi t h burial following there. Mr. Hill was a native of near Hillsboro. S ur v i v i ng are his widow, Mrs. Cora Hill; a daughter, Mrs. Louis Chaney, Dayton; two sons, Frederick of Spring - f i e l d ; and Carl of Dayton; and five grandchildren. Junior Norris wersville Guest Speaker Leland (Junior) Norris, for mer U n i v e r s i t y o f Dayton basketball star, will be prin cipal speaker at the annual Jefferson High school athletic banquet Friday, March 29. Mrs. Glenn Babb, president of the Home and S c h o o l League which is sponsoring the banquet, said that Je f f e r s o n letters will be pre sented to Bowersville athletes at the banquet. Toastmaster will be Paul Borst. Tickets, at $1. 25 each, are available e i t h e r from Mrs. Babb or members of the Jef ferson b a s k e t b a l l team or cheerleaders. Phone Base Is Extended The Jamestown b a s e rate boundary w i l l be extended to include approximately 50 subscribers who are now pay ing mileage charges, H. B. Johnston, Xenia Commercial Manager of Ohio Bell T ele phone Company announced today. This boundary revision will become effective March 15, 1957 and for the most part i n c l u d e s the areas along S ou t h Charleston Road and S t a t e Route 72 from their junction north to Greeneview Drive. Additions to the base rate area will also be made on the east, south and west edges of the village. T h e p r e s e n t m i l e a g e charges now being paid by subscribers within these areas, will be di s c ont i nued as of March 16, Johnston stated. Further boundary revisions will be made as soon as cable facilities become available wh e r e b y a number of sub scribers now residing in the rural area will be offered 1, 2, and 4 party grades of ser vice at rates slightly higher than they are now payingfor 8 party service. This is a part of Ohio Bell’s expansion program to pro vide b e t t e r service to our customers at reasonable rates Johnston stated. , • In addition, Johnston said, a zone area is being estab lished around J a me s t own which will mean a mileage r a t e reduction to approxi mately 60 subscribers. T e le phone subscribers in the zone area will pay a standard m il eage rate for one-quarter of a mile. Surviving are her husband and the following children, Mrs. Do r i s Poff of Dayton; Ru s s e l l Jenks, Plymouth, Ind .; Mrs. E s t h e r McCall, New Burlington; Lester Jenks, A l p h a ; four step -children, Clarence B o we r m a s t e r , X e n i a ; Marvin of Toledo; Mrs. P a u l i n e H a l l e y of Jamestown; and Mrs. Flor ence Hi l t o n , Dades, F la .; three sisters, Mrs. Ado Brake- field, Bowersville; Mrs. Earl Martin, S p r i ng f i e l d ; Mrs. Edith Sweeney, Buffalo, N. Y. Funeral services were con ducted from the Powers Fun eral Home at J a m e s t o w n with the Rev. Bruce Brooks of the Pentecostal Church in Xenia officiating. Interment f o l l owe d in the Jamestown Cemetery. Kennedy Home Razed by Flames surance partially covered the loss. Neither Shinkle nor Chief M e l v i n Storer of the New Jasper department could as sign the cause of the blaze. F i r e m e n kept the fjames from s p r e a d i n g to nearby BLAZE LEVELS HOME- FLAMES Monday night leveled the home of George Kennedy at Shady Grove. Members of the Jamestown and New Jasper fire departments kept the wind-whipped blaze from spread- Shaw To Go On Trial April 2 April 2 has been set as the d a t e for the trial of Robert Thomas Shaw who is charged with second degree murder in the death of his step-father, Jesse Paul Shaw of NewJasper. Shaw pleaded i n n o c e n t when he was arraigned last Friday before Common Pleas J ud g e Dan M. Aulfman at •Xenia. Bowersville Fire Group Plans Dance The Bowersville volunteer fire department is sponsoring a 50-50 dance Friday night at the Jefferson s c h o o l be ginning at 9 p.m . O r c h e s t r a from the Blue Moon will play for the event. Tickets are 80 cents for adults and 40 cents for children. Event March 21 The missionary society of the Jamestown First Baptist Church will meet Thursday
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