The Greene County Guardian, March 14, 1957

If e Greene County Guardian Published every Thursday of the year at -iS. Limestone S t., Jalhestown, Ohio, by The Guardian Publishing Co. James I. Gatten, Publisher. National advertising representative. Weekly Newspaper Representatives and the Ohio Newspaper Services, In c., 198 S. High S t., Columbus, Ohio. Subscription rates: By mail in Greene County, $4. 00 per year; for other areas, $4. 50 per year; for members of armed forces, $4.00 per year. Entered as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879, at the United States post office at Jamestown, Ohio. Guardian Classified DRESSMAKING Original clothing for child­ ren. 4-4091. 4t-3/14-22- 29-4/4.___________________ FOR SALE Pure-bred meat-type Hamp­ shire boars and gilts. Cedar Crest Farms. Archie Peterson, first farm south of Y e 11 o w MILK ROUTE for sale. For information call Wilming­ ton 6312 or write 339 Darby- shire Drive, Wilmington. Legion Auxiliary Birthday Party on March 22 At the regular meeting of S p r i n g s on US 68. Phone the W a l l a c e C. Anderson 7-7240,____________________ Unit 544, American Legion A u x i l i a r y , of Cedarville, held Thursday evening at the Legion Home, plans for fu­ ture activities were made. Mrs. John Wright presided during the meeting, at which committee reports were giv­ en and routine business trans­ acted. Special projects include a bake sale to be held in the ~ C l e r k ' s o f f i c e , Saturday WANTED - - Heavy hens for morning, March 16. Easter market. Top prices Mrs. Arthur Evan5 is chair- pa i d for p o u l t r y . Robert man of the Legion Birthday Rhodes, S. Charleston, HO- Party, when Legion and Aux- hart 28291. 6 t-th -4/ ll. iliary members will join for a covered dish dinner at the Legion Home on Friday eve­ ning, March 22. Other activities of the Unit in the future are sponsoring SEE A REALTOR KNOW AND CONSULT.. . . . . A r e a 11or in your com ■ munity when you want to sell or buy real estate. Realtors are qualified to give you the best s e r v i c e and meet the highest ethical standards in the real estate business. The Greene County Real Estate Board a .local junior girl at Girls' State, selling poppies, and helping a needy family with clothing and food. P r opo s e d revision of the unit's Constitution and by­ l aws was considered. Mrs. Ruth Waddle, hostess for the e v e n i n g , served refresh­ ments. Greeneview Menu H e r e ’ s next week’s menu ' for Greeneview schools: MONDAY—Chili soup, pea­ nut b u t t e r and p i me n t o cheese sandwiches, peaches, celery, carrot sticks, milk. TUESDAY--Scalloped tur­ key, sweet potatoes, cran­ berry sauce, cookies, milk. WEDNESDAY - - Vegetable beef pie, cottage cheese and grapefruit s e c t i o n s, milk, bread and butter. THURSDAY-Grilled lunch­ eon meat sandwiches, but­ tered potaotes, fruit salad, milk. FRIDAY--Baked fish, but­ tered peas, a p p l e sauc e, c o o k i e s , milk, rolls and butter. Mayor’ s Court Edward Lawrence Sibley of Rosemoor Road was fined $25 and costs for speeding after he p l e a d e d guilty in the court of Mayor Floyd Smith of Jamestown Monday. Lester Crabtree, 36, Bainbridge, O ., f o r f e i t e d a $10 bond for running a red light. Deere Readers: I hope every one of you will drive down to Paintersville to see the plowing job that Russell P i c k e r i n g is doing with his new 70 diesel. Russellhas combined a cou­ ple of operations so success­ fully that we feel that this will catch on with a lot of other farmers as soon as they see how it is done. We h o o k e d a section of h a r r ow behind his three- bottom plow and automati­ cally eliminated the neces­ sity for that rough ride over f r e s h l y plowed ground to dr a g it down. We've seen this done before but feel that the finished work here was the best that we've ever seen. We also know that the ground w i l l no t dry out and get cloddy as is often the case, particularly when the ground is plowed while it is a little wet. We think this is an approach to the ultimate in economy not only of fuel but also of labor and time. It makes us wonder after riding an outfit wi t h this convenience and powe r wha t our next im ­ provements m i g h t possibly be. --John Evans IVANS FARM SUFflT Dial 4-7831 • • • Why Pay More For Your Hog Houses $ 4 7 .5 0 ....6 ft. & 6 1 /2 ft. SEE OR CALL WelmadeEquipmentCo. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE Population. 1950 Census-1292 Cedarville, Ohio March 6, 1957 Greene County, Ohio For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1956 Jamestown Ph. 4-5512 I hereby certify the follow­ ing report to be correct, ss Marjory J. McCorkell Village Clerk. SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCES RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES 1. 2. 3. 4. Balance Receipts Expenditures Balance Jan. 1 Dec. 31 General Fund $ 223.42 $18190.71 $12095.10 $ 6319.03 State Highway Imp. Fund 2227.63 2227.63 .00 Gasoline Tax Street Repair Fund 1705.44 9344.65 6820.02 4230.07 Parking meter . 00 544.74 221.25 323.49 State Highway Improvement Fund 96.00 525.65 3. 79 617.86 Totals General Village-Funds 4252.49 28605.75 21367.79 11490.45 Water Works Fund 2436.93 10531.65 7823.32 5145.26 Electric Light Fund 1290.52 260.00 1779.27 228.75 Sewer Fund 7187.29 11200.03 9741.20 8646.12 Bond Retirement Fund 853.09 2410.29 2665.00 598.38 Sinking Fund Res. Fund Rev. Bond 8295.91 . 104.74 . 00 8400.65 Other Rev. Bond Ret. Fund 5430.60 4800.00 4436.13 5794.47, Other Sp. Assmt. Bond Ret. Fund 602.23 9861.36 10015.00 7 5 5 .871 Other Outfall Sewer 289.94 .00 20.00 269.94 Trust Funds-Withholding Tax-Guarantee Deposit 833.96 1003.23 805.37 .1031.82 Grand Totals of all Funds (Clerk) 30268.50 68777.05 58653.08 40392.47 Outstanding Warrants 3099.12 Treasurer’s Cash Balance 31991.82 Sinking Fund Trustees Cash Balance 8400 .6 5 Total Cash Balance, Dec. 31, 1956 40392. 47 auiviMAKi ut-KtCtlP'i'S Equipment............$866.25 Property Taxes-- Total Protection to Person General Fund........... $6585.61 and Property............$6214.35 Bond Retirement and Total Equip- Sinking Funds___ $2410.29 ment........................ $866.25 Total Property Health--Total...........$159.36 Taxes.........................$8995. 90 Sanitation--General Cigarette Tax........... $303.67 VillageFunds................ $75.75 State Motor Total Sanitation.. . . $75. 75 Vehicle Tax...........$1386.62 Highways--General Gasoline Tax^____ $5412. 26 Village Funds.. . . $3230.47 Inheritance T a x . . . $489. 60 Hew Construction and Sales Tax and Financial Equipment..........$2663. 90 Institutions..............$1221. 69 Total Highways.. . $3230. 47 Local Licenses Total Construction and and Permits................$108.00 Equipment...........$2663.90 Total Licenses Public Service Enterprises- - and Permits................$108.00 water Works.. . . . $6489.40 Special Assessments--Gen- Hew Construction and eral Village Funds.. $125.48 Equipment............ $683. 72 Bond Retirement and Electric Light.. . . $1754. 27 Sinking Funds____ $9861. 36 Sewer Rental Total Special & Misc.................. $4641. 20 Assessments......... $9986. 84 Total Public Service Fines and Costs.. . $7539. 25 •Enterprises........... $12884.87 General Village and Total Construction and Other Funds..........$1501.50 Equipment........... $683.72 Total Miscellaneous Fees Miscellaneous--General Sales and Charges. $1501. 50 Village Funds------- $2685. 27 Public Service Enterprises-- Total Misc..................$2685,27 Water Rentals, Special Assessment e tc............................ $10531.65 Const- Funds............ $3950.00 Electricity Total Interest-------$3950.00 Sales, e tc..................$260.00 Bond Retirement and Sewer Rental, Sinking Funds.. . $13000. 00 & Misc.................. $ 11200. 03 TotaI Bonds and Total Public Service Loans Paid............. $13000.00 Enterprises............$21991. 68 Transfer to Transfers from Other Funds.............$9012.07 Other Funds...................... $. 07 Payments from Receipts of Trust Funds................ $805.37 Trust Funds.............$1003.23 Grand Total BONDED DEBT Receipts................ $68672.31 Dec. 31, 1956 GUARDIAN March 21, 1957 Page 7 XGATTIOTICE----- SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES General Government-- Legislative................$141. 00 General Executive.. $977. 06 Elections......................... $220.00 Buildings ...................$977. 51 Sinking Fund Trustees..................... $86.13 Total General Government.............$2401. 70 Protection to Person and Property--Police. .$5932. 92 Fire.............................. $281.43 Liabilities OUTSTANDING GENERAL BONDS Sewer.........................$22, 000 Sewerage Treatment................$70, 000 Total General and Utility Bonded Debt............ $92,000 Sewer......................... $49, 000 Total Special Assessment Debt............................$49, 000 Total Bonded Debt. $141, 000 Grand Total Debt, Dec. 31, 1956. ■... $141, 000 Ralph Bennington, Jr. whose present place of residence is unknown, but whose mailing address is Box 536, Wilming­ ton, Ohio, will take notice that on the 25th day of Feb­ ruary, 1957, the undersigned filedher petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas in Greene County, Ohio, be­ ing Case No. 30896, praying f o r a d i v o r c e , custody of minor child, and approval of a S e p a r a t i o n Agreement. Said cause may be heard on and a f t e r the 13th day of April, 1957. Marlene Jean Pennington, Plaintiff Russell Wilson, her father and next friend Shaw & Cox, Xenia, O. 6t - 2/ 28- 3/ 7- 3/ 14- 3- 21 3 / 2 8 - 4 / 4 . ______________ FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION For Fiscal Year Ending December 31st, 1956 Greeneview School District, County of Greene P. O. Address Jamestown, Ohi< Date Feb. 1. 1957 I certify the following re­ port to be correct. ss Richard C. Dabney Clerk, Treasurer of the Beard of Educa­ tion. Tax Valuation.. . 8, 849, 941 Tax Levy..............16. 5 mills School Enrollment......... 849 Salaries and Wages.................. 171, 654. 83 SUMMARY OF CASH BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Balance, January 1st, 1956 General Fund.. . $26707. 39 Bond Retirement Fund....................... $2882. 33 Building Fund.. . . $435. 51 Cafeteria Fund, .r $749.41 T o ta l................ $29275. 82 RECEIPTS General Fund.. $247778. 38 Bond Retirement Fund.......................$7107.15 Cafeteria Fund.. $28785. 30 T o ta l..............$283670.83 Total Receipts and Balance.. . . $312946. 65 EXPENDITURES General Fund. .$236840. 71 Bond Retirement Fund.......................$6635. 00 Cafeteria Fund.. $27781. 95 T o ta l............... $271257.66 Balance, December 31st, 1956 General Fund.. . $37645. 06 Bond Retirement Fund........................ $3354.48 Building Fund......... $435. 51 CafeteriaFund.. . . $253. 94 TotaL..................$41688. 99 Total Expenditures and Balance.. . .$312946. 65 RECEIPTS REVENUE General Fund.. $138563. 04 Bond Retirement. $7107. 15 Total Property T a x ..'....................$145670.19 FOUNDATION PROGRAM Cash Received. .$79712 .16 Deduction for Teachers Retirement...........$14352. 00 Deduction for School Employes Retirement.............$2130. 00 Deduction for County Board of . Education............... $4242. 77 Total Foundation Program............... $100436. 93 Vocational Education Re­ habilitation for Deaf, Blind and Crippled Children, Handicapped, Etc. from S ta te ............... $3242. 71 State Grant--Bus Purchases.......................$2800.00 Cafeteria and Lunch Room Receipts.. . $28785. 30 Miscellaneous. . . . $2735. 70 Total Revenue. $283670. 83 Total Transactions,. . . $283670. 83 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION Salaries and Wages Adm. Officers and Employes.............. $4597. 50 Total Personal Service................... $4597. 50 Office Supplies.. . $463. 65 Service Fund--Traveling Expenses................... $824. 77 Total Other Purposes..............$1288.42 Total Administration'. . . $5885.92 INSTRUCTION Personal Service...............$143181. 02 Text Books............$1814. 05 Other Educational Supplies................. $5409. 36 Repairs Educational Equipment..............$459. 82 Total Instruction........$150864.25 LIBRARIES School Library Books.......................$942.24 Total Libraries.. . . $942.24 TRANSPORTATION . OF PUPILS Personal Service. $8024. 30 Motor Vehicle Supplies...............$4224. 72 Replacement Motor Vehicles...............$5600. 00 Repairs Motor Vehicles.. . . . . . . $2304. 94 Total Transportation of Pupils................ $20153. 96 CAFETERIA AND SCHOOL LUNCHES Personal Service. .$6610.15 Supplies and Food .•.................. $21171.80 Total Public Lunches................$27781.95 OTHER AUXILIARY AGENCIES Special Services.. $118.23 Teachers Retirement Contribution___$14352.00 Employes Retirement Contribution . . . . $2130. 00 Board of Education Contributions.. . . $4242. 77 Total Other Auxiliary Agencies............... $20843.00 OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLANT Personal Service . $9123. 63 Motor Vehicle Supplies (not bus) . . $24. 94 Gas.............................$173.74 Fuel..........................$4751.46 Janitors Supplies. .$1601. 82 Other Supplies____$226. 70 Water............... $625. 20 E lectricity .............$3931. 94 Telephone.................... $600.70 Advertising........................ $2.63 Hauling......................... $169.53 Other Contract and Open Order Serv ice.. . . $1116.10 Insurance.................... $1572.33 Total operation of school plant.......... $23920. 72 MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL PLANT Materials for Maint. Bldgs. and Grounds.............$766. 41 Materials for Maint. Equip, and Furniture.. . . $5785. 82 Repairs School Buildings......................$2713.39 Total Maintenance of School Plant.......... $9265. 62 DEBT SERVICE Bonds Maturing.. $6000. 00 Interest on Bonds. .$635. 00 Total Debt Serv ice.. $6635. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles. .$4965. 00 Total Capital Ou tlay .................. $4965.00 Total s Transactions . . . $271257. 66 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Cash Money on Hand--In Depository, Active ad Depository, Active and In­ active Accounts. $41688. 99 Lands (cost)......... $5240.00 Buildings (cost).$265500. 00 Equipment......... $73565. 00 Total Assets.. . . $385993. 99 LIABILITIES Bonded Debt___ $13000. 00 Total L iab ilities............$13000; 00 Total..............$372993. 99