The Greene County Guardian, March 21, 1957

Library Cedar viHe College Cedarville, Ohio 2 / # 4N EDITORIAL Jamestown Days Good Promise Sales promotions in nearly every Jamestown business es­ tablishment this Friday and Saturday represent the first tangible joint effort of local businessmen in many months. It is. an indication of growth. Such a promotion indicates growth in theline of reason­ ing. It represents growth in the line of merchandising. And it represents growth in the business stature of the vil­ lage, itself. Too many towns the size of Jamestown are swathed in a tight blanket of internal wrangling. Merchants spend more time ’’cutting one anothers' throats, ’’ so to speak, than in promoting their individual business interests. Only through a mass, town-wide promotion such as the Jamestown Bargain Days being advertised in this widely- distributed issue of The Guardian, can merchants really promote their individual businesses at a reasonable cost. This joint effort offers the buyer more. Every advertiser is offering at least one bona fide bar­ gain. Something you may not need this week but can ’t afford to pass up because of the price involved. This means bigger business for everyone. It means a healthier village economy, a healthier village attitude. Jamestown's mercantile center means to serve agricultural Greene County. And it is taking the proper steps. Jamestown Bargain Days will continue to grow. James­ town, itself, will continue to grow because it is populated by such advance-thinking residents as those who have gone "all out" in the effort coming up this weekend. Cedarville Hunts New Wa ter Supply Test wells are to be drilled in the C e d a r v i l l e area in hopes of solving that village's water shortage. Authoriza­ tion was g i v e n by Village Council Monday night to the Board of P u b l i c Affairs to spend up to $1, 000 in sink­ ing test shafts. The joint meeting was the first step toward solution of the wa te r shortage. Unless new wells, can be found, the village may be forced into taking water from the stone quarry within the v i l l a g e limits and building a treat­ ment plant. Experts agree that extensive rock formations in the village vicinity rule out the possi­ bility of an a d e q u a te well supply's being found. Coun­ cil and Board members, how­ ever, want to try that method first. The treatment plant would be far more expensive. Village S o l i c i t o r Phillip Au l t ma n was directed to delve in possible purchase of the stone quarry case a well supply is not found. What effect this might have on the $40, 000 c l ub h o u s e being built there now by a group of skin divers was not discussed completely. Dr. John Lounsbury, Anti­ och College geology profes­ sor, and Charles J. Lahman, Dayton consulting engineer, as well as two well drillers, met with the village groups. Dr. Lounsbury used maps of Greene County and the Ce­ darville area to show geolo­ g ic a l formations indicated that it was unlikely the vil­ lage could find s u f f i c i e n t water in the immediate area (Com. to Page 5) Cedarville Baptist Profs Key The Greene County Fellow - shi p of R e g u l a r Baptist Churcheswillsponsera "Pas­ tor’s Conference" March 25 and 26. This m i n i s t e r i a l "work shop" wilTbe held in the X e n i a B i b l e Church, where the Rev. Andrew Hut­ chison is pastor, and in the Emmanuel Baptist Chu r c h , Xenia, where the Rev. F. Dale Cadman is pastor. Some fif­ ty Baptist pastors of Central and Southern Ohio were ex­ tended invitations to attend. The Conference will open with a luncheon in the Xenia B i b l e Chu r c h on Monday noon. This will be followed by two afternoon sessions with Rev. John Stoll, registrar of Cedarville College, speaking on "The Atonement" follow­ ed by Professor Bruce Turn- b u11 of Cedarville College us i ng as his subject. "The Warnings of Neo-Orthodoxy. " The 7:30 p.m . service will be open to the public when the Rev. Alan Metcalf, Di­ rector of the Hebrew Christ­ ian S o c i e t y of Cleveland, will bring a message on "The Church and Jewish Evangel­ ism. " T u e s d a y sessions will be held in the Emmanuel Baptist Church beginning at 9:30 a. m. with a pastor's devotional hour l e a d by.Mr. Warren Webber, Director of Music at Cedarville College. Prof. William Ambrose will bring an i n t e r e s t i n g and timely message to the Pas­ tor's C o n f e r e n c e when at 10:30 a . m * he s p e a k s on "Physchology and the Pas­ tor. ” The Rev. James T . Jeremi­ ah, President of Cedarville College, will bring one of the afternoon messages fol­ lowed by Dr. Arthur W illi­ ams, Dean of S t ud e n t s at C e d a r v i l l e College. The c l o s i n g meeting at 7:30 p. m. will again be opened to the p u b l i c when Dr. John Dun, Dedn of die Baptist Bible Seminary, Johnson City, NewYork, will bring the fin­ al message. the greene county GUARDIAN VOL II NO 12 J MESTOWN. OHIO MARCH 21, 1957 x0 CENTS BIG SWITCH COMING Telephones Changes Set You’ll soon be dialing OR- And for Cedarville the num- the prefix will be GLenview. c h a r d b e f o r e you get a ber will be p r e c e d e d by The c h a n g e to the prefix Jamestown number. SOuthfield. In Bowersville t yp e of number which will HARPER DOESN’T SHOW “ Jamestown Council 'On Notice’ Jamestown village council-, men Monday night wereYead. another registered letter from Floyd O. Harper concerning alleged use of village equip­ ment for private gains. Mr. Harper stated r’lt is not n e c e s s a r y f or me to ap­ pear. . . " before council. He pointed out the "board is or should be aware.. . " of the situation. Council had answered a let- Grass Fires The Jamestown Fire Depart - ment was called out twice S a t u r d a y to put out grass fires. Both were started from burning trash. They were at Robert Williamson's on the Charleston Pike and at Wayne Carey's on the Jeffersonville Pike. Flames were limited entirely to the grass. . ter read before the March 4 meeting in which Mr. Harper ma d e his original charges. Council, in that letter, re­ quested Mr. Harper to appear at this Monday's meeting and outline what it was specifi­ cally that he protested. Mr. Harper declined, how­ ever, and did not make any specific charges. He did say that the letter was meant to "put Council on notice" that its activities were under "close scrutiny. " He added that in the event it becomes known that vil­ lage equipment is being used for private g a i n , "I intend to take all proper legal steps to fix responsibility.. . " for such action. Councilmen agreed Monday n i g h t that, since there are no specific charges, to take no formal action on Mr. Har­ per's letter. No further action was taken Monday concerning the pro-, posed installation of a radio in the J a m e s t o wn police cruiser. Two representatives ofaradio manufacturer were unable to attend because of illness. Cedarville Mayor Slaps on Curfew Boys and girls under 16 will be banned from the streets of Cedarville after 9:30 at night, unless accompanied by par­ ents, starting April 1. Mayor Harold Spitler slap­ ped down the curfew Tues­ day. The a t t e m p t to curb j u v e n i l e vandalism is be­ lieved to be the only such a c t i v e curfew in G r e e n e County DR. JURKAT UNIT FORMED take place in all the area, served by the Xenia exchange is a prelude to a system for nationwide dialing of l o n g distance calls according to H.B. Johnston, commercial m a n a g e r of the Ohio Bell Xenia office. Change of numbers will be­ come effective with the de­ livery of the 1957 directories next month. Numbers in the Xenia area behind the prefix will remain the same with the exception of Jamestown. . The first number in James­ town will be changed from 4 to 5. For i ns t an c e, The Guardian number is now 4- 5091. It will become ORchard 5-5091. Johnston p o i n t e d out that subscribers should keep the upcoming change in mind if they are buying new station­ ary or business cards or hav­ ing any work done with their telephone number on it. The shift will convert Xenia toDRake, Bellbrook to Vlne- wood, Clifton to ROckwell, Spring Valley to OXbow, and Yellow Springs to ROckwell. Cedarville Future Teachers Elected On February 18 installation of officers in the newly-or­ ganized Dr. Jurkat FTA chap­ ter of Cedarville was held. The Ho r a c e Mann FTA of Yellow Springs took charge of i n s t a l l a t i o n exercises. Vaughn Lewis, county super­ intendent, was the speaker for the evening. The organization, under the leadership of Robert Impson, C e l ar ville superintendent, was organized February 5 in connection with the national association of FTA. The»club was named after Dr. Jurkat, a life resident of Cedarville. He was for many years asso­ ciated with Cedarville Col­ lege in the teaching of Bible, Greek and Hebrew. Any stu­ dent who studied under Dr. Virginia Bennington . . . President J u r k a t looked to him as a person with a brilliant mind and an authority around the college. In his latter years he assisted in the teaching, lege classes, of Latin at Cedarville High School when the school was without a Latin instructor. The group plans to visit the University of Cincinnati on March 27 for a tour of the campus and sitting in on col- The aim of the organization is to encourage capable stu­ dents to enter the teaching profession and to guide them wh i l e still in high school. The Cedarville c h a p t e r is limited to sophomores, jun­ iors and seniors. These must have a 2. 5 average. The officers are president, Virginia Bennington; vice- president, Peggy Myers; sec­ retary, Virginia Cahill; treas­ urer, Judy Wiseman; librari­ an, Jane Ellen Dobbins. FORTUNE PLAYS NO FAVORITES F a t e is, at least, playing no favorites among Greene- view School District pupils -- or maybe the word is fortune. . Pup i l s attending Greene- view North, Old Ross School, had an unscheduled vacation Tuesday because of failure in that plant’s water system. The last wa t e r failure in the s y s t e m o c c u r r e d at Greeneview South. Now, that makes e v e r y g h i n g even, doesn't it? Peggy Ann Myers " Virginia Cahill Judy Wiseman J ane. Ellen Dobbins . . . Vice president i . . . Secretary , . . . Treasurer - ••Librarian