The Greene County Guardian, March 21, 1957
March 21, 1957 GUAHMAlf GUARDIAN EDITORIAL Law Enforcement Lies Within Town’s Wants Law enforcement often is a m a t t e r of how. badl y it's wanted by the citizenry. The Cedarville area, particularly, is a good example of what happens when the populace is apathetic about conditions. The recent indictments of two persons in Greene County and the binding to the Clark County grand jury of a third person point up at least one such instance in that area. Sam Hutchison and a wo man reported to live at his Greene Farmers Asked on Lamb Feeder Tour on 26 Greene County farmers are i n v i t e d to attend a lamb- feeders’ tour Tuesday, March 26, according to John Brad- fute, president of the county Sheep and Wool Gr owe r s Association wh ic h is spon soring the tour. The t ou r w i l l leave the Xenia Field House area at 1 p.m. s ha r p and visit three feeders in the C e d a r v i l l e area. Lloyd Wi 1dm a n ' s, Courtsville Road in Cedar ville twp., will be the first stop. Mr. Wildman has 1700 l amb s on feed and modern ■feed processing and handling equipment. The second stop will be at the Ernest Collins' farm on the Wilberforce-Clifton Rd. Mr. Collins is self-feeding native lambs on shelled corn and linseed oil meal pellets. At the John Bradfute farm on Grinnell Road, the tour ing sheepmen will see 245 native lambs on corn. Other lamb feeders of the area will be on the tour to share their experiences with the group. Glenn Charles To Be Lauded As Dairyman Glenn Charles, supervisor of d a i r y production testing in G r e e n e County, will be recognized fo r outstanding a c h i e v e m e n t by the Ohio D a i r y m en's Association at their annual banquet, March 19 at Ohio State University. The recognition will beheld in connection with Farm and Home Week, March 19, 20 and 21, on the un i v e r s i t y campus. The Charles have a central testing laboratory at their t e s t i n g laboratory at their residence, 21 Locust Street, Xenia, which is operated by both Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Cedar Grange to Get 2nd Degrees Me mb e r s of the Ce d a r Grange of Cedarville were told in their m e e t i n g last week at the Cedarville IOOF Hall that f i r s t and second degrees were to be conferred T u e s d a y at Spring Valley. Members of last week's re freshment committee were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thord- sen, the Harold Stormonts and the Rex Rihis. They have s up e r v i s ed the the county’s dairy herd test ing program for the past ten y e a r s and this is the third year that they have received the outstanding achievement award. T h e r e are more than 140 testers in the state and eight awards are given each year. Jefferson Menu Monday - -ma c a r on i and cheese, spinach, carrot sticks, potato chips, bread and but ter, milk. Tuesday--turkey, noodles, slaw with orange and pineap ple, pan rolls, butter, milk. We dn e s da y - - l i ma beans with ham, stewed tomatoes, onion rings, corn bread and butter, milk. Thursday--chiliand crack ers, cottage cheese on le t t u c e , banana salad, bread and butter, milk. F r i d a y - -luncheon meat s a n dw i c h , baked beans, tossed salad, bread and but ter, milk. house on CharletonMill rd., both have been bound to the G r e e n e County grand jury, Hu t c h i s o n on a charge of rape and Catherine Chrislip on a charge of pandering. Raymond Allen, Springfield, has been bound to the Clark County panel on a charge of pandering. All three counts evolve from alleged attempts at procurement of a young Springfield h o u s ew i f e and nurse for the purposes of pros - titution in the C e d a r v i l l e area. Circumstantial e v i d e n c e points to the possibility that Hutchison has been involved in nefarious a c t i v i t i e s for several years. Law enforcement officials of Greene County have been aware of this. Former Sher iff Clarence A. Stewart was made well aware of this sit uation when an area woman came to him about two years ago, claiming she and an other woman had been held against their will in the Hut chison house. That idea, of course, was debatable. So are the rape and pandering charges pend ing now. But it's o b v i o u s s o m e t h i n g goes on on the shadowy side of the law at the Hutchison manse. Testimony in a Springfield Municipal Court hearing dur ing A l l e n 's case indicated CYPRESS LUMBER Ready for Immediate Delivery Car of Tidewater Red Cypress Boards l X 4 - i n . , 6 -in ., and 8 -in ., Random Length $ 16 per hundred board feet Cedanrille Lumber Co. Lumber and Building Mareriali Cedarville Ptanefr>1331 there is a bar at the Hutchi son p l a c e and that "custo mers" have been hit for as high as "$50 to $150 to spend the n i g h t with one of the g i r l s ” - - those are Allen's words wh i l e he was under oath. Then, for the record, there's no secret s u r r ound i ng the a c t i v i t i e s of at least two. houses in "Little Pittsburgh” at Cedarville and maybe a few more within the village, itself. And the "rum-runners” of Jamestown are known to all. " D r y " v o t i n g led to the bootlegging activities going on bo t h in Cedarville and Jamestown--no doubt about that. The "dry" s i t uat i on^ may be en f o r c i b l e if the citizenry is alert constantly. But a law that is v i o l a t e d with the sanction of nearly '.veryone is no good as a law. Maybe it's time for the area to study this situation a bit more closely. Either you want it dry or you don't. If dry is the wish, it's merely a wish at p r e s e n t . The situation, really, is that Cedarville and Jamestown are just about as wet per-capita--if not more so--thanmany another place where liquor sales are legal. Half-way operation of law enforcement is no better than h a l f - w a y operation of our day-to-day lives. L IND SAY AUTOMAT IC WATER CO N D IT IO N ER S Soften- Filter-RemoveRost special for Friday and Saturday March 22-23 n m m m t Materials-Value to $20 .00 \1 BUY ^ Lindsay OR $188.75 D C k IT- A Lindsay RENTr,„, 52.75 Aero- Lindsay Softwater Service Hungarians Speaker for Farm Forum this Monday Dr. and Mrs. Steven Fuzesi, recently of Budapest, Hun-_ gary, will speak on "A New D a y " at the Farm Forum's Stockmen's Briquet at Gey- er's Mo n d a y , March 25 at 6:45 p.m. Dr. Fuzesi, a former econ omist for the Hungarian gov ernment, fled with his wife to the States less than two months ago and are now liv ing in Da yton. They will be introduced by Mrs. George Staffend of Dayton, a direc tor of the International Insti tute engaged in rehabilita ting Hungarian refugees. Sugarcreek Twp. members co-chairmaned by Pat 1Brown and Ralph Black, are arrang ing the*program. Birdie Kay Czotter will entertain with vocal numbers. Business men of the county will furnish favors. It will be ladies' night and dinner reservations must be made by calling the county office, phone Xenia 2-3071. Aero- Seal Bomb Reg. $1.29 Troute Bros. Sohio Products Jamestown 4--9120 For a bathroom you tan be proud o f . . install modern-styled fixtures by A merican - Standard Your Bathroom is the most important room in your home. Make it more convenient, more beautiful with smartly-styled fixtures by - American-Standard. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the modest co st.. . and you can choose from a variety of beautiful colors and models. Complete American Standard Bath room with Cast-Iron Tub $141.85 Complete American Standard Bath room in Color $163.03 Leading Brand 800-Gallon Concrete Septic Tank $75 .00 Water Lines -Septic Tank Install ations -Trenching COME IN TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE HARPER PLUMBING Jamestown Ph. 4-5941 J
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