The Greene County Guardian, March 21, 1957
Postal Money Order $.01 to $5 = ll 5.01 to 10.00 = 1! 10.01 to $50.-00 = 2! 50.01 to $100 = 35$ f Bank Money Order $;01 to $40 .00 = 10$ 40.01 to 100-00 = 15$ 100.01 to 200.00 = 30$ 200.01 to 300.00 = 35$ 300.01 to 500.00 = 45$ Over $500 = 1 /10th of 1% The FARMERS&WERS Bank Jamestown Phone 49281 E .•*" The Sorrento Group Italian Provincial three-piece bedroom suite. Quality furniture made by the J.D .Bassett Company. Made to$elFor *429 ForBargaintoy Only 498 Jamestowwn Furniture Jamestown Open ’til Nine Ph. 4-4011 March 21, 1957 th e g reen e coun ty GUARDIAN by the way in Bowersville Mrs. LUCY WHITE Bowersville, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Ballen- tine spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haughey and children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miley have r e t u r n e d home from F l o r i d a after spending the winter there. Callers Sunday afternoon at Audra Hollingsworth's were Mrs. PatsyWilliams and sons, Mike and Stevie, of Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Traverse Hollingsworth and daughter, Julia, of•Washington C.H. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bow- ermaater and son of Toledc were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C l a r e n c e Bowermaster oi Jasper this week and they at tended the funeral of their stepmother, Mrs. Lee Bow ermaster. Mr. and Jdrs. A.D. Chitty and son, R o n n i e , Mr. and Mrs.RolloChitty and daugh ter, Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewi s T h a n e Chitty and children spent Sunday at the University Hospital, Colum bus, with Mrs. John Chitty, who is a patient there. Mrs. Onia Warnock and Luc> Wh i t e we r e dinner guests SundayofMrs.Maude Sheley and d a u g h t e r , Dona, of Jamestown. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Lewis of Dayton were Sunday eve ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Robinson. Sunda y evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.EstaWhite were Mr. and Mrs. Pe r r y Leach and sons, Lawrence and Jef frey, of South Solon and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sheridan. Mr. Russell Duk e entered Miami Valley Hospital Fri day e v e n i n g for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sheri dan were shopping in Dayton Tuesday. Ro n n i e Pauley, who is in the seventh grade, was sur pr i s ed at his h ome after school by several of his class mates on his birthday Tues day, March 12. He received many presents. Games and refreshments were enjoyed by all. Millie Mossman, Peebles, is spending this week with Mrs. Della Bingamon. Six o'clock d i n n e r guests Sund a y o f Mr s . Sund a y o f Mr , and Mrs. Gerald Bock and son, Thane, we r e Mr . and Mrs. Rollo Chitty, Mr. andMrs. Traverse Pendrey and Paul Borst. Schoolmen Attend Event Among G r e e n e Co u n t y S c h o o l m e n attending the district meeting of the Ohio Association of School Ad ministrators at London Thurs day were Rog e r Impson of C e d a r C l i f f and Clayton Wiseman, Jamestown, of the county office. Thirty s c h o o l m e n from Clark, Madison, Champaign and G r e e n e c o u n t ies a t tended. Kitchenettes 4-H Club Meets The first m e e t i n g of the G r e e n e v i e w 4-H cooking Club was held last Tuesday evening at Greeneview South under the direction of Mrs. VirginiaRudduck, the leader. The girls chose the name, Kitchenettes for their club and elected officers for the year. The new officers are President, Connie Lockwood; vice president, Mary Ellen H aw l e y ; secretary, Diane Ward; t r e a s u r e r , Vivian Michael; health officer and recreation, Judy Jones; news reporter, Barbara Fowler. The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. , March 26, at Greeneview South School. Cedar d AR Set The Cedar Cliff chapter of the DAR will meet Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Methodist church in Cedarville. IT’S A . . . GIRL--Born to Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Anderson, Fairborn, Monday at Haines Hospital. The Anderson's first daughter, weighing seven pounds and’ 13 ounces, has been named; Pamela Denise. The mater-, nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson, Bow e r s v i l l e , and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Owen Anderson, Jamestown Route 2. BOY--Born last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cur rent, Cedarville, at Greene Memorial Hospital. GIRL-For Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Sheridan, J a m e s t o wn Route 1. The baby was born last Friday at Greene Mem orial Hospital. DAUGHTER--For Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hodge, Jeffer sonville Route 1. The baby, weighing five pounds and 8 ounces, was born Sunday at Haines Hospital. The mother is the former Mildred Wilson. SON--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vora Humphrey, Washington 'The H a c k e l y ' s first son, C.H. Route 3, last Friday at was born last Friday at Haines Haines Hospital. He weighed nine pounds and three ounces. BOY-For pfe andMrs. James Hackely, Cedarville Route 2. H o s p i t a l . He weighed six pounds and 12 ounces and has been n ame d James Mark. look of This Low Price $ 1 89 Y BARTEL SPECIAL W. Men 's Overalls (Limit Two To A Customer) KUnWS CL 0 THI 1 (Formerly Reeves Clothing) Washington Jamestown Thane Bock, sophomore at Ohio Weslyan Un i v e r s i t y , Delaware, spent the weekend withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bock. IBBS HDW irgain DaysSpecial Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Onia Smith wereMr. andMrs. Richard Smith and sons, Ste vie and Jeffrey of Sabina. WithPurchaseof BoxSpring andMattress Coreplete BedwithBookcase Headboard
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