The Greene County Guardian, March 28, 1957
Ced<i, , CedarviTe, Ohio" 2 /5 8 TOURNEY CHAMPIONS Young Jamestown Lane Team Cops Xenia Roll *f}y Jin stown Merchants cop-, e Xenia Division of the aal Mailographic Tomt it r e c e n t l y at Com- ■’ B ow l i n g lanes in Y o u t h f u l k e g l e r s from Jamestown toppled the map les to a t u n e of 2821 for a three-game series. That to tal now will be m a i 1e d to Chicago and the results com pared with other Junior Bowl ing League tournament scores from across t|je nation. Local hopes are riding high since a total of some. 2700 Winners in pins was good for the national title last year. The Jamestown Merchants team is s po n s o r e d by the J a m e s t o w n Businessmen's Association. The League is sponsored by the Xenia Police Division and competition is s a n c t i o n e d by the Juniori American Bowling Congress. A l t h o u g h the local ladsi c u r r e n t l y are ranked only seventh in league competi tion, the tournament recent ly was the hot spot for nearly every m e m b e r . The team posted single games of 1001, 947 and 873 for the 2821 to ta l—a p r e t t y fair hurling score ft>r their dads, even. Team members are Roger Bradds, captian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bradds; Steve Powers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Powers; Russell Flax J r ., son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell F l a x Sr.; and Dick Reese, son of Mr. and Mr s . John R e e s e . All are pup i l s at Greeneview High School. Individual scores in die tour nament effort were; Powers, 154-183-147-454. Reid, 115-147-150-413. Flax, 102-100-147-349. Reese, 99-120-155-374. Bradds, 167-100-154-421. the greene county GUARDIAN VOL. II NO. 13 JAMESTOWN, OHIO March 28, 1957 10 CENTS Soil Contest Mrs. Verna Bird Confarr Announced Gf Cedarville isStricken Greeneview Board OKs New Contracts for 14 — Virginia Rudduck, Tennis E. Mrs. Mary Sagraves and Mrs. Lewis, Kenneth McDonough, —Margaret Pendry. J o h n Parker, Mr. and Mrs. No action was taken on four Robert Schierloh, Carl Pick- b i d s o p e n e d f o r roofing ering, Mrs. Mary J. Swaim, Greeneview North School. NO GIRL SCOUTS? MRS, REID DOES SOMETHING Members of the Greeneview Board of Education Monday night awarded new contracts to 14 teachers whose current contracts had expired. New teaching t e r ms were approved for Mrs. Ruth John son, Mrs. Cleo. Wigal, Don Stringer, John Queses, Mrs. First-phase winners of the Greene County Farm Plan ning Contest have been an nounced by the County Soil Conservation District. Lamar Spracklin edged out Howard Powers by 74-68 at Cedarville. CyMoorman won first place at G r e e n e v i ew with his 78 po i n t s against Bob Persinger's 76. Neil Gustafson was tops at Jefferson with 74 points and Fred Borst came in with 72 points. At Beavercreek it was Dan Shellabarger, 80, and Har old Rumbaugh, 74; at Bell- brook Doug Brown posted 74 and Dick C a md e n hit 72. Ke n t Compton and Donnie J o r d a n b o t h scored 72 at S p r i n g Valley and Wayne Snively beat Fred Hamer 80- 78 at Xenia. T h o s e were scores from a true-false written test given March 14. The two high scorers from each school will receive an airplane ride over the con servation f a r m , then each will drawup a soil and water c o n s e r v a t i o n plan for the farm. The boy with the best farm plan will be declared the county champion. Mrs. Verna Bird Confarr, one of Cedarville's best-known r e s i d e n t s , died of a heart attack'at 1:15 a.m. Satur day in her home on E. Xenia ave. She was 69. Mrs. Confarr was born April 6, 1887, in Cedarville, of the late Robert and Aletha Stevenson Bird. She had spent her entire life in that village. She and her hus ba nd , J. Lloyd Confarr, operated Con- fan's P a n t r y in Cedarville Claims Settled’ Area persons who had ani mal claims approved recent ly by Greene County Com missioners included Martha Cooley and Franklin Fowler, Cedarville township, $300; Lawrence Harner, Cedarville township, $40, and Ray Wad dle, Cedarville t owns h i p , $80. DAR to Gather The George Slagle Chapter of the DAR will meet April 2 at the home of Mrs. Henry Hornberger. Roll call will be a current event. Mrs. Myron Fudg e will prepare a book review on, "Miracle of the H ills." for 17 years. Mrs. Confan -was a life m e m b e r of the United Presbyterian Church and a member of the Research Club of Cedarville. Surviving besides her hus band are a sister, Miss Mary E. Bird of Cedarville; a bro-t ther, Harry F. Bird. York,' P a ., three nieces and a ne phew. Funeral services were held T u e s d a y at the McMillan Funeral Home with the Rev. Kenneth Carey officiating. Burial was in Massie’s Creek Cemetery. Reed Trial Date Not Scheduled . Trial date has not been set for Mar- i on (Al) Reed, 23, Xenia Route 1, former James town resident, who is charged by the State Patrol with man slaughter. R e e d also was hit by four new charges after a truck he was driving—owned by Ottis Williamson, 50, Jamestown— slammed into a Xenia Police cruiser, police said,; The manslaughter c h a r g e r e s u l t e d from the Aug. 12 t r a f f i c death of James F. Smith, 28, Xenia. JANET WELLER Janet Weljer k Patternett Prexy New president of the Pat- tern-p'^ Junior 4-H Club is Jane Weller. Election was helu at a meeting supervised by the club counselor, Mrs. Jerry Elfner. V i c e - president is Connie Lovett and other officers are Rachel Reese, s e c r e t a r y ; Linda Martin, North repre sentative ; J o a n n e Knisley, treasurer; and Janice Moss- man, health c o m m i t t e e chairman. Next meeting will be held * * * d i « i - ______________ Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Lawson Reid, who is a member of the Greene Coun ty Girl Scout Board, tried to do something about the fact that Jamestown does not have a girl scout o r g a n i z a t i o n . She held a meeting at which Mrs. Birch, executive direc tor of G r e e n e County Girl Scouts, spoke to 10 James town mothers. But it seems the women just weren't in terested enough to give up a little of their time each week to instruct the girls. Approximately 60 girls sent Bob Knisley Is Improved John Austin (Bob) Knisley, a former Ross township resi dent hurt seriously in an auto vyreck the second week of March, regained conscious ness Saturday in Cincinnati’s Good Samaritan Hospital and is reported improving. Mr. Knisley underwent an operation to remove a blood clot on the brain following the wreck near Wilmington. Now a resident of Anderson, Ind., Mr.Knisley is a brother of Wayne Knisley of James town. in slips saying that they were _ definetely interested in be-_ ing a girl scout. But we have no potential leaders except Mrs. Reid. If anyone is in terested in becoming a girl scout leader, please contact Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Curtis Dies at 67 _ O f Attack - Funeral Services were held Sunday at the Powers Funeral Home for Mrs. Ethel Marie Curtis, who died at 5:30 a. m. Thursday at her home on- Rogers rd., about two miles north of Jamestown. She suf fered a heart attack at the age of 67. Mrs. C u r t i s had been in failing health since she suf fered a f r a c t u r e d hip last August. Bom Sept. 29, 1889, in Wi l m i n g t o n of the late Oliver and Ella Snow Craig, she spent most of her life in .Bowersville and Jamestown coritmupities. She was mar ried Nov. 15, 1906, to Nel son F. Curtis. APRIL 1 STICKER MAILING SET ’57 Issue Lists New Exchange Letters The new 1957 issue of the telephone directory for Xenia and s ur r oundi ng territory, larger in size and containing the 2 - l e t t e r .and 5-figure mimbers which go into use on Sunday April 7, will make 200 FFA Boys to Compete in Soil Judging Contest its appearance here April 1,1 1957. Distribution of the 13,250 (Jamestown-977) new books, with a ma h o g a n y grained cover f e a t u r i n g a yellow handset, will start Monday, a c c o r d i n g to Howard B. Johnston, Xenia Commercial Ma n a g e r of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company. This total represents about 760 ( J ame s t own -45) more - phone books than were de- t traffic laws, postal regula t i o n s and map of the city. Illustrated on the inside back cover of the newbook are the colored telephones that are available. - Local pe r s ons have been hired to deliver the new di rectories starting April 1. All b o o k s are scheduled to be distributed by Saturday April 6 . The old directories will not be picked up this year as the new ones are delivered since they remain in use up to the moment the number change is made early Sunday morn ing. Due to the addition of the new p r e f i x e s to the te le phones throughout the entire area and numerous number changes in Y e 11 o w Springs and J a m e s t o w n , Johnston urges all customers to consult the new d i r e c t o r y before making calls and to destroy their old directories Sunday April 7. Any customer who does not receive his new directory by Ap r i l 6 should contact the Business O f f i c e , phone DR 2-9921, for immediate mail ing-________________________ - The c o u p l e celebrated a golden wedding anniversary last November. Mrs. Curtis was a member of the Grape Grove Church of Christ. Surviving are her husband; two children, Charles Curtis, n e a r Jamestown, and Mrs. Pauline Luck, 986 N. Detroit s t ., Xenia, and two brothers, Andrew Craig of Middletown and Ed wa i n Craig, Grove City. Charles H. Moss, pastor of the Grape Grove Church of Christ, officiated and burial was in-Jamestown Cemetery. Approximately 200 F. F. A. boys are expected to compete iivered here last year, in the Greene County Land A blue "personal telephone Judging Contest to be held Wedne sday, April 3. The contest will be sponsored by theGreene County Soil Con servation District in cooper ation with the Vo-Ag teach ers of the county and the Ex tension service. The site of the contest will be determined by die follow ing c o mm i t t e e : Robert L. directory" will be delivered along with the regular book for customers to use in listing frequently called local and distant city numbers. Long distance cadis can be speeded up if p l a c e d by n umb e r Johnston said. The information pages and the blue-page civic section h a v e b e e n r e v i s e d and brought up to date. The civic Thomas andRobert Hartman,, section contains interesting SCD supervisors, and Tom facts about this area as well Ernstes, SCS technician. as i nf o rmat i on concerning M R S . W A L K E R T ATTOED Jamestown Librarian Commended In the anm al report of the Greene County Dist .c: Li brary, Mrs. E l i " . th E. Baker, county librarian, re p o r t e d that Mrs. Escalene Walker, Jamestown librarian, m a i n t a i n s excellent rela t i o n s h i p with the schools. R e g u l a r provision of room collections results in exten sive use of children's books. This year's juvenile circula tion of 33, 803 is a new high. Mrs. Walker had a total cir culation of 42,178 which is an i n c r e a s e of 7, 395 over last year's 34, 783 total cir culation. In Cedarville adult circula tion increased in 1956 but juvenile circulation made a sharp drop, in spite of ample' provision of good children 's b o o k s . In 1954 and 1955 teachers made much greater use of room collections than in 1956. 1463 books, proper ty of the College and origin ally cataloged by the county library as part of the branch collection, were withdrawn and transferred to the separ ate college library collection e s t a b 1i shed under the new aidministration. Cedarville's total circulation was lower t h i s y e a r than it was last y e a r . The report showed a decrease of 2, 604 total c ir culation. "Pool" books are used al most exclusively for the Bow- ersville S t a t i o n to provide the largest possible variety of titles for a comparatively small number of borrowers. Mrs. Baker showed concern over the loss in circulation at North Greeneview School* where the library room serves part-time as a class room. Bowersville High School had a small gain in circulation.
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