The Greene County Guardian, April 4, 1957

THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN April 4, 1957, 5 CLASSIFIED ads Personal: April 4, 1957 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: After this date, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted in my name, other than by myself or by Dallas Marshall, Xenia, Ohio. Mrs. Hazel Hatch Goff (Mrs. W.C. Goff) Address; Hatch Building Jamestown, Ohio or 101 W. Monument St. Baltimore 1, Maryland busi mess oJ»o«tu¥ni es $400 MONTHLYSPARETIME Refilling and collecting money from our Stf High Grade Nut machines in this area. No selling 1 qualify for work you must have near, refer- ^feees, . $640 cash secured by inventory. Devoting 6 hours a week to business, your end on par­ entage pC collections w ill net up to $400 monthly. 1th very good possibilities of taking over full tim e. Income increasing accordingly. For inter - 1 view include phone number in application, w rite ' All State Distributing Company, 505 Fifth Ave. New York 17, N.Y. I FOR SALE Pure-bred meat-type Hamp­ shire boars and gilts. Cedar Crest Farms. Archie Peterson, first farm south of Y e 11 o w Sp r i ng s on US 68. Phone 7-7240. WANTED - - Heavy hens for Easter market. Top prices pa i d for p o u l t r y . Robert Rhodes, S. Charleston, HO- bart 28291. 5 t-th -4 /ll. Legal Notice Lewis A. M as s i e , whose place of residence is unknown and whose last known place of residence was 49 Trum­ bull S t r e e t , Xenia, Ohio, will take notice that on the 21st day of March, 1957 the undersigned filed her petition against him in the Court of C ommo n Pleas of Greene County, Ohio praying for a d i v o r c e and relief on the grounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for hear­ ing six weeks after the date of this first publication. ss Agnes G. Massie, by Robert B. Brewer Attorney at Law Xenia, Ohio LEGAL NOTICE Action for Divorce •Case No. 30927 Clarence Norman vs. Jessie Mae Norman Jessie Mae Norman, whose place of residence is 91 Veret st., Brooklyn, N. Y ., will take notice that on March 19, 1957, the undersigned filed his petition against her in the court of Common Pleas of G r e e n e County, Ohio, praying for a divorce and re­ lief on the grounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for hear­ ing on and after the 2nd day of May, 1957. . s. Clarence Norman Robert K. Shoecraft 405 E. Main st. Attorney for the plaintiff. Legal Notice Ralph Bennington, Jr. whose present place of residence is unknown, but whose mailing address is Box 536, Wilming­ ton, Ohio, will take notice that on the 25th day of Feb­ ruary, 1957, the undersigned filed her petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas in Greene County, Ohio, be­ ing Case No. 30896, praying for a d i v o r c e , custody of minor child, and approval of a S e p a r a t i o n Agreement. Said cause may be heard on and a f t e r the 13th day of April, 1957. Marlene Jean Pennington, Plaintiff Russell Wilson, her father and next friend Shaw & Cox, Xenia, O. 6 t-2 /2 8 -3 /7 -3 /14-3-21 3/28:4j4*~ _______ Thing Between YOU and the Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle had as dinner guests Sunday Mrs. Grace Millison of Clays- v i l l e , Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Ahlbrandt of Columbus and Marylin and John Kyle, whe were home from school. Monday the Greene Cedar Garden Club met at the home of Mrs, Harold Guthrie. The business meeting was con­ ducted by p r e s i d e n t Mrs. Edwin Bull. The p r o g r am included a white elephant sale, games and contests. There was one guest, Mrs. Richard Wright of Cedarville. Pure TNYLON Tubeless Tires Get notes from New Jasper I guests of the Elwood Rameys Sunday. Mrs. EARLWOOLEY Phone 2-3851 E i g h t y - s i x attended the father and son banquet held at the church Thursday eve­ ning. The banquet was spon­ sored and served by the Lead- ers-Who-Do Class. Rev. John Collins acted as toast master. The toast to the fathers was given by Billy Ford and the r e s p o n s e was given by his father, Charles Ford. Gifts were p r e s e n t e d to Harry Whittington, the oldest f a t h e r present and to Billy Jenks, the youngest father. Several families were repre­ sented by three generations. The guest s p e a k e r for the e v e n i n g was Keith Myers, d i r e c t o r of the YMCA in Xenia. The following program was enjoyed; a vocal solo by Tom Wooley a c c omp a n i e d j ? y Sharon R o g e r s , two vocal solos by Da v i d E l l i o t of Jamestown and a pantomime skit of Elvis Presley by Doug­ las Bryan also of Jamestown. The senior youth fellowship met at the c h u r c h Sunday evening. A scavenger hunt by the fifteen members pre­ sent was held as part of the program, the winning team being Sharon Rogers, Tom Thuma, Frank Allbright anc Pat Allbright. The following women, who will represent the American Cancer Society in their April drive, attended the kick-off - d i n n e r at Geyer's Monday evening: Lenora Perry, Louise F ud g e , Bea Jenks, Geneva Matthews, Marjorie Boot s, Dorothy St. John and Dorothy Howe . They were accom - panied by Kay J e n k s , who will act as co-chairman with the J e f f e r s onv i l l e Grange. New Jasper Township should by very conscious of cancer month. Are You R eady ? Complete Line For : * ✓ Garden v " N / Flower Grass All Sprays (Garden & House) Onion Sets 2 for 29^ MILJ. HIL bers were present with Bea J e n k s t a k e n in as a new member. Ann Bone spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Daughtrey of Sabina. Mrs. Ad ams Jacks had as her dinner guest recently Mr. Claude Jacks of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robins of Col­ umbus. Afternoon guests at the J a c k s ' home were Mr. andMis. James Rea of Spring- field, Mr. and Mrs. Berdette Edgington and Okie Edging- ton of Martinsville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jenks and son Tommy of Spring- field, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klever and d a u g h t e r s and Mrs. Butler of South Solon were guests of Chester Jenks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sy Judd froir, Maples Lake, Minn., were guests of Miss Gladys Ramey and Mr. and Mrs. V i r g i l Wells last week. Golden Rule Class Of Methodists Meet The Golden Ru l e Class of the Methodist Ch u r c h met last Thursday at the church. Mrs. Anna Barlow, president, called the meeting to order and had charge of devotions. Mrs. Winans sang, "When He Calls M e ." Roll call was answered by 22 members re­ citing an Irish verse. Present from J a m e s t o w n we r e Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Harris, Mrs. Nprman Linton, Mrs. Dale Roush, Mrs. Ervin H a r r i s o n , Mrs. Lawrence Foster, Mrs. Boyce Moore, Mrs. Ma r y Wa t s o n , Mrs. William Pickens, Mrs. Lee Marshall, Miss Shirley Harp­ er, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, and Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Reed. Cedar Senior Complete Tests Cedar C liff seniors Monday completed a series of senior tests for employment place­ ment. The tests previously lad been conducted in each school in the Greene County system. Results of the tests are reg­ istered with the Dayton em­ ployment office. Mrs. Martha R a m e y from L o u i s a , Ky., was guest oi her d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Virgil Wells. Gladys and Ray Ramey were QUALITYGASOLINE \ & oils / / \ jrires-Batteries Lubrication Washing Accesories Gumm and Bradds SERVICE STATION State 72 at Selma Pike Aero Soft Water Without Rust Stain B U Y o r R E N T Lindsay Automatic Water Conditioners' Nationally Advertised, Nationally Recognized Lindsay-Aero Softwater Serv. 5 W. Wash. St. 4-5911 Jampstown The New Jasper Fire Depart­ ment Apxiliary met Tuesday night for their monthly meet­ ing with Martha Dean presid- ;ing. Because of conflicting dates the g ro flp v o t e d to change their meeting night to die third Tuesday instead of the fourth. Twelve mem- E. Washington St. Jamestown Ph. 4-9691 R flh t ftohi the start/ i&r-fhe. _ fo rd Rear-Attached m o w er You can be sure that your hay making will be off to a good start if you mow with a new Ford Rear Attached Mower. It’s sturdy and dependable . . . cuts fast and clean to help you get the job done on time, before over-maturity robs you of much of the hay’s feed value. Convenient, easy-to-make adjustments, underserrated or plain edge knife sections, heavy duty or standard guards . . . all contribute to the excellent performance of this mower in a wide variety of crops and conditions- . . and it’s on or off your tractor in a jiffy. Models for all Ford Tractors and some competitive tractors with similar 3-point hitch. Available with 6' or T cutter bar. Ask for a demonstration. See us now for top HAY TOOL VALUES King Tractor .Sales 115 Hill St. Xenia Phone 2-6161