The Greene County Guardian, April 18, 1957
f& S tA a the g r e e n e c o u n t y GUARDIAN Library Cedarville College ~s" Cedarville, Ohio 2 /5 8 VOL. II NO. 16 J MESTOWN, O. April 18, 1957 10 CENTS Downspouts in Sewers Must Halt Board Says MRS. HAROLD REINHARD Cedarville plans to reflect portion of warmth. Jamestown's Board oi Public A f f a i r s took a look at the overloaded condition of the new village sewage disposal plant this week and decided to put some teeth in an or- d i n a n c e of a f ew years' standing. The board plans to press for MARK DOWN APR IL 27 ________________ Town Lauds Wilma strict enforcement of an or dinance which provides a fine of $50 a day for anyone who allows surface water to enter a sanitary sewer. "Surface water" is defined to include t h a t c o m i n g f r om sump pumps or downspouts. Jamestown will be policed by officers searching out the mal-connected sump pump outlets and downspouts. And the board apparently mean to prosecute offenders. When a member of the board this week submitted the or dinance for publication as legal advertising, he com mented "We mean it. " A I t ' l ’ S O T 1 S N o t i c e has been served. Jamestown officials intend to Wilma R e i nh a r d had no idea of personal reward 20 years ago when she started girl scouting in Cedarville. For 20 years she has known no reward--no reward, that is, other than a tremendous feeling of well-being, justly deserved in a solid two dec ades of community service. But Cedarville has been a- ware of the warmth she has spread throughout the com munity. And, come April 27, Ce d a r v i l l e plans to reflect a po r t i o n of its wa rmt h tc Wilma Reinhard. Ma y o r Harold Spitler has proclaimed April ^7 "Wilma Reinhard Day " in Cedarville The American Legion Aux iliary to Wallace C. Ander son Post #544 plans a parade. The Illinois native in April, 1937, i s s ued an invitation for organization for a Girl Scout Troop. Until that time, there had been no such act ivities in Ced arv il l e, a l though there had been Camp Fire Girls. For the first nine years, there was one troop. Now there are e i g h t troops and approxi m a t e l y 100 girls involved either in girl s c o u t i n g or brownies. Mrs. Reinhard who came to Cedarville from Chillicothe in 1936, helped o r g a n i z e the G r e e n e Co u n t y Girl Scout C o u n c i l and served seven years as Troop Camp C h a i r ma n and Training Chairman of that organiza tion. The Cedarville troop won die grand award for display gets at The Ohio State and twice have * Fair in ' i t a k e n the top prize at the Greene County Fair. Cedar ville troops hav.ehad displays at both the county and «tate fairs every year for the past ten years. Mrs. Reinhard’s hobbies are arts and crafts and she is a good painter. She is a mem ber of the C ed ar v i 1le Re search Club, the Home Cul ture Club, the Cedar Cliff DAR and, a l o n g with her husband Harold, is a member Kiddies’ Fix To Be Taken ‘ HereMonday Monday, April 22 is the big day for the picture taking of your youngsters! The Guard ian is having pictures taken of a l l c h i l d r e n who are brought by their parents or other guardian to. the Smith's Farm and Home Center be tween 10 a. m. and 5 p.m. absolutely free of c h a r g e . The Woltz S t ud i o s of Des Moines, Iowa, a nationally known portrait studio, will be in charge of the photog raphy. The Guardian wants a p i c t u r e of your child to print in its forthcoming fea ture, "Citizens of Tomorrow,' a series of p h o t o g r a p h i c studies of local children. The more we get the better the feature will be, so the coop eration of the mothers and fathers is urged. It o f t e n seems to parents that children are little one minute andare grown up the next, so fast does a child's growing stage pass. Here i: a s p l e nd i d opportunity to catch a likeness of your child of the C e d a r v i l l e united Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Reinhard has one son, John, who is a construction engineer with the Ann Arbor Michigan Construction Com - pany.He was one of the first Eagle Scouts in Cedarville. Everyone in Cedarville is invited to participate in the parade which will form at the school and march to the American Legion Hall. An open house will be held with a short a p p r e c i a t i o n ceremony b e in g scheduled for3 p.m. Mrs. Nancy Wright p r e s i d e n t of the auxiliary and a member of Mrs. Rein hard 's first troop, will be the host ess. General chairman of the e v e n t is Mrs. G.G. McCallister and Mrs. Ray mond Williamson is chair man of the community appre ciation committee. The Cedarville High School band also will participate in the p a r a d e and all formei members of Mjs. Reinhard'! troops are asked to attend oi send their congratulations. Mark Easter This Sunday Eastern Greene County re sidents will b l o s s om forth Sunday in all their finery- - the traditional Easter Parade. Churches will have their best a t t e n d a n c e records since Christmas and everyone is watching the weather. But, during the period pre ceding Sunday's celebration of Easter, area residents have shown their solemn dedica tion to Christianity, too. Lenten services have been ittended well throughout the area. Un i o n Good Friday services are planned, Jamestown, Cedarville and Bowersville dwellers are tak ing special notice this year, it seems, of the "proof" of i mm o r t a l i t y displayed so many years ago. Call News and Picture Tips to The Guardian OR 5 - 5 0 9 1 ’ ififi’/f hUdr en at the present — age*for the pleasure you JOHN BELL Boys' S ta te .. KAY MURPHY Girls' S ta te .. . d 8 r C f l g 5 ? 0 8 P w i l l get out of it in future y e a r s and for the pleasure S t i 1 1 T I n f i l 1 p r l y°u wiU enj° y in seeing ir ° U J i l l t i e u in p r i n t . You will want to Cedar Cliff Board of Educa- clip it from this, your home tion Tuesday night re-hired town newspaper, and preserve nine teachers but did not fill it for the youngster when he the coaching vacancy left by or she grows up. the resignation of Roger Ulsh There is a b s o l u t e l y no Cedarville Candidates To State Events Named as head basketball coach. Resigning were Mrs. Irene Chesnut, a t e a c h e r in the system for 11 years, andMrs. Rachel Townsley. Mrs. Nan cy T o u c h m a n was put on fulltime status in French and art. Teachers re-hired include Mrs.Hazel Elder, James Mc Carty, Herbert Powell, Don Taylor, Mrs. Betty Ulsh, Mrs. Betty Ha mm a n , Mrs. Mae Myers and Mrs. Isabel Bull. charge or obligation for tak ing the p i c t u r e s . Parents don't even have to be a sub scriber to the Guardian nor even a reader. You do not have to p u r c h a s e pictures either, though you may ob tain additional prints by ar ranging direct with the Studio representative if you want them. That is entirely up to you. Appointments maybe made by calling OR 5-5091. Selection of representatives to Buckeye Boy's state and G i r l s ' S t a t e is being an nounced by Wallace C. An derson Post #544 and its Aux iliary of Cedarville. Based on scholarship, lea dership, and character, rep r e s e n t a t i v e s are selected from the junior class. John Bell, son of Rev. and Mis. J. Leslie Bell of Cedarville, has been chosen as the junior boy of C e d a r C l i f f High S c h o o l to attend Buckeye B o y s ’ S t a t e to be held at Camp Perry, June 7-16. John, who is active in school and church affairs, is being joint- make their new plant work. But it's going to take cooper ation of townsfolks. One member of the board pointed out that the recent f l a s h f l o o d s pushed some 186,000 g a l l o n s of liquid through the plant in one day's time. That’s n e a r l y more gallonage than the old and P R I N C I P A L . . . PRINCIPAL--Jay Check, Ce- d a r v i l l e , has been named principal of a new elemen tary s c h o o l in the Beaver creek s c h o o l system. Now e l e m e n t a r y principal at South Charleston, Mr. Check previously taught two years atGreeneview and five years at Selma. He is a graduate of L ew i s t o wn , Pa., High School. Cedarville College ana is studying for his mas te r’s degree at the University of Cincinnati. He is married new plants aggregately de- and the father of four daugh- signed to handle. ters. Jamestown Council Gives Well Go-Ahead ly sponsored by the local post and Cedar Grange. Named as alternate is Har old Poweis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Powers. Kay M urph y, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, will a t t e n d Buckeye Girls' State at Capitol University, June 15-23. Kay is president of the jun ior class at Cedar Cliff and a leader in many school and church activities. She is be ing sponsored by the Wallace C. Anderson Auxiliary Unit 544. Her alternate is Judy Wise- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman. Clerk D e a n S e s s l a r was authorized Monday night by the Jamestown Village Coun cil to prepare specifications for b i ds on a new village water ft ell which may cost somewhere between $8, 000 and $10, 000. Council okayed a lease with Rodn e y Rober t s, south of town, whereby the village will pay r e n t on the land providing a well is sunkwhich produces at least 125 gallons of water per minute. The newwell is to be drilled about 300 feet from the pre sent village^ supply, which produces about 300 gallons per minute. Council instructed the street department to clean out all storm sewer openings in the v i l l a g e s i n c e they weije- clogged badly with debris .by^ ’ recent rains. Dr.R .L .Haiii^ V andMaxHeifnerof the Board'-, of Public Affairs were present to discuss the run-off of sur face water d u r i n g recent floods. The street crew, headed by Milt Pettit, also was told to go ahead with repairs on Elm st. and to oil down the streets for dust prevention. I. N. Davenport appeared to request an extension of the sanitary sewer along N. Syc amore street. The extension, he said, would service about P ickering B ee Group Resident Carl E. Pickering, who lives near Jamestown on the Ply mouth road, r e c e n t l y was elected p r e s i d e n t of the Greene County Beekeepers’ Association to succeed Mrs. R. M. O ' Co n n e r of Yellow Springs. Percy Boat was named chair man of the June 12 summer field meeting and picnic at the Chester Mallow and sons Orchards on the Lower Bell- brook pk. five homes. C o u n c i l told him and his group to proceed with the project and informed him the group seeking the improvement would have to obtain bids and pay for the extension. Properties on Nel son street also would benefit from the extension. Spitler Named Mayor Harold Spitler o f f i c i a 1ly became mayor of Cedarville Monday night. Council passed e o r d i n a nee formalizing Impost he .has held since jherejjignation last Decern- ber-Qf M-Orris O. DeForge. I n o m f r l&fet i o n Monday night, rnbenbers of council authorized f eT l ow. member James Corbean fd^dig' further into derails of a spaSd meter operation. It has been sug gested the village purchase such a device, on the grounds it would pay for itself in a short matter of time. The s p e e d m e t e r is also considered a safety device. Jesse Chamberlain, presi dent of the Cedarville Board of Public Affairs, is to pre sent further information on the village's quest for a new water supply when the group meets again May 6. Mrs. V. Ltsticka, council- woman, is to arrange for a "street striping" demonstra tion for die next meeting of council. Village fathers in tend to e x p l o r e the safety f e a t u r e s of various paint stripes for traffic control. A motion was made before c o u n c i l to Send Policemen William Baldwin to a finger printing school at the Lon don Prison Farm. No official action was reported.
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