The Greene County Guardian, April 18, 1957

8 THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN April 18, 1957 O E C tf' COLLEGE LE, OHIO ,AIN PREXY Cedarville Lions Pick Officers The Cedarville Lions Club met at the Lions Den Tues­ day night. !Top item on the agenda was the election of new officers, which are pre­ sident, Jesse Chamberlain; first v i c e - p r e s i de n t , Fred L u t t e n b e r g e r Sr. ; second v i c e - p r e s i d e n t , Howard Frame; secretary, Don Engle; treasurer, Bob Williamson; lion tamer, Leo Wells; and tail twister, Lee White. New trustees are Herman Randall and Jack Huffman. The sight-saving committee reported the club had pur­ chased one pair of glasses and paid for two eye-examina­ t i o n s f or c h i l d r e n who couldn't afford it. LIONS PROGRAM... FROM THE LIONS TO YOU--Cedarville Lions Club President Walt Cummings pre­ sents a new hearing-test machine to Ce­ dar Cliff Superintendent Robert O. Impson \ \ \ If you were a six-month sub- s criber, tim e’s nearly up. / / / for use at Cedarville High School. The machine was bought from proceeds of a two-game basketball series between the Lions and school faculty members. (Guard­ ian Photo) r Bowersville Lions See Patrol Work Outline Work of the State Highway parison c h a r t s on accident Patrol was explained by Pa- and violation rates, trolman Snyder of the Xenia ^ former ives quick lo _ Post at this week's meeting cation pictures of accidents of the Bowersville Lions Club. and the latter desCribes the The club represented a group incidence of violations and similar to the rural gathering a c c i de n ts by time of day which pushed legislation fot day of we e k and township * state police force some 25 along each major highway or 30 years ago. of the county. Patrolman Snyder explainer Apparently, Friday evening that the patrol now works on from 4 to 8 p. m. is the least a s el ec t i ve enforcement" safe time to be on the roads, basis and explained the use Thursday evening and Sunday °T»^e "sPot maP" and c o t ^ evening are only a little less Bowersville dangerous. Event Friday Raymond Haines will direct a20-voice chorus presenting the c a n t a t a , "Cross and Crown," at 8 p.m. Friday at the Bowersville Methodist Church. Roy den Johnson, Rober t Duke, Miss Eva Wallace and Mrs. Raymond Dunlap, Mrs. Nellie Schy and Mrs. Frank Morgan will be featured as soloists. A quartet of Mrs. G. E. Tat- man, Johnson, Miss Wallace andDuke also will be heard. The Rev . G. E. Tatman, pa s t o r , said the service is open to the public. C o m m e r c i a l (not high s c h o o l ) d r i v e r training c o u r s e s came in for some criticism in that the student driver can be passed through the exam before the adver­ tised numb e r of lessons is compleyed. He then is put on his own. The little more time m i g h t make a great difference in general safety, he said. Without promising any im ­ munity to anyone specific­ ally, the o f f i c e r gave his hearers c o n f i d e n ce in the reasonableness of our servant: who wear the emblem of the flying wheel. Science Department represented by Kent Creswell Mr. Robert Guthrie sscience d e p a r t m e nt at Cedarville High School was represented at the annual Science Day at Wi t t e n g e r g College on April 6. Kent Creswell en­ tered an e x h i b i t entitled, "Audio Automatation of Me­ chanical Devices." A1 f red Spencer entered an essay en­ t i t l e d , "Crossed Wishbone Wheel Suspension for Auto­ mobiles. " Greg Touchman and Alfred Spencer displayed automobiles of their own de­ sign. The boys were accom­ panied to Wittengerg by Mr. Guthrie. Confab Slated A p r e - s c h o o l conference has been set for April 26 in the Cedarville School audi­ torium. If you have a boy or girl in the Cedarville area who will be six years old by December 31, please contact the school office. The con­ ference will be conducted by the G r e e n e County Health Department: WEEKENDSPECIAL * Jan’s Flowers Gar orginally sold » ) > t ) for $ 2793.UU Custom 300 4-doo. Styletone Painl Tinted Glass R&H Corsages $1.00 to $8 .00 Carnations, Roses, Orchids, etc. Potted Plants $ 1.00 to $ 8.00 L ilies , Hydrangeas, Azeleas, Mums§ Noveltv P o t te ry Cut Flowers Foliage Plants Gel All Your Easter Flowers From Jan’s The g r oup made plans to to v i s i t Cincinnati,once a month to see the Cincinnati Redlegs in action. The after d i n n e r speaker was Mr. Florence, a teacher at Cedarville High School, who spoke on, "Holy Week." Mr. Florence is a former min­ ister. Easter Flowers L illie s , Tulips, Hydrangeas, Hyacinths, Mums Azaleas,\ptc. Order your Corsage. Stickley's Greenhouse Phone OR 5-5421_ DEERE READERS: The weather gave us a bit of a break last week so we were able to continue with our demonstrations. It didn't last long but we did make one 720 diesel sale. This t r a c t o r went to the Ellis Brothers, Paintersville, who p l a n to m a k e wide­ spread use of it, we know, because they bought attach­ ing parts for their cultivators and 227 picker. They plan to break their tractor in on three 14's, then get the four 14’s for it next year. They're already convinced they can h a n d l e the four 14 's since they've already pulled the three 14's in fifth gear. We had a fine demonstra­ tion at Jim Pierson's on Hog Eye Road. Jim said he's give a d o l l a r to see us have to s h i f t back to third--but it never h a p p e n e d . He also made the statement it was the first tractor he ever saw with no weight added, to the rear wheels, which could pull four 14-inch bottoms without some evidence of slipping. We sold one of our new hay conditioners, the other day, to Ford Pickering. We defin­ itely feel that this is a tool of the future and will soon be considered as necessary as the baler, itself. Anyone interested in seeing one work, contact us and we’ll arrange for a demonstration. EVAN'S FARM SUPPLY Corsages Easter Lillies Tulips Mums Azaleas HyAcinths Hvdrangea Double Begonia Pan sies ORDER NOW ! ExcellentQuality All BeautifullyWrapped Aqnor Qreenhouse ; Cedarville Ph. So. 6-4871 ' — --------------------.j RAMBO-YODER-FORD ' 8 N. Limestone St. Ph. OR 5-8821 Delivery Service SO 6-2211 BY-LAW NO. ONE-1957 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF THE VILLAGE OF JAMESTOWN, OHIO ADOPTED UNDER AUTHOR­ ITY OF R. C. 735. 29 For the purpose of the By­ law h e r e i n contained, the t e rm "surface water*' used h e r e i n shall be defined as follows: Surface water shall be that water which enters upon the property of an individual or group of individuals or a cor­ p o r a t i o n as the direct or proximate result of rainfall as distinquished f r om that water which is p vmp e d o r piped to said property from private wells or the village water system. Surface water shall include that water accumulation on r o o f - t o p s from rainfall or flowing on to said property as an accumulation of rain­ fall in open ditches or natu­ ral water courses; and also shall include any accumula­ tion of water in basements resulting from water seepage. SECTION ONE: It shall be unlawful for any person, per­ sons, or corporation to cause or permit or to maintain any condition which c a u s e s or permits, any surface water as h e r e in defined to enter into any s a n i t'a r y sewer of the village, or to enter into any sewer line which con­ nects on to the village sani­ tary sewer system. SECTION TWO; It shall be unlawful for any person, per­ sons, or corporation to make! or c a u s e to be made, anyi c o n n e c t i o n to the village sanitary sewer system or to! any sewer line connected to the v i 11 a g e sanitary sewer system, unless said proposed connection shall first have been approved by the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs of this v i l l a g e and unless said c o n n e c t i o n shall be made under the supervision and direction of said Board of Trustees of Public Affairs or its superintendent. SECTION THREE : It shall be unlawful fo? anv person, p e r s o n s , or corporation to make or cause to be made, any connection to the village wa t e r system or any water line connected to the village water system, without first obtaining permission of the Board of jrustees of Public Affairs and unless said con­ nection be made under the supervision and direction of said Board. Any persop, persons, or cor­ poration violating any of the provisions of these By-laws herein c o n t a i n e d shall be fined not to exceed the sum of Fifty Dollars for the first violation thereof; each day such violation continued af- _ter conviction shall consti­ tute a separate offense here­ under. ,| BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF THE VILLAGE OF JAMESTOWN. OHIO ss R. L. Haines, Pres. Max L. Heifner W.G. Thuma , L l * f U \ R )