The Greene County Guardian, April 25, 1957
Library Cedarville C ollege Cedarville, Ohio 2/55 L U O O m i » i i * * * t - ment building was totally destroyed along with a self-propelled combine inside the building Tuesday on a farm owned by Jamestown Mayor Floyd E. Smith. The b u i l d i n g is located on Su t t o n road and the fire alarm was __ _ m touwcnvu ic voiuuteer Fire Department. The call was too late, however, for firemen to do any thing except prevent the blaze from s p r e a d i n g . Flames w e r e believed c a u s e d from d e f e c t i v e w i r i n g . (Guardian Photo) JUST WANTED TO HELP Clifton Girls Seek Work Wind Up Causing Worry Janie and Sandy Trnka are back in s c h o o l now, con vinced their widowed mother w i l l be a b l e to get along without their financial aid. The two went out to find jobs Tuesday to help out the fam ily income. Their mo ther, Mrs. A l i c e T r n k a , didn't know that. When the two didn't return from school at 3:15 p. m ., she called the Greene County Sheriff's office. A statewide alarm was sounded and sev-’ eral c a r l o a d s of volunteer firemen organized a search party throughout a good deal of the county. Searchers "turned out during the afternoon, returned to C 1i f t o n for a meeting at 7 p .m ., then four carloads of firemen fanned out to/search through Xenia and Yellow Springs. DONALD NOCK . . . New Head Coach Donald Nock Named Ram ^age Coach Donald Nock, an assistant c o a c h at Greeneview High School the past three years, has been names to replace Fred Long as head basketball coach at Greeneview. Nock has been b a s e b a l l coach, has been a s s i s t a n t football c o a c h and reserve basketball coach during his tenure with the Rams. His appointment at the head o f the Ram Basketball for tunes, came from the Board o f Education at its regular meeting Monday night. Long announced his resign ation after six .years at the helm. He claimed the Rams" showing in the 1957 Greene C o u n t y tournament played a part in his decision to quit. He, and most o f the county expected the Rams to take the title. M r c F i v " .n .wm a n tw j ivirs. r liney claimed at 82 Dies at 55 in Jamestown On Tuesday Mrs. V iolet Anderson Fin ley of 66 W. Washington St. J a m e s t o w n , died at 6:15 p. m. Tuesday in the Greene Memorial Hospital, Xenia. She was 55. Mrs. Finley had been in ill health four weeks and in the hospital nine days. She was bom in Greene County April 7, 1902, and was the l a s t member of h e r immediate fam ily. She was a member of the Jamestown Church of Christ. She and her husband, Oscar Finley, at one time operated a rest home in Jamestown. Surviving beside the husband are 10 children: John, Mrs. Helen Klontz and W ayne o f rj ^ in Jamestown, Mrs. Elma Bull ock of Arendo Beach, C a lif., C e c i l and Glenn of Xenia, Mrs. Shirley Pratter of Jeff ersonville and Ernest, Donna and Martha, at home. Three sons preceded her in death. Funeral services are to be held Friday at 2 p.m . in the P o w e r s F u n e r a l Home at J a me s t o w n wifli Mr. G.R, G o l d e n , m i n i s t e r of the Jamestown Church o f Christ, officiating. Burial w ill be in Jamestown Cemetery. the g r e e n e coun t y GUARDIAN VOL. II NO. 17 JAMESTOWN, OHIO April 25, 1957 10 CENTS Private Kindergarten at Cedarville Is Planned Mrs. Trnka later learned her daughters had walked all the way from Clifton to Yellow Springs, on to Xenia, then back to Yellow Springs, ask ing for work in restaurants and a Xenia dime store along the way. .Where were they found? Oh, Yes; all that walking 'made them tired so they went to a movie in Yellow Springs and were found by firemen as they were l e a v i n g the theater at 11 p. m. "They 're pretty good girls, the mother said. Janie is 11 and Sandy is 10. W.H.Wilkinson Tentative plans have been made for a private kinder garten this fall for children who w ill start the first grade in September of next year. Tentative plans call for to 3:30 p.m . sessions Mon day through Thursday at the Legion Home in Cedarville. M.1 I The cost w o u l d be $8 per t j f / f f child per month. Arrangements are now in the hands of Mrs. R. C. Mar shall. Anyone interested may1 call her at SO 6-4571 or at tend a meeting at 7:30 p. m. M o n d a y , April 29, at the Legion Home. Registration for the kindergarten w ill take place and Supt. of Schools Robert O. I m p s o n w ill be there to explain the change in age lim it of children en tering school this fall. Mrs. R. W. Frost of Clifton willbetheJcindergarten class teacher. lPupils Eye Of School The Rev. KENNETH CAREY ___At Cedarville W illiam Harper Wilkinson, 82, w h o h ad b e e n at the L i v e l y Nu r s i n g Home in J a m e s t o w n eight months, died there at 6:15 p .m .Sat urday. He was a member of the New Jasper M e t h o d i s t Church. At one time he op erated the grain e l e v a t o r near Jasper Station. He was born in Greene County and married the former Miss Lula Cooper, who died in 1950. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Edith Williamson of near New Ja s pe r and Mrs. Ruth Murry of Jamestown; a sister, Mrs. A n n a C o n r e y of New Jasper; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Powers Funer al Home in Jamestown with Jamestown Ceme tery._____ _____________ Joint Fund Idea Includes Dance Pupils from Bowersville Jeff erson, C e d a r C liff, Spring Valley and Bellbrook schools are pooling their efforts to- f und- r ai s i ng with a 50-50 dance to be held Friday, May 3, at the Blue Moon,, south of X e n i a onU .S . R o u t e 42. Dancing w ill be from 8 to 11 p.m . and a n y o n e desiring tickets may call the schools. Cedarville Celebration Is Growing A ll of Cedarville and a good many persons from surround- areas a r e expected to t urn out S a t u r d a y for "W ilma Reinhard D a y ." As plans have rolled along under the direction of Mrs. G. G. McAlister, the event has gathered m o m e n t u m steadily. Mrs. Reinhard is being hon ored. for her 20 years' work in community projects, prin cipally i n t h e G i r l S c o u t c i p a l l y in the Girl Scout movement. Mayor Harold S p i t l e r has proclaimed Saturday Wilma Reinhard Day in Cedarville and there w ill be a parade under the direction o f The American Legion Auxiliary to Wallace C. Anderson Post 544. Friends o f Mrs. Reinhard are urged to participate in the celebration either by attend- or by sending notices. Clayton Wiseman Is Appointed to Mental Health Post Mr. C l a y ton Wiseman, a resident of Jamestown, has accepted an appointment to fill a vacancy on the Board of Directors of the Greene County Mental Health Asso- c i a t i o f l . The appointment was made by the Bo a r d of Directors at its meeting on April 3. Mr. W i s e m a n is Director of Guidance for the Greene County schools. Mr. G o r d o n Eckstrand, Xenia, and Captain Phillip S c h u l t z , Yellow Springs, were also appointed to the Board of Directors. Mr. Eck strand is a representative to the Greene County Mental Health Association from the M iam i Valley Psychological Association. He is a psychol ogist at the Aero-Medical Laboratory of Wright Air De velopment Center. The Rev. G .C . REED . . A t Jamestown Seniors—other pupils, too, but mostly s e n i o r s —have their sights set on the end of next month and the end of school. Baccalaureate s e r v i ces at Greeneview, Cedarville and Bowersville Jefferson all w ill be held Sunday, May 26. C e d a r v i l l e ’s commence ment w ill be Monday, May 27, and G r e e n e v i e w and Jefferson seniors w ill be grad uated Tuesday, May 28. Cedarville's Baccalaureate s p e a k e r w ill be the Rev. Kenneth Carey, pastor o f the United Presbyterian Church at Cedarville. Ray Monsal- vatge, director o f field edu cation for the National Man agement Association, w ill be commencement speaker, Greeneview's Baccalaureate speaker w ill be the Rev. G. C.Reed, pastor of the James town Methodist Church. Dr. H. I. Von Haden of Miami U n i v e r s i t y w ill be com mencement speaker. J e f f e r s o n ’s Baccalaureate speaker w ill be the Rev. G. E. T a tm an , pastor o f the B o w e r s v i l l e Me t h o d i s t Church. The commencement s p e a k e r w ill be the Rev. D e w e e r d o f Cadle Taber nacle, Charge on Shaw Ends As Assault > Robert Thomas Shaw, 26, New Jasper, who originally was indicted on a charge of second degree murder, has been found guilty of assault and battery—a double reduc- tion of charges. His attorney, Marcus Shoup, artley Killed Lairtn annfnvAl o f a m o tio n re * _ * . . ^ , . Jamestown native Clyde L. B a r t l e y , 61, and his wife, H a z e l L ., 53, were killed instantly last Sunday when their car was smashed broad side by a n o t h e r auto near The Rev. G.E. TATMAN . At Bowersville Jamestown Native Clyde wo pproval f ti r ducing the charge from sec ond degree" murder to man slaughter. The jury then re duced the charge further a f ter deliberating more than seven hours. Charges stemmed from the Jan. 27death of Shaw's step father, Jesse Paul Shaw, 48, two days after an altercation at the New Jasper home. The case went more than nine days. The maximum penalty under the assault and battery charge is $200 fine and six months in jail. Columbus, The Bartley car reportedly ran a' stop sign. The crash spun the other car around and skidded the Bart ley car 46 feet into a field, where it rolled over into a bank. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bartley, late residents of Bellbrook, were t h r o w n from the car. They were on the way to visit Mr. Bartley's b r o t h er, Ira, who is ill in Groveport. The Bartleys leave two sons, Don of Xenia, and Neil A. Bartley, B a r k s d a l e AFB.
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