The Greene County Guardian, April 25, 1957

THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN April 25, 1957 c l a s s if ie d ad s Wanted: Elderly lady to care fo r t wo c h i l d r e n , ages 6 weeks and 9 years old and to make home there plus wa­ ges. Dial OR 5-8171. WANTED Garden plowing, Phone OR 5-9097. DR 2-6762 Hauling: topsoil pit run crusher run filter FOR SALE Pure-bred meat-type Hamp­ shire boars and gilts. Cedar Crest Farms. Archie Peterson,, first farm south of Y e 11o w Sp r i n g s on US 68. Phone .7-3240, _________ X,egal Notice Lewis A. M a ss i e , whose place of*residence is unknown and whose last known place of residence was 49 Trum­ bull S t r e e t , Xenia, Ohio, w ill take notice that on the 21st day of March, 1957 the undersigned filed her petition against him in tire Court of C o mm o n Pleas of Greene County, Ohio praying 'or a d i v o r c e and relief on me grounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause w ill be for hear­ ing six weeks after the date cf this first publication. ss Agues G. Massie, by Robert B. Brewer Attorney at Law Xenia, Ohio Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Jhio Olan J. Hilderbrandt vs. Joan E. Hilderbrandt Case No. 30916 Joan E. Hilderbrandt, whose place of residence is RFD #2, Box 0, Columbia, ST. C ., w ill take notice that on the 4th day of April, 1957, the un­ dersigned filed his petition against her in the Court of C o m m o n P l e a s , Greene County, Ohio, praying for a divorce, custody of children and o t h e r r e l i e f on the grounds o f gross neglect of duty. Said cause w ill be for hear­ ing sLx weeks after first date of publication. Olan J. Hilderbrandt, plaintiff Shaw and Cox, Attorneys for plaintiff IT'S A... LEGAL NOTICE The Trustees of Ross Town­ ship w ill receive bids on 3/4 c r u s h e r -run gravel for the roads of Ross Township. Bids to be in by 1:00 p.m . Tues­ day, 14th of M a y , at the office of the Clerk. The T r u s t e e s reserve the right to r e j e c t any or all bids. CARD OF THANKS ♦ l would like to thank my friends and relatives for the many kindnesses shown me and my f a m i l y during my recent stay in the hospital. Harold Breakfield G I R L - - F o r Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickering, Jamestown Route 1. The Pickering’s first daughter was born Tuesday at Haines H o s p i t a l . She weighed six pounds and 11 1/2 ounces. The mother is the former Lelia M iller. DAUGHTER- - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Hahn, Jeffersonville, at Haines Hos­ pital Wednesday. The baby w e i g h e d nine pounds and eight ounces. Mrs. Hahn is die former Bertha Davis. Group 22 Names Aaron Page Prexy For Coming Year Group 22, Ohio Association o f School A d m i r i s t rators, w h i c h m e e t s at Curley's R e s t a u r a n t in Jamestown, last Monday night elected Xenia East High P r i n c i p a l Aaron Page president for the coming year. Other officers named at the last meeting of the current school year are Frank Pickens, Madison South, vice presi­ dent, and D o n a l d H i a t t , C 1ar ksville superintendent, secretary-treasurer. Eugene W. Kavanagh, as­ sistant Greene County Super­ intendent of schools, is the retiring president. notes from Netc Jasp er Mrs. LUCY WHITE Sheley and daughter, Dona, Mrs. Ruth Lowmiller and o f J ame s t o wn , Miss Susie daughter, Jane Pollard, visit- Henderson o f Beavercreek, ed in Cincinnati Wednesday Mrs.Onia Warnock, Mr. and and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A .D . Chitty and son, Mrs. Arthur Spence. Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ----- - ' Larrick, Mrs. Mills of Sabina, Mrs. Merle Arehart, Dayton, and Mrs. Esta White. spent Sunday with her son and --------- daughter-in-law, M r. and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Har- Mrs. Kenneth Arehart. grave have returned home --------- from Florida after spending Callers on Mrs. Ella Brown the Winter there. l a s t w e e k were Miss Opal ------- - Davids, Washington C .H ., Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Zimmer- and Mrs. Rufus Jenks were man, Hillsboro, and May- Ben Jenks and fam ily o f Ham- nard Davids, Wilmington. ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Abe An- -------- ders and son, Jimmie, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hollings- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ander.- of worth ana daughtei, Janet Xenia. Sue, were S u n d a y dinner --------- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Mr. and Mrs. George Custer sell Irvin o f Wilmington. entertained to dinner Sunday --------- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mattis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borst of L e w i s b u r g , Mrs. C.R. Jr. and daughter, Mr. and Massie of M illedgeville and Mrs. Richard Michner and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hol- daughter and Mr.and Mrs. bert and daughter of Wash- Charles BorstSr. and children ington C. H. spent the weekend in Bates- ------- - ville, Ind., visiting with Mrs. Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. Walter Wren. and Mrs. L a u r e n c e Mason --------- w e r e Mr. and Mrs. S t e v e Thane Bock, student at Ohio Powers, Xenia, Mr. Marvin Weslyan University, s p e n t Grey and fam ily o f Miamis- the weekend with his parents, burg and Mr. Earl Stethem Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bock. and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Finney Mr, R o n a l d Leslie visited and Mrs. Hyles of Cedarville wfth Mr. and Mrs. George called on Maywood Horney Custer Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon. --------- -------- Mr. and Mrs. A .D . Chitty L. J. Pauley isconfined to spent Easter Sunday evening his home with af r a c t ured with Mrs. Jo Chitty at the pelvic bone. University Hospital, Colum- -------- bus. Mr. and Mrs. Traverse Hoi- --------- lingsworth and Julia of Wash- Mrs.Onia Smith spent Sun- ington C .H . spent Sunday day with her sister, Mrs. Ruth with his mother, Mrs. Audra Fenner of Sabina. Hollingsworth. - —— Mrs. Catherine Haugheyen- Sunday dinner guests of Mr. tertained to breakfast Easter and Mrs. -Gerald Bock and Sunday morning the Follow- son, Thane, were Mrs. Maude ing g u e s t s : Mr. and Mrs. for WHITE that’s RIGHT use H Y -K IA S tuper whit* SATIN FINISH ENAMEL a perfect sheen for . . . woodwork everywhere Here's on enamel that's not too glossy, not too glary. Hy-Klos Super White Sotin Finish Enamel gives a smooth finish thot's completely free of harshness. It's a dull lustre enamel that looks and Washes like tine imported china. Non-yellowing — it re­ tains its handsome, fresh whiteness for years. Give your home the professional touch with Hy-Kkss Satin Finish Enamel in Super White. Start your re-decorating now! * 6 5 0 * 9 0 GALLON QUART ine Adams Ultima Co. JAMESTOWN PH. OR 5-9631 amestown Furniture where You Feather Your Nest With A Little Down I x \ PHONE OR 5-4011 \ George Gallagher and sons, Jack and Tommy; Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i a m George and sons, Paul and Billy; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallagher and sons, Pat and Michael; Mrs. Ruth Bond and daughter, Joy, of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. N eil Pendry and son, David; and M r . and Mrs. R o g e r H a u g h e y and daughters, Debbie and Juleah. Meetings For Dieters Are Pldnned A series o f meetings is b e­ ing organized for people who want to reduce their weight, by following a sound nutri­ tion diet. The s e r i e s w ill consist of lour weekly meetings. The f i r s t m e e t i n g w ill be on Thursday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m . in the Health Depart­ ment in the Greene County Memorial Hospital. Enrollment is open to any­ one, who has not previously attended the Weight Control meetln8S’ for sixth The W e i g h t Control pro- ror sixtn. Cedarville Plans For Softball Loop Plans for the current season are to be w o r k e d out at a meeting o f the Cedarville Softball Commission at 7:30 p.m . F r i d a y in the IOOF Hall, S.Main street, Cedar­ ville. Two team vacancies still exist, it was learned, and any team interested should have a representative contact R.E. Hixon at SO 6-4321. Jefferson,Cedar Cliff ,Greenevie\v Teams are-Placed Sowersville Jefferson f i n - Lshed seventh, Greereview placed lB-h and Cedar C liff was 22nd in a livestock, sheen and wool and land judging contest held recently for 25 Future Farmers of America chapters at the OSSO Home in Xenia. Inthesheep and wool judg­ ing, which included 20 teams, Cedar C liff placed third and Greeneview tied with Xenia gram is s p o n s o r e d by the G r e e n e C o u n t y Board o f f B U M N E R V O U S Health, Greene County Med- * icalSociety and the Agricul- HEADACHES turalExtension Service. Dor- g g ;] f o r othy C. Buck, home econo- £TDOIJ/2CD V a * CASED mics agent w ill be the in- PlltWIlWCIf ICT PHrCK structor, assisted by Lorraine Aeh, public health nurse. Anyone desiring to enroll j or to secure more informa­ tion should call DR 2-3527 or DR 2-3071. QUALITYGASOLINE \ &OILS / / \ A N 4 C I N C a n 't U p se t The Stom ach Anacin not only gives stronger, faster relief from pain of headache, neuritis end neuralgia but is also safer. Anacin can't upset the stomach or causa heart­ burn. Highest medical authorities declare the combination of pain rolievets I* Anacin is more effective and safer them any single drug. Buy to-day. rSAVE 50%- Tires-Batteries Lubrication Washing Accesories Buy large Twfse a: Dottle of 100 Bottle of 50 ____ sixe-Get Almalt I a s many tablets * 9 8 * Gumm g 6 9 < Bradds Heffner's SERVICE STATION State 72 at Selma Pike Authorized Distributor purest fuel you can buy! Skelgas— World's finest fuel and I Appliances available e xclusively at Smith’s Fann & Home Center Jamestown Phone OR 5=8511 —