The Greene County Guardian, May 2, 1957

JUST OUR OPINION Run-Off Water Code Enforcement Studied Some two weeks have passed now since the Board of Public Affairs of the village of Jamestown published a village ordinance pointing out a fine of $50 per day may be imposed on anyone permitting water from a downspout, or other surface water ot drain into a sanitary sewer. But no one has started digging, we've noticed. The purpose is to keep the newJamestown Sewage disposal plant operating for the processing of sewerage. Everytime it rains, jthe plant is taxed near capacity--sometimes beyond—by the surface water which either seeps into or is intentionally routed into sanitary sewers. The Board of Public Affairs was acting in good^ faith, we trust, when it issued the directive. The Village Council was acting in good faith, we trust, when it passed the ordinance. That ordinance, of course, has been on the books for a number of years.! It just hasn’t.been enforced too well. One reason is that it's a hard one to enforce. You can imagine the difficulties of sending a man around tp div nn every lawn in town to determine if the down­ spout, or a sump pump, outlet, goes into the sanitary sewer. One of the easiest forms of enforcement, of course, is to check every newhouse under construction. You can find an offender quicklywhen the skeleton of construction is bare. But, in catching the new builder, the enforcing agent unduly antagonizefshim because that new builder realizes that seyeralpreviously-built homes have the same set-up that he is being forced to correct. In order to play the game fair, the Board of Public Affairs is going to have to work out a method of checking the older homes, too. .One way it to use ping-pong balls. You drop one down the downspout andhave another man watching at the near est manhole. If the ball floats by in the sanitary sewer, vou have an offender. It's not all that simple, certainly; but the Board needs to remember that any board of authority must treat all its constituents in a like manner There's sound reason for the law. Accordingly, it should be enforced soundly. Library Cedar Cedarville. Ohio 2 / the g r e e n e c o un t y GUARDIAN VOL. II NO. 18 JAMESTOWN, OHIO 10 CENTS Shaw Freed FOR SKEN D IV ER S ... CONSTRUCTION STARTED—A supervisor of the Charles Winston Construction Co. of Cedarville goes over plans for , A ^ C Q 1 j 1 1 the $40, 000 skin divers' clubhouse now under construction * ' ' r M o i l U l l at the abandoned stone quarry southwest of Cedarville. The elaborate clubhouse will cantilever over the lake. Com­ pletion of the project is expected this summer. Wilma Reinhard Is Lauded at Cedarville Girl Scout Movement In Jamestown Needed Jamestown has become a target for the Greene County Girl Scout Council—and for a couple of good reasons. Or, maybe we should say bad reasons; the situation isn’t good and needs some of the town's progressive thinkers to put through a worthwhile program for the benefit of the young girls here who need and deserve wholesome outlets for their energies. In the first place, Jamestown is a county trouble spot from the Scouting angle simply because there is no Girl Scout movement active in the town. That’s a situation which Jamestown residents must be wondering about after Cedar­ ville just completed a celebration honoring Mrs. Wilma Reinhard, who brought Girl Scouting to that village 20 years ago. During those 20 years that the Girl Scout movement has grown and progressed in the village of Cedarville, just what has Jamestown been doing? All appearances indicate squab­ bling has occupied more time than anyghing constructive. Jamestown has a representative on the Greene'County Girl Scout Council. But that representative apparently is not aware of some of the codes of Scouting. That representative, in fact, informed the publisher of this newspaper that one reason Girl Scouting has not caught hold in this town is because the Girl Scout national policy prohibits inter-racial troops. That's not true. Whether that statement was a misconcep­ tion gleaned from others with the same thoughts or was a personal interpretation, the fact remains that the statement is flatly untrue. Your publisher checked out information on this at great lengths--sure in his own mind from the start that the state­ ment could not be the truth—and justified that thought/ Girl Scouts, on the contrary, encourage inter-racial troops on the solid-thinking theory that all races of man must eventually learn to cooperate. And when’s a better time time to start teaching that than when little girls' minds still are open and unclouded by the narrowopinions of their parents? Parental opinions need not be narrow. There are those in this area who are above such antiquated views. And those are the people being sought out by the paid executive of the Greene County Girl Scout Council. Those people will bring Girl Scouting to Jamestown and the program will accomplish what it is designed to accom­ plish. But it may be some time. It may be some time before the opinions are ready to give way to fact. S e v e r a l hundred persons turned out Saturday for Wil- mahReinhard Day in Cedar­ ville. The parade, itself, in­ cluded some 250 persons. All were members of the G i r l S c o u t s , Cub Scouts, L e g i o n n a i r e s , Auxiliary, Lions. Fire Department and Mayor Warns Bicycle Riders To Take It Easy Mayor Floyd E. Smith this week wa r n e d that the vil­ lage’s ordinance prohibiting bicycle-riding on the side­ walks will be enforced unless the town's s m a l l f r y shows more caution. "We hate to push them out into the street, ”Mayor Smith said "But t h e y ' r e going to hoave have to slow down or some­ one is going to get hurt the way they ride on the side­ walks. " 75 at Annual Cedar G i f f FFA Banquet Seventy-six a t t e nd e d the p a r e n t - son banquet of the Cedar Cliff Future Farmers of America this week at Ce­ darville. Honorary FFA de­ grees were presented to Latins Straley, father of last year's state farmer William Straley, Ben Beard of Bowersville and Tom Harner of Cedarville. Ralph Harner, vo-ag teach­ er. gave the invocation and Greeneview Sorine Harold Powers, chapter vice o p r i n g president, gave the welcome. Concert Is May 10 the Cedar Cliff High School B and -a ll o r g a n i z a t i o n s which Mrs. Reinhard has aid­ ed du r i ng her 20 years of community service in Cedar­ ville. She formed the first Cedar­ ville Girl Scout troop ip 1937. Many honors were heaped upon die head of Cedarville's most active civic worker dur­ ing the special ceremonies. The community p r e s e n ted her an orchid. Mrs. Marvin Birch, executive director of the Greene County Girl Scout Council, gave her the 20- year-pin in Girl Scouting. Mrs. Harold Spitler, retiring neighborhood c h a i r m a n in C e d a r v i l l e , presented a Thank You pin to Mrs.Rein­ hard, on behalf of the Cedar­ ville troops. Only two other persons in the county have these pins given in recogni­ tion of s e r v i c e . The nine troop l e a d e r s and all Girl Scouts present were recog­ nized by Mrs. Spitler. A sterling silver coffee pot and tray were presented by Mrs. Raymond Williamson, chairman of the Community Appreciation C omm i t t e e . From Mrs. Reinhard's troop, she received a floral arrange­ ment in a ceramic container, specially made for the occa­ sion and painted by the Sen­ ior Girl Scouts. Mildred Mc- Callister, a member of the Senior Scout Troop, made the presentation. Robert Thomas Shaw, New Jasper, has been freed. Originally indicted for sec­ ond d e g r e e murder in the death of his step-father Jan. 27, Shaw was given a sus­ pended six-month ja il sen­ tence. Common Pleas Judge Dan M. Aultman of Greene County also suspended court costs. Shaw had been in ja il 90 days under $500 bond follow­ ing the d e a t h of his step­ father. Following the second-de­ gree murder i n d i c t m e n t , Shaw won a r e d u c t i o n of charge of manslaughter dur­ ing trial. The jury then fur­ ther reduced the charge Bill Is Backed Ohio's House of Representa­ t i v e s ’ Conservation Com­ mittee came forth Wednes­ day with a go-ahead recom­ mendation on the $500, 000 b i l l t o s t a r t a lake near Jamestown. T h e b i l l now goes to the House Finance Committee. •_____________ Greene\iew Fete Draws 200 Persons Nearly 200 persons attended the annual Greeneview Ath­ letic Banquet last week and awards*were presented to both junior high and varsity ath­ letes, a l o n g wi t h cheer­ leaders. Awa r ds covered football, b a s e b a l l , basketball and track. Lefty McFaden, Day- ton t e 1 e v ision personality, was guest speaker. The banquet was sponsored by the Parent - Teacher Or­ ganization. Mrs. Ralph Lovett was in c h a r g e of the food c o m m i t t e e , Mrs. Lelia Faulkner and Mrs. R e g i n a Reid handled table decora­ tions. The program was under the direction of Mrs. Keith Johnston and Mrs. Margaret Jean Pendry. Flowers were donated by Ary's florists. S e r v i n g was in charge of Mrs. Octavia Taylor and her home economics department group. • - o ' ~iii«n .....1 — >— - I,. Greeneview’s "op Pupils Greeneview pup i l s taking the district-state scholarship tests Saturday at Wittenberg C o l l e g e in Springfield in­ clude Joyce Mossman, biol­ ogy; La r r y Foster, general s c i e n c e ; R i c h a r d Jenks, c h e m i s t r y ; Tom Thuma, physics; Neil West, algebra I; James Johnston, plane geom­ etry; John Burnett, American history; Ray Minshall, world h i s t o r y ; Lonnie Burroughs, English 9; Joy Root, English 10; Lee Lovett, English 11; Larry Jones, English 12; Judy Rosell, Latin I; Phillip Reid, Latin II; PatrickHenry, Span­ ish I, and R e b e c c a Glass, bookkeeping I.____________ ^ The FFA creed was presented by Philip Fields, Lester Fer­ guson, 1 Roger Bullen, John Pyle and Roger Dobbins. Others participating in the program included Jaclt Mar­ shall, Lamar Spracklen, Ray­ mond Nance, Ralph Harner, Cedar C liff Supt. of Schools Robert O. Impson. The annual Spring Concert of Greeneview Schools will be held at 8 p. m. Friday, May 10t in the Greeneview South auditorium. The Mu s i c Department s presentation will feature the high school chorus, the high school band, the junior band and the elementary band. MARR IED50 YEARS... GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY—Mr. and Mrs. Rod­ ney Roberts of Jamestown Route 1 marked their 50th wed­ ding anniversary Wednesday. The couple has spent most of his married life in the Jamestown area. They have one son, Mr. Roy Roberts, and five daughters, Mrs. Eugene Perrine, Mrs. Forest Stingley, Miss Susan Roberts, Mrs. Mart Ringer and Mrs. Ruth Hoppel, all of Jamestown. Three are nine children and one great-grandchild.