The Greene County Guardian, May 9, 1957
Ceda . Cedarville, Ohio 2/58 3. the greene county VOL. n NO. 19 May 9, 1957 Jamestown. Ohio TEN CENTS GUARDIAN MUSICAL OFFERING IS SUNDAY. MOTHERS DAY PROGRAM- - Th e C e d a r v i l l e College Choir will present "Sermons in Song" at the Grace Bap tist Church of Cedarville, located in the Milner Chapel ofCedarville College, onSuncay, May 12, at 7:30 p.m. , according to the Rev. Harry E. Cole, paster of the Grace Baptist Church. The Choir, with 28 members under the direction ofWarren L. Webber, will present a program of sacred numbers including choir anthems, specials, and hymns. Dr. Arthur F. Williams, Dean of.Students and Pro- ffessor in theology will bring a message from the Word of God. Cedarville College, a Baptist College of Liberal- Arts, is an approved educational institution of the Gen eral Association ofRegular Baptist Churches. The College offers the degrees of bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, and bachelor of music. The public is cordially invited to attend the service. Legion Auxiliary Picks Candidates Native Cedarville Leader Of UP Church Taken The Jamestown American Legion Auxiliary of Post 155 has c h o s e n its Girl's State representative. She is Alice Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams of. Bowersville. Girls are selected oh their interest in government, men tal alertness and willingness to accept responsibility. She must be a high school junior and in the upper part of her class scholastically. Since Miss Williams finds Village Council Meeting Doesn’t Jamestown's slated meeting of Vi 11a ge Council bogged down Monday night because of the illness of Clerk Dean Sesslar. "Wasn't mu c h t o do any how, " village fathers agreed. Bowersville Lions Elect New officers Ofthe Bowers- v i l l e Li ons C l u b for the 1957-'58 y e a r are headed byRoydenJohnson, president. Russell Mason is first vice- president, C.J. Eddy is sec ond vice president and John Boothby is secretary. Cecil Goodbar was elected treas urer and Eddy was named Lion Tamer. Tail Twisters areKenLowmiller and Frank Beard. Club directors are Ben Beard and Jim Goodbar. herself unable to attend; her a l t e r n a t e Mi ss Carolyn Ab b o t t , will visit Capital University in Columbus dur ing the week of June 15 to June 23. Miss Abbott is the' d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Abbott and a Junior at Jefferson High School in Bowersville. She attends die Emmanuel Baptist Church in Xenia and quite often plays the piano there. Verda-Ja Hostess To Other Gardeners Last Wednesday the Verde- Ja Ga r d e n Cl u b acted as ho s t e s s to the Multi-Flora and the Jamestown Garden Cl ub s at Ker-Dean Inn in Springfield. After lunch the members of all three clubs toured Hollan- dia Gardens, also in Spring- field. Poppy Day Planned Plans are being made now by the Jamestown American JLegion AuxUliary to hold a PoppyDay sale May 25. The sale of poppies benefits hos pitalized veterans and their families. Chicken Pie Sale The Junior Helpers of Ross Chapel A. M.E. Church will have a chicken pie sale May 4 from 3 p. m. until ?? (25$ a serving) at the home of Mrs. John (Spar ky) Evans, 14 E. Adams S t., Jamestown. The public is Invited. The Rev. Dr. John Alvin Orr, native of Cedarville and one-time moderator of the General As s emb l y of the United Presbyterian Church, died Monday at Memorial Hospital in Anderson, S.C. He was 82. Born Sept. 7, 1874, in Ce darville, he was the son of James R. and Mary Little Orr. He was graduated from Ce darville College in 1897 and earned the Doctor of Divin ity degree there in 1916. He had earned the master's de gree at the U ni ver s i t y of Pittsburgh in 1900. Rev. Dr. Orr s p e n t more than 50 years in die ministry before his retirement. Im portant posts held during his service include pastor of the First United P r e s b y t e r i a n Church of Pittsburgh and of the First United Presbyterian Church of Allegheny, Pa . ; moderator of the Synod of the Associate Reformed Pres- Marion Reed Gets Double Jail Terms Ma r i o n A. Reed, 22, a former resident of Jamestown, h a s b e e n sentenced to two concurrent terms in the Mans field Reformatory on charges of manslaughter and m a l icious destruction of property. Both charges arose from the Aug. 12, 1956, traffic death of Jam e s F. Smith,.Xenia, whowas a passenger in Reed's car when it wrecked along U. S. Route 42 betweenWilber- force and Cedarville. The manslaughter conviction came a f t e r a two-day jury trial. Reed, after being found g u i l t y on t h a t count, he chflnagd_a former inqpcent plea to g u i l t y of the m al icious destruction of property charge. The Reed family has not re sided in Jamestown for sev- months. byterian Church of the South, a member of the faculty at Erskine College, Due West, S. C. J chairman of the New World Mo v e m e n t of the United Presbyterian Church and moderator of the Gener al Assembly. He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Mary Edie, whom he married in 1932; a son, Dr. James R. Orr of Pitts burgh; two daughters, Mrs. Herbert Satler of Philadelphia and Mrs. Ve r n o n Baker of Pittsburgh; two sisters, Mrs. Ernest D. McClellan of Col umbus, and Mrs. Josephine O.Hill of Pittsburgh and two grandchildren. Services we r e Wednesday at the McM i l l a n Funeral Home in C e d a r v i l l e with burial in Massie Creek Cem etery, Cedarville. Jamestown Masons Hold Family Night Friday Evening Jamestown Masonic Lodge held family night last Friday at the M a s o n i c Hall. The planning committee for the evening was Boyce Moore, Kenneth F i e l d s and Johnny Evans. Arepresentative of die An derson Mu s i c C omp a n y played organ music for the group and films were shown. Refreshments were served, present were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Liming and family, Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Fields and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Murrey and family, Mr. and Mjs. Boyce Moore and fam ily, Mr. and Mr s . W illis Gl a s s , Mr. and Mrs. Dan Powers, Mrs. Richard Thomp son and daughters, Mr. and Mis. DonMatthews of Xenia, Rev. and Mrs. G.C. Re ed and Mrs. Barbara Liebertnan and son. Watch for the B est Jamestown Bargain Days Yet— - Next Week LEAVES AND PEDDLERS Cedarville to Enforce Laws On Solicitors Spring's here, the leaves are out and so are the peddlers ;so Cedarville Council Monday night issued a warni ng that the v i l l a g e ' s "Green River Ordinance" will be enforced strictly. The ordinance r e q u i r i n g peddlers and so licito rs was pushed through l a s t s pring following an outbreak of bad experiences with s u c h per sons in the village. Peddlers and s ol i c i t or s now are re quired to r e g i s t e r with the mayor's office before work ing the town. It was reported Monday by Mayor Ha r o l d Spitler that $1, 046.35 was taken in horn fines, forfeitures and f e e s during the month of April. Council okayed purchase of f i nger - pr i nt i ng kit for the Police Department and passed an ordinance covering rates to be charged by the Dayton P owe r a nd L i g h t Co. for electrical service. Council also accepted a bid of the R.L. J o h n s o n Co., Wilmington, for street ma terials to be used in repair work during the summer. Bids for supplying gasoline for village vehicles all were tossed out. The village will have to re-advertise for bids on supplying gasoline. In a boost to business places. C o u n c i l gave the okay on p a r k i n g of delivery trucks w i t h o u t me t e r - f e e d i ng . Trucks may park in Cedar ville free while making del iveries, so long as they don't double-park. FUTURE FARMERETTE « BOWERSVILLE FFA QUEEN--Rae Alexander (left), l a s t year's queen o f Bowersville FFA Chapter, crowns Miss BonnieHeinz, queen for 1957, at the recent FFA banquet there. Supervising activities are Neal Gregory, president, and Jack Gallagher, treasurer. Miss Heinz, a junior, was chosen by vote of chapter members. Her selection was on the basis of scholarship and personality. Lightning H its Knisley Home Fire s t r u c k the dwelling owned by Wayne Knisley on the Jeffersonville Pike Sun- d a y afternoon. Apparently the building was struck by lightning and flames were centered in a chimney closet on the second floor. The fire was r e p o r t e d at 2:45 p.m . byj . W. Straight, a neighbor, who called the Jamestown Fire Department. Firemen had some difficulty in putting out the flames be cause it was on the second floor. They finally had to cut a hole in die roof to ex- tinquish the blaze. James town ‘Firemen were assisted by the New Jasper Fire De partment, which has a vital piece of • equipment which the Jamestown Department lacks, a water tank. The house was empty as it was in the process of being remodeled. There was ex tensive d am a g e to the up- s t a i r s p a r t caused by the flames alfc] some damage to the first floor caused by wa ter. The firemen were on the job about two hours.
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