The Greene County Guardian, May 9, 1957

THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN May 9, 1957; — ■ ■ '-T 5 DON’T FORGET MOWER'S DAY May 12 Numerous Gifts kA. T o Choose Janaestown JAMES I P A I N T S |) GUARDIAN CLASSIFIED FULLER BRUSH AGENT Richard L. Abels Phone SO 6-2627 James Rexall Store Cedarville Full line of Dr. Hess' pro­ ducts: t o n i c , dip, s p r a y , hogoyl, poultry panamin. 2t-5/9-5/16. Note Of Thanks The J u n i o r Class wi s h to thank their mothers for the solicting and th e Business­ men of„Jamestown for con­ tributing so generously to the After-Prom entertainment at Greeneview. I would like to thank my jriends, neighbors and rela­ tives for the many cards, per­ sonal notes and the numer­ ous other displays of kindness shown me during my stay in the Hospital. J. Karl Robinson 700 South E. 5th Court Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. New Jasper Elevator Mixing and Grinding Service FOR SALE—Fryers dressed or on foot. OR 5-^097. 4t-5/ 9 - 5/16-5/23 HELP WANTED: Waitress— must be over 16. Cooks— Experienced . No phone calls. Curley's Fine Food. Any syccessiui grower will tell you that you can't raise stock on cheap feeds and expect them to make a profit for you, but they will admit that you dontliave to use expen­ sive foods either. A good many successful stockmen and growers in this district have found that Pillsbury Best and Eshelman Red rose feeds from die New Jasper Elevator are not expensive--they are the economical feeds you need for more profits fron^ your livestock and poultry. If you are " having any difficulty with feeding, drop in and talk over Legal Notice your feeding program with Harry Hiles, the manager. Remember them for feed, seed, coal, fencing, fertilizer and baby chick?. PhoneDR 2-3696.— 50 lbs. of feed giver with purchase of 100 chicks. WANTED Garden plowing, Phone OR 5-9097. WANTED—House painting. Bob Parker, OR 5-5631. 2t-5/9-5/16. IT'S A ... BOY—Bom to Mr. and Mrs. H e r a l d Barker, Jamestown Route 1. The Barker's third child was bomWednesday at HainesHospital and weighed s e v e n p o u n d s and seven ounces. The paternal grand­ p a r e n t s are Mr. and Mrs. W.H. barker, J a m e s t o w n Route 1. Mrs. Barker is the former Martha Donahoe. The baby has been named Anthony Craig. DAUGHTER—Bom Monday at Haines H o s p i t a l to Mr. and Mrs.Herbert Crosswhite, Jamestown. The Crosswhite’s first daughter weighed seven pounds and six and one half ounces and has been named Kimberly Annette, the ma- ing six weeks after first date of publication. teroal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Taylor of Jamestown and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crosswhite of Wash­ ington C.H. DAUGHTER—For Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerhardt, 706 N. Detroit street, Xenia. The jaby was born last Wednes­ day at Haines Hospital and has been named Debera Kay. Mrs. Gerhardt is the former Anna Sowers. BOY--Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Darding (Janice St. J o h n ) , Jamestown Route 2, last Friday at Haines Hpspi- tal. He h a s b e e n named Jeffery Alan. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. John and the pater­ nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Granville Darding. SON - - F o r Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnett (Wilma Bales), 601 S. Detroit street, Xenia. He was born last Wednesday at Haines Hospital and has been named Robert Michael. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Will Bales of near Jamestown and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barnett, Bo-Peep Infants Wear Shop OUTSTANDING CHILDREN'S APPAREL Lewis A. Ma s s i e , whose place of residence is unknown and whose last known place of residence was 49 Trum­ bull S t r e e t , Xenia, Ohio, will take notice that on the /tlst day of March, 1957 the undersigned filed her petition against him in the Court of C ommo n Pleas of Greene County, Ohio praying for a This shop for the little lad and lassie is well known, not only in Xenia but throughout the surrounding territory. The choosing of children's clothing has much to do with their appearance. You can rest assured of choosing wisely d i v o r c e and relief on the if you patronize Bo-Peep Infants Wear Shop. They have a grounds of gross neglect of nice line of baby clothing which is of quality workmanship. They have in stock an assortment of toys which would make lovely gifts. Stop in when you are in Xenia. We are pleased in this review to recommend this shop to our readers, knowing they will be glad to be of assistance to all. Stop in at the Bo-Peep Shop and see what's new in child­ ren's wear. Mrs. *0. L. Bgamer has made every effort to furnish he shop with every necessity for infant and childreni shop with every necessity for infant and children in nation­ ally advertised brands. ’duty. Said cause will be for hear­ ing six weeks after the date of this first publication, ss Agnes G. Massie, by Robert B. Brewer Attorney at Law Xenia, Ohio I need two ambitious capa­ ble men in G r e e n e Co. to represent an eld established company selling farm feeds and Sanitations Products. Be yum uwu doss , decide your own advancement. T e l e ­ phone DR214736 early in the morning or evening.' Two-bedroom bungalow on M i l l e r S t., in Cedarvtlle. Automatic gas furnace, knot- ty p i n e paneling, built-in cabinets, drawers and clos ets. throughtout house, attached garage. Listed at a REDUCED price and on land contract with reasonable down pay­ ment. Sharp Realty, 28 W. S e c o n d St., Xenia, Phone DRake 2-5901. Sunday-------Special T-Bone Steak salad, soup or juice 2 vegetables hot ro lls and butter JflB 010 Mill Beaty & Finny Shell Service AAA Road Service There is no service that is appreciated more by a car or truck owner than that offered by the station where you buy your gas, oil, and many accessories. Beaty & Finney Shell Station is Cedarville, has satisfied a large clientele during the period of time they have been serving the motoring public. As a dealer for the dependable brand of Shell Gas and Oils, they have maintained a superior service, taking care of all the little needs of the individual motorist, and thereby ex - pressing appreciation for your business. This firm can furnish the quality line of Firestone tires, batteries, and other auto accessories, all top grade pro­ ducts, and sold at most reasonable prices. If you haven't visited the Beaty & Finney's, stop in and learn for yourself of the courtesy and efficiency that is ex - tended to all their patrons. On Columbus Pike, phone SO 6 - 3711 . B E S T B U Y ! M O D E L 5 0 R O T A R Y M O W E R Legal Notice Common Pleas Court, Greene v ; f l County, Ohio w 1 Olan J. Hilderbrandt \ ' ' \ Joan E. Hilderbrandt Case No. 30916 Joan E. Hilderbrandt, whose place of residence is RFD #2, Box 6, Columbia, STC.', will take notice that on the 4th day of April, 1957, the un­ dersigned filed his petition against her in the Court of' C ommo n P l e a s , Greene County, Ohio, praying for a divorce, custody of children and o t h e r r e l i e f on the grounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for hear- Cudahy Packing Co. Washington C.H. Ohio WManufacturer and Wholesaler A Cheese - Ice Cream After All The Taste Tells r s a R w d Volvo of Only $ 69.50 GOES ON WHITE STAYS WHITE . . for YEARS' Give your home a lustrous finish that will last fo. years. Use Hy-Klas One Coat House Paint and save yourself both time and money. Hy-Klas One Coat House Paint looks and wears like two coats! In fact, this paint actually is self-cleaning — sheds dirt, maintains its smooth, hand­ some finish for years. This season, paint your house the easy economical way— use quality Hy-Klas One Coat House Paint. as advertised in LIFE Gibbs JAMESTOWN OR M ill on<*POST Hdwe. In 5 -gallon lots AVAILABLE IN WHITE ONLY The Adams Thuma Co. lOWM PH. OR 5-9631 - - one o f the f ir s t to m a n u f a c t u r e o n e - c o a t h ou se pain