The Greene County Guardian, May 16, 1957

CEl v t C l Library Cedarv College Cedarville, Ohio 2 /5 8 the greene county VOL. n NO. 20 May 16,1957 Jamestown, Ohio TEN CENTS GUARDIAN ALICE WILLIAMS LEE LOVETT CAROLYN ABBOTT RICHARD JENKS GIRLS AND BOYS STATERS.. HEADING FOR COLUMBUS--This-honored fouresome was named by Jamestown American Legion, its*Auxiliary and the Xenia American Legion Post for Bu c k e y e Boys' and Girls' State honors. Alice Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wi l l i ams of Bowersville, was top girls' choice. Since she can't a t t e nd t h e June 15-23 Girls’ State, however, Carolyn Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Abbott oi Bowersville, will attend as alternate. Lee Lovett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lovett, is the James­ town representative, and R i c h ard Jenks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Jenks, is the Xenia representative to Boys' State June 7-16. Both boys are from Jamestown. Cedar Cliff 2nd, Rams 3rd in Meet Cedarville and Greeneview Cedarville copped four se- finished second and third in conds. Baker took second in the Greene County Field and the shot putt; Jeremiah was Track Meet held Tuesday af- second in the 440, Gay fin- temoon at Central State Col- ished number two in the low lege, Wilberforce. hurdles and Melson was right Cedarville won t h r e e first b e h i nd B a k e r in the high places, two of them off the h u r d l e s . The Indian half­ hu r d l e s performance of J. mile relay team was second Baker, in picking up 46 1/2 to Bryan, points, just 11/2 points more Bowersville J e f f e r s o n was than G r e e n e v i ew ' s third low in the six-team field with GUESS HOW MANY BEANS Contest Sparks Jamestown Bargain Days on Weekend This week's free copy of The Guardian and imaginations of Jamestown Merchants are your keys to enjoying a good, o l d - f a s h i oned gue s s i ng game. It's Jamestown Bargain Days t i m e again this Friday and Saturday. And you can win $10 or one of two $5 prizes. And, to give added fun to your shopping in Jamestown, the J ame s t own Merchants Association is sponsoring a guess-the-beanscontest. A jar (we’re not s a y i n g what size, yet) full of soup beans will be p l a c e d in the win­ dowof the Farmers and Trad­ ers Bank. You can take a good look. S t udy as long as you like, s i n c e you 'll be able to see from the s i d ewa l k . Then, Towns ey Herd Cops Top County DHIA Post Pau l Town s l e y and Son, from Ce d a r v i l l e , copped Greene County's highest but- terfat record during March Dairy Herd I mp r o v eme n t Association testing. The Townsley herd aver­ aged 46.3 pounds butterfat and 1,271 pounds milk per cow for the month. Mark and Maynard Bingamon had the secondhigh herd of 44 .3 and 1,144 pounds. B. Straley and Sons, 38 .7 and 1,098; Howard Paxon and Son , 38. 7 and 810; S.H. Harshman and David Cob- lentz, 37. 5 and 1, 059; S.C . Ellis, 36 .3 and 902; Ralph Gue s s and Sons, 36.2 and clip the coupon on this page and make your guess at the number of beans in the jar. Only a coupon clipped from this week's Guardian may be used as an entry blank. You t he n may drop that coupon in a handy box waiting for you in each business place which advertises in this ed­ ition. This week's paper is free, of course, to boxholders in the Jamestown area. Therefore, there's no cost to you for par­ ticipation in the contest. If you desire to enter more t han once, however, extra copies of The Guardian are on s a l e in J ame s t own at Heifner’s Pharmacy, at Carr’s Cut Rate, at the Main Rest­ aurant. You willhave plenty of time Friday and Saturday to make your guess. The beans won't iv pick up their cash prizes the only G r e e n e v i e w first the stores where thev cast place whenhe rambled down beans, empty the ballot box­ es and learn the winner. Winners will be announced in next week's Guardian and ma' at y • their eotes. v In the m e a n t i m e , happy b a r g a i n hunting in James­ town. My Guess on the number of Beans in die jar is: Name Address glace total of 45. Bellbrook, wh ic h snarkled i n t h e f i e l d eve n t s , was crowned county champ with a total of 64 1/2 points. The Golden Eagles took six first places, four of them in field events. Cedarville’s bouncing Baker won the 18-yard low hurdles in 23. 7 seconds, then came b a c k to grab the 120-yard high hurdles in 20. 1 seconds. The t h i r d Cedarville first « place was picked up by Dave Jerefniah, who paced off the 880-yard run in two minutes, 14 seconds, Da v e Davenport captured t h r e e points, picked up by K. Claybaugh, who finished third in the shot put. Club Works Mental Drive Here Senior m e mb e r s o f t he G r e e n e v i ew Conservation Club will be calling on every home in Jamestown and Sil- v e r c r e e k township Friday, Saturday and Sunday on be­ half of the G r e e n e County Mental Health Council. SilVercreek township is one of the t h r e e areas in this county which have lagged the 220-yard stretch in 25. 1 -behindin the current mental seconds, considerablyrslower health drive, it was pointed .h an V.;.---- 1 __ Phone t han his qualifying time of 22. 3 seconds. Davenport also p i c k e d up Greeneview’s o n l y t w o se­ condplaces. He was edged in the broad j ump by a single i n c h . Davenport sailed 19 feet, two inches. In the 100- yard dash, Davenport again finished second to Bellbrook's B l a c kwo o d . The winning time was 11.6 seconds. out this week. C ommu n i t y betterment points will be earned by the Conservation Club members for their part in the drive. Fred E. Mon, Ross township, is advisor of the Greeneview Conservation Club. He also is a member of the Mental Health Council. When the boys knock on r door, be read . ______ 769; J. Leo Wells, 36.1 and 1, 067; Kenneth Boyer, 35 .9 be c o u n t e d until Monday and 899; William Shawhan, mo r n i ng . At that time a 34.8 and 783; He r b e r t L. c o m m i t t e e of Jamestown Fields and Sons, 30. 9 and businessmen will c o un t die 801; Fulton Brothers, 30.3 30.2 and 551, andNeal Beard - 30 and 712 . Leaves on I r i p Greeneview High School’s J ohn D. S t o v e r finished and 580;RobertL. Thomas,. S e n i o r G l a S S third. His herd showed aver- - - - - - ^ ages of 42 and 1,195 pounds. The Mt. St. John School came in fourthwith 41 .7 and 1, 056 pounds. Others, in order, are: Fred G. Wolf, 40.8 and 831; Lauris School Light Is Wrong The high cow, "Mary," was owned by Townsley and Son, and produced 2,420 pounds of milk. "Kate, - also in the Townsleyherd, was third with 2,110 pounds. "1 ’ary" was die high fat producer, too, at 92 pounds. Friday Greeneview's school light Curb Painting ron't be up during this term, t d ~ w ' it would appear. The new light arrived last week—but it wasn't the right kind of fixture. The traffic light sent here is a four-way outfit. Oply a three-way light is needed for the school inter­ section. Jamestown's tw ice -a -y ea r painting of curbs, fire plugs and parking space lines was started this week, nipped by rain Tuesday, t ten finished later in the week. The village foots the bill far p a i n t i n g those areas. The So, sitting out in front of state'paints the centerlines Haney's Barber Shop and D- down the highways. C trucking terminal thisweek With the painting of parking was a c r a t e d traffic light s p a c e lines, it was pointed marked "from Dean Sesslar, out that the village has a pen- clerk of the village of James- alty of $5 for a ny o n e who t own, to the W.S. Darley f a i l s to pa r k within those Co., Chicago." lines. Senior Class leaves on its annual trip. Some 43 seniors will depart fromXenia and arrive Sunday in Washington, D. C. , where they will stay at the Ham­ ilton Hotel. The class then will leave Washington Tuesday for New York, arriving there the same day. In Gotham, the seniors will stay at the Go v e r n o r Clinton Hotel. After s e e i n g sights about Manhatten, the seniors will leave Thursday, May 23, and “ “ m ' C O U N T Y TRACK WINNERS Pennsylvania Railroad. Miss Lelia Paullin and Mr. Kenneth Wilburn will chap­ erone the class. STAND OF CHAMPIONS—Shown a- bout to receive medals for their win­ ning shot putts in the Greene County Track and Field Meet T ues d a y at CentralStateCoile: e are Bo d Reese (left) of Bellbrook, Kenny Claybaugh of Bowersville Jefferson, Dave Black­ wood of Bryan, J. Baker of Cedarville and Buss F e r g u s o n of Greeneview. Guardian Photo).