The Greene County Guardian, May 16, 1957

Methodists Hold Surprise Party for HarryMossmans ;/ THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN May 16, 1957 The me mb e r s and their friends of the Me t h o d i s t Church held a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss- man Sunday evening. The party was in recognition of their twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary. It began with a covered dish supper at 7 p. m. A short program entitled, "This is your Life, " was presented by Gertrude Pettit. The guest table was decor­ ated in white and silver. The centerpiece for the table was a two-tiered wedding cake. There were silver nut cups and napk i ns of wh ite with twenty-fifth anniversary on them in silver. Among the guests present were Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family, sister of Mrs. Moss- man, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hu f fma n , parents of Mrs. Mossman, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Boring and d a ug h t e r of Knollwood and Mr. and Mrs. Fred A l l i s o n of Columbus. Mrs. Boring and Mrs. Allison are sisters of Mr. Mossman. After the supper everyone enjoyed the film, "Martin Luther, " Several guests from other churches were present for the film. At a late hour everyone de­ parted wi s h i ng the Harry Mossmans many more happy anniversaries. I nvitations ma iled Invitations are in the mail to 800 graduates of Greene- view and Silvercreek to the annual Alumni Banquet to be held June 1, Saturday night of the Memorial Day week­ end. Anyone who is a graduate of old S i l v e r c r e e k High School or of Greeneview High School who hasn’t received an invitation, contact the office of Dean Sesslar. Call or write and your in­ vitation, tSo, will be forth - coming. notes f r o m New Jasper Banquet s po n s o r e d by the WSCS washeldat the Church of Christ Friday evening. The evening started with a solo, "The Lord's Prayer, " by Marilyn Bowe rma s t e r . Mrs. Myron Fudge, as toast- mistress, welcomed the guests and i n t r od uced the rest of the p r o g r am . Mrs. James Huston gave the toast to the daughters using a poem writ­ ten by Mrs. Walter St. John. Mrs. Willard Garringer did the response to the Mothers. Gifts of flowers were given to the oldest mother, Mrs. WalterSt. John; to the young­ est mother, Mrs. Billy Jenks of South Solon; and to the mother with the most daugh­ ters present, Mrs. Clarence Bowermaster. The only four- generation f a m i l y present was Mrs. Ralph P e p p l e of Xenia and her daughter, Mrs. Marvin Daughtery of Sabina, and her daughter Mrs. James Bone of New Jasper and her j daughters, Ann and Vicky. Ahalf-hour program by the I F o r e - T o e - M a Band from X e n i a was enjoyed by the guests. Dinner was served to the 110guests by the follow­ ing men; Mr. Russell Fudge, Mr. Russell Bhan, Mr. Myron Fudg e , Mr. Fred St. John, Mr. Herbert Perry, Mr. Bill Dehaven, Mr. Dick Jenks and Mr. Earl Wooley. Mrs. Chester Jenks. Miss Jane Spahr and Ricky of F a i r b o r n were guests of their u n c l e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.Russell Fudge, over the weekend. suffering a stroke a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. John andRoger St. John spent Sun­ day as guests of Mr. Burnett Butterworth and f a m i l y of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trues- dale and family had as their guests Sunday Delmar Cul- tice and daughter, Marilyn, of S p r i n g f i e l d and Mrs. Mrytle Cultice of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moss­ man of Sumerset, O ., former residents of NewJasper, were guests at church Sunday. Mrs. Richard Albright had as her gue s t Sunday Mrs. Catherine Flood. Mr. John Orihood of Hook Rd., is recuperating at his home following surgery at White Cross Hospital, Col­ umbus. WE OFFER Miss America’s Wedding Invitation Line The Guardian S. Limestone PH. 45091 DONT MISS THIS Mrs. Bertha Gillem is re­ cuperating at her home after Mrs. EARL WOOLEY Phone DR 2-3851 The WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Wi l l a r d Garringei Tuesday afternoon. Seven­ teen members answered roll call. Devotions were held by Mrs. James Bone. The busi­ ness was in charge of Mrs. Willard Garringer, the pre­ sident. Plans were completed for the Mother and Da ug h t e r banquet. Refreshments were served by the hostess and her c o - h o s t e s s e s , Mrs. V.C. Bumgardner and Mrs. Ann Conry. eon the class will hold soon. Mrs. Ch e r i Mc Cu n e of ______ Washington C.H. spent the The Mother and Daughter weekend as guest of her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Denver Wolfe of Hussey Pike were host to the New Jasper Supper Club Saturday evening. After a c o v e r e d di sh supper, the gues t s enjoyed g ame s of Euchre. The Leaders-Who-Do Class met at the h ome of Mrs. Delmer Matthews Wednesday afternoon. Twelve members were present and secret sis­ ters were revealed and drawn for the coming year. Mrs. Walter St. John held devotions and the business was in charge of the presi­ dent, Mrs. Ru s s e l l Fudge, Plans were made for a lunch- Bargain Day Special 1/2 PRICE Tussey Cream-stick Deodorant Regular $1.00 Now 5(X See Us For Your Money Order Needs Heifner's Pharmacy Jamestown Ph. Or. 5-4371 International Baler Twine i.25 Bale No. 14 Aluminum Scoops ,.25 Each Xenia Farmers Exchange Jamestown OR 5-4471 JAMESTOWNBARGAINDAYS ( ( f 1 II \ \ V T u // - liT \ ——-'I V*-— — n J Jamestown Nitrogen Service Disiiioutor of Agricultural Chemicals v Orders now being taken for pre-plant application or side=dressing your corn with 82% NITROGEN (anhydrous ammonia) FOR B E T T E R Y IELD S Note : We’re operating at capacity now, so early orders would be appreciated greatly............Thanks Jamestown Phone OR-59691 Juice Decanter With Four atching Juice Glasses With Oil Chance Or 5qt. Can of High H- P Oil —Carry Out — FREE Sack of Marbles For Kiddies Accompanied By Parents lamestown Oil Co. E . Washington St. Phone OR 5-4951