Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10
Thursday, January 27, 1955 GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Bowersville Jefferson played consistent basketball last Friday night when they defeated Ccdarville 70-64 to win their third Greene County League Game Thane Bock lost his high score record to John Mac Millan, Cedarville’s star center. MacMillan netted 23 to Jefferson’s Bock’s 22, Xenia St. Brigid knocked Spring Valley out of a first place spot in the league last night as the Irish posted a 46- 44 win at the Armory. Spring Valley had been tied with Jefferson for first but the loss lessens their total to a 2-1 mark. In the other game in the county loop Greeneview handed Bellbrook its fourth league loss to the tune of 74- 62 in Bellbrook. Tnll Thnnu Bock, the Dowers vjlle Jefferson Flesh, wrs out- seoreel lest Friday night but Jeffer son, rated third In a state "B" Class poll last week won Us 15th straight and Its third Greene County Bas ketball League game 10 04 over CedarvlUe. Dork, who has been leading county league scoring with 23 plus points per game, managed to put In 22 last Friday night but John MacMillan scored 23 to take game honors, In the last four minutes play was tight with Jefferson keeping ahead by three or four points, Quick Results Down On The Farm . . . . Bellbrook Loses Greeneview led all the way in handing Bellbrook Its fourth straight loss In the Orccne County Basketball League 14-02 Friday night on Bcllbrook's floor. Leroy Allen popped In 23 points to lead the Rams while Brad Daughtcry had the Eagles' best ef fort with 19. Greencvlcw’s league record is now two wins and one loss while Bellbrook is 0-4. The Rams have an overall mark of 7-8 and the Eagles are 2-12. Bellbrook hosts Post William When things get "Tough", show folks you mean bus! ness by advertising youri bargains in This Newspaper SURE-FIRE ACTION EVERY TIME , .i m —- ~—— —— —~j COLUMBUS, OHIO—Ohio's Future Farmers did a tremendous Job of wildlife conservation according to a recent report to Charles A. Dam- bach, Chief of the Division of Wild life, The report, filed by A, W. Short, Supervisor of Conservation Education, lists the following acti vities carried on by the Future Fanners, By using flushing bars and mark ing sites of nests, etc, 844 nests were saved from destruction Invol ving an estimated 5,000 rabbits, quail, pheasants, etc. More than 2,500 members left grassy fence rows to save nests and young and 1,000 members left road berms and fnrm lane hedges unmowed until after July 1st. More than 1,000 brush plica were constructed as homes for wildlife ; and 269 wildlife vvlolatlons were called to the attention of the proper authorities. In addition to the above activities the Future Farmers restored or pro tected marsh areas, saved den trees, planted shrub and food bearin'* plants, visited wildlife demonstra tion areas and assisted in rescuinf stranded fish from over-flowed areas and streams which were go ing dry. More than 6,500 Future Farmers carried out some conservation acti vity on their home farm. The state chapters prepared and gave 142 pro grams on conservation, had 169 con servation exhibits, 185 chapters sponsoring and attending a gun safety talk or demonstration and 21 chapters reported cases of pol lution to the proper authorities, MAP OP TROY fWillio Troy, that is) Is I temoporarily re-drawn by Floyd Patterson _ . . . ________ _ ah bU ttravl No nation lias better citizens than the parents who teach their children how to pray. MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER— This cuts youngster h is no diffi culty guiding the new Johnson Wax polisher-scrubber which is light and built for fingertip con tr o l It has one brush for scrub bing, another for polishing (WANTED BY THE FB inni ■■ r - r r “ r r - r r r ,t “ r « B r ’ SI ■tn , •! BIB . ■’ | . '*»4 * P •> u ” Ji ■*■■• | *•■ <J$g! f, r ,:1 ' 11 111 | I I I . ,i- ' I ?/■' I" !-- l iu j . -- - Ccdarville lost its first league: Tuesday night in a non-conference encounter and Us eighth game of game. I t will be homecoming for the season. It has won one in th e ;the Eagles, league and five during the season. GRENEVIEW (74) Dick Curtis scored 1.8 for the- Faulkner, f, 1-0-2; Jenks, I, 2-3-7; Ticers and Roger Guthrie netted;Hughes, f, 6-8-20; Allen, c, 9-5-23; b .James, g, 3-2-8; Smith, g, 0-2-2; !Edwards, g, 2-4-8; Taylor, g, 2-0- 14. Totals, 25-24-74, Curtis, f, 7-4-18; Kiser, f, 3-1-7; ' BELLBROOK (62) Bock, c, 9-4-22*. Burke, g. 2-5-0;'. Rohr, f, 3-3-9; Daughtery, f, 0-7- g, 7 0-14. Totals, 28-14- *19: Trickier, c, 5-8-18; Reeves, g, 4 0-8; Fleenor, g, 1-0-2; Weber, g, 13-0-6. Totals 22-18-62. 14. Box Score; JEFFERSON (70) Guthrie, 70, CEDARVILLE (64) Littoral, f, 0 2-2; Judy, f, i - 0 -2; Score by quarters; Williamson, f, 1-1-3; MacMillan, c, Greeneview . . 21 39 57 74 0-5-23; Smith, g, 4-0-8; Reese, 5- Bellbrook 19 27 45 62 8-18; Staigers, g, 2-4 8. Totals, 22- ' Officials; Kent and Harmon, 20-64 iDnyton* Seme by quarters: ; , ^serves; Bellbrook 49, Greenc- HEATHERWAY High Hope, cocker pup, seems to ’enjoy clippers as owner trims him for American Spaniel show. FEED SAVER . . . A dividing rati mounted lengthwise over the •enter of a feed trough will keep oat hogs end prevent them from westing feed. The 2x4-ln. rail should be mounted several inches above the top of the trongh on flat-iron brackets bolted te sides of trough. Jefferson Ccdarville Officials; ton. Reserves: vville, 30. 18 34 50 70 12 35 46 64 Peters and Pugh, Day- Jeffsrson, 62: Cedar- view 37, I t is next to impossible to make A man see the light If he is blind to his own interests. McCULLOCH CHAINSAWS Sales Service Rental WILLIS LUMBER CO. Washington C .H., Q. Patronize Your Advcrtlsei s CLARINCR DYI wHh aliases Jockey D y s , "Jo c k " Unlawful Nigh) lo avoid prosecution—■ tanned robbery DISCRETION: Age 44, bora July 3,! ’ 1910, Pad, W. Va.; height, 3 feet lO! inches; weight, 140 pounds; build, me dium; hair, brown; eyes, bluej complex-. Jon, fair; race, white; nationality, Ameri can; occupations, waiter, cook, bartender.} ship fitter, welder, laborer; tears ana' marks, several small pit tears over face, •cars over left eyebrow, bloo sou over right eyebrow, small cut scar on right index finger, tattoo of initials "CD ." on .tight forearm. CALIFORNIA, here v/e come! Typical of topsy-turvy winter is this scene on Highway No. 90 near German, on Ridge Route linking southern California and San Joaquin Valley. r».*\* Federal complaint Nova ‘ring Dye * the Stats of Ohio to avoid proseeutioa w u filed st Akron, Ohio, on November 9, 1931, charging Dye with unlawful flight from for the aims of armed robbery. bn ssnaldsrud nafiearoly d ssgsw ss. Any person having information which may aid in locating this fugitive is re quested to contact the nearest office of tbs FBI, the telephone number of which ap pears on the first page of local telephone directories. Av Yellow Springs More than $3,000,000 have been (UV Yellow Springs 'paid by the Atomic Energy Com- j VFW QUEEN . • . Im a a War- {mission ss bonuses to finders of i ten. It, relaws* over Vstoraai >uranium deposits. Uranium, cs- i M a u l ■*ntial for making atom bomb, is | tb s moat aought-after metal in { tbs world today. of Foreign W en ' Mr* saw encampment an* H B hsl* if Now York otty. °lenty of water fneans faster weight gains, and increased milk * production! You're money ahead with the faster gains and the increased milk production possible when your stock has all the water they want to drink, By installing frost proof automatic livestock waterers you encourage your livestock to help themselves often. And you save yourself some of the most disagreeable of cold weather chores. $35 to $45 buys on# 11whistI* w atto r” for 35 cottfo o r 75 hogs o r ihoop. Automatic stock waterers are inexpensive to buy, easy to install* cheap to operate. Completely auto matic, the watercr need not be disconnected for summer, It is thermostatically controlled, uses no current in warm weather. r f o r dependable advice on automatic non- freezing livestock waterers and their installa tion, consult any of the Dealers listed below, Opekasit Center — South Solon General Mills, Inc. — Xenia Greene Co. Farm Bureau — Xenia Xenia Farmers Exchange — Xenia Stephens Hardwarw—Port William Fairley Hardware Store*—Sabina Vaughn Bentley—Sabina* THE DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Yellow Springs—Spring- field Bus Schedule Lv Springfield 7:00 A. M. 9:30 11 *00 1100 F. M. 3:00 5:45 7:31 A. M, 10101 11-31 1:31 P. M. 3*31 6:10 8:19 A, M. 10U9 ll:45 | 2:19 P. M. | 3:45 I 6:44 IAv Springfield 8:50 A.M. io:50 I 12;16 P. M. 2:50 4:i6 7:15 No Sunday or Holidays The biggest denomination of reg- (ular currency Uncle Sam makes la the $10,000 bill and there arc said •to be 770 of them in circulation. Orodi WHh A Ip tslaEssfi NnoncM liHthvtlen PEOPLES Building & Savings Co. Since 1885 11 G reen St. Xenia, O. IT’S GRANULATED! Pick up a handful of granular BIO ME. Fed It flow through your fingers, smooth and dry, This means you can put in your supply way ahead of plant ing time. It will stay dry and free-flowing. I t wont dog your drill feeder tubes. Order your BIO M—«10-10*10 or 6*12-12 or 5 - 20-20 for highest food value per dollar—from your dealer now, If there ie no dealer for B id M Granulated fertilizers In your area, we suggest you write us o r cell at our plant — JWMiami FtrtHlitr Company , Peyton 10 , Ohio WVIfi RfW IHIIOIf ~ i on ra«M 31 at Trahafci \ HOG BOXES, FEEDERS AND FOUNTAINS FOR YOUR NEEDS SEE US Jamestown Feed Co- Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-7711 INCOME TAX RETURNSFILED Complete Bookkeeping Service Vincent C- Heider OFFICE IN HOME Route 235 Between Fair born and Xenia, Xenia Phone 2*6886 or Yellow Springs 7-2600 YOUR ALPHA "Guernsey" Dairy Truck Will Be In Jamestown Mon.» Wed, and Fridays CHAS. RHEUBERT Distributor CedarvUlej Ohio LINDSAY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER Bay . . . . . . . . '15.76 Mo. Rent . . . . . . $2.75 Mo FREE TRIAL AERO SOFT WATER SERVICE a u t h o r iz e d JAMESTOWN, O. PIIONE 4-5911 or 4*5241 LINDSAY DEALER L I N D S A Y ^ - * , Red Cypress Lumber Just Received a Carload Of Red - Cypress Lumber. In 6—8—10 Inch Widths Random Lengths CEDARVILLE LUMBER CO. Phone 6-1331 //
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