Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10
Thursday, February 10, 1955 ENGINEER BOOTS \.................... . $7,98 to $10.48 NYLON HOSIERY ............................................. $1.2 9 Happy Day Cleaners & Laundry Pick-Up Service ELLISONMODERNSHOEREPAIR Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-4761 GREBNE COUNTY JOURNAL RETURNSFILED PAGE FIVE CASH FOR CREAM Get Highest Cash Prices For Your Cream Quick Service And Careful Handling A t A ll Times OPEN 6 DAYS EACH WEEK We Also Have The Best Market For Your Poultry And Eggs. RIDENOUR’S POULTRY 21-23 So. Market Place Springfeild, Ohio Complete Bookkeeping Service Vincent C. Heider OFFICE IN HOME Route 235 Between Fair- bom and Xenia. Xenia Phone 2-6886 or Yellow Springs 7-2600 f Electrical Wiring And Plumbing I W. K. WALLACE ASSOCIATED ELECTRIC & PLUMBING Work Guaranteed Phone 4-7421 Jamestown, Ohio GREENE CUNTY F IR M Xenia, O h i o ___________ Phone, 2-3451 t No more lifting, lygging, reaching and pinning! £9$' D r y y o u r c lo t h e s f lu f f y a n d s w e e t in a n A u to m a t ic C lo thes D r y e r Stop worrying about washday weather % * , end lugging clothes out in the cold » » • forget all about clotheslines and clothespins, smoke, soot or wind damage! With a new clothes dryer in your home laundry the clothes dry in m inu tts. All you do is drop the damp clothes in the dryer, set the dial control and your work is done, » Easier on you—-and quicker—-easier on the ' clothes, too. Women who use automatic clothes dryers say that no work-saving appliance saves so much time and effort. You should have your* installed before another washday, t 91 * Sold on Maty forms with small down payment. Par further information, stop In'at any principal office of this Com pany, ar see your dealer or plumber* GRANULATED1. .... —-- ----- Pick up e handful of granular BIO M . Feel It flow through your fingers, smooth and dry. / , .■/ This means you can put in your supply way ahead of plant- / Ing time. It will stay dry and free-flowing. It won’t clog your f drill feeder tubes. Order your BIQ M — 10-10-10 or 6-12-12 or 5-20-20 for highest food value per dollar— from your dealer now. If there is no dealer for BIQ M Granulated fertilizers in your area, we suggest you write us orcall at our plant. FARMERS BE PREPARED Finance the Purchase of Your Farm or Your Short Term Farm Mortgage Loan the FEDERAL LAND BANK WAY. Lowest Interest — Longer Term — Pay Any Day and Lower (lie Interest - - Small Semi-Annual Payments------4 percent Interest on Future Payment Funds — No Renewal Fees If -Depression Strikes, Be *AFE SURE SECURE Write or Call fcAUL SKILLINGS, Secretary-Treasurer SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION 203 N«w Zimmerman Building, Springfield, Ohio. Th« Miami Fertilizer Company la on Inde pendent Miami Valley Concern under the di rect operation of It* owner*. kthe Miami fertilizer Company Dayton 10 , Ohio - Office and Factory on routs 35 at Trebein THE GREENE Co! LUMBER CO Headquarters For Your Building Supplies LflYnber - Doors - Cement - Hard ware - Glass - Insulation - Roof ing - Siding - Paint - Piaster 573 N. Detroit St. Phone 2-6958 X e n ia , o h io McCULLOCH CHAINSAWS Sales Service Rental WILLIS LUMBER CO. Washington C .H., O. THE DAYTCM POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY 8533 -FEB- 1955 - 3 x 10-6 proofs-Moa- Mote -18 Auto, 17 Eke, 1069 $ Mott -0 S /11 1953 1953 1953 1953 1951 1951 1951 1950 1950 1950 Mercury 4-Door Mercomatic R&H, Like N ew ......................... Ford 4sDoor O- D., R&H, White Wall Tires, C lean ............ Ford 4-Door O. D., R&H 6 Cylinder ............................. Ford 2-Door F. O. M., R&H V-8, Low Mileage, C lean ........ Ford 4-Door F. O. M., R&H V-8, Leather Interior............. . Buick Road Master 4-Door Dynaflo, All The Extras ........ Hudson Pace Maker, 4-Door ................................ . Ford 2-Door Black V-8, Very Good Condition ......................... Ford 4-Door, Blue V-8, Clean ........................ ............ Packard 4-Door. A Good Family Car ........................... $1895 $1345 $1345 $1395 $ 895 $1195 $ 595 $ 595 $ 595 $ 595 m 1949 1949 1948 1948 1947 1947 1947 1946 1941 1941 1937 Mercury, 6-Passenger Coupe, New Brakes & Valve Job ....... Ford 2-Tone Gray, Lots Of Extras ............... Chev, Club Coupe, Green See This One ................. Plymouth 2-Door, Brown, Good Transportation ........... Chevrolet 2-Door, Gray ............................... ......... Plymouth 2-Door, Recondi tioned Engine. Good Paint,.... Ford V-8 Pickup. Yz Ton Hudson 4-Door Ford 2-Door. Black. Runs Like a New Car ..................... Chrysler Club Coupe. Good. C lean ................... . Ford. Good Condition Runs 20 USED CARS TO CHOOSE PROM H ughes F o r d I nc PHONE 7-7347 132 DAYTON ST. YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO
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