Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10
Thursday, February 17, 1955 ____________ DOWN ONTHE FA r F T . By GEORGE L. ZEIS There is no telling what the weather is going to be like during the rest of this winter. It has been a mild one thus far but there is no telling when it might change. < I mention weather in connection with the spring pig farrowing season. Being unprepared for changeable weather at this time can be, and often-times is, very costly situation to the hog men, U Is hard tn believe that about 3 :his sows to get exercise, yet he clid- millltm plfis arc lost annually in the .n’t want chilly winds blowing into United Stales by (.’billing or by the pen while the sows were going being oru'-hed by the sow lying on In and out. The answer to this pro- them. About three-fourths of these Idem Is both simple and effective, losses occur within two days alter An extra board was nailed to the farrowing i top of the door on the pen. This It co.Ms the hog man considerable preluded out far enough to keep money to carry n sow through the. the door from closing entirely, gestation period and then have her,' Then, n stop-chnln and a spring lose two, three, four or more baby'was added to complete the com mas due to earlcssness. The bnd'pletcd project. The stop-chain kept thing Is that these losses need not the. door from swinging too far open occur, and the spring pulled the door shut Infra-red lamps should bo used llf‘ " Ule sow~ or plBS“ htad during the colder farrowing months.' B°Ucn ia 0,‘ out’ A s mple devlf After farrowing they can be placed.but one wh,ch !s worklnB very ef" m a protected position to keep the fecUvcl* 10 provent dl-aIts in n n.-w-bnrn pies nice and warm. farrowing house. There are several things to keep t * m mind while using these lamps,: I H sP o lfl H r IM c I however First, see that they are r;us- pendedproperly jBuys Guernsey Sire It wusn t, many days ago that I y\ local dairyman—J. Harold iioi»eed the lamp being held up o ff' Hanna, Xenia, Ohio has Just pur- the floor by a nail being bent a-,cbascd the young Guernsey sire, round the cord. That can be a good ; Larr-Fer-Farms Chested, from Le- way to cause a short in the wiring j igg Ferguson & Son, Cedarville, and llie start of an expensive farm; Ohio, according to the American *,rp* ’<Guernsey Cattle Club. These heat lamps, as they are [ This young bull is out of the sometimes called, should bo heklj C0W( j cnnlc of Rose Lawn, and Is off the floor at. the proper distance sired by Franchoster Handy Milk- by means of a small strong c.hain. makei\ The distance off the floor depends. ________ 9_________ upon where they are located. If they ; It lt is a Ford you want see aie In the pen, there has to be Ford Inc, at Yellow Springs enough clearance for the sow to go under without touching. If used as a brooder light, they can be low er Some 18 inches is a good dis- •' tanra, ' A corner of the farrowing pen should be blocked off so that the t little pigs have a place to get out1 of the way without being layed upon. Tills Is also a good place to put the lamp. s If sows are in a building where they can go In and out, some sort, or arrangement should be made lo ; avoid drafts In the process. s One of the best home-made d c -. vices built specifically to get away i from drafts was seen on the Charles j F. Zedekcr farm Just south of * Bellcfontairie in Logan County. i Charles told me that he wanted: GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE r - . i - r t r i M 8U -■ rU MB* p q © jho OHaHaRH-nBflIH be made from a square 5-gal. can cut as shown above. Units may be attached to walls by means of screws andjwooden perches at tached with small slave bolls or roundheaded screws driven from the. inside of the nest. New Bargains In War Surplus Items Weatherman Controls Ohio Quail Population COLUMBUS, OHIO—Ohio’s quail near future. For the past few years Ohio game techinlcians have been studying the quail problem and most of them If you're a bargain hunter g e t !. ' *1 *,” “ **“ “ ** agree Ohio’s qunll population Is ready for an exciting year, sayi rnpp ng nn *c" ^;r . ° n p " higher than for mnny years—the the editors of Changing Times,! e ® y wildlife6 Weathcrman>however, has been kind the Klplinger Magazine. E v e r y . to this game-bird during the past , , . ‘ , , . / ■Is showing sightly better results dur- b 1 kind of goods from love seats to , several winters . , . . , . . . , ring the 1954-55 winter season than , . . . electrically heated boots,, plus a ” There is nn nlmo3t universal feel- , . , , . was shown during the 1953-54 per- ' lot of Items you never dreamed , „ , „ , , , of, will sooner or Inter come up for i lod. The live trapping of quail which not: surplus sale. These goods are World War II surplus either, j What is being sold today c on -! slsts of material that is obsolete,' outmoded or that needs overhaul j or repair. Although worn out from t the military point of view, it’s us- j able by a businessman or nn in dividual. Hence you often can buy { began in late October, will continue ing among technicians and field workers alike that an extended per iod of deep snow or icc could do far more damnge to the present quail copulation than could a limited open 'uniting senson. until March 10, So far during this winter trapp ing period, 1640 qunll have been livc- trapped from private-owned land and, In turn, have been restocked on privately-owned land, some dis tance from the area on which they best fox hunting seasons between i were originally taken All quail trap- July, 1953, and Jnnimry, 1955. Dur- ped thus far have been taken in the !ng this period, 17,938 foxes were tak- COLUMBUS, OHIO—Sportsmen and farmers enjoyed one of their Pci. Adv. See Your Skelgas Dealer DUKE’S APPLIANCE HARDWARE JAMESTOWN, OHIO 'PHONE - 48551 Cedarville College News Students and faculty of Ccdnr- vlllo College enjoyed a Valentine Dinner which was held In the Din ing Hall of the college on Monday evening, February 14. The affair was sponsored by the Social Com mittee of the faculty. The cooks, Mrs, Jessie Shirley and Mrs. Vida Friberg, served a very tasty meal, while Mrs. Margaret Schlesinger was mistress of ceremonies. Music appropriate to the occasion was both played and sung during the occasion. On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week the students and faculty were privileged to hear the Rev. Paul Bauman, Executive Vice- President of Grace Theological Se minary, Winona Lake, Indiana de liver two illlustrated lectures on the subject of fulfilled Biblical pro phecy. Mr. Bauman made use of slides which he had taken on a re cent trip to Egypt and the Holy Land, A real blessing was exper ienced as the hearers were enabled to realized that the Bible makes no mistakes and that it will stand for ever as Psalm 119.89 says, The basketball squad was unable to defeat Fenn College of Cleveland, Ohio in their game on February 11, The team journeyed to Ashland Col lege on Tuesday, February 15 to play, there. But three more games remain to be played in the current season. Two of them arc home games with Bluffton College and Findlay College on February 19 and 22 re spectively; the last game is with Villa Madonna there on February 26. There are three kinds of dikes In Holland. Big ones In the sea, called “ watchers, fend off the first assaults of the waves. If they crum ble, the ‘'sleepers” take them over. Finally, come the "dream ers” last-resort defenders of in dividual farms. Sleuthing a surplus auto that runs, a type-. 1 , ■ writer that writes or a stove that half of the state where Uic "n by sportsmen who received a total C00){S .greatest number of quail are known of $52,648 in bounties, Of the total The three basic ways the govern-;10 cxIs*' ^ ^ WM Pua,* by ment sells surplus are by auction,! In 1048■ the Ohio General As- County Commissioners and the bal- sealed bid and by spot bid, or site, seint>1>’ delcared a moratorium on nil nnce ° f $2,150 supplied by sports- sales. The sealed bid sales arc better ctunil bills and Placed. It on the game 71 organizations, for the individual’s purposes And bIrd list’ removing it from the song- 11 ls interesting to note that the they trike place frequently at most blrd 1!st where it had been for many tnkc, oI foxes was ^ e military bases around the country. years’ but virtually stipulating there hjshcst slnca tho 1946-*7 season The surplus-disposal officer at could be no °Pen season on them ^bcn,1,mor,c tban 20.000 were taken. each base maintains a list of those ’ for nt lcast ten years It is likewise interesting and, a well- individuals or businesses that are i Following this action of the 1949 known fact among game technician* interestered in buying the various ’ General Assembly, organized sports- and fleId workers, that it is virtually kinds of Items. If you’re looking ' men’s groups asked the Division of lmposslbIe to materially reduce the for a track, a boat or office fumi- |Wildlife to make a comprehensive nu,nbor of foxes through use of a ture, write or call him and he’ll ' study ° 4 Ohio quail in an effort to boun4V system. Fox hunting does, ' determine the possiblity of again however, provide much off-season hunting this fine game-bird in the sport for Ohio’s sportsmen. tell you how to get your name put on the appropriate list. You’ll be j notified by an Invitation to bid the i next time an item you desire is i up for sale. " j There’s one cardinal rule in buy- j ing surplus though inspect the ( item yourself, The government gives 1 no guarantee. { To find out the various places! near you where surplus is sold, i send 15 cents to the Superintcn- I dent of Documents, Washington 25, i D. C,, and ask for a copy of “How • to Buy Surplus Personal Propetrv.” i A rainbow of colors for Ford. See' Hugh Inc. Yellow Springs. Pd Adv. ■ lack Webb, above, as Sergeant i Joe Friday, discovered clues in : the scattered contents of a p a rse ! to start him on another thrilling ■ adventure on WLW-NBC’* "Drag- ■ net,” heard every Tuesday at j 8:30 n.m., EST. B U C K E Y E CABINETS And FORMICA WOODWORKING CO. LUMBER — MIL! WORK ROOFING — SIDING 150 Monroe Phone 2091 Xenis. Ohio' t ALL METAL CARPORT ALUMINUM & STEEL 10 Feet By 20 Feet 200 Square Feet Of Roof Area Perfect For Carport— Terrace-—Trailer Porch SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $299.00 Complete Plus Installation ’ Other Sizes Available It Cost You Nothing To Look AERO SOFT WATER CO. Jamestown^ Ohio Phone 4-5911 CABINETS FORMICA BUILT AND INSTALLED MARVINBOASE CEDARVILLE, O. Phone 6-2228 ITS GRANULATED) Pick up a handful of granular BIG M . Ved it flow through your fingers, smooth and dry. This means you can put in your supply way ahead of plant ing time. It m il stay dry and free-flowing. It won’t clog your drill feeder tubes. Order your BIG M— 10-10-10 or 6-12-12 or 5-20-20 for highest food value per dollar—from your dealer now, If there is no dealer for BIG M Granulated fertilizers in your area, we suggest you write us or call at cur plant. Tbc M!«m! Fertfllier Company b tea inde pendent Miami Valley Concern under the dU rect operation of ite owneriu Tlie Miami Fertilizer Company Dayton 10, Ohio • Office and Factory an routs 35 at Trsbelrt Authorized Dealer For Montcrief Heating Systems. Roofing — Spouting — Heating Air Conditioning — Siding — Insulation Phone 4*5411 D, J. Patterson — H. A. Doster JAMESTOWN S ;;EET METAI. & ROOFING CO. Free Estimates Without Obligation WORK GUARANTEED GERARD INSURANCE GO. Agents For AMERICAN STATES Insurance Co. ANNOUNCES A New 4-Point Reduction In Auto Insurance Rates For Ohio ALL BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE RATES IN THE STATE IS A FLAT 10% REDUCTION, MALEDRIVERS LADYDRIVERS COLLISIONCLASS Under 25 Years Of Age Who Have Com pleted a Driver Training Course is Allowed a 15% Discount* Under 25 Years Of Age Will Be The Same Rates As Cars With Only Adult Drivers, Or a Savings Of 30% To 40% , Grants a 10% Lower Rate For Cars Used In Going To Or From Work. Not Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-9261 HOG S , CATTLE CA LVES and SHEEP NO COMMISSION --------------- --------------------- FREE TRUCKING Kirk's Stock Yards CALL FOR DAIRY MARKET Washington C. H., Ohio Phone: 2599 JAMESTOWN PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, FEB. 26,1955 BEGINNING AT 1 :00 P. M. LOCATED—29 East Xenia Street, Jamestown, Ohio Real Estate Sells A t 2:00 p. m. One of Jamestown’s good, modern homes, two- story frame with four rooms, full bath and utility room on the first floor and three nice sized bed rooms on the second floor. Front porch. Desirable features to be found in this good house include large modern kitchen with plenty o f cabinets, double sink and inlaid linoleum, gas heat, automatic gas hot water heater, water softener, 220-volt electric serv ice with outlet for electric range. Floors have just recently been refinished and the interior decorating all over the house in in excellent condition. Drapes and blinds are to go with the house. Property is connected to city sanitary sewer. PLEASE NOTE—-The three bedrooms on the second floor are fully air-conditioned with a new Frig- idaire 1-ton-capacity air-conditioning unit. Garage and storage building. Exceptionally large lot with nice lawn and plenty of shade and shrub bery. Space for garden. This property is excep tionally well located in a good neighborhood only two squares from the center o f town and next door to the Church o f Christ, Present owners are plan ning to move to Florida* which is the only reason for this sale* Inspection Dates—-This property will be open for inspection on Wednesday* February 9* Wednesday* February 16* and Wednesday* February* 23* from 1:00 to 4:00 p. m.* or by appointment. TERMS—-$2,000.00 cash at time o f sale* balance to be paid on delivery o f deed. Purchaser will receive good title and Immediate Possession. Household Goods Beginning promptly at 1:00 p, m, the following de scribed items sell to the highest bidder: Frigidaire automatic washer* used only two months; Bendix dryer, less than one year old; Philco refrig erator, large size with freezing unit, one year old; Philco deluxe electric range, cost over $400.00 just a year ago; breakfast set consisting o f table and four chairs, cost over $200.00 a year ago; West- inghouse radio and_ record player, like new; Muntz blond 21-inch television, complete with antenna and teiina rotor; two walnut bedroom suites, complete with double dressers, like new; bunk beds; dresser; wardrobe; two-peice nylon foam rubber sectional davenport; two-piece over-stuffed living room suite; occasional chairs; two hassocks; two 9x12 rugs* complete with pads; small rugs; TV chair; two blond step tables; desk and chair; rocker; odd tables and stands; Martin hair dryer; sewing machine; pictures; mirrors; dishes; kitchen utensils; power lawn mower and numerous other items, PLEASE NOTE— Practically all o f the above de scribed items are first quality merchandise, in excel* lent condition and just as good as new, TERMS— Personal Property sells for cash. ROBERT E. SPEAKMAN 29 E. Xenia St., Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-4941 SALE CONDUCTED BY REAL ESTATE B 90 KFRS ^ B A I L E Y - M U R P H Y D A R B Y S H I R E
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