Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10

Thursday, January 20, 1955 GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE THREE Jamestown News * W 10*0*0*0 W M M M I M I . or|Jamestown Young W .S.C.S. Met Jan. 11 The W. a c . s. of the Jamestown MethodH Church mot Tuesday, January 11, at the Church for their regular meeting A covered dish din­ ner was served at noon. Several Crdavvllle W.S.C.S, mem­ ber', were present, and Mrs. Norn Nyfivd and her group were host­ esses The theme for the program was given by Mrs. Inez Merltt, Mrs. HntUe Hilton, Mrs, Ruth Mills, Mrs, Achsah Ctishwn, and Mrs. Irma Henry, A very lovely solo was ren­ dered by Mrs. Gertrude Pettit, "The Master Touched My Hcarstrlng.” Evening Circle To Meet Jan. 24. The Evening Circle of the James­ town Methodist Church will meet at the church Monday evening, Jan, 24 at 8 pun. The program leaders are Mrs Dorothy Wiseman and Mrs. Donna Pickering, and the host­ esses are Mrs. Jane Linton and Mrs. Mildred Murry. Mrs. Blrdella Klatt will explain how the pledge money Is spent in Missionary Work: t Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Cleo Dunlap, of Leesburg, were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Sr., and Mrs. Ida Burton nnd Homer Har­ ford. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jones w « . „ a o y ; « |P e o p |e C o n d u c t C a e s e r _ !p"rente Mr. nnd Mrs, Orphal an and Leon. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Ford left Sun­ day to spend a month's vacation in Florida. Miss Judy Bnllcntlnc, of Ger­ mantown, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carter nnd fam­ ily • • • Mr and Mrs. Robert Lultrell and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Smith and son. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscnr Smith. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cummings wor Friday evening guests of Mr. nnd Mrs Ralph Cummings and Mary Lee, of Cedarvllle. 0 • « Mr. and Mrs, Steve Reynolds, of Harvcyburg, Mr, and Mrs. Bud Rob­ erts and son. Neil, of Wilmington, and Mr and Mrs. Eugene Reynolds, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr, and Mrs. 'William Ewing nnd daughter, and Mrs, Roy Ary, Add­ itional evening guests were Mrs, Eleanor nines and fnmlly, • » • Mrs, Francis Clark returned home Thursday after spending the past three weeks visiting with her son- in law and daughter^ Capt. and Mrs R. D. Hcnderlckson and family, of Biloxi, Miss, • 0 9 Mr, and Mrs, Wayne Pcrslngcr nnd family Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stewajd and Mr. and Mrs, Johnny Evans and fnmlly, were Sunday afternoon oilers uf Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and family. • * I Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Long were Mr. and Mrs, Richard Newman gun(iny visitors of his mother, Mrs. and family, had as their Sunday;Emma Long, at Shirks Rest Home, dinner guest, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, of Dayton, Additional after- ; • • • noon guest were her parents, Mr,; Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Clefnmer nnd add Mrs. Charles Ames, ; daughter, were Sunday evening din- • ■ • i ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armcnt Jr., ]Rltenour nnd family, and daughter, of Cedarvllle, were , „ . . Sunday afternoon guests of his par- , Mr, and Mrs. Joe Liming were ente, M!r. nnd Mrs, Richard Ament, Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gene Sr- |Walker nnd family of near Dayton. • • 9 | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Jr., i * * * were Sunday guests of her parents,1 Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page, of jMrs- Alan Robertson, of Xenia, were Springfield Mrs, Mildred Wlttington, of Wash- ' . . . j ington C, H, and Mrs. William Be- , , „ , _ , . . . . . . . . ’ thel and Clark, Mb’s, Pearl Cook is visiting thls( week at the home of her son-in-law j • • » and daughter, Mr, nnd Mrs. Sam, Visitors Sundny afternoon In the( Whited and family, of Springfield,!home of Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Knlckigrandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Braden • • • ■were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wolver-1Smith for the past two weeks. His Edward Leach, of St.'"Louis, M o.,'ton. Hermit Knlck, of Springfield, Jwife J°ined hlm herc ,ast week after spent the weekend withhis parents,, Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, Mr. and j visitln& with her paYe” t®' at Quak" Mr. andMrs. W. B Leacli, , Mrs, Robert Conner, of Dayton, Mr. |ertown, Pa.f Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez , . . . and Mrs. Roy Goodbar and child- j *c^ Smith home Monday to go Sundnv afternoon Guests of Mr l’en, ° r near Springfield. Mr. and j Quakcrtown, Pa., and will leave “ 2 , “ K„l“ ey and « " • “ -Ttamd*!r' U‘ " r creek Church Services A group of Young people from the Friends Church consisting of Miss Phyllis Ann Fletcher, Mrs. Mary Fletcher Mrs, Mildred Hyden, Miss Hazel Chaffin and Fred LewlB visited the Caesarcreek Friends Church, near New Burlington, Sun­ day morning nnd were Jn charge of the morning worship service. Miss Fletcher gave the message on the subject "Living Inmancntly solos, "Make Me A Bleslng” and "It Is No Secret." Fred Lewis ren- With God." Miss Chaffin sang two dered two trombone solos ,“Abide With Me" and "Linger”, both were accompanied by Mrs, Hyden, After the service they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines. Porto Rican Visits Grandparents Lohr Gonzalez, of San Juan, Por­ to Rico, has been visiting with his MT. TABOR . . . LEROY HOLLINGSWORTH Correspondent and Mrs, family. Harold Caraway and parents now caring for her mother, jln Por^n Rlc0, ( Mrs, Knick, Other Sunday callers were Elbert nnd Richard Knlck.! SOCIETY TO MEET Fred Lewis and Mr, and Mrs. Donald Pickering and family, were Sunday dinner guests fo Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Lewis. Members of the Friends Church Ladies aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. Helen Helfner, Thurs- Attend Conference The Young Friends Yearly Meet- day evening, Jan, 20, at7:30 p.m ; ing held their Quarterly Confer- J ------------- -O-------------- |once at Wilmington College, Sun-* r D ||PP!)„ * * * 1day evening. A covered dish din- * *U ■” OCIII Sunday afternoon nnd evening‘ ner was served at Denver Hall. P n i i n r i l 1 2 M P P tS dinner guests of Misses Sarah and: Those attending from the local; ' ,UUI11,11 , c c l a Louise Skylcs were their brother church were. Mac. Brown and child- j Farm Bureau Council No. 12, met and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs, Ray ron, Harold and Mary Alice, Claudie, at the home of ®am LJean.Wednes- Skyles, of near Washington C. H ,’ Alice Faye and Freddie Cox, Patty day cvenlne’ with Bussell Eavcrs * • • and Sharon Llttrell, Russell Lee ! as dtecussion leader. Main topic Mr, nnd Mrs, John Robison and Cline, Phyllis Ann Fletcher, Hazel i wtis '‘Accidents on Bar*” - ’ Mr, nnd Mrs. Vernon. Robison were Chaffin, Fred Lewis and Rev. Gene I Lunch was scrved the following members Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bing- Sundny afternoon guests of Mr, and Lewis Mrs. Carl Cook and fnmlly, of j Springfield. ! • • AYRSHIRE CLUB The Southwestern Ayrshire Club nmon, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eavers, Mr.and Mrs, Wendell Garrlnger, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ef/ie Shane left Sunday to , T , r . . lvirb< wlIliiru ™r* aua “ rn* spend several weeks at the home ' hcW th°,r annual banquet Monday jHoward Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- . . . . „ . . . . . a t Hillsboro, at the Methodist or her brother, Raymond I-Iart, o f , .. * , “ Newark : Church. John Mount, of Columbus, was tlie guest speaker. Michael and Martha Jacks were * • • Saturday evening supper guests of ATTEND CONVENTION their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs , ! Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles LCach, Sr.,, Floyd Steiner. * •attended the sate Fair Board Con-f HOMECRAFT CLUB TO MEET * ’ * vention held at the Deshlcr-Hilton) ton Wiseman, and two new mem­ bers, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Evans. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wendell Garrlnger, Feb. 9. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Kyle and Leroy Hollingsworth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and family of Sabina. • • • Mrs. Pearl Storcr spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leland Storer nnd Miss Shirley Storcr, of near Snblnn, • • • Mrs. Hazel Campbell and sons, Johnny and Larry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hilder- brand and Jimmy Drlscell. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eugene Kyle and family, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. For­ rest Strong, of near New Holland. ■ • • Mrs. Charles Walton, Jr., and family, of Beavertown and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoc Beal and familyf were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beal and family. • • k. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall and son, Barry Ray and Mrs. Emma Parker, of Dayton, and Miss Karen Kay Hormell, of New Burlington, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Haines. • • • Miss Elaine Smith, of Dayton, spent the weekend with Miss Elaine Barnett. • • • Mr. and Mrs, ’Ernest Wooley, of Dayton, called on Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Powers, Sunday afternoon. • • • Miss Donna Bell Beal, Miss Bev­ erly Beal, Norman Roberts accom­ panied by the local pastor, Rev, Frank Cooley, attended the Wilm­ ington District MYF Mid-year In­ stitute for Post High Young people held in the Anderson Hills Meth­ odist Church, Forestvlllc) last Saturday. PAiNTERSVIIXE Mr. and Mrs. Jacoo Heinz were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ray, of Jeffersonville, Sunday afternoon, • • • Several ladles from this com­ munity attended the Farm Bureau Tea at Trinity Methodist Church in Xenia, lastTFrlday afternoon. 9 0 9 Mr, and Mrs, Roy Pickering and Mrs Laura Pickering were Sun- Mr, and Mrs, Russell McDonald and daughter, Elaine, of Wilming­ ton, wore guests Tuesday evening of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. R. McDonald, • • * Mrs, Doris Leach has been on the '.sick list the past week. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Ehyood FauUkncr nnd family, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, Russell Pic­ kering and familyq. Jefferson School News highest bidding gentleman who will then have the privilege of eat­ ing Itinch with the ladies who pre- ' pared them. All proceeds will go to the motion picture projector fund of the church, Those bringing child­ ren too young to participate should bring separate lunches for them, 9 9 0 Mr, and Mrs, Loren Kler and son, of Blue Ash and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Arrasmlth visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kier, of Jamestown. Senior Ascmbly, Wednesday Jan­ uary 19, A movie will be shown in conjunction ^Uh a talk by Mr, Dave Purdom Jr., co-chairman of the Greene County Polio Foundation Coinmltttee. We hope that this will be the first of a series of Class spon­ sored assembly programs. The Seniors thought that a pro­ gram tied in with the National Polio Drive and the local school drive would be appropos as well enlightening to the majority of us who know so little of what is behind the "Polio Curtain", Wednesday morning Jan, 19, at 8:30 the Sophomore Class will select their clns rings, Thursday Jan. 20, at 10:00 the Commercial department will have a Comptometer demonstration. The Home and School League will also meet at 1:30 in the School Audi­ torium, Friday night we play Cedarvllle at Cedarvllle the game starts at 7:00 p. m. The Couples class met In the church basement Saturday evening for a covered dish supper. The pre­ sident, Wendell Smith, presided at the Business meeting and was also auctioneer at a “White elephant” sale held by the class. Members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Smith and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howe nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perry and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford and family, Mr. and Mrs3ill De- Haven and Rev. and MrsFranklln Cooley and children. The next’ meet­ ing will be held at the church, Feb. 19, and another “white elephant" sale will be held. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bateson nnd Children, of Xenia. .m m • Mrs. Verl Hetzlcr and son, Dar­ rel and Miss Elizabeth Trautma^ of Mowrystown called on Mr. and Mrs, Charles Arrasmlth and sons, Sundny evening. Mrs. June Allen will be-hostess! day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Sunday evening guests of Mrs, W. A. Hotel( Columbus, Wednesday, In j 10 mcmbcrs °* the Home Craft Club Jacks were Mr. nnd Mrs, Don Jacks the afternoon Mr, Leach attended; her home> Wednesday, Jan, 26, nnd family, Mr, and Mrs. George the HortcultUral meeting and Mrs.|a*' p’m‘ ^ eme*3Crs are asked to Jacks and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Leach nttenaed the Home Art De- * thelnr paintings. Jacks and family, !partment conference and also the! tea. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Hutslar, of Springfield, were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Steiner. • • * Sunday dinner guests of Mrs, M. f. Hilton were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hilton and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson and son, of Springfield. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Briney, of Cincinnati, were Sunday guests of Mrs. A, C. Taylor, at Sfii'ks Rest Home. • • 9 Mrs, Ruth Jolly, at Shirks Rest Home is on the sick list this week. • 0 9 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pettit arid sons, Ned and Mike, were Saturday guests of Mrs. A. F, Brand, of Springfield. MULTI-FLORA GARDEN CLUB j Mrs. Chris Moore will be hostess ilo the Multi-Flora Garden Club at ATTEND MEETING j her home, Thursday evening, at Mrs. Ralph Gels and Mrs, R. M, 8 p, m. Members are to bring bird Smith attended the American Lc-| feeders gion Auxiliary round table discus­ sion held in Dayton, last Tuesday, NEW JA S P ER NEW S . . MRS, CHARLES ARRASMITII CORRESPONDENT PHONE 23727 Attendance at the New Jasper Methodist Church, 'Sunday was 64. * • • Choir practice will be held at the church each Monday night at 7:30. 9 9 9 The Willing Workers class will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Jessie Noble on Strlngtown road. Members are ask­ ed to bring sales tax stamps, * • » The Methodist Youth Fellowship will sponsor a box social Saturday • evening In the church basement a t , 6:30 p, m, Everyone is invited, i Ladies are to bring gaily wrapped i boxes containing lunch for two ’ which will be auctioned off to the i ERNEST W. PERRY SK. Funeral services for Ernest W. Perry Sr., 75, of 1817 Banker PI., Dayton, formerly of Jamestown, who died Friday in Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, were held Tuesday at 1 p. m. at Zion Baptist Church, Dayton Burial was In Jamestown Cemetery, Born In Jamestown, Mr. Perry had resided in Dayton 55 years. He formerly was employed by the Dayton Bicycle Club. He is sur­ vived by his widow, Mrs. Bertha Perry; two sons, Ernest Jr, of Chicago and Foy of Dayton, and a nephew, Christopher Perry, 704 E. Main St., Xenia, Friendly Builders Class Meet A t Keiter Home WITH TI1E SICK Jamestown Paul E, Brown, Jamestown was admitted to Greene Memorial Hos­ pital for Surgery. Mrs, Gertrude Keplar returned Monday to her home, 63 E, Xenia Si. Jamestown, after undergoing surgery at Greene Memorial. The Friendly Builders Sunday school class of the Grape Grave CJhiireh o f Christ met at the home of Mrs. Orville Keitef, last Thursday evening. Jan. 13, New officers were installed, president, Orville Keiter,| ♦ * * vice president. Donald Mossman,] 3iiS Elmer HetSel Was dismissed secretary, Mrs, Lois Newell. THelJforii Miami Valley Hospital Htw- program was in charge of Paul plta^ Dayton, to her home Oh Weiner, iJamestoWn Hike, after SUfgery, The hostess served a salad course j Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs.-10 following; Mr. and Mrs. Paul} * * John Staiforth, of Fairborn, were "Weiner and family, Mrs, Lois No-; ^ rs* ®lanch Stuckey fractured Mr, and Mrs. Richard Pettit and we’1*1Mrs, Ethel Cummings, Mr. and *lcr arm in a fall In her home Mr, and Mrs. Jim Thompson, Mrs. Arthur Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. l3^ Jamestown recently, , • * • IDonald Mossman, Mr. and Mrs.; • • « Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Fame were Lester Exline. James Wilson and family. The oc­ casion was In celebration of the* , birthdays of Nancy, Terry and Barry; Wilson and Roy Pickering, all of which occured this week, ! . . . { Mrs, Elden Heinz, who hasbeen, a patient at Miami Valley Hospital the past two weeks, Is somewhat im­ proved at this writing. • •• ' Paintersvllle W.C.T.U. met at the Home of Mrs, Birch Flersort on. Thursday of last week* , . . . || Mrs. Marie Hoyle spent the pastj, week with her son, Mr. and Mrs,! Donald Hoyle and family, of Beaver­ town, | • • • i i Mr, and Mrs, Burch Pierson at­ tended a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Del­ bert Pierson, Xenia, i • • • j Mr. and Mrs, Marion Faulkner and sons, have moved from the Fred Woolery farm, Hussey Pike, to Chest-; nut St* in Xenia. { YOUR ALPHA "Guernsey” Dairy Truck Will Be In Jamestown Mon., Wed. and Fridays CHAS. RHEUBERT Distributor Cedarville, Ohio INCOME TAX RETURNSFILED Complete Bookkeeping Service Vincent C. Heider OFFICE IN HOME Route 235 Between Fair­ born and Xenia. Xenia Phone 2-6886 or Yellow Springs 7-2600 N«. stes I* ««t In fit*** •. », SO..*®* 1L Si*. 9 s l>re»»f »Vi y<!». SS-ln. VeiUfe-i, ’ ’ w .f'in * FMr-'sije* knlit.s III clinclterlioftri) dc»l|n wJJI. Fnnci weekend guests of her parents, Mr,' lend Mrs, Willard Thumn and Mrs.* ; *Lillian Falstrenu, Mr. and Mrs.' • ,Frame are leaving for San Antonia, ; Texas. Friday, where Mr, Frame •will go to Flight School. He has the ■ ;rating of a Lt. j * • 0 | Charles S, Redder, visited over i the weekend with Mrs. Theodore 'Muller and called on other friends i here, f ; '» * ll Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Pierson and*I family, of Urbana, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Moorman and sons. Additional 1 afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs.1 James Pierson nnd son, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moorman and sons, i i HOUSE SLIPPERS .................. *.....................*......... $2.48 NYLON HOSIERY ....... *................................ -........ $1*29 Leave Your Dry Cleaning Here For HAPPY DAY CLEANERS ELLISONMODERNSHOEREPAIR Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-4761 Mr, and Mrs, Robert Sesslnr and family, of Urbana, and Mrs. Agnes Sutton, of Springfield, Mass., were ; callers of Dean Sessiar, Sunday afternoon. FIGHT POLIO ! /PoUfrVcmm sF T m im n t to MARCH O F D IM ES JANUAKY 3-31 J Mrs. Alice Bradley was a victim Jof the icy weather recently, when- ishe slipped on the steps of her* home falling and breaking her right arm. | 1 Dale Atley, who has been a pat- i lent in Miami Valley Hospital Day- \ jton, for the past several days, « - > j turned to his home Monday, Mr.’ ! Atley underwent Major surgery and . Is Improving satisfactorily. Mrs, C. M. Knick returned to her home Wednesday from the City hospital Springfield, where she had been’ a patient for over two weeks. She is improving nicely. • • • GEORGE HUGHES Mrs. Ronald Rogers received word Tuesday, Mr. Hughes died of k heart of the death of her father, George Hughes, of Watford England, last attack, on Thursday, Jan.6, Venard Theatre SAT,, JAN. 22 “SplitSecond” With Stephen McNally and Jan Sterling SUN., JAN. 23 “HansChristian Anderson” With Danny Kaye a,nd Farley Granger WED.> JAN, 26 “AllAshore” With Mickey Rooney ChaekWMi A SpecloRnd Fkioodo! Institution PEOPLES Building & Savings Co. Since 188S 11 Green St. Xenia, O.