Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10

Thursday, February 24 , 1955 GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE ' f**%*Xf±JS* #****» $Lmmm JAMESTOWN FRIENDS CHURCH Gene B Lewis, I’astor 0'30 A. M. Church School. 10:30 A. M. ■- Morning Worship, 7.30 p M -- Wahio day: Mid week Bible .Study JAMESTOWN FIRST BAPTIST CIIURCn Harry E, Arthur, Pastor 10:00 a m, Sunday School. 11:00 ft,m. Morning Worship, 7:00 p.m, Baptist Youth Fellow­ ship. 7.30 p.m. Wednesday Choir Prac­ tice. BOWERSVn.LE METnODIST Raymon Konkright, Pastor 10:00 a.m, Church school 10:50 a.m. Worship service 7100 p.m. M. Y. F. 8:00 pjn. Wed,, choir practice 8:30 Sunday—Th? Junior High Westminster Fellowship will meet Ia t the home of- Jcml Faust, 113 Marshall Street, CEDARVILLE JAMESTOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST Howard McGinnis, Pastor 0:30 a m Bible srhortl. 1030 am. Morning Worship. 7:00 i). oi. Young Peoples Meeting. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic Service. 8:00 p. m. Wed, prayer service followed by choir practice. , a . JAMESTOWN METHODIST CHURCH Ehvfiotl Rose, Pastor 0 30 A. m The Story Hour for •he kiddies 0 M0 M Church school. 10 *tn A M. Morning worship t, th on.''Tv for lo.'ldli’m. JAMESTOWN PENETECOSTAL CHURCH OF CHRIST M, O. Scott, Pastor 10:00 / . M.- -Sunday school. 12:00 to 12:30 brmi<J',ast over sta­ tion WOTIO, WashIi«fton C. H. 7:30 P, M. —Wednesday prayer meeting. f CHURCH OF GOD (OctJsrrlllcl Elwood C. Palmer, pastor; Mrs. John Murphy, organist !10:00 a.m.—Sunday school Mrs. David Strobridge, supt ’11:00 a.m.—Worship service ;7M5 p.m.—Evening service ST, PAUL A. M. E. CHURCH I Rev. J. W Francis, Pastor I Sunday Feb. 27, 1055 : Mrs. Wllda White, Supt TO A. M. Sunday School !11 A, M Worship Service METHODIST CHURCH 0:30 Church School 10:30 Morning Worship. Topic: "Created For Living" 7:00 Sunday—Senior MYF with Donna Argo and Diane Miller, leaders. 7:00 Sunday—Intermediate MYF, Linda Yoder, leader. CEDARVILLE METHODIST CHURCH GENE LINDSLEY WINANS, Min later NEW JASPER METHODIST CHURCH Franklin Cooley, Pastor 10:00 a m. Church School, 7:00 n,m. M.Y.F. „ „ , . Wednesday 0:00 p.m. Midweek Mo."r^ P> os; As^ Sunday, Feb. 27, 1055 9:45 a. m, Church School. Stanley Abels, Supt. Bible Study and Prayer Service, „ — PILGRIM HOLINESS CIIURCn BOWERSVII.LE, OHIO ■lolin Mlnskor, pastor .10:00 a, rn,—Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. 7:15 p, in.—Pilgrim Youth Serv­ ice. JAMESTOWN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH II. C. Ilalnes, Pastor !):30 A. M. Sunday School 10:30 A. M. Church Service 0:30 P. M. Youth Fellowship 7 P. M. Thursday, choir practice, U. P. CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST (Bowersville) Guest Speaker 10:00 A. M.—Bible School. 10:45 A. M—Morning worship. 8:00 P. M.—Evening Evangelis­ tic Service. 8:00 P. M.—Monday, youth meet­ ing. 8:00 p. m. Wed., prayer meeting. :and Praise Service. ■ 8:00' p. m.—Evangelistic Service. 8:00 p. m.—Wednesday Prayer GRAPE GROVE CHURCH I OF CHRIST ; Paul E. Wiener, Pastor ; 10:00 A. M. — Bible School 11:00 A. M. — Lord's Table ’ 7:00 P, M. — Group Meetings ; 8:00 P. M. — Evening Service i Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., Mid-week , service. 10:50 a. in. Morning Worship, i Sermon topic: ‘“The Authority of. the Master," first . of a series of Lenton sermons on j "Portraits of the Master." ,7:00 p. in. Senior MYF, I Wednesday, March 2, 12:30 p, ni. |WSCS covered dish dnner and meet- !lng. Wednesdays at 3:45 p. m. Junior choir rehearsal. Wednesday at 4:15 p. ni. Inter­ mediate MYF. Wednesdays at 0:45 p. m. Senior choir rehearsal. ; Thursday, March 3, 8:00 p. ill.; fWin One Class meets. j PAINTERSVILLE TIIE METHODIST CHURCH Raymon Konkrlght, Pastor 9:45 A. M.—Worship service. 10:00 A. M.—Church School. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Scrivces of the Grace Baptist Church are held Sunday by Sunday in the Milner Chapel on the campus of Cednrvllle College. A Sunday School with clnscs for all ages Is conducted a t 10 A. M. under the su­ pervision of Mr. Robert Underwood. The morning worship service fol­ lows at 11 A. M. The evening wor­ ship service Is conducted at 7:30 P, M. The Rev. John Reno, who Is presently serving ns Interim pastor, will preach nt both services. If you ns townspeople or country folk have no church home and de­ sire to have your children In Sunday School and do, yourselves, delight to Bear sound, Biblical preaching of an expository nature, then you have- a hearty welcome to meet with us. YELLOW SPRINGS Presbyterian Church Rev, Buckley C. Rude, pastor. Morning Worship, 10:30 a. m. To­ pic: "What Does I t Profit?” Sunday School, 10:30 a, m. 3:00-8:00 p. ni. A Centennial Ex­ hibit will be held in the church parlours. 0,30 p, m. Junior High Westminster Fellowship will meet a t the home of Barry Dallns. 0:45 p, m. Senior High Westminster Fellowship will meet a t the church. The Oedarvillc Presby­ terian youth will be guests for the evening. U. P. Church To Hold World Day Of Prayer Union World Day of Prayer Ser­ vice will be held at the. Jamestown United Prebytcrlan Church, 2 p. m„ Friday, Feb. 2. The public Is cord­ ially invited to attend tills service. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Services of the Grace Baptist Church which meets presently In tlie Milner Chapel of Ccdnrville College continue as previously an­ nounced: Sunday School at 10 A. M.; morning and evening worship at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. respectively. The preacher for Sunday, February 27, Is the interim pastor, the Rev. John Reno. FREE INOCULATION t O f Clover and Alfalfa Seed j Purchased At Our Present Low Price DURING MONTH OF FEB. | Other Field Seed Available j Jamestown1Feed Co. i Jamestown, O Ph. 4-7711 1 Methodist Church Thomas B. Smith, Minister Church School, 9:30 a, in. Morning Worship, 10:30 a. m, To­ pic: “Enlarge My House" 0:30 p. m, intermediate MYF will hold covered dish supper nt tlu church, Becky Acton will bo de­ votional leader, 7:00 p. m. Senior MYF will conduct panel discussion. Members of thu panel are Charles Weller, Ted McNutt, Wayne Sayer and Donna Argood. B V C V E Y *’ CABINETS And V JIfMICA W O uD ' WORKING CO 1*11 Ml? Mil* V\uRh HOOFING - StOJVG , Mmrot Phone 2092 Xi'niit OMft I $weeT of y o o to 1 eeiNG- ME My PIPE 1 ANP SLIPPER!®* PEAR w l e t ’s PACE I T*t . Clifton United Presbyterian Church R. W. Frost, pastor Sabbath Services Bible School, 10:00 A. M. Worship Service, 11:00 A. M. Pioneer Youth Service, 7:00 P. M. Carolyn Collins, Organist Wednesday’s 8:00 P. M. Prayer Service, See Your Skelgas Dealer DUKE’S APPLIANCE HARDWARE JAMESTOWN, OHIO PHONE - 48551 Authorized Dealer For Montcrief Heating Systems. Roofing — Spouting — Heating Air Conditioning — Siding — Insulation Phone 4-5411 D. J. Patterson — H. A. Doster JAMESTOWN SHEET METAL & ROOFING CO. Free Estimates Without Obligation WORK GUARANTEED Th* b«autlfuf B«1Alt Sporl Coup* with Bodyby Flihef n z fm / \ r / *71 / ' i „ ttt m* mt %d It’s highway robbery! For sheer fun out on the road, Chevrolet’s stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars! U, 'p to this year, maybe there were reasons for wanting one of the higher priced cars. If you demanded something extra in driving fun . . . something really special in the way a car handled and feit and responded to your wishes, . . you simply had to pay a pAunium to get it. Not any more! The Motoramic Chevrolet for 1955 has changed all that. In fact, it’s stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars on their own homc-grounds-out on the highway. Talk about excitement! You have 162 high-compression horse­ power under the hood with the new “Turbo-Fire V8”! (180 h.p. is optional at extra cost in alt V8 models if you want it.) Or you can take your pick of two new “Blue-Flame” 6’s—the hot­ test, highest powered sixes in the low-price field! Any one of these three engines brings you all the good things that come from Chevrolet’s long leadership in valve-in-hcad design.- As for drives, just name it. Chevrolet offers new Overdrive, Super-Smooth Powcrglide (extra­ cost options), or a new and finer Synchro-Mesh transmission. You’re headed for fun in the Motoramic Chevrolet! You’re headed for a ride such as you’d expect only in highest priced cars. You’re Headed for “heads up” stopping, too, and easier steering. All this, with Chevrolet’s tradi­ tional economy. Come in and put this “show car” on the roadl motoramic XENIA, OHIO Lang Chevrolet Sales PHONE ; 2-3555 MONTHS 1 o n a ie e © 55 MERCURY ★ Choose from 3 Great Serieii 10 Body Styles, Score! of Smart Colors. ★ Your Deal Okayed in Minute*. ★ All Cars Serviced, Winterised, Ready for immediate Delivery. it Special Low Down-Payment Plan, No Additional Cash Needed. NO MONTHLY PAYMENT TILL APML We can give yon more for your e*r became of our small need Car atoak and rapid turnover. We need Forde, Chevrolet#, Plymouth*, Pontlacs, Dodges, Hoicks, and Oldsmoblles, We Sett The Most, Came We Give The Most! R. J. STATES MOTORS Your IAncotn-Mercury Dealer 117 K. Columbia Springfield, O. Phone S«45S