Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10
Thursday, February 24 , 1955 GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE ' f**%*Xf±JS* #****» $Lmmm JAMESTOWN FRIENDS CHURCH Gene B Lewis, I’astor 0'30 A. M. Church School. 10:30 A. M. ■- Morning Worship, 7.30 p M -- Wahio day: Mid week Bible .Study JAMESTOWN FIRST BAPTIST CIIURCn Harry E, Arthur, Pastor 10:00 a m, Sunday School. 11:00 ft,m. Morning Worship, 7:00 p.m, Baptist Youth Fellow ship. 7.30 p.m. Wednesday Choir Prac tice. BOWERSVn.LE METnODIST Raymon Konkright, Pastor 10:00 a.m, Church school 10:50 a.m. Worship service 7100 p.m. M. Y. F. 8:00 pjn. Wed,, choir practice 8:30 Sunday—Th? Junior High Westminster Fellowship will meet Ia t the home of- Jcml Faust, 113 Marshall Street, CEDARVILLE JAMESTOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST Howard McGinnis, Pastor 0:30 a m Bible srhortl. 1030 am. Morning Worship. 7:00 i). oi. Young Peoples Meeting. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic Service. 8:00 p. m. Wed, prayer service followed by choir practice. , a . JAMESTOWN METHODIST CHURCH Ehvfiotl Rose, Pastor 0 30 A. m The Story Hour for •he kiddies 0 M0 M Church school. 10 *tn A M. Morning worship t, th on.''Tv for lo.'ldli’m. JAMESTOWN PENETECOSTAL CHURCH OF CHRIST M, O. Scott, Pastor 10:00 / . M.- -Sunday school. 12:00 to 12:30 brmi<J',ast over sta tion WOTIO, WashIi«fton C. H. 7:30 P, M. —Wednesday prayer meeting. f CHURCH OF GOD (OctJsrrlllcl Elwood C. Palmer, pastor; Mrs. John Murphy, organist !10:00 a.m.—Sunday school Mrs. David Strobridge, supt ’11:00 a.m.—Worship service ;7M5 p.m.—Evening service ST, PAUL A. M. E. CHURCH I Rev. J. W Francis, Pastor I Sunday Feb. 27, 1055 : Mrs. Wllda White, Supt TO A. M. Sunday School !11 A, M Worship Service METHODIST CHURCH 0:30 Church School 10:30 Morning Worship. Topic: "Created For Living" 7:00 Sunday—Senior MYF with Donna Argo and Diane Miller, leaders. 7:00 Sunday—Intermediate MYF, Linda Yoder, leader. CEDARVILLE METHODIST CHURCH GENE LINDSLEY WINANS, Min later NEW JASPER METHODIST CHURCH Franklin Cooley, Pastor 10:00 a m. Church School, 7:00 n,m. M.Y.F. „ „ , . Wednesday 0:00 p.m. Midweek Mo."r^ P> os; As^ Sunday, Feb. 27, 1055 9:45 a. m, Church School. Stanley Abels, Supt. Bible Study and Prayer Service, „ — PILGRIM HOLINESS CIIURCn BOWERSVII.LE, OHIO ■lolin Mlnskor, pastor .10:00 a, rn,—Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. 7:15 p, in.—Pilgrim Youth Serv ice. JAMESTOWN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH II. C. Ilalnes, Pastor !):30 A. M. Sunday School 10:30 A. M. Church Service 0:30 P. M. Youth Fellowship 7 P. M. Thursday, choir practice, U. P. CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST (Bowersville) Guest Speaker 10:00 A. M.—Bible School. 10:45 A. M—Morning worship. 8:00 P. M.—Evening Evangelis tic Service. 8:00 P. M.—Monday, youth meet ing. 8:00 p. m. Wed., prayer meeting. :and Praise Service. ■ 8:00' p. m.—Evangelistic Service. 8:00 p. m.—Wednesday Prayer GRAPE GROVE CHURCH I OF CHRIST ; Paul E. Wiener, Pastor ; 10:00 A. M. — Bible School 11:00 A. M. — Lord's Table ’ 7:00 P, M. — Group Meetings ; 8:00 P. M. — Evening Service i Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., Mid-week , service. 10:50 a. in. Morning Worship, i Sermon topic: ‘“The Authority of. the Master," first . of a series of Lenton sermons on j "Portraits of the Master." ,7:00 p. in. Senior MYF, I Wednesday, March 2, 12:30 p, ni. |WSCS covered dish dnner and meet- !lng. Wednesdays at 3:45 p. m. Junior choir rehearsal. Wednesday at 4:15 p. ni. Inter mediate MYF. Wednesdays at 0:45 p. m. Senior choir rehearsal. ; Thursday, March 3, 8:00 p. ill.; fWin One Class meets. j PAINTERSVILLE TIIE METHODIST CHURCH Raymon Konkrlght, Pastor 9:45 A. M.—Worship service. 10:00 A. M.—Church School. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Scrivces of the Grace Baptist Church are held Sunday by Sunday in the Milner Chapel on the campus of Cednrvllle College. A Sunday School with clnscs for all ages Is conducted a t 10 A. M. under the su pervision of Mr. Robert Underwood. The morning worship service fol lows at 11 A. M. The evening wor ship service Is conducted at 7:30 P, M. The Rev. John Reno, who Is presently serving ns Interim pastor, will preach nt both services. If you ns townspeople or country folk have no church home and de sire to have your children In Sunday School and do, yourselves, delight to Bear sound, Biblical preaching of an expository nature, then you have- a hearty welcome to meet with us. YELLOW SPRINGS Presbyterian Church Rev, Buckley C. Rude, pastor. Morning Worship, 10:30 a. m. To pic: "What Does I t Profit?” Sunday School, 10:30 a, m. 3:00-8:00 p. ni. A Centennial Ex hibit will be held in the church parlours. 0,30 p, m. Junior High Westminster Fellowship will meet a t the home of Barry Dallns. 0:45 p, m. Senior High Westminster Fellowship will meet a t the church. The Oedarvillc Presby terian youth will be guests for the evening. U. P. Church To Hold World Day Of Prayer Union World Day of Prayer Ser vice will be held at the. Jamestown United Prebytcrlan Church, 2 p. m„ Friday, Feb. 2. The public Is cord ially invited to attend tills service. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Services of the Grace Baptist Church which meets presently In tlie Milner Chapel of Ccdnrville College continue as previously an nounced: Sunday School at 10 A. M.; morning and evening worship at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. respectively. The preacher for Sunday, February 27, Is the interim pastor, the Rev. John Reno. FREE INOCULATION t O f Clover and Alfalfa Seed j Purchased At Our Present Low Price DURING MONTH OF FEB. | Other Field Seed Available j Jamestown1Feed Co. i Jamestown, O Ph. 4-7711 1 Methodist Church Thomas B. Smith, Minister Church School, 9:30 a, in. Morning Worship, 10:30 a. m, To pic: “Enlarge My House" 0:30 p. m, intermediate MYF will hold covered dish supper nt tlu church, Becky Acton will bo de votional leader, 7:00 p. m. Senior MYF will conduct panel discussion. Members of thu panel are Charles Weller, Ted McNutt, Wayne Sayer and Donna Argood. B V C V E Y *’ CABINETS And V JIfMICA W O uD ' WORKING CO 1*11 Ml? Mil* V\uRh HOOFING - StOJVG , Mmrot Phone 2092 Xi'niit OMft I $weeT of y o o to 1 eeiNG- ME My PIPE 1 ANP SLIPPER!®* PEAR w l e t ’s PACE I T*t . Clifton United Presbyterian Church R. W. Frost, pastor Sabbath Services Bible School, 10:00 A. M. Worship Service, 11:00 A. M. Pioneer Youth Service, 7:00 P. M. Carolyn Collins, Organist Wednesday’s 8:00 P. M. Prayer Service, See Your Skelgas Dealer DUKE’S APPLIANCE HARDWARE JAMESTOWN, OHIO PHONE - 48551 Authorized Dealer For Montcrief Heating Systems. Roofing — Spouting — Heating Air Conditioning — Siding — Insulation Phone 4-5411 D. J. Patterson — H. A. Doster JAMESTOWN SHEET METAL & ROOFING CO. Free Estimates Without Obligation WORK GUARANTEED Th* b«autlfuf B«1Alt Sporl Coup* with Bodyby Flihef n z fm / \ r / *71 / ' i „ ttt m* mt %d It’s highway robbery! For sheer fun out on the road, Chevrolet’s stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars! U, 'p to this year, maybe there were reasons for wanting one of the higher priced cars. If you demanded something extra in driving fun . . . something really special in the way a car handled and feit and responded to your wishes, . . you simply had to pay a pAunium to get it. Not any more! The Motoramic Chevrolet for 1955 has changed all that. In fact, it’s stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars on their own homc-grounds-out on the highway. Talk about excitement! You have 162 high-compression horse power under the hood with the new “Turbo-Fire V8”! (180 h.p. is optional at extra cost in alt V8 models if you want it.) Or you can take your pick of two new “Blue-Flame” 6’s—the hot test, highest powered sixes in the low-price field! Any one of these three engines brings you all the good things that come from Chevrolet’s long leadership in valve-in-hcad design.- As for drives, just name it. Chevrolet offers new Overdrive, Super-Smooth Powcrglide (extra cost options), or a new and finer Synchro-Mesh transmission. You’re headed for fun in the Motoramic Chevrolet! You’re headed for a ride such as you’d expect only in highest priced cars. You’re Headed for “heads up” stopping, too, and easier steering. All this, with Chevrolet’s tradi tional economy. Come in and put this “show car” on the roadl motoramic XENIA, OHIO Lang Chevrolet Sales PHONE ; 2-3555 MONTHS 1 o n a ie e © 55 MERCURY ★ Choose from 3 Great Serieii 10 Body Styles, Score! of Smart Colors. ★ Your Deal Okayed in Minute*. ★ All Cars Serviced, Winterised, Ready for immediate Delivery. it Special Low Down-Payment Plan, No Additional Cash Needed. NO MONTHLY PAYMENT TILL APML We can give yon more for your e*r became of our small need Car atoak and rapid turnover. We need Forde, Chevrolet#, Plymouth*, Pontlacs, Dodges, Hoicks, and Oldsmoblles, We Sett The Most, Came We Give The Most! R. J. STATES MOTORS Your IAncotn-Mercury Dealer 117 K. Columbia Springfield, O. Phone S«45S
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