Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10

Thursday, March 3, 1956 GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE "■ .\*1» W YW " -" -'•= Business Review of 1955 KIRK STOCKYARDS Wendell & McKinley Kirk, Owners Phone 2599 Washington C. H, Kirk Stockyards is an old and tried Instltulfpn of this section which is enjoying a thriving busi- Iness, covering a wide territory. When you consign livestock to this firm. You can always depend on retting tlie highest market value. This company 1ms always assisted materially in the growth and ex­ pansion of Washington C. H. as a trade center. Here the farmers are assured of the highest prices for their livestock and therefore, they conduct a busi­ ness that Is of high commcrtcal vnlup to the public, Remember that were the farmers of this commun­ ity compelled to ship their livestock elsewhere they wolild fall far short of getting the prices the Kirk Stock- yards will get them. Wo are pleased to give this re­ liable firm commendable mention in this Bulsnoss Review for the bene­ fit of stock raisers in all adjoining counties, This firm carries our most hearty recommendation. Remember that all prices quoted by the Kirk Stockyards are net to the farmer, No commission. No trucking. Kirk Stockyard is located in Washington C. H, on Western Ave., Phone 2509. ELLISON MODERN SHOE REPAIR “WEAR-U-WELL” SHOES Shoe Repairing While “U” Wait Jamestown Phone 4-4761 W B. DAWSON COAL—OLGA— POCAHONTAS—KY-LUMP A COKE DITCHING—EXCAVATING—GRADING There are always some firms in every community which stand out® prominently because of their su­ perior service and In the cxcavat-j lng and grading contracting line in : this part of the state particular mention must be given to W. B. Dawson on the Fairborn Pike near Yellow Springs. W. B. Dawson has equipped himself with the best of facilities In modern bulldozers, shovels, back hoes and equipment to give A-l dump truck service. W, B. Dawson has executed many contracts for excavating work of all kinds in this area and he gives free estimates on grading, bulldozing, excavating and haul­ ing—especially in dump truck service. If you have any work, land or farm clearing—digging a pond—pitching or basement cxcav- ting you will be wise in contacting W. B. Dawson and securing his low bid or estimate to save yourself money besides assuring' yourself high grade work with first class equipment and men who have had years of experience nnd know how. In fact there is no gamble when you ask W. B; Dawson to per­ form your job. On the Fairborn Pike. Phone Yellow Springs 7-7344. Hero is a store that meets the demands of the modern day. You will find here the popular styls shoes of the day as well as the more conservative styles. Whether we arc well-dressed depends largely upon our shoes. I t they are not becoming and well kept they detract from an otherwise perfect grooming. Regardless of the shape of the foot, long nnd narrow or short and wide, high Instep, high or low arches, they have the shoe to fit your foot. A shoe In the latest style and one that will give you service. You will find hero Wear-U-Well Shoes of marvelous comfort be­ neath’ trim, modish lines In all the fashionable leathers. Take the smartest step of. your life—stop in at Owen Ellison’s for your next pair. A modern shoe repair service can do a great deal to save the dollars you must invest in shoes by keeping those shoes looking neat and wearing scrvicably long after they would otherwise have - to be replaced. This can be done a t The Ellison Modern Shoe Repair While You Wait. THE CUDAHY PACKING CO. Cream and Cheese Phone 2501 Sunlight Butter, Ice Washington C. H. We fully believe that no industry within the limits of this section of the state lias made more rapid pro­ gress as an important Industrial fac­ tor during the past decade, than the Cudahy Packing Company, whose model plant in Washington C. H. Is one of our most valued Industrial assets. Their products are so well known that their wholesomcncss are never questioned. They have earned a re­ putation that guarantees a steady and constant demand for them. Just phone them and your order will re­ ceive prompt and careful attention. The Cudahy Packing Co. is thus ndding much to this section as a valuable, market for the products of the farmer and we take this op­ portunity to congratulate Cudahy Packing Co., on a fine record of service to the people of this territory. We wish for them many years of continued success. GREENE TOWNSHIP GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED GRAVEL—WASHED SAND A GRAVEL BUILDING AND ROAD MATERIALS Gravel Pit Rd. Rt. 2 CEDARVILLE Phone 6-2822 JONES’ OLIVER STORE “FINEST IN FARM MACHINERY” Jamestown Phone 4-5921 See Glen R. Jones in Jamestown for the best in wheel and crawler tractors—balers—combines and a complete line of farm machinery. Have no fear that "haste makes waste*—not with Oliver. Oliver Tractors and Equipment has set the standards through the years for economy of operation and de­ pendability. The modern farmer has come to appreciate these fea­ tures in his Oliver machinery. I t ’s like a dividend every working day. A dividend in ease of operation, in economy and low-cast upkeep. Jones' Oliver Store in Jamestown is a convenient sales and service center for local farmers They maintain adequate, repair facilities where expert, factory trained me­ chanics turn out good work with a minimum of delay and expense. Jones’ Oliver Store makes every effort to give their customers help­ ful attention and assistance and we are glad to take this opportunity to recommend their services to you. Make Jones’ Oliver Store your head­ quarters for grain and hay eleva­ tors, Oliver Tractors and a comp­ lete line of equipment. CEDARVILLE LUMBER CO. — GLASS — FENCING — BUILDING MATERIALS—' ROOFING — HARDWARE — PAINT — MILLWORK A. C. SERVICE CO. \ Yellow Springs Cedarville Now is the time to make arrange- understand toe problems that can ments for that furnace check-up some up in heating and they will and repair. The A C Service Co. Is!do toe need cleaning or repair well equipped by experience to give'quickly, neatly and at toe most you the kind of service that will'reasonable prices, save you money on your fuel bills j The A. C. Service Co. is the and put your heating plant in th e;representative for Lennox and kind of condition that won’t break jMueller Furnaces - Sales - Service down in critical weather, A. C. Scr-!nnd Installations, These famous Vice Co. is lqcatcd to too advantage i names in the American Heating of nil our readers at 118 Dayton In jIndustry are your guarantee of Yellow Springs and at 99 S, Main!satisfaction whenever you need In Cedarville. Don’t put off that fine he"'” ' j equipment, nccesary cleaning and x i ,ir. Sp-i Rcmci, . a , Service Co for ring time is furnace repair time'any heating problem, phone Ced- and a call to toe A C Service Co.tarvIUe 0-2251 or Yellow Springs will bring you qualified men who 7-7400. k - ", - - ,-y a d ^ I . v w m S if- ^ 5 / \• •-4i •N tf CEDARVILLE LIVESTOCK CO. Offers Convenient Service This is one of toe institutions that has materially aided the progress of liversified farming in this com­ munity. They furnish the farmers with the most advantageous market for hogs and operate an institution of great value to the public. Their prices are far more favorable than would be secured by the people if they had to ship elsewhere, for it Is a well known fact that this pop­ ular establishment gets the market value at all times. One of the recognized principles of farming along scientific lines to­ day Is toe raising of all kinds of livestock. It is because of the excel­ lent service and the desirable mar­ ket afforded by Cedarville Livestock Co. that this feature Is receiving more attention from the farmer of today. All you have to do is consign the stock to this firm. By paying full value for live­ stock, the Cedarville Livestock Co. makes the raising of livestock more profitable throughout Greene and adjoining counties. The Fried and Reineman Packing Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa., uses this point as a base of supply for some of their livestock herds. The Fried & Reineman Packing Co. wish to thank the farmers of this commun­ ity for their patronage. This lumber company is operated with a determination to furnish the highest grade of building material at the most reasonable price possible for their customers. When building or remodeling is planned it is naturally planned to endure. Hence it becomes an invest­ ment in time, labor and in money. Like all investments it should be a sound one. For toe best in building materials see Cedarville Lumber Co. Reputable quality merchandise more than any other element in the building or Improvement of the home is essential to toe soundness of the Investment that these Im­ provements represent. When you have any problems in lumber, hardware or building materials, Cedarville Lumber Co. can and will assist you in selecting materials suited to 'Vo~ur need. Drop In and visit these people. You will be pleasantly surprised at their adequate stock, reasonable prices and considerate service. Phone Cedarville 6-1331 for fur­ ther information. The Cooperative Farmers Nation­ al Farm Loan Association of Wash- ton C. H. needs no introduction to most of our readers. This concern has rendered a service to our farm­ ers over a period of time that is certainly deserving of tribute in this review of progress, They loan money for up to 40 years at 4%. They offer ,.j». Cr«xllt service which * is stable and dependable and adapted to the farmer’s needs. * * Farmers throughout Fayette, Madison and Clinton counties by using this association you are help lng to build a dependable and per In »«■(-'outing for the consider- . is due to the presence here of these .ttion of our readers the name of j concerns that Greene County ns O n 'tie To ah ship Gravel Co., we'sumcs the Important position in feel that we arc giving credit to n ;building affairs which it now holds, firm winch has a gr-at deal to do This firm specializes In Quality! with the growth nnd progress of-Plaster Sands, Sand and Gravel! the community, i for your every need, In any amount O n the Township Gravel Co. has'you may desire. They have the been m business for ninny years, ■necessary machinery to clean and and during that period has cstab- produce the best of products in bfihod a repurilotion for honest bus* ; their lines. mess practices which Is beyond Call Everett Mncy for Sand and criticism, Firms of this kind are Gravel for your every need, an a.v.c t to any community and It For prompt service call 6-2822, MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK CEDARVILLE J YELLOW SPRINGS Consider these factors in choos-!to assist patrons in their buiness lng your banking connection, two problems, matters of prime Importance arise' As to service—you will find In the selection of “your bank’’,.herc not only every desirable bank- Thcy are—Safety; and Service, sing serlvce a t your convenience At the Miami Deposit bank inibtrt a spirit of willing, cordial co- Cedarvlle or Yellow Springs you °PerAtion to assist you in getting will find both in a marked degree. jthe greatest satisfaction from your TTirougli conservative, careful|banklng relations with them, fmanagement these banks have These banks welcome the nc- served this community faithfully founts of patrons seeking an in* with the Utmost security for its. creased banking service and has depositors’ funds. Their directors,ample funds to care for Good Loans, are and always have been well] We take this opportunity to pub- known local men who have proven s, licly congratulate the Miami De their ability in the successful man- Posit bank on a fine record of scr- agement or their own affairs. T h e , vice to the people of the surround officers arc conservative bankers lng territory and wish for them of long experience, well qualified many years of success. LITTLE’S FURNITURE ENJOYS FINE REPUTATION Jeffersonville Phone 6*6289 Furnishing the new home or re furntlilng the Old one, purchasing; a shite for the living room or bed room or occasional piece for here or there Is not only n. satisfaction but a pleasure when you deal with The Little's Furniture Store. This is a pleasant, friendly and attractive store where every poss­ ible effort Is made to keep complete stock of furniture for every type of home and in a varied selection to suit taste, needs and budgets of every household. Often home makers are desirous of refurnishing a room or securing a few pieties of badly needed furn­ iture. We feel thnt we can honestly recommend Little's Furniture. You will find the manager and assistants courteous and accomod­ ating and you will know that the prices denote real and true Value. Why not stop In on your next shopping tour and sec what they have to offer in furniture for the home. BERRY SEED CO. Home of GRO-COATED Farm and Garden Seed ROBINETT BROS. GARAGE COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE Motor, Axle, Frame, Radiator, Body, Fender A Welding 333 W. Court Washington C. H. 3-5121 Satisfactory service Is backed by a reputation that has proven to the motorists of Fayette and Greene Counties th a t good workmanship, by men of recognized skill does meet with the customer’s approval, No Matter what make of car the reader drives or what reputation it may have for service and dependa­ bility, the years or service obtained from It depends largely on the care and class of service rendered to its upkeep from first-class mechanics. You can drive your car Into Robin- ctt. Bros, garage and have it com pletely repaired, everything that can be done by modem machinery will be thorougly done. They do body and fender work. I t should be of supreme satisfac­ tion to know that your* car is in the hands of trained experts. They do excellent work on every type of automobile. They ard home owned and operated. Let them keep your present car in good condition. CO-OPERATIVE FARMERS NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSN. Richard E. Whiteside, Secretary-Treasurer manent source of credit for respon­ sible farmers and stockmen. The majority of farmers in this section have been using and cooperating with this association. Secretary-Treasurer Richard X. Whiteside takes a personal interest in each individual farmer and hla particular problems. If you do not thoroughly understand the Federal Land Bank credit system, Mr. Whiteside will be glad to explain in detail anything you may want to know about the association. In Washington C, H. at 308 E. Court. Phone 2-2701, BIRD VARIETY STORE Cedarville Phone 6>1?21 This store needs no introduc­ tion to the residents of our com­ ment of complete lines. Bird Variety Store has the repua- munity. Since Its location in Cedar-! t)on for g a t i n g none butTthe most vllle the store has been prominent rellable types and brands of mer- among concerns that have aided lujcnntjjSCi ample selection of the expansion of our areas, offer-L , ,, . , .... , , Items In the wall paper, hardware, lng our folks a service, with the ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .motions, cosmetics, stationery, greet- same high quality merchandise and* low prices as found in larger cltles.j,nS car^< Sifts and many other de- Bird Variety Store has aided the pariments is always a t the disposal people by saving them hundreds of Iof the shopper. This includes many dollars yearly on dally purchases ready-to-wear Items a t savings for made in their store. Residents find it especially con­ venient to shop here since their nearly every member of the family. Stop in on your next trip to Ce darvlllo and look over their nice stock consists of such a large assort-’selections. “ BILL BESS BURKE” MAKES HISTORY Many of our readers have rea­ son to appreciate the services per­ formed for this district by Berry Seed Co., in Washington C, H. on Wilmington Rd. Thi3 progressive firm has been doing a growing bus­ iness with our people and has made many friends throughout the com­ munity, The Berry Seed Co. Is your deal­ er for fertilizer, insecticides, and a complete selection of farm nnd garden, seeds and supplhs. For all information call at tiuir store in Washington C, H, * The Berry Seed Co, Is essential to the growth of our rural district and the services rendered by this concern have been an important factor in the development of our territory. No amount of effort is spared by the management to see that every customer becomes a per­ manent friend. We strongly recommend this firm to our readers, and recommend their many services. Phone 6*6601 for further information. • NOTICE FARMERS • WATCH THIS PAPER FOR NEWS RELEASES AND PROVINGS ON C.O.B.A. BULLS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL MILO W. COOPER Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4-8341 History was wade recently by BUIjclassified daughters averaged 81.6 Bess Burke, Holstein sire a t the Central Ohio Breeding Association. "Bill" became the first "excellent'’, sire bred and proven in Ohio to qualify for the coveted Gold Medal He was bred by William Baldwin, former manager of Willeben Farms near Lexington In Richland County, and now field secretary for the New York Holstein Association. Baldwin purchased Bill Burke for Willeben as a calf for »75. He wm proven In the Willeben herd owned by W, B Cockley where "Bill" did an out* standing Job, Bill Bess Burke wm made a Sl­ iver Medal Type Sire when 14 per cent. An up-to-date classifica­ tion shows 23 classified daughters which average 8i.6, In qualifying for the Silver Med­ al Production Sire award he had 13 daughters who averaged 13,316 pounds of milk and 482 pounds of fat. Thirteen dams averaged 13,371 tors over dams of MS pounds of milk and £3 pounds of butlerfat. Bill Bess Burke now stands a t the Central Ohio Breeding Associa­ tion with four other Gold Medal sires, To qualify for the Gold Medal award a Holstein sire must have met the qualifications for both Silver Medal Production and Silver Medal Type, WALBUS ODOBENUS ROSMAKUS If you can imagine what modem United States would be without cows or earlier United States with­ out bison you may have some Idea what some parts of the world might be were there no walruses. We have for the most part eliminated bison from their notlve haunts and to a great extend feel that we are superior in intellllgence to the aver­ age Eskimo and yet the Eskimo has seen to it that the harvest of wal-, ruses be limited to the needs of man and to such an extent that the walrus may continue to maintain its existence, It would seem that in a reevaluation of ourselves we might well recognize that the Eskimo has shown more sense than have we. It would seem offhand that a walrus must have been built from a plan originally drawn by some inebriated cartoonist. Nevertheless, as is usually the case, it Is an an­ imal whose structure fits it re­ markably to the available food sup­ ply and to the environment in which it lives. Its enormous tusks provide excellent tools with which molluscs may be broken loose from the sea m. it is these molluscs which the walrus feeds for the most part. A single tusk of a male wal­ rus may be over 3 feet long and weigh to 9 pounds. The tusk of the female walrus is more slender nnd bowed. In the Atlantic, walruses are found 1 Arctic seas south to Labra­ dor. In the Pacific area, they are found from Bering Sea south of the Pribllof Islands being more abundant on the Siberian side than on the Alaskan shore. There is an annual migration with courtship and mating taking place on the northern migration about a month after the young are born, In the Atlantic group, the young are born from the middle of April to late May; In the Pacific, In May or June. Mating takes place about 11 months before the young are born. A newborn calf is gray, about 4 feet long and no teeth show externally. By August a young walrus may weigh to 120 pounds. Young walruses cling to the mother’s neck while she swims and dives. They may nurse for 2 years by which time they have grown tusks which arc to 4 inches long nnd adequate for food getting. A bull walrus inay measure to 12 feet long nnd may weigh to 3,000 pounds. The female is about 2/3 the size of tho male. The animals are practically hairless nnd tailless. The five toes on tho forward flippers bear flat nails and the nose Is blunt and provided with coarse brltles, Two hind toes bear both flat nails and pointed nails. Walruses may feel In water to 300 feet deep almost standing on their heads when doing so. The stomach can hold only about 1 gal­ lon of food, The animals may be found in great herds and may be great noise makers. They have many louse parasites and are prayer upon by killer whales, bears and of course by man. From a walrus carcass, atf Eskimo gets valuable oil for light, flesh for food, bones and hide for equipment, intestines for window glass and tusks for sale and trade. Bo important are the animats for survival to Eskimos that It would seem th a t white men should in no way Interfere with their economy except to provide protection where needed. Th herds in Hudson Bay and to some extent in Siberia seem to be holding up reasonably well, The National Wildlife Federation Is In­ terested In protecting these ani­ mals reasonably just as it is in­ terested in similar rational treat­ ment for other forms of wlldllfe.™ X. Laurence Palmer, '