Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10

GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE THREE SOCIETY NEWS mm JAMESTOWN PERSONALS.. Miss Cynthia Garringer recently .‘pent a week: at Purdue University, Layafette. Indlann, where she at­ tended the annual Greek Week Ball. Earl Gerard, attended a meeting Wednesday March 9, of the rural and small line agents Committee, of the Ohio Association of Insurance Agents Inc. held in Columbus, • • • Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Warren Little were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glass, Mrs, Catherine Haggard, Mrs. Florence Turner, Mrs. Lou St. John, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritenour and family, Mr. and Mrs. William St. John and daughter, and Mr, and Mrs. Raymond St, John. • • • Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Patterson, of near Jeffersonville, were Mrs. William Bethel and Clark. Mrs, Blanch Ritenour, Mrs, Alice Huffman and Mrs. Addle Glass called on Mrs, Emma Long and Mrs. A. C. Taylor, at Shirks Rest Home*: Tuesday afternoon, • • • Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Stnnforth, of Fair­ born were ills parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Stanforth and Linda. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reynolds were Sunday dinner guests of her sister, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Keslcr, ofi Springfield. j Mrs. Agnes O’Bryant and Shirley and Mrs. Alma Shirk spent Friday in Washington C. H. They also visit­ ed Mrs. Othol Wade, in the after­ noon, who Is a sister of Mrs. Shirk, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Scott Agnor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agnor and family, of Spring Valley, were Sundny after­ noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Ary and Peggy. * *. • Mr, and Mrs. Richard Arment were Sunday afternoon guests of their daughter, Mr, and Mrs. George Furay and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lemon, of Xen­ ia. left Monday by plane for two weeks vacation in Honolulu. Mr* and M|rs. William Ewing nnd daughter, and Mrs, Roy Ary, were Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Roscie Klee, of London, • • • W. S. C. S. MEETS The Women Society of Christian Service of the Jamestown Methodist Church met at the church, Tuesday for their regular nil day mcetln. Fives Indies of the Cednrville Me­ thodist Church were guests of the society, Mrs. Lillian Falstrcnu assisted by Mrs. Ray Cushwa, Mrs. C. E. Thuma, Mrs. diaries Reeder, Mrs, R. L. Haines, Mrs. Klatt presented the program. Their theme was "The Young Woman Moves to the City." There were 30 members present at this interesting meeting. AID SOCIETY MEETS The Ladies Aid society of the Jamestown Church of Christ held their regular monthly meeting at the Church Thursday, March 10 with a lunhceon served at the noon hour. There were 31 members and guests present at this meeting. 0 • Friends Missionary Society Meets The Missionary Society of the Friends Church met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Faulkner, of Bowcrs- viile, Friday evening. The business meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Willis Goodbar, devotions were led by Mrs. Elbert Knick and the pi©gram wns in charge of Villa Chaffin. The theme of the program was "Follow Me To India.” Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mrs. Eva Tidd, Mrs, Leonard Conner, Miss Hazel Chaffin, Mrs. Floyd Chaffin, Rev. Gene Lewis, Mrs. Robert Hack­ ney and children, Villa Chaffin, Mrs, Julia Gordon, Mrs. Mary Fletcher, Mrs, Claude Cox, Mrs. Clarence Cavendcr, Mrs, Elbert Knick, and Mrs. Willis Goodbar. Jenner Home Sold To Robert Winters Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Winters and son moved Saturday from 403 W. Main St., to property at 318 chased FH&nal ra ETAOIN SHR Edison Blvd., which they pur­ chased from Mr, and Mrs, Robert C, Jenner. Mr. and Mrs. Jenner and daugh­ ter, Louann, ore Residing tern j - orarily witli Mrs. Jcnner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Willis, W. Xenia St., Jamestown. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jenner have purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Clark at 710 N„ Monro? Dr„ nnd will move there prior to June 1 after Mr. and Mrs, C.ark move into a new home they are erecting on N. Monroe Dr. adjacent to their present home. • * • Bridal Shower Honors Miss Jean Swaney Miss Jean Swaney, was pleasantly surpprised at a bridal shower given Friday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. William R. Jones, and assisted by her mother, Mrs. Roy II. Swaney. Games and contests were played and prizes were won by Mrs. Ro­ bert Ellis and Mrs. Janice Carter, who in turn presented them to the guest of honor. Miss Swaney received many lovely gifts for which she thanked each one. The hostesses served ice cream centered with a wedding bell, cake mints and coffee to the following,' Mrs. Marguerite Ellis, Mi's. Carolyn Knlsley of Xenia, Miss Cynthia Garringer, of Dayton, Mrs. Bonnie Jenkins. Mrs. Nancy Pitstick, Mrs, Kay Allen. Mrs. Janice Sarter and Misses Judy Green, Barbara Haines Patty Hart, Joi^il Flint, Patty Stelner, Janice Arthur, Ruth Gar- ringer, Donna Steiner, Nancy Matt­ hews. Charlene Shaw, Ruth Carroll, Maxine Swaney and Dinnc Jones. ^ • m Legion Auxiliary Entertains District Officers At Dinner National Security Program Studied At Auxiliary Meeting Mr, and Mrs. Charles Reed, of near Springfield, nnd Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Talbott were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans, of De- graff, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Willis and Mrs. Imolcc Jenner and daughter, Lunnn, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Blankership, of South Charleston. • • • Mr. and Mrs Roscoe and Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Spahr, of Cedarville, were Wednesday dinner guests Of Mr, and Mrs, George Ensign. t • • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Talbott visited with relatives in London, Sunday afternoon. a m * Jack Thuma. of Denison Univer­ sity, Granville, O, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ lard Thuma ami son. and Mrs, Ll- Ilian Falstrcau. • • * Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Talbott and Patty and Mr. and Mrs, Guy Smith nnd David, of South Charleston, were Sundny dinner guests of Mrs, Adda L. Smith, of South Solott, The dintur was in honor of the hostess birthday. Mrs, Otis Earley returned to her home Saturday, from Greene Me mortal Hospital, Xenia, She is im­ proving satisfactorily, • * • Mrs. Etta Talbott is spending several weeks visiting with her bro ther-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs, John Pickens, of London. '■ • 9 Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Smith and family, were Mr. and Mrs Frank. Bolanger and Mr, and Mrs, Dudley Sears, of South London. Additional evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Troy Harper, of Dayton. * * Mrs. Helen Heifner "eturned to her home Saturday after spend­ ing several days fast week in Greene Memorial Hospital, Xenia, for treat-1 mont and observation. On Sunday her son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Heifner and daugh­ ter. Ada, were her guests. * Mr, and Mrs. Paul Garringer and Ruth, visited with Fayette County Auditor Ulric Acton, at Fayette Memorial hospital, Washington C. H>» Saturday evening. CHOIR ON TOUR . The Cincinnati Bible Seminary Choir is now on their spring tour and they left on Monday, They will visit Churches of Christ in Colum­ bus Elkins, W, Va., Richmond, Va., Newport News, Va., Charlottesville, V,. Huntington, W, Va., and Ironton nnd Portsmouth, Ohio. Miss Janet Whittington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fremont Whitting­ ton is a member of tills choir. The regular monthly meeting of the Wa’ lace C, Anderson Unit No, 544 of the American Legion Auxil­ iary was held Monday evening at th" home of Mrs. Arthur Evans, Mrs. C. C. Brewer, program chair- , nan, read an address given recently j by Mr, Thomas, a secretary in tire Indoctrination Office at the Wright Patterson AF Base, to a group of employees in the WPAB Air Ser­ vice Command, The address "Com­ munism—Threst of the World", re­ vealed the aims and methods of Communist agents in their espion­ age efforts in the U. S. A. Mrs. Evans president, presided for the business hour, during which several committees reported of their activities. New Drapes have been named nnd will be 'announced at a later date. Contributions to the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation for Handicapped Chil­ dren and t ohteSpeciaElartseltHaoP dron and to the Special Easter Project at the O. S, S. O. Home were approved. Mrs. Virgil Sticka report­ ed the need of a bike for the senior girls at the Greene County Child dren's Home Anyone who can aid in supplying information regarding a good used bicycle for this need is requested to contact Mrs. Sticka Tiie finance committee, Mrs. La rencc Waddle, announced the plan to sell Sue Marlin merchandise. Many articles of good quality at reasonable prices are available. If you need something "special”, why not plnn now to be see this merchan­ dise? Future planning included the Joint Meeting with the Legion on March 31st; the sale of poppies in May; and in cooperating with the Greene County Health Department in the polio vaccination program. The meeting closed with a social hour which wns enjoyed by six­ teen members nnd one guest, Miss Pauline Nelson wns the holder of the lucky number and received the award given eacli meeting to a member if present at the drawing. Mrs- Collins Hostess To Woman's Club The Woman’s Club of Cedarvillc met at the home of Mrs. Roger Collins last Thursday afternoon with twenty members and three guests present. Mrs. John McMillian, ppresident presided for the busines hour. For the afternoon program, Mrs. Herbert Fields prepared and read a paper on “Women Who had Written Hymns.” The group sang several of the well known hymns that were mentioned in the paper, Mrs. Har­ old Guthrie gave a resume on the ' lives of Marian Anderson and Car- imel Qinn. Ice Cream and cake with St. Patrick's appointments were served by the hostess. Reception Honors Cedarville Pastor Approximately 100 guests attend­ ed the reception held at the Pres­ byterian Church of Cedarville, last Wednesday evening, honoring Rev. and Mrs. C. Wilbert Sterner and family. Those in the receiving line were the honored guests, Rev, nnd Mrs. Sterner and family, Mr, and Mrs. P. J. McCorkell and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey. Mr. MlcCorkell is Chairman of the Congregation and Mr. Ramsey, Clerk of the Session. The Sterners were presented gifts from the church and the various organizations of the church as tokens of esteem and affection. They moved to their new location, Cape May, N. J., on Tuesday of this week. A gold and white color scheme wns employed in the setting of the Tea Table aranged with a pussy­ willow and daffodil centerpiece Napkins with “Sterners" in gold letters were used for the occasion. Punch and dainty cookies were served the guests. Chairman for the reception was Mr. and Robert Marshall assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stokes, Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Elder and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Williamson. th is week's/\< >/ patte S * T*UD«iYIANI ms. The Jamestown American Lc gion Auxiliary Unit No. 155 held a dinner meeting, Tuesday evening March 8, at the Curley’s Fine Food dining room. Following the dinner, the regular monthly business session was con­ ducted with Mrs. Herman Haller, second vice president presidin. Three guests were presnt, Mrs. Eleanor McCalilster, of Cedarville third district president; Mrs Grace Anderson, of Urbana, past president of third district; nnd Department First Vice President, Mrs. Olive Ailstock, of Athens. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs, Ailstock gave a very interesting talk on gave a verylntercstin g talk on "Americanism,” There were 16 members present at this meeting. • * The above were among 70 Greene County fanners and their wives who visited two farms and homes near Jnmestow’n last week. They visited the Myron Fudge farm and the Carl Pickering farm nnd home, Thegrou p were luncheon guests of the Dayton Power and Light Co, at the Jamestown Methodist CiiUrch 9 0 9 GREENEVIEW SCHOOLS Menu Monday, March 31 Vegetable soup, peanut butter of pimento cheese sandwich, giape- fruit sections, milk. Tuesday, March 23 Beef & noodles, green benns, fruit salad, rolls and butter, milk, Wednesday, .March 33 Barbecue sandwich, potato chips, cheese wedge, pudding, milk. Thursday, March 34, Baked spagcttl, cole slaw, peaches bread and butter, milk, Friday, March 25 Scrambled eggs and ham, butter­ ed corn, cranberry sauce and cookie bread and butter, milk. Farm Bureau Council No. 9 Meet At Ault Home The Farm Bureau Council No. 9 of Cedarville metal the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralpph Ault last Fri­ day evening. Amos Frame, president, presided for a brief business meeting. John Stover, dismissed leader, used as his topic, "Our Dairy Problems, What Can We Do About Them?" Much strec was placed on the ad- vantge of the Dairy Co-Operative program such as wg have in this territory. The* group agreed that Dairlymen favor self-held and less government help, The school lunch came into the discussion on the basis of the dairyman selling his own products in his own territory whereby he (the dairyman! would benefit and the program of better health for our school children would not be impaired, Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mr. and Mi’s. Homer Cuiticc. CEDARCLIFF HOME DEMONSTRATION Tlie Cedarcliff Home Deinonstra Uon Club met at the home of Mrs. Charles Spencer on Wllberforce Rd„ Monday evening March 7th. Mrs. Robert VanTress was the domonstrator for the remaking of old lamp shades. Coffee and cookies were served to fifteen members by the hostess. if*. .... ...... I* «al t» ft*** I*Ml, UVitWA |t,i. e»V 4 . tV/t, tlWi. Draaa anil Shari- ileare* Baler*! alia*l«V41 Ith M«. *»-l« M*. SSI—Thraa-ealar “ arehli **■*■«» talar uantin la Iras hlaaaea. BOOK with aearaa af aMlllanitl rtflei, M* a>tra; «*a«*w*rh Oalia W n l » . E A S Y D O E S IT" IT. . . . . in.PI HUE Auxiliary Round i Table Meeting Held At Urbana Mrs. Greer McCalilster, as Third District President of the American Legion Auxiliary, presided at the monthly Round Table meeting, held at Urbana last Tuesday with forty members, representing 16 Units presents. Urbana Unit No, 120 was host for the meeting held at Ewing’s Cafeteria, Mrs. C. J, Ailstock, De­ partment First Vice-President from Athens, nnd Mrs. Homer Ludwig, Dept. Pan-Americanism Chairman from Ada, were guests and spoke during the meeting. It was voted to hold the April meeting at the Antioch Ten Room Yellow Springs, with the Yellow Springs Unit No. 657 as hosts. Attending the Urbana meeting from this area were Mrs, McCallist- er, Cedarville; Mrs, Ira Barr,. Yellow Mrs, R, M, Smith, Mrs. Ralph Gels, and Mrs, Herman Haller of James­ town Tuesday evening, Mrs.: Ailstock, Mrs, Grace Anderson, Past Third District President, from Urbana and Mrs, McCalilster were guests of Jamestown Unit No. 155 at a dinn-; Thc Broadcaster Class of the er meeting held at Curley’s R es-, PresbyterJan Church o[ cedarville A. B. Evans (Doc) will attend the Nntionnl Chemurgic Society Con­ ference to be held in Columbus at the Deshler-Hllton Hotel March 21—24. A B. Evans (Doc) will leave Frl day morning lor Ds Moines, Iowa to meet with a group of Agricultural leaders on Saturday. There will be delegates from several states pre- tent. • » • Mr. nnd Mrs. George Young of Wllberforce were callers in thc home of Mr, nnd Mrs, Wilbur Weakley, Church St., last Sunday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Townsey en­ tertained twelve members of their bridge club at a dinner last Thurs­ day evening in their home. Bridge was enjoyed by the group during the evening. CEDARVILLE PERSONALS.. . Mr. and Mrs. Emile Finney were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hunn of Trotwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welgand and family of Springfield spent last Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Virgil Sticka. Mr. and Roy Jacobs and Mrs. Curl Ritenour visited with Mrs. Donna Cooper and Mrs. Nellie Spicer of South Solon last Thursday evening. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cotton were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wasser of Ft. Thomas, Ky. Mrs. Wasser is .the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Coton. Mrs. May Park, Xenia, spent the weekend with' her daughter, Mrs. Virgil Sticka, Mr. Sticka and ion. Dan Bailey spent thc past two weeks at home and will return to the Veterans' Hospital, Dayton on Friday of this week. Mrs. Melvin Charles returned to her home last Wednesday after being a patient at the Springfield City Hospital, Mrs. P. J. McCorkell returned home lost Wednesday after spend- a lew days with a friend, Mrs. Wil­ liam O'Grndy in Detroit, Michigan. Rev. and Mrs. C. Wilbert Sterner and family were dinner guests last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Marshall. Mrs. A. B, Winans of Cincinnati spent thc past weekend with her son and family. Rev. nnd Mrs, Gene Winnns. » • * Mrs, Ellis Marshall is spending several weeks with her son and fam­ ily, Mr, nnd Mrs. Robert Marshall, • • • Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Charles in­ cluded Mr. and Mrs. Roger Charles and family, Mrs, Eva Powers of Dayton and Mr, and Mrs, Wade Charles of Washington, C. H, • • • The Research Club have changed the date of their April meeting from April 7th to April 15th, due to Holy Week.Thls will be an evening meeting and the husbands of mem­ bers will be guests and will be at thc home of Mrs Knrhl Bull, Broadcaster Class Meet At McMillan Home T o ini: GIVE a new and Inviting touch to creamed chicken, make a baking powder biscuit ring in a ring mold, then turn this out on platter when baked to fill with thc chicken, Cranberry sauce cut In cubes or other shapes with a cookie cutter can be used for a delightful garnish, Use pineapple Juice left from the canned fruit as the liquid in taurant in Jamestown, Approxim­ ately twenty-five members were present nnd enjoyed brief talks from thc three guests. A short business meeting and social hour followed. Thursday, Mrs. McCalilster and Mrs, Ailstock went to New Madison Jwhere they visited with Mrs. Charles Henry, a Past District President, and that evening attended a dinner i meeting of the New Madison Unit No. 245, where Mrs. Ailstock wns guest speaker for thc evening. RECIFE OF THE WEEK Frozen Prune Whip (Serve* 5) 2 egg* Vi cup confectioner*' sugar Vi cup prune pulp Vi cup orange Juice Vi teaspoon lemon extract Vi teaspoon salt 1 cup heavy cream, whipped Beat egg* and add sugar gradually. Add prune pulp, orange juice, lemon extract and salt. Mix well. Fold whipped cream into mixture. Four into refrigerator tray and freeze, (If desired, purecd prunes canned for youngsters may be used for the prune pulp). which you cook pork chops for a new and thoroughly appetizing flavor. Leftover ham mixed with your favorite ham loaf ingredients may be placed in greased muffin pans to bake right alongside potatoes for dinner. Serve the "little loaves” with cherry sauce. Chilled chopped apples, dates, nuts ahd snipped marshmallows gently folded in cooked salad dressing offer a delicious salad to serve with meat loaf. Try this trick with French bread: Silt the loaf and butter, generously. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and wrap in aluminum foil. Heat through in the oven, about 10 minutes, You can beat honey butter passed with hot muffins, Cream Vi cup butter and add to It vi to Vi cup of honey, Beat until fluffy. School Operetta Postponed Due to the unfortunate accident of Mrs. Mildred Foster, the director, the date of Rio Rico, to be pro­ duced by thc Cedarvillc High School mixed chorus, has been postponed from March 24 and 25 to March 31 and April 1, The plot of the operetta includes the experiences of Professor Mole cule, of Brighton College, who Is takinga group of students on treasure* hunt for the Moon Gold Treasure which was buried many years before. Mr. Morgan, the father of one of these students, Js financing the expedition. While searching for the gold they blow up a cave which is full of pirates, and alter—well, you Just come and find out what happens when these pirn tes really get going, PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Paul Abels David Eugene Dennehy, son of Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Dennehy, entered the McClellan Hospital on Tuesday for eye surgery on Wednesday. met at the home of Mrs, Clayton McMillan last Tuesday evening with Miss Anabel Murdock assist­ ant hosfess. The devotions and program for thc evening were conducted by Rev, and Mrs. C. Wilbert Sterner, During the social hour a lovely gift was presented to the Sterners by tlie class. Dainty refreshments were served to the guests by the hostess, • « * Birthday Dinner Honors Max And Dollie Ritenour Mr, nnd Mrs, Carl Ritenour en­ tertained at their home last Sun­ dny with a birthday dinner honor­ ing their son and daughter, Max and Doille. Guests included Mr, and M rj Thane Chitty and children, Roger and Diane of Bowersville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald SIpc and children, Larry and Joyce, Mr, Roy Jacobs and Patty'and Jim Bowen of Yellow* Springs, Following the dinner, the Mcsrs, Ritenour, Chitty, and Sipe called on Mrs. Roy Jacobs who has been confined to her home due to ill­ ness. x z z z z zz Mr. nnd Mrs, Russell Gardner of Idaville arc spending a few days at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Paul Ramsey and Mrs, David Gardner Russell is thc son of Mrs. Gardner ahd sister of Mrs. Ramsey. * « <r Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cotton last Sunday in­ cluded Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Wasser of Ft. Thomas, Ky,, Mr. and Mrs Orin SUcklandand family and Mrs, Mrs, Burrell Cotton and family of Dayton, Miss Leola Corn, sister of Mrs. Cotton, was among the guests. 9 9 •' Those attending the Greene Fayette County Methodist Men’s Brotherhood, held at South Solon last Thursday evening were Messrs, Carl Ritenour, Roy Jacobs, George Hartman, Ross Wisecup, Bill Znr~ bach and RoV, Gene Winnns, Pfc. Thomas C. Flint DARMSTADT, GERMANY—PFC Thomas C. Flint, son of Mr, ahd Mm Elbie E. Flint, 336 %, Elm St., Sabina, Ohio is scheduled to return to the' U. 8, from Germany where he is meber of V Corps 765th Field Atlllery Battalion, Private First Class Flint, A trac tor driver in the battalion's Battery A, arrived overseas in January 1654, A 1952 graduate of Sabina High * * * 'school and a former employe of Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Neff and 1Johnson Dry Cleaners, Flint enter- sons spent Sunday with Mrs, Neff’s .ed the Army In April 1953 and com parents, Mr. nnd Mru, Mack Brown j pieted basic training at Camp at Xenia, ’ Chaffee, Ark, Mr. and Mrs. C. G, McCalilster and District Commander Lester Boyle, of Dayton, were guests of the Wilbur Thomas American Legion Post No. 155 nnd their Auxiliary Unit, at a dinner meeting held at the Alpha Supper Club, celebrating the birthday anniversary of the Le­ gion, About thirty guests enjoyed a three course dinner followed by a social evening of games and danc­ ing. O, G. McCalilster flew to Detroit Monday morning to purchase a station wagon for tlie McGranahan Distributing Co, In Dayton, He re­ turned In the new care the same day. Cedarville CAFETERIA Monday—weiner sandwich, baked beans, pineapple and cottage cheese salad, milk Tuesday—beef and noodles, Jello, fruit salad, rolls, butter, milk Wednesday—escalioped potatoes with cheese, succotash, peanut butter, sandwich cake, milk. Thursday—meat balls with tomato sahce, buttered corn, apple sauce, cookies, milk Friday—fish, buttered peas, bread and butter, frliit, milk