Greene County Journal, Volume 78, Numbers 3-10

PAGE FOUR GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday March 17, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OP GREENE COUNTV, OHIO l eg a l n o t ic e LEGAL NOTICE Erma Marie Harvey, also known as and fonnely known as Anne ■'Aiiee p Banks Marie Hertsein, whose last known 1 ; Maln street> address Is 4702 Avenue, Brookln 1 0 : OWo York, will take notice that Plaintiff NO. 29510 Captain Howard L, ^ rncr’ ° ^ iNellie J. Bentley Murphy as plain- j 7808, Headquarters P^nnsylV^ la tlff on February 11, 1955 filed her| Military District, Indlantown Gap on Jn thc Common pleas T „ Yr~ vs~~ Pennsylvania, will take notice tha Greene County, Ohio, in jWlllie L’ BanKs ......... - '<« r Lours o t xddress unknown (last known rase Number 29479 Braving for part- Malvcrn, ArJcansas) zoning of real estate, marshalling Defendant of liens, that the Interests of the? on the 17th day of February, 1055 Paulino C. Turner filed her certain petition against him for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect and extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas Court oi Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 29494 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or after the 7th day of April, 1955. Pauline C, Turner, Plaintiff Robert J. LeMaltrc 1140 Third Nat’l Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Attorneys for Lire Plaintiff, 2-2-1: 3-3-10-17-24-31 Willie Lee Banks, whose residence is unknown will take 1955, notice that the under- -igned filed her petition against him minor defendant, Betty Louise Ben | tlpy Parker, be fully protected by the i Court and other relief. Said realijn *cbruaiy 2B- stat is described as follows. j in the Court of Common Pleas of Situate in the Township or Xenia _ _ . . \ A ~ lGreeneCounty, Ohio, praying lor in the County ofGreene and State j ,. , , , , , , . , . m idivorce andrelief on thegrounds of Oh o, andbeing apart of Mill -1 tary Survey Number 2239. |of ^ross nf cct of duty and €X* Beginning at a point in the cen- ,rcme. cruelty ' ter of the Xenia-New Jasper Road : in the east line of C. G. and M. A. i McKnight and in the south line of Frederick Richards for a point of ! beginning: thence from the afore­ mentioned point of beginning S, 0.1 ! deg. 13’ E. 101.19 feet with the Eouth line of said Richards and center LEGAL NOTICE Onm Stinson a Minor, whose last known address is Grimslcy,. line of said Road to a spike in the Tennessee will take notice that on ’ center line of Said Road; thence S, the 14 day of February, 1955, E r-, 24 deg. 17’ W. 120.00 feet to an iron nest E. tinson filed his certain pet-‘ stake; thence S. Cl deg. 13’ E. 19.80 ition against her for divorce on thevfcet to an iron stake; thence S, grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty , 10 deg. 18’ W. 385.50 feet to an iron and Extreme Cruelty before the! pipe in the north line of Walter and Common Pleas Court of Greene [Nellie A Nash; thence N 61deg. 37’ County, Ohio said case being No jW. 89.51 feet to an iron pin between 29482 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or after the 7 day of April, 1955, Ernest. E, Stinson Plaintiff Philip F. Blum Attorncyys for the Plaintiff. R. E. Gearhart. Clerk of Courts Greene County 3-17-24; 3-3-10-17-24 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that ef­ fective February 3, 1955, the under­ signed Earl E. Grimes and Robert S. Greene, co partners DBA Grimes Appliances located nt 13 W. Main Street, Fairborn, Ohio, terminated and dissolved said partnership. Earl E, Grimes Robert S. Greene SCHLAFMAN & ELLIOTT Attorneys nt Law Leahey Building 114 S. Central Ave., Fairborn, Ohio. 2-10-17-24: 3-10-17 two end posts corner to C. G. and M. A, McKnight; thence with their line N. 10 deg. 18’ E. passing an iron pin at 489.99 feet 512.49 feet to the point of beginning containing .99 acres be the same more or less. The premises described and con­ veyed herein being the west part of the 2 acres of land convoyed by Charles E, and Nora Voohres to Denver and Nellie Bently by deed dated April 19, 1944, and recorded in Volume 184, page 134 of the Deed Records of Greene County, Ohio. Subject to the following provision contained in the deed recorded in Volume 214, Page J05 of the Deed Records of Greene County, Ohio. Grantor also hereby conveys to Said cause will be for hearing on and niter the 14th day of April, 1955. Alice F. Banks, Plaintiff Robert K. Shoecraft •105 East Main St. Xenia, Ohio Phone 2-0032 Attorney for Plaintiff 3-3, 10, 17, 24, 31; 4-7, 1955. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS^COURT -OF GREENE COUNTY, *OIUO Rogert L. Stinson, 132 Lexington Avenue, Xenia, Ohio Plaintiff, vs, Yvonne E. Stinson 132 Lexington Avenue, Xenia, Ohio, Defendant, No. 29486 Yvonne E. Stinson, whose resi­ dence is unknown, will take notice that on February 14, 1955, the un­ dersigned filecT his petition against her in the Court of Common Pleas of Greene County, Ohio, praying for a divorce, custody of minor child, and other relief on the grounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the 28th day of April, 1955. Roger L. Stinson Robert K. Shoecraft 405 E. Main St Xenia, Ohio Phone 2 0032 Attorney for Plaintiff. March 17, 24, 31; April 7, 14, 21 COMMON PLEAS COURT GREENE COUNTY, OHIO Glenn Hall, a minor by his mo­ ther and next friend Cora Hall. Plaintiff, Case No. 29476 —vs— Luln Belle Hall, a minor by her mo­ ther an natural guardian Mrs. Fred Cromer Defendant, Lula Belle Hall, a minor, and Mrs. Fred Cromer, her mother and na­ tural guardian each of whose place of residence is 31 Canal St., Grape Falls, South Carolina will take no­ tice that on the 8th of February, 1955, the undersigned, Glenn Hall, a minor filed his petition through his mother and next friend Cora Hall, against the said Lula Belle Hail in the Court of Common Pleas of Greene County, Ohio, praying for a divorce and other equitable re­ lief on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty. Said cause will be for hearing on and the grantor and privilege and use of Jafter tlle lst day of April, 1955. of a well located on the property of Glenn Hall—Plaintiff the grantor and privilege and use of all conduits carrying wuter from Cora Hall, mother and next friend of Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Pearl A, Cline, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Step­ hen Cline has been duly npponted ns Administrator of the estate of Pearl A. Cline, deceased late of! said well to the property of the i Aultman Shaw & Cox, Attorneys grantee. Said right to use said well at Law ^ an*a’ Ohio Attorneys and conduits shall be a covenant .*or Phaintlff.’ running with ttte land and binding 2-24 ’ 3-3'10*17-24-31 upon all subsequent purchasers: from the grantee, their heirs and assigns. ; Being tiie same premises trnrts-. forred by Certificate of Transfer ini NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ........ .. Columbus, Ohio, Jefferson Township Greene County, the Estate oI Denver Bcntlcy- De" Contract Sales Legal Copy No. 55-91 Ohio P’ y‘ censed to Nellie J. Bentley, Eltncr UNIT PRICE CONTRACT Dated the 21st day of February, BenUey. Anne Marie Herstein, Scaiccj pr0p0sa|s will be received at 1055 |Edward I. Bentley and Betty Louise the offlce of thc state Highway D1- wim .rn rt M rr1i!Uh>r!De,lt1ey' datrd March 21- 1052 nnd rector ° r Ohio at Columbus, Ohio wmum is. Aiccamsicr recordcd )n VQ, m Page H of the untli 10;00 A< Mi( Ohlo (Eastcrn) Deed Records of Greene County Standard Time, Tuesday, March 29, O,l)o 1955, for Improvements in: 3-3-10-17 ‘ V, , Greene County, Ohio, on Section Erma Marie Harvey, also known ORE-380-4.7C, State Route No. 380 Ias and formerly known ns Anne in Xenia Township, by grading, JMarie Herstein, Will take notice that draining and paving with asphaltic ! she has been made a party defen- concrete on crushed aggregate base Probate Judge Greene Comity, Ohio LEGAL NOTICE TO; Ella E. Crocker 913 East 16th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Will take notice that on the 29th day of January 1955, Fred Borden filed his petition in the Common Pleas Couift in Grofene County, Ohio, against her asking for Judgmnt for money only in the amount of $332.00 together with in­ terest at 6% from July 16 th, 1954. and costs, and on the 10th day of March, 1955, an order of attachment was issued on the following des­ cribed real estate, to wit; Lot No. 1 Drake 2 E. S„ Lot No 3 Mitchell All, Lot No. 1 W. Ste­ wart 60x62 8. S. Cor. Greene, O. L. Lot 19 Xenia 56-S14 x 157 E. S. North 'k, O. L. 19 Xenia 55x159 M I D . Pt. Being the same property trans­ ferred to Elia E. Crocker and re- coreder in Vol. 137 page 217 on the Deed Records of Greene County, Ohio, as the only heir of Eliza Bass, deceased. Said party Is required to answer on or before the 28th day of May 1955, or the prayer of the petition will be granted. Robert B. Brewer, Fred Borden by Robert B. Brewer, Attorney for Plaintiff 3-17, 24, 31; 4-7, 14, 21 “ Diamond Anniversary” Of The Ohio Independent Telephone Associaton COLUMBUS, OHIO: The Ohio Independent Telephone Association will celebrate its “Diamond Anniver­ sary” here March 28-30 during the 60th Annual convention. Founded at Newark in 1895, the association is the oldest independent telephone organization in the U. S, A. Richard R. Waltz, Delta, O,, is president of the association. Daniel W. DeHayes, Columbus, is secretary- treasurer. More than 600 representatives of the industry’s 160 companies will come from throughout Ohio. At the "Diamond Banquet” Marcli 29, they will hear Dr. Ruth Alexander, New York economist, discuss "A Formula for Freedom.” , Special features of the conven­ tion include presentation of awards to firms which have done an out­ standing job of community relations and to winners of the annual "Be­ yond the Call” competition. The latter awards honor independent telephone employees who acted quickly and wisely to save human life or property in times of emer­ gency. MALE HELP WANTED INDEPENDENCE SECURITY SURE INCOME If that's what you looking for- but lack capital and experience- get full information on how to build UP a steady, repeat business in nearby rural district, selling NA­ TIONALY ADVERTISED nouse- hold and farm necessities. Possible to make $2.50 and more per hour at start. Write: H. E. Marsh, 74 E. Robinson Ave, Barberton, Ohio. ll-2tp For Sale' Be^vaom suite, dining room sui;_\ and other articles of furniture, all In good condition, Call A, E. Crcswell 0-3263. 3-10-17 Would like Laundry work for small family or Baby-sitting hours, nin e till three, call or write at this address 11-ltp Mrs. Mary Morgan, Box 003, Ced arvllle, Ohio Phone 03042. CARD OF THANKS .......... , We wish to thank all who helped in any way during the sickness and death of our mother; it was deepply appreciated. Family of Effie Baker When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human cJvilizatin. FOR SALE— '49 GMC Pick-up Truck JIM CHURCH GARAGE Phone 47921 Jamestown B U C K E Y E CABINETS And FORMICA WOODWORKING CO HOOFING — SIDING M MIIER — MILI WORK >50 Minroe 1’honr 249V Xenia. Ohio McCULLOCH CHAINSAWS Sales Service Rental WILLIS LUMBER CO. Washington C .H., O. jdanl to this petition and that she ! is required to answer on or before { thc 23rd day of April 1955, Nellie J. Bentley Murphy, Plaintiff «Wead & Aultman Attorneys, IAllen Building, Xenia, Ohio. 12:17—24, 3:3-10-17-24. THE GREENE CO. LUMBER CO. Headquarters For Your Building Supplies Lumber - Doors - Cement - Hard­ ware - Glass - Insulation - Hoof­ ing - Siding - Paint - Plaster 572 N. Detroit SL Phone 2-6958 XENIA, OHIO dw «k WMt A Ipathritsad FlnendeJ tmriivtlen PEOPLES Building & Savings Co. S in ce 188S 11 G r e e n St. X e n ia , O . Width; Pavement variable, Road­ way variable. Length; 610.00 feet or 0.115 mile, "The date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal." The minimum wage to be paid to all labor employed on this contract shall be in accordance with the "Schedule of Prevailing Hourly Wage Rates Ascertained and De­ termined by the Department of Industrial Relations applicable to Stale Highway Department Im­ provements in accordance with Sec­ tions 4115.03 (17-3), 4115.04 (17-4), 4115.05 (17-4a) 4115.06 (17-5), and 4115.07 (l7-5a) of the Revised God* of Ohio,” The bidder must submit with his bid a (Certified check In the amount of $700.0*. Plans and specifications arc on Hie In the department of highways and the office of the division de­ puty director, The director reserves the right to reject any and all bids, 8, O. LINZELL State Highway Director WELL DRILLING Homer Robinson R t. 1 , L on d on , O h io T oL , S e d a lia 3441 llw h k td to ELLISON’S MODERN SHOE REPAIR Jamestown, O. Phone 4-176) Ford Has It Color Style Come In And See The New Fords Today Also Many Good Used Cars To Choose From 53 53 53 53 ;53 ’52 Ford 6—4-Door. Red A Tan Clean.1] $11951 Ford 6—1-Door. * j j n r Two-Tone Blue *P I 1 3 v Ford 8—4-Door, Gray Ford 8, Mainline Studebaker Com. 1-Door. Clean ■Chev. 2-Door. Power Glide y e n Chevrolet O c RAH y r 4 Hudson 51 l-Door $1295 $1095 $1295 iR A H$ 995 $ 945 $ 395 >AQ Studebaker x n n r Champion 4-Door? HUGHES FORD INC Phone 7-7347 I3Z Dayton SL Yellow Springs, Ohio NEW JASPER NEWS . . MRS, CHARLES ARRASMITH CORRESPONDENT PHONE 23727 The Leaders Who Do Class me at the home of Mrs. Myron R. Fudge, near Jamestown, lost Wednesday afternoon. During thc business hour of the newly organized class the following were elected to serve as officers; president, Mrs. Russell Fudge; vice president, Mrs. Fred 8t. John; se­ cretary. Mi's, Dolmer Matthews; assistant secretary, Mrs. Elmer Ha- gler; treasurer, Mrs, Earl Woolley and assistant treasurer, Mrs. My­ ron R, Fudge. Rev, Franklin Cooley is the teacher, Following the business hour, a salad course was served by the hostess, The next meeting will at the home of Mrs. Russell Fudge on April 13, Federal Land Bank Loans On Farms See Earl Skillings, Sec-Treas. Springfeld National 4 Farm Loan Association SERVING GREENE, CLARK St CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES Ml New Ztimaennan Bldg. Springfield, Ohio Phone 3-34*1 Full and Part time Help,—Sales Work—you are your own boss work at your own convlence. Write Holly Box 597, Cedarville, Ohio. Housewives can earn good in­ come representing Avon Cosmetics. Cedarville territory open, Write: Box 216, Washington C. H., Wanted—Plain sewing to do. Also ;nnko button-holes. Phone 6-4231. Mar, 10-17-24, Library Association Elects Officers The new officers elected at the Yelow Springs Library Association’s March 9 meeting are as follows president. Miss Mary Fralick.. vice president, Mrs. Thomas Lloyd; sec retary, Mrs. James Mitchell; treas urer, Mrs. Edward Miller; finance treasurer, Mrs. Charles Mcllinger trustees Miss Bessie Totten and Mrs. John Birch who will replace the two retiring trustees Mrs. Flor­ ence Smith and Mrs. Ira Barr. The Ways and Means Committee are Mrs. Albert Liddle, Mrs. William Marshall Mrs, Herbert Wise, Mrs. Jack Drake and Mrs. Floyd Nis- wander. The newly elected officers term will commence in October. Mrs. Russell Hollister reported that the Ways and Means Committee are planning for a Silver Tea in May. Time and place to be announc­ ed Jafter. Mrs, Albrt Liddle reported that over $100 was cleared from thc recent market. She also announced that the trustees are in charge of the care and up keep of thc build­ ing. Plans are under way for base­ ment repair. For Sale: Like new Gil Heater and 2 oil drums, Ph. 6-3732. Fred Engle, GOChurch Street, Cedarville. Fuller Brushes and Debutante Cosmetics, Spring housecleaning is Just around the corner. For your cleaning needs call Bill Mason,. Phone 2-4927, Xenia. ll-2tp WOMEN: International Concern will train a few sincere women to do re-weaving at home. If qualified can earn S3 to $4 an hour in spparc time. We furnish everything. No Selling. Write; Regional Director, Box 68, Wnverly, Ohio. 11-ltc Liberty and Union, now and for­ ever, one and inseparable. BUY WHOLESALE DIRECT. Save up to 66 on Nationaly Advertised Appliances—Homewares. Watches: Gruen, Benrus, Bulova. Hoover Vnccuum Cleaner, Donnever Mixer Boonton Ware dishes. Send $1 for 52 page catalogue. Money refunded with first order, Satisfaction guar­ anteed. Write to: Household Supply, 227-29 W. Emmett Avenue, Waverly, Ohio. ii-tc M A K C O L D F L O O R S L O O K L I K E N t W ADAMS—TIIUMA LUMBER CO. Ph. 49631 Jamestown The Law: .It has honored us; may we honor it. E S ^ L W A N T A M f * RESIDENTS OF JAMESTOWN, CEDARVILLE AND YELLOW SPRINGS Save $40.00 on Tho Purchase of a LINDSAY AUTO. WATER SOFT­ ENER. Bring a sample of your water to our store, or call for a water test In your own home. We will figure the size you need and then deduct $40.00 from the regular prize. (Special sale limited to period March 3 to March 31, only stream Inter series) AERO SOFT WATER CO. 5 E. Washington St. Jamestown, Ohio Phoneo 45911 or 45241 Call Collect if Toll charge THIS ORDER DLANK IN CLASSIFIED SECTION Write Your Ad Here Fast Action Name ............. ......... ........... ........................... .................... Address ............ ............................................................. Phone ........... ............... . City ........... .............. ....... Enclo** C m H, Check, or Money Order 15 Worda or Lew. $.40 — .02 Each Additional Word Rent-—Sell—Hire— Find—-Buy—Swap. Easy to use. CU P AND MAIL TO BOX597 CEDARVILLE, OHIO COPY CLOSES WEDNESDAY NOON I