The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

The Jamestown Journal 77th Year Vol. 17 Jamestown, Ohio, Thursday April29, 1964 TEN CENTS PER COPY New Books Former Resident Available at Library I Fatally Injured {Stickleys Purchase Moore Greenhouse Mrs. Esculene Walker, local 11-! Friends and relatives here r e -1 Announcement Is being made of brarlnp. announces the acquisition!“ lvcd word Sunday of Lhe death of two new books which will be of 1of Charles Edward Hamilton, 37, of Interest to nil. I U'R' 4- HlllMioro who was fatally Mrs. Roy Moorman, a member o r ; Wurcd when his car struck a cul. the Jamestown Garden utib, h a s * '" 1 earl-v Saturday morning on the change In ownership of Moores Greenhouse located cast of James­ town on the middle Jeffersonville pike, presented Carl Starkers “Album o f , a c oa ® 1ear a)'nefiv e.j f,-0m Springfield are the new owners Arrangements" in the name of the , The vict ,11,a" C",P'°ye° ° , 1 °f | and are now operating the business. Jnmcstown Garden Club. This is ; * 1!{;lda 1c pl,‘nl' 111 Dajton* dlcdo£i Mr. Stlckley Is the former owner a volume especially designed to help • a “ , , , , . „ land operator or The George H. busy lioinomakcrii ImnaKlng flowouv ll1' ^ ls nc U( l id ^ c cr >jviclSon and Company of Spring* arrangements from the combination " eCl und ll’ree f iu|6!'ters, Jud th-j fIeld. who)e5ale growers o r pitted m , 7 7 o ™ I 7 mr , S « ' ”S ! - — Esther C. Oraj son was lu.rchns, JmiHi;lown scvcni, VCB hllvjI1!?j saGCS and will specialize in thc ° Pr0VWl' lived with his grandfather, Edawrd j growi,ie of P°Ued p,ants as weI1 Elliott, on E. Xenia* St, Mr, Ernest as vegetable and Rower plants. Elliott, Lackey Rd„ Is an uncle of Accordlng to Mr' Stlcldey the Mr. Hamilton, by the local Library futher ideas for home flower ar­ rangements and flower-show com­ petition. These books are avllablc to all patrons of the Jamestown Library. Senior Class Slates Play Shooting Victim Buried The Senior Class of Jefferson i Funeral services were held at 3 ! p, m, Wednesday at Neeld Funeral High School, Bowersvillc will pres- ; cut its annual class play on Thurs- Home, with burial in Spring Val­ ley for a 17-ycar-old Spring Valley j Scores Given In 8th Grade Tests Eighth grade students in the Jamestown Public School who par­ ticipated in t e s t a t e Eighth Grade Tests under tlpe sponsorship of the Greene County Board of Education have reccivetl |h e ir scores, The testa were constructed in four parts, English, Arithmetic, Science and History with 50 points being po ssib le^ each section and a total for Ib Jliest of 200. Three hundred and %xty three pupils in the county took the tests. Students receiving certificates are as follows: Richard Jenks, 153; Rebecca Gloss, Bilvercreek, 149; Dick Reese, 145; Cyril Moorman, 143; other students ranked in the upper 25 percent In this order John Burnett and Donna Swaney. The tests are given in each of the local schools and graded by a committee in the school. The totals arc made available to each of the local superintendents with the coun­ ty medians. Later the state medians are sent to each of the local schools. When the local median Is far below the county and state, it is an in­ dication that the tjimlor high area Officers to serve for the coming j nccds 60me adjustment In the prog- slock is not now as complete as it will be in the near future, but ho invites the public to come out and get acquainted. — 0-,-—.—— Lions’ Club Elects Earl Gibbs President r r ,year were elected by the Lfons Club j ranl or pcrsonncl- Usually therc arc E,nC,yj at 'their regular meeting Tuesday ‘ upWRrds ot 6°'m elght waders . . . . r . high school junior, Jan. T h . Pi“ ' £ & £ ; » • * « ;. - » ' f v i” "■»»* - i i - » - « . w ~ - « « » — - * * « - * • ■ r ?, , r t £ s i z f z z s . z i« * • N n w n t th e clnss advisor is " IS 10 010 »lu rrie n a a t, nei ......... PART OF “ FRONT” RECORD OF tt ANTIOCH’S DR, LOUD REVEALED The following is a portion of the story regarding the activities of one Antioch College faculty member. Prof. Oliver S. Loud, Professor of Physical Sciensc. This part of the story is from the public records of the Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. House of Repre­ sentatives : Mr. ugent, t e class a is r is directing the production. Tickets are available at Jeffer­ son High School: fifty cents -for Gibbs; 1st vice president, Milton Pet- James R. Ramsey, chief “deputy j U tt’ 2nd vlce president. John Reesei jhome in Bowersvllle Sunday noon, ’in the Greene County sheriffs dc- <3rd vice prcsldcnt‘ Robert O’Bryant; iwvimnnt c-iri i.i,„ !Lion Tamer, John Ferguson; Tall adults and thirty cents for students.;1 ' g ’ Btrver y Twister Sam Scoville directors to ______ - ______ . ; Ferguson, a freshman at Jefferson J ulf>ter’ oCQVUle< airectors to Ihigh school in Bowersvillc, had not !been questioned yer'because of her ;hysterical condition. | relatives yesterday. Michael Clark Celebrates i hysterical condition. She was given B i r t h d a y j Ramsey said remarks made by j Mrs. Paul Clark was hostess, Sat- ; thc B"1 indicated the gun was In j ° “" " BJ * e urday afternoon from two u n til|,ier liands when Jt apparently ells-1 , . K.. commnnit-v nark *__i_____i i ___ ... i charircd. lilttlne the vouth in the ! °r- PrOJeci. i-he community park, Craig Fields Fractures Arm Craig, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ken­ neth Fields, suffered a fracture of four, to twelve small guests celebrat- !charged, hitting thq youth in the , ing the sixth birthday of her son ‘fd°niach. He rail into the f r o n t'on ie sc *°° grou Michael. jyard of the homo after being hit The afternoon was spent in games ( H,un 'vns taken to Greene Mem- , , . and contests. Mike received m any,01-*0-' Hospltnl In Xenia where he v e omPany s ow ng c manu serve for two years: Milton Oliver and Ernest Long. The other direc­ tors are Lucius Carr and Paul Den- the large ^ of hls rlghfc arm nls who were elected last year a n d ^ ^ y aftemoon when he fell | will serve this year. front a play gym In hls yard. The injury, which is below the elbow, Is within a few inches of the break j he received a few months ago. For th e program, John Reese filmed a movie of the Johns-Man- lovely gifts. Iwas pronounced dead qn arrival, Jeff HeJfner, Rickey Cook, Craig I Dr- E. J. Schmidt, Xenia, acting Fields, Ronnie and David Haines,! coroner, said hls verdict would facturing of the company’s products. One new member, Wesley Klax­ on, was welcomed into the club. Stevie Smith, Price O’Bryant, BrUcc j await completion of Ramsey’s in -}R1chard Dabney was a guest. Jones, Chris Atley, Douglas Roach, Jeff Dennis and Bobby Oliver en­ joyed refreshments of Ice-cream and vosligation. The youth is survived by hls mother, Mrs. Rella Mellottc Gru- The next meeting will be May 11, Dr. Paul Kaase Receives Discharge Dr. Paul Kaase received hls rl* charge, a t Great Lakes Naval Sts- tlon April 28, after, spending two cup cakes decorated as clown faces. <ber, and stepfather, Harold E, Hill; Favors of balloons and whistles were !hJs maternal grandparents, Air. and given the guests. OES Inspection Slated May 1 when Ladles Night will,be observed, year?! In the Ivar?. During'lMe tout of duty Dr. Kaase has been in Com-, mand of the Mpblie Dental Unit. Mrs, Kaase and children have spent the past two years a t the home of her., mother, Mrs, Robert Lucas. They plan to return to their. Methodist Women Attend Conference j Airs, Jerome Alellottc, or Clifton, j and hls .stcpgrandfalher, George F, . Hill, Brown County; a brother, , , ^ ' , . , . Eldcn Gruber, In thc Navy and sta- I Mrs. Elwood Rose, Mrs. William ™ic In Westlake, Cleveland In a | floncd at Atlantic City, and two ■Henry- Mrs- John ColIett’ Mrs‘Mary! ________ ^ ________ ■ sisters, Carolyn Gruber and Aierle !Watson, Airs. Ray Cushwa and Mrs. j Hill a t home. The annual inspection of tliej m ___ Jamestown Chapter 141 Order o f , .. Eastern Star will be held Saturday,1K0!’02 ,n V c tC P E n May 1 at the Masonic Hall. Airs,’ Alary Sponsler, London, deputy F f l d ^ I if p Grand Matron, will be the inspect- 1 1 r . r ^ i W S C S Evenina Circle Meets at Church lng ofllcer. !Russell Alills j Methodist Church attended the all ( fday Ohio Methodist Conference of, <’ the Woman's Society or Christian j ; Servlrc a t Lancaster Wednesday! j April 21. I . Airs. Elwood Rose remained ln of the Jamestown Methodist Church The evening circle of WJ3.C.S. Junior Baseball Leanue Ornanizcd A verdict ot suicide was given Lancaster for the Thursday con- met Monday cvenlng afc the church JThe meeting opened with a period j j of devotion by Mrs, Willard Haines j {using the subject “Who are Ibej «Guilty". Mrs, Ted Hell gave th e | I"Call to Worship,*' The program | -contlnttwl with group singing with i Mrs, Hell and Mrs. Frank Harris' Airs. Boyce Aloore is Worthy ‘ by Acting Coroner E J. Schmitt of fcrcncc. Matron and Boyce Aloore Is Worthy Xcnla ln thc dealh of A(rman ^ Patron of the Jamestown Chapter rov Mnrvjn Reed, 23, Korean War —• - - j veteran, who ended hls life by i shooting In the head in the faarn- yartl in the farm ot his parents. j Air. and Airs. Thomas C. Reed on .North Jeffersonville Pk., two miles Chris Atley Observes Birthday The Junior Baseball league which , cast of Jamestown. Saturday oven- ifrig. Mm, Dale Alley entertained a t ,madlng itrtiefesr “Majof Changes in a party Wednesday evening hon- Prison” which presented the facta oring the fifth birthday of her son th a t religious and spiritual prog- 1s being sponsored by Kellner's ^outh waS found by rciatlvcs Chris. * ! rams within the prison are proving Pharmacy will be coached and m an -;nbout g.30 m ftmj dJed R fihort Refreshments of Ice-cream a n d .beneficial. Airs, Hell closed the pro- aged by Neil Massle ? , fhp offIr. nf n r. R rake were served to the following ‘ with a poem written by Mrs. Mr. Heifner announces that a ll:L M , ]n James(own ‘ guests Airs. Alyron Fudge. AIrs.'Lona McDorman, boys 14 years and under are eligible,' ’ , ' Guy Easter and children, Mrs. E a rl: During the business session, con- and requests thaic who wish to I15' , right ^ p ^ s ld eO f hls Alley and j l t e Robert Fudge and | ducted by Mm, Norman Linton, come members 6f the league bring ^ ^ g S l t e r irttolw r. » n R{ck- chrls recc,ved many JoV',p,nns were TOmp,e(«d tar a bake the wrltl-en consent of their par- . . . ents and a copy of their birth wh,ch( had an old-fashioned six- , ely ____________ .certificate to the store by MoncJaVi anc^ '^ ree*clUflr^r-inch“]ong barrel, evening, May 3, t Rccd' wbo returned from Korea ( ! i< p n f |p c T « n h c p r V P ________* _______ recently where he served In the - 1 0 UMMJ1 VC sale to he held at Rockholds Meat iMarket, Saturday* May i. Mrs. Wtl- 1lard Haines and Mrs, Ronald Hyer j^were appointed to a committee to Ross School To Present Minstrel Rural Life Sunday i Army, Bad been ort furlough from ; 1 Chanuto Field, 111. He had Ib^eP * j scheduled to return there Friday ( j night but had been granted an Mrs. Richard Lighlhiser, teacher. extension, relatives reported, of music in Ross Township School j The son of Thomas C. and Emma: \ announces final rehearsal Is In pro- Bradshaw Reed, he was born a t „ ° U. y W 6 „RU-!L T' [! Air, ar present names for officers to he ; elected a t tfie next meeting, j The hostesses, Mrs. Richard Dill Afrs. Fred Furnas, chaphn of,*nd Mrs, Lawson Held, served re- Greene County Pomona Grange freshments a t the close of the meet- announces the Granges of Greene;lng. Sunday evening, May 2, B:00 p.m.i In the gress for the annual Minstrel nnd ,Hardc«y, Okla., July 18, 1950, The ^ b„ h ; j(, If Ced famlIy T ved 10 the JamCS' ■Trinity Evangelical S ! v , f y I Wn co,ntnunlty a number of ycafs Church, Fairborn. Rev. Melller, pas day and Friday nights of thL week, ago. The youth was a member of t0I. wjh b„ **,„ -ne-icer The first half of the show wlh be the Church of Christ In Christian] ? : fX S to attend, devoted to the minstrel and a varf- junion a t Jeffersonville. } ety show has been arranged for thot Besides his parents he Is s u r - ------------- ---------------------------- * second half. j vlved by two brothers, Forest, nt Although th pre-ticket sal^ h a s .borne< aftd pfc Marlon Reed, sta- been very good there are some re- tloned at Cam ^tm o r, N.J., and serve seats still available. 1„ ve slstcrs, RIrs. Gladys Phillips of Xenia and Mrs, Mary Caldwell of Jamestown, Afidl Ltiena, Martha j and Verda, at home. Sevices Wito Bold' Tuesday at and Mrs, Robert Brown and daughter spent the weekend vteit- Reformed iing th«ir M t ^ ents. Mr. Browns parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Griffith reside a t Utica and Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr, add Mrs. E. L. Lamum a t Granville. Mvron Fudae Returns From Fishina Trip . County Commissioner, Myron Fudge and several associates from the Greene County Court House re­ turned home Sunday from A five day fishing trip in Jamestown, Kentucky, Mr. Fudge reported that fishing COMING EVENTS —Inspection of Jamestown Oiaptsr sf the Order of MAY 1—8:M p. in. Eastern Star. MAY 3—8:88 p. m. --Regnlsr' Class Meeting sf tit* JLsysl Sssw and daughters of th e Jamestown Churdt of Chrftt. MAY 3—8:88 p. m.—Meeting of Dtscnsslsn G«^«p'sN*. * of the Greene County Farm Bureau, Mr, and Mra. MfiMt FudfU, Haa4«L 7 pm . a t Powers Funeral Home. MAY 3~®:W P* «».—Verda-Ja Garden Club, Hsutous M m WMard Haines, in Jamestown followed by services”!MAV ♦—;!:3* P- m.—George Slagle Chapter, Das^iters sfrtlM Auserlean Wednesday at 12 noon at Fairvlew Christian Church in Fairvlew, Ky, Burial was a t Fairvlew. Revolution, ttestese, Mrs. Frank ta tth , MAY 4—8:88 p, nt. Men's Group of Frieda* Chitali mi' i i Cb.mtfli, ‘MAT 5-----2:88 p, m,- Rural Impravainewt Cliii, BusiMn, Dm* Fan! Blankenship Mrs, Boyce Moore, Mrs. Irvin: MAY 8-8:88 p. m.-Mettlng of Him Ludloa AM of Grapo Grove Cfcoreh conditions were excellent and they-Moore and Max Mooto attended the! of Christ, Hostess, Mrs. Hersel Long. ’ were able to bring home fifty pounds ' annual Inspection of the order of MAY 6 — 2:98 p. m.—Regular iur—fi f of Jaattotovm Grunge at Oranaa of fish. ' Eastern Star a t New Burlington, I HalL - i t i f •'■’r.dWfi:.'* It wns reported in two Communist newspapers, the Daily Worker of February 28, 1949, p. 9, and Narodna yolya, March 25, 1949, p. 4, that Oliver 8. Loud, Professor at Antioch College, was a. signer of a state­ ment ,in behalf of 12 Communist leaders. Eleven of these leaders were convicted on October 14, 1949, of conspiracy to teach and advocate the violent overthrow of the United States government (New York Times, October 15. 1949, p. 5). Oliver S. Loud was a signer ol a brief submitted ln behalf of John Howard Lawson and Dalton Trumbo, October 1949, in the Su­ preme Court of the Unfted States. According to the Daily Worker of September 29, 1952, p. 2,.Professor Loud was a signer of a letter to the Attorney General requesting bail for Martin Young. The article said: Young is a .non-citizen trade organizer who was arrested Oct. 26, 1951, deportation under the McCar- ran Act. Repeatedly denied bail by the Attorney General, he has been held on Ellis Island ever Glnce.” The Daily Worker ol December 10, 1952, p. 4, names Professor Loud as a signer of an appeal to Presi­ dent Truman requesting amnesty for leaders of the Communist Party convicted under the Smith Act. The following is quoted from Joseph Starobin’s c o l u mn — "Around the Globe” - in the Daily Worker of March 8, 1948, p. 8: "There’s nothing more Instruc­ tive and exciting than the chance to talk with people, especially young people, who don’t agree with you and probably have never seen an American Communist in their lives. I had. that experience last Thurs­ day . . . The Department of Speech a t Ohio State University, In Colum- •bui; was holding its annual public affairs conference on the subject ‘What Our Policy Toward Russia Should Be.* . . , 3 "I should also add that, apart from myself, strong progressive and earnest contributions were made by the PCA spokesman, Oliver 8. Loud, professor of physics at Antioch . , , ’’ I t was reported ln the Dally Worker of May 4, 1948, p, 11, that Oliver S. Loud was a signer of a statement attacking the Mundt Anti-Communist Bill, Professor Loud was a signer of a statement sponsored by the Ameri­ can Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, according to the Daily Worker of August 10, 1950, p, 5, He was named a sponsor of thc organization ln thc Dally Worker of April 4, 1951, p. 8. He was also shown to be a sponsor ln a list ap­ pearing on an undated letterhead of the 20th Anniversary National Conference (December 8-9, 1951). An article In the Dally Worker of October 30, 1952, p. 3, said; auxiliaries of the Communist Party of the World Peace Appeal. An up­ dated leaflet (received September 11, 1950), "Prominent Americans Call for Outlawing Atomic War­ fare”. also listed Professor Loud a* an endorser of the Appeal, The Committee on Un-American Acti­ vities cited the World Peace Appeal as a petition campaign launched by the Permanent Committee of the World Peace Congress a t Its meet- in the United States" (Report, m? In Stockholm, March 16-19,1950; us having "received the enthusias­ tic approval of every section of the international Communist hierar- March 29, 1944, p. 155; also cited In Report, June 25, 1942, p. 13), A leafjet, "Freedom Crusade", listed Olives. 8. Loud as one of the sponsors of the National Civil Rights Legislative Conference, Jan­ uary 18 and 19, 1949, under the aus­ pices ot the Civil Rights Congress, An advertis'ment “paid for by con­ tributions of signers", which ap­ peared ln the (Washington) Even­ ing Star, October 30, 1951, p. A-7, named Oliver S. Loud as one of the signers of an open letter to J, How­ ard McGrath, Attorney General of the United States, concerning four jailed Trustees of the Ball Fund of the Civil Rights Congress of New York. The Civil Rights Congress has been cited us subversive and Com­ munist by thc United States Attor­ ney General, in letters to the Loy­ alty Review Board, released Decem­ ber 4, 1947, and September 21, 1948 (redesignated April 27, 1953). The Committee on Un-American Acti­ vities called it an organization “dedicated not to the broader issues of civil liberties, but specifically to the defense of Individual Communi­ sts and the Communist Party” and "controlled by individuals who are either members of the Communist chy"; u:ii having been lauded ln the Communist press, putting "every in ­ dividual Communist on notice that he ‘has thc duty to rise to this appeal' nnd as having "received the official endorsement of the Su­ preme Soviet of4 the U. 8. 8. R., which has been echoed by the governing bodies of every Com­ munist satellite country, and by all Communist Parties through-out the world” (Report No. 378, April 25, 1951, p. 34). A letterhead of the American Peace Crusade, dated February 1951, listed Professor Oliver 8. Load as one of the initial sponsors of a "Peace Pilgrimage” to Washington. A report of plans for a nationwide "Peace Referendum", announced Jointly by 43 Initiators and the American Peace Crusade, appearing In the Daily Worker of August 22, 1952, p, 3, named Oliver S. Loud as one of the Initiators. A letterhead of thc American Peace Crusade, dated February 25, 1953, named him ns one of the initial sponsors. The Call to a Lobby for Peace listed Professor Loud as a sponsor. The Lobby was backed by the New York Peace Council of the American Party or openly loyal to it” (Report „ „ . . . No. 1115, September 2, 1947, pp. 2 j PCa^ P^rUsadC (Dai,y Worker, June and 19), j “3’ 19,>3’ p‘ 8>' The name of Dr, Oliver S. Loud The American Peace Crusade was appears on a mimeographed petl- cited as an organization which “the tlon attached to a letterhead of the Communists established" a* "a new Spanish Refuge Appeal of the Joint i instrument for their ‘peace* offen- Antl-Fascist Refugee Committee, j Glvc 1° th® United States" and which dated May 18. 1951. Thc petition j was heralded by thc Dally Worker asked Fresldent Truman “to bar j "with the usual bold headline* re- mllltary aid to or alliance with j 8erved for projects in line with th* Fascist Spain". The Joint Anti- Communist objectives" (Commit- Fascist Refugee Committee was cited as subversive and Communist by thc United States Attorney Gen­ eral, in letters to the Loyalty Review Board, released December 4, 1947, and September 21,1948 (redesignat­ ed April 27,1953).The Special Com-; mlttee on Un-American Activities j f°r Pcnceful Alternatives to th* called It a "Communist-front organ- j Atlantic Pact, dated August 21, izatlon headed by Edward Hstcd Professor Loud as a Barsky” (Report, March 29, 1944, p .!sl?»®r of an open letter to Senator* tee on Un-American Actlvltlw, statement issued on the March of Treason, February 19, 1881, and House Report No. 378, on the Com­ munist "Peace” Offensive, April 25, 1951, p. 51). A letterhead of the Conference 174), "To Safeguard These Rights”, published by the Bureau on Aca­ demic Freedom, National Council of and Congressmen urging defeat of President Truman's arms program. According to a statement attached to a press release of December 14. the Arts, Sciences, and Professions. { p I4, ProfM*°r ,*ona waR * 1names Oliver 8, Loud as a sponsor 1s*Sncr of a statement Issued by the of a conference. October 9-10, 1948.lsamc organization calling for Inter­ n e was shown to be a sponsor of the Cultural and Scientific Con­ ference for World Peace, New York national agreement to ban the use of Rtomlc weapons, The Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the City, March 25-27, 1949, arrangcd ! Atlantic Pact was cited as an organ- by the Council (Conference Cal! lza lon, “ T . °f ll,e Conference for Peaceful and Program, p. 13), Thc following! iti . ,, , . Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact, sources names him as a signer of . , , , . , . ... to further the cause of "Communl- stetemente Issued by the Couqc 1 ^ Unltcd Btftteg„ d Jn Congrcssional Record, July 14 ^ ’ "their part In the Moscow cam- p, 9620: a list of s^ners altechcd ^paf(;n„ fConlIn|llcc on T7n. Am#rI. to a letterhead of the Council July ^ AcllvitIcSi Hotol No, 378( 28, 1950; Dally Worker, August V AprII 2 5 , 1951 , p. 54). "Eighty prominent Americans, l n , 1050 , p, 8. The Daily Worker of j statement to the President’s Com-1 June 2, 1952. p. 3, named him as a n : dent of Jamestown, died a t 8:05 p, m. Friday at her home. She 1* sur­ vived by a daughter, Mrs, Katie Carter Miser; eight grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. mission on Immigration and N atu-!endorser of a resolution of the ( . OoFrl f jjip tttp P o n rlw rallzallon have charged that 'free-,'Council Calling for hearing of I dom of thought,speech and associa-'Tunisia's demands ln the United] B j . - L J U « « » T . . m J . . . tlon are being denied to all foreign' Nations. j ^ - ^ ^ *UfiSImV bom in this country,' as a result of . The National Council of the Arts(j Mrj Cqt& m Brftdy 87 of ^ the currdat anti-foreign born poll-!Sciences, and Professions was cited! . I . ' ., , tics, it was announced yesterday by a Communist front by the Com- < the American Committee for Pro- ?mlttee on Un-American Activities tectlon of Foreign Bom,” I (Review of the Scientific and Cul-, Oliver S, Load, Yellow Springs, O,,. iural Conference for World Pence, was named as signer of the slate- House Report No. 1954. April 25, ment. The Dally Worker of ApMl , 1950, p, 2). i 29, 1853, p. 8, listed Professor Loud, Oliver 8. Loud was a sponsor of, _ . among the sponsors for 1953 of the]the American Continental Congress; , V,Cftf "or, . Mrs‘ “ ,4dy wer® American Committee for Protec- ‘ for Peace in Mexico City, according ®onduc, 10 6. m' Tue,d*y ** tlon of Foreign Bom. I t was re-! to the Dally People’s World of Aug-,the Ui mf r Funera Home' 8701 W' ported in the Dally Worker of July' ust 18, 1949, p. 2. The Congress was' Third St., Dayton, by The Rev, 8, 1953. p. 8, that he endorsed ft,'cited as "another phase In thc Ealph W, Gtiy. Burial was th 811- statement of the officers of th e : Communist ’peace’ campaign, aimed ver Ureek Cemetery Jn Jamestown. ACPFB condemning., the Justice’a t consolidating anti-American0 * MVs. Brady was the mother of Department’s move to have th e , forces throughout tho Western. ^ ,e Russell Carter, organization register as a Commu- JHemisphere” (Committee on Un-1 nlst front. Professor Loud was one1American Activities, House Report R n p rl_ H a n fU > P of the sponsors of the National, No. 378, April 25, 1951, p. 21). jnbWU n rtlH IW r Conference to Repeal the Walter-1 The Call to the Mid-Century Con- _ . j McCarran Law and Defend Itsiference for Peace, May 29, 30, 1950, tfinH O C IT lS n t AnnOUHCBCl Victims, December 12 and 13, under j Chicago, named Professor Loud as j the auspices of the American Com-; one of the sponsors. The Conference' Mr, and Mrs. Roby Reed, east of mlttee for Protection of Foreign was cited as a meeting held by the •Jamestown, are announcing the en- _ . ...... .*1 .1 - i. 1 .... „J■ J U .. ^ . :J . - £. . . ! H A W A m A n f f\t stdliatlla* Born, according to the. Daily Work­ er of October 1, 1953, p. 2 Committee for Peaceful Alternatives,fWfcmenl of their daughter* Mary to thc Atlantic Pact and ns having i Ij0U> Holjert E, Hanger, Wash- Tbe American Committee to n been "aimed nt assembling ns many! higton, C.H. Protection of Foreign Born was cited as subyerslve and Oornmunlst by the United States Attorney General, In tetters to the Loyalty Review, released June 1, 1948, and September 21, 1^48. I t was rede­ signated April 27, 1958, pursuant to Executive Order 10450. The Special Committee on Un-American Actl- gtillible persons ns possible tinder Communist direction and turning them Into a vast sounding board for Communist propaganda" (Com­ mittee on Un-Amerlcaii Activities. House Report No, 378, April 25, 1951, p. 58), The Dally Worker of June 20, 1950, p. 2, named Prof. Oliver S. Miss. Reed wilt graduate from Gllvercreek High School May, 28, Mr. Hanger, the son of Mr. and Mrs. T.O, Hanger- of Huntington, W.Va,, is a graduate of Hunting- ton High School and la affiliated with Station" WCHO In Washing­ ton C.H. The couple is planning to be vHtee called It "one of the oldestLond, atomic physiclet, as a signer married In June.