The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1954 THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL PAGE THREE * * * SOCIETY ★ ★ ★ MildredAnd Betty Bradshaw To Wed In Double Ceremony Mrs. Robert O’Bryant Hostess To Coffee Club Mrs, Robert ©'Bryant was hostess to the Corfcc Club at her home. Miss Mildred Bradshaw and Robert P. Miller and |?hcf (y of ^santview Church of jWednesday ™ ^ * ^ * » * * Miss Betty Bradshaw and Beauford II. Mash, have named % he,r f omc Tf rsday' 'T * ■ .................... - * ’ Sept, 30. Tnc business meeting wns;Mrs. Bud Spahr. Mrs. Leola McClaskie |Hostess To Aid Society | Mrs, Leola McClaskie was hostess ito members of the Ladles Aid their attendants for their doable wedding to be held in the Pentecostal Church of Christ, in Jamestown, on Fri day, Oct. 22, at 7 p. m. Rev. M. C. Scott, pastor of the church, will officiate at the open service. The brides-elect are sisters and are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradshaw, near Jamestown. The bride- grooms-elect are cousins and are from Glendale Springs, N. C. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Mash and Mr. and Mrs, Edward Miller, of Glendale Springs. Miss Mildred hns chosen Mrs. Karl Stephens, of Cedarvllle, as her matron of honor, and brides- maids will be Mrs. Kelley Fields, of Dayton, and Mrs. Charles Rlggsby, of Cedarvllle, Nancy Seston, of Jamestown, will be flower girl, Karl Stephens will serve as best man for Mr. Miller. Ushers will be Messrs, Kelley Fields, and Charles Rlggsby. Miss Betty will have as her maid of honor, his sister, Miss Louise Bradshaw, of Jamestown, her bridesmaids will be Misses Mary Lemaster, of Cednrville and Hetty Patrick, of Jamestown. Linda Gayle Stephens, of Cedarvllle, will be flow er girl. The best man for Mr, Mash Will be Dali Miller, of Dayton, Messr Donald Person and Martin A 30 minute program of nuptial music will precede the ceremonies. Miss Delora May, of Cedarvllle, will be organist and her sister, Miss Loretta May, vocalist. Mr. Bradshaw; father of the bridcs-clect, will give his daughters in marriage. A reception for mem bers of the wedding parties and the Immediate families will be held in Curley's Dining Room. Both couples plan wedding trips to the South. Upon their return. Mr, Miller and his bride will reside in Xenia and Mr. Mash and his bride, In Dayton. Miss Betty Bradshaw was honored recently at a miscellaneous shower at the home of her parents. 75 guests attended. Also a miscellan eous shower feted Miss Mildred Carter, Jr„ of Jamestown, will be Bradshaw, Saturday evening, at the ushers. Larry Fradd of South Solon, will servq as ring bearer for both couples. in charge of the president, Mrs. Bernice Jones, nnd the meeting was opened by the group singing two songs. The devotions were led by Mrs. Thelma Cline, New officers were elected at this meeting They are as follows; Mrs. Ollie Higham, president; Mrs. Fern Bentley, vice president; Mrs, Leola McClaskie, secretary, Mrs. Thelma Cline, treasurer; and card sales, Mrs. Lelia Evans. A covered dish dinner was served at the noon hour and enjoyed by all. Those present were Mrs. Ennis Stephens, Mrs. Sue Davis, Mrs. Fern Bentley and Mike, Mrs. Ollie Higham, Mrs. Nora Bentley, Mrs. Marcelle Long and Marilyn, Mrs. Elta 'Warnock, Mrs. Julia Torbett. Mrs. Lelia Evans, Mrs. Vera Evans, Mrs. Thelma Cline, Mrs. Hazel Warnock and Steve, Mrs. Margaret Swaney, Mrs. Evelyn Evans, Bever ly and Linda, Mrs. Loa Ritenour and Kay* and Mhrthamla, Mrs. Bernice Jones, Misses Lena and Ruth Stanforth, and the hostess, and Peggy. Mrs O’Bryant entertained her guests by playing bingo and served a very delicious dessert course Those present were: Mrs. Harold Chaffin, Mrs. Vernon Stafford, Mrs. Ralph Stitsworth, Mrs. William Lockwood, Mrs. Kenneth Fields, Mrs. Robert Heifner, Mrs. Earl Dab ney, Mrs. Guy Easter, Mrs. Paul Clark, and Mrs. Richard Thompson. Discussion Group Meet Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, of Bowersvllle, entertained members of Discussion Group No. 1, at their home, Monday evening. Jesse Gray, chairman was In charge of the meeting. Ray Garrlnger. discussion leader led the group on the subject of "Making Our Dollars Work For Us In Our Cooperative." Those present were Mrs. Ida Clemmer, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Case. Miron Fudge, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrlnger, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heath and family, Elden Heinz, Mr. and Mrs. home of her matron of honor, Mrs. Stephens, Cedarvllle. 60 guests were present. Edwards - Leighly Marriage Announced Mr and Mrs. Elzic Edwards, are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Wilma Jean, to Ralph Junior Leighly, Monday afternoon, which took place In the parsonage of Xenia Bible Church. Rev. S. Andrew Hutchison, pastor, offici ated at the single ring service. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwnrds, brother and sister-in-law, o f --the bride. Mrs. Leighly attemfed Silver- creek high school and Mr. Leighly attended Central high school, he is employed by the Buckeye Wood working Co., Xenia. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Leighly, of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Leighly arc re siding on North Limestone street. —■---------------•-— ■----------- SURPRISE PARTY Mrs, Karl Robinson was guest of honor at the meeting of the Fast Matrons of Order of Eastern Star, at the Masonic Hall, Monday evening. Mrs. Robinson was pre sented several going away gifts from the group, as Mr. and Mrs. Robin son and Mrs, W, A. Bryan will levac next week for Florida. The group enjoyed a covered dish lunch. Those present were Mrs, Robinson, Mrs. C, E. Thumn, Mrs, R, L. Haines, Mrs, Vernon Staf ford, Mrs. Vaughn Lewis, Mrs. Claude Chitty, Mrs, Gilbert Ream, Mrs, Bernard Knccht, Mrs, Edward Irons, Jdrs, Ralph Stitsworth, Mrs. Robert Moorman, Mrs. Max Powers, Mrs, William Henry, and Mrs. Mabel Hurley, * • • HOLD RECEPTION FOR TEACHERS Jefferson School, Bowersvllle teachers and new ministers were honored at a reception at the school gym, Friday evening, by the Home and School League. About 350 at tended the affair, A musical program was enjoyed, a solo by Miss Roena Konkright, and group singing. The students were entertained in the auditorium by a movie while the parents were in the school rooms. The parents were the pupils and sat at the desks, while the teachers told the parents all about the classes and about each subject taught in the school. BIRTHDAY SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ycngcr enter tained With a birthday supper for their son Larry's 2nd pjirthdayj recently. Those present were Mrs. Thelma Yengcr, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Step hens nnd family, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Garley Parson, of South Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Huston Evans. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Mrs. Paul Klonte waa pleasantly surprised on her birthday, Satur day evening, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Oscar Finley. A covered dish supper was en joyed by the following guests: Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward Little, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dostcr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Prat- tor and daughter, Mrs. Edwin Kiontz. Glen Finley, Miss Martha McHenry, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Dud ley and family, Miss Ann Lively, i Johnny Prntter, Mr. Kiontz and the guest of honor, Mrs. Kiontz. ______ Hebcr Reach and son, Mr. and Mrs. The next meeting will be held at David Leslie and son, Carl Picker ing, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spracklen and granddaughter, and the host and hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Elden Heinz, the church, Oct. 20, and the hostess will be Miss Ruth Stanforth. A co vered dish dinner will be served at tiie noon hour. Deaths George A. Hussey George A. Husey, 91, retired carpenter and lifelong resident of Bowersvllle, died at the Lively Nurs ing home, Jamestown, Saturday at 11:45 a.m. He has been in failing health nine months, and entered the nursing home six weeks ago, when he become seriously ill. He was born in Bowersvllle, April 1, 1363, son of Christopher and Jane Wlcal Hussey, and was one of Bowersvllle’s oldest residents. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs, Flossie LeValley, of Dayton, and Mrs. Ruby Mason, of Bowersville, five sons, Elmer, Christopher, Arthur and James of Dayton, and John, of Sabina, nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He was the last member of his Immediate family. His wife died in 1949. Services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Littleton funeral home, Sabina, with "burial in Woodlawn cemetery, Bowersville. Rev. Paul Neal, of Greenfield former pastor of the Bowersvllle Church of Christ officiated. Church of Christ Aid Society Met at Church Members of the Jamestown Church of Christ met at the Church, Thursday for their regular meeting. Mrs. Edna Gustin, president, was in charge of the business meeting and led the devotions. Mrs. Ethel Tal bott was in, charge of the program and the subject was "Mission Schools." Those present were; Mrs. Edita Gustin, Mrs. Florence Dore, Mrs. Alnona Armcnt, Mrs, Howard Mc Ginnis, Mrs, Ora Stevens, Mrs, Alma Shirk, Mrs. Grace Bethel, Mrs. Ida Hughes, Mrs. Ida Bryan, Miss Blanche Garrlnger, Mrs. Alta Brow der, Mrs. Nellie Bryan, Mrs. Ethel Bryan, Mrs, Mae Robinson, Mrs. Minnie Whittington, Mrs. Chole Tidd, Mrs. Mary Carter, Mrs, Elsie Glass, Mrs, Hazel Tomlinson and daughter, Mrs. Thelma Gray, Mrs. Anna Glass, Mrs. Marie Leach, Mrs. Ethel Talbott, Mrs. Garnet Leach and daughter. ATTEND WEDDING Mrs, Wendell Garrlnger nnd Jan ice were guests at die home of Mf. and Mrs. Maynard Crandall and family, of Detroit, Mich., over the past weekend. Miss Garrlnger was bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Doris Crandall, ATTEND FUNERAL Mr, and Mrs. Lester McDorman nnd Mr. and Mrs, George Ensign, attended the funeral of Mrs. Donna Curry Wolf, of Chicago, formerly of this community, at South Char leston, Sunday afternoon. ■a • • IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Dudley Patterson, entered St. Elizabeth hospital, Dayton, last Monday, an underwent surgery, Tuesday, and is Improving satis factorily. Mrs. Patterson will re turn home this week. •' '• * IS ILL Mrs, Stella Brock, has been 111 at her home for the past two weeks. She Is Improving slowly. Home Craft Club Meets Mrs, Russell Hughes was hostess to the Home Craft club at her home, Wednesday afternoon. The busi ness meeting was In charge of the president, Mrs, Bill Evans, and the members held a cake baking contest and Mrs. Lauris Smith won first on angel food cake and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Sr„ won first on butter cake, after which the nine cakes entereef in the contest were served for re freshments. Those present were Mrs, Arthur Allen, Sr., Mrs. Arthur Allen, Jr., Mrs. Elbert Baker, Mrs. Ida Bur ton, Mrs. Bill Evans, and daughters, Mrs, Dick Gray, Mrs, Wayne Houpt and son, Mrs, Janice Pltstlck and daughter, Mrs, David Leslie and son, Mrs. Russell Mills, Mrs, Carl Picker ing, Mrs. James Pierson and son, Mrs, Lauris Smith, Mrs, Gail Gar rlnger and son, Mrs, Carl Baker, Mrs, Earl Garringer and the hostess, Mrs, Russell Garrlnger and son. Verde Ja Club Meets Members and guests of the Verdc- Ja Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. Robert Fudge, Monday even ing. The guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Richard Sackett. of Bellbrook, who gave a demon stration on color wheels. Mrs. Don ald Pickering demonstrated a Cres cent design which she made. New program books were handed out to the memt£sr? foF thls ’ year and afterwards the hostess served refreshments to the following, Ml's. Sackett and Mrs. Spltler, of Bell- brook, Mrs, Paul Dennis, Mrs. Wil liam Ewing. Mrs. Wendell Gar rlnger, Mrs. Willard Haines. Mrs. Frank Harris. Mrs. Max Heifner, Mfrs. Ted Hell, Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. Norman Linton, Mrs. Boyce Moore, Mrs, Russell Murry, Mrs. Harold Pickering, Mrs, Donald Pickering, Mrs, Roger Ritenour, Mrs, Elwood Rose and Mrs. Emerson Ward. BIRTHDAY PARTY A weincr roast was enjoyed Sat urday evening, given in honor of the birthdays of Gary Saunders and Harvey Hoover, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert 8aunders. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bngar Gustafson and sons, Neil and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert *Brown and daughters, Margaret and Ruth Ann, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Hoover and daughters, Elaine and Hazel and •on, Jimmy, John Oney and daugh ters, Honda and Carol Ann, Mrs, Opal Conner, Donald and Dick Mrandel and the host and hoatesa, IS IMPROVING Mrs, Homer Perslnger underwent major surgery at Mercy hospital, Springfield, Friday. She Is Improv ing very rapidly and is expected home soon. • • • ;WILL RETURN HOME SOON Owen Ellison, underwent major operation at Brown’s Veterans hos pital, Dayton, last week, and will return home Thursday, a • •' ATTEND FUNERAL Mr, and Mrs. Harold Carter, Otis Carter and Mrs, Ben Webster at tended the funeral of a nephew of Otis Carter, Clarence E, Bright, of Blanchester, Monday afternoon, The funeral was held at Hannah Funeral home, and burial was. held In the I. O. O. F. Cemetery at Weatboro, Evening Circle Meets Members of the Evening Circle Group of the Methodist Church held their first meeting of the year recently, at the church, Mrs, Boyce Moore was in charge of the program, Mrs. Clayton Wise man led the devotions and Mrs, Willard Haines, president, was In charge of the business meeting, Mrs, R, H, Dill and Mrs, Lawson Reid were hostesses at this meet ing and served lovely refreshments to the group of about 35 present. ADVANCE CLUB Members of the Advance Club met at the home of Mrs. Bliss Smith, Monday eventng, for their first meeting of the year. They were shown slides of the United States and Canada by Mr, and Mrs. Francis Clark. Mr. Clark gave a very interesting lecture on the slides. After* the {pictures and social hour and refreshments were enjoyed by the following members and guests, Mr. and Mrs Francis Clark, Mrs. John Ferguson, Mrs, Charles Fudge, Mrs, Ralph Bets, Mrs, Ralph George, Mrs. Henry Homberger, Mrs, Harold Lewis, Mrs, Robert Lucas, Mrs. Clara Mauck, Mrs, Clark Pickering, Mrs, Roy Powers, Mrs. Lawson Reid, Mrs. O. F, Reeves, Mrs. Elwood Rose, Mrs. Charles Rutter, Mrs. Braden Smith and Mrs. Elmo Higham, Roy Gosnell Roy Gcwnell, 61, who resided, near Jamestown, died at Greene Memorial hospital, Xenia, Tues day at 7:30 p.m. He was ndmltted to the hospital, Tuesday morning suffering from a heart ailment. Mr, Gosnell was a native of Franklin County, and was employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co„ ten years and moved to a farm on Route 35. in 1933, He served in the Marines In World War I, was a member of Urania Masonic Lodge of Plain City and Jamestown Chap ter, Order of Eastern star./ He is survived by his widow, Frances, two nieces and a nephew. Funeral services were held at the Alvin G. Little Funeral Home, Jef fersonville, with burial at Plain City, BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr, and Mrs. Roy Powers enter tained with a dinner at their home, Saturday evening, in honor of the birthday of their grandson, Jeff Powers. Those present were Mr, and Mrs. Max Powers and sons, Steve, Seth and Jeff, Lemar Smith and Elaine Harris, Auxiliary Notice Any members of the American Legion Auxiliary who wish to at tend the birthday supper to be held at the O. 8. 8, O, home, cot tage Harrison B. Sunday evening, and do not have way to go please contact Mrs. Herman Haller, phone 4-5771, or Mrs, Ralph Gels, phone, 4-5811, as soon as possible. This is for the boys having birthdays In August,.September and October. $fr, and Mrs. J. H, Talbott and Sherill McNamee were Sunday af ternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Altho Evans and son, Oerald. Mrs. Amanda McPherson and son, Carl, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McPherson. and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Ritenour and family, of Jefferedttvilj^,^sre Sun day evening callers of Dr/and Mrs, A. D. Rttenour, PERSONALS. . . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newman and family spent Saturday in Radcn with Mr. and Mrs. M, D, Hlbbs. * * * Recent dinner guests of Mr, nnd Mrs. Harley Johnson, of New Jas per, were Mr. nnd Mrs. William Mll- stcad nnd son, David, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scott, Mrs, William Patton and son, and Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Rlegcl and Timmy Hobgood- The dinner was In honor of the 1st birthday of Timmy, • • • Dr. and Mrs, Herbert N, Smith, of Brookevllle, Inc!., were Sunday guests of "br. and Mrs, A. D. Riten our, • m m Mr, and Mrs- Carl Reese, of near Cedarvllle, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Ro bison and Marjorie, • • • Mr. and Mrs, Ottls Earley had a turkey dinner Sunday and enter tained the following guests, Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Toland and son, Carl, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur English and son/ Larry, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Pent and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Taylor, • * •' Wednesday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Heifner, of Lima, were Mrs, Helen Heifner, Misses Serah and Louise Skyles, and Mrs, Carl Pent, • • • Mr, and Mrs, Jack Porter spent Sunday inLefayettc, Ind, a • • Mr. and Mrs. Newton Rcichard of Mlamsburg, were Monday afternoon guests of Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Stei ner * * • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scsslar of Sabina, were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Sam Stoner, * * • Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steiner were Mr, and Mrs, A. A, Hutslar, of Springfield, a a a ' Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mm. Charles Ames were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winkler, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Lloyd and Martha and Gerald, -of Lebanon. Evening guests were Mr, and Mrs, Harry Mosie and family, of Spring- field, a a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horncy and family, of Washington C. H., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Babb, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blngamon, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hill were weekend guests of Mr, Hill’s perents. of near Chillicothe, • • a Mrs. Hugh Kane and daughter, Marlene and son, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kane and son, Kevin, of Kings Mills, Mr, and Mrs, Warner Cummings, and Thomas Buck, of Portland, Ore., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bo- gard, *, • • Mrs. Elolse McNamee spent from Thursday until Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Talbott and family, of Waynedale, Ind. * • « Mr. and Mrs. Ora Humphrey were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ames, *,* • • Charles Blngamon was the week end guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Tarter, of Xenia, • • • Mrs. Hazel McKillip, of Spring- field, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Anna Burton. Additional Saturday evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Whittington and daughter, Julcah and Ford Pickering. • « • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Talbott. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Talbott and Mr, and Mrs. Dan Talbott attended the races at Lexington. Ky„ over the weekend. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Gene Talbott and daughter, of Xenia, were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Etta Tal bott. • • • Mr, and Mrs. Bill Torbett, Mr. and Mrs. Huston Evans, were rec ent dinner guests of Mrs. Effle Pueusch and Elizabeth, of Spring- field. • • • Mr. and Mrs. John Pltzler, of Washington C. H., and John Evans, were Monday dinner guests of Mkv and Mrs. Huston Evans. • • • Herman' Haller is'spending this week in Lexington, Ky. 1 • • » Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newman and daughter, of Lynchburg, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gustin. • ■ • Mrs, M, I. Hilton spent the past ten days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Hilton, o f Springfield, On her return Sunday, her niece Mrs. Artie Wliitmer, o f Columbus, came to spend this week with her. • • • Mr, and Mrs. Marcus Engle, of Shlppcnsburg, Pn„ were Saturday callers of Mrs, Charles Houser. • * • Mrs. W. A. Jacks was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs, George Jacks, of Wilmington. a> • • Mr, and Mrs, Donald Exlinc, of Washington C. H., were Sunday nftemoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, and Mrs, Dorothy Shoemaker and family. • • B Edward Leach, of St, Louis, Mo,, was a weekend guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W, B, Leach, • • • Mr, and Mrs, Howard Jacks and family, were Sunday evening callers of Mrs, W. A. Jacks, • • • Mr, and Mrs, Ward Redding, of Anderson, Ind.f were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Chaffin, • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geary and family, of Sabina, were Sunday din ner guests of Mrs, Arthur Geary. Callers during the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Geary, of Day- ton. * * Mr. and Mrs, Donald Gels and daughter, Jerl, of Springfield, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Gels, * * • Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Foltz and daughter, Jean, of Reynoldsburg, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wendell Garringer and family. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Ray Soloman and daughter, Carol Ann, of Dayton, Mr, and Mrs, Ward Garringer and Mr. and Mrs. George Morris and children, of Jefferson ville, Evening, callers were Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Church, • a a Mr, and Mrs, Russell Murry and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Cary Gordon were Sunday afternoon callers on Mr. and Mrs, John Leslie, of Columbus. •* * * ' -* Mr, and Mrs, Tom Gordon, of Vandalla, were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Mary Gordon. • • • Miss Harriet Grice, of Columbus, and Mrs. Jane Foreman, of Wash ington C. H., were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Grice and family, + • • Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gordon were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flee, of Cincinnati. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Norris and daughter, Linda and Walter McCafferty, of Mt. Sterling, were Sundayafternoon callers of Mr, and Mrs. H. N, Grice and family. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Winkler, of Dayton, were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr, and Mrs, Emil Brown and family. • • • Mr, and Mrs. David Leslie and son, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Rogers and daughter, were Tuesday even ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brown and family. They were en tertained with a chill 6upper. • • • Mr. and Mrs. A1 Boettcher, and family, of Cincinnati, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Ida Bryan. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brown and family, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and daughters, of Xenia. • • • Mr. and Mrs, Walter Glass and .daughter, Barbara, of Columbus, spent Saturday night *pth h «j parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Cushwa, and Sunday motored to Oxford to spend the day with Jayne Ann Glass their daughter, who Is at tending Miami University. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and family were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Per- singer and family. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Butler, of Springfield, were Sunday afternoon callers of Mrs. DruziMB Carman and Mrs. Jenny Bowies, • • • Mr. and Mrs, John Ferguson at tended the football game at Colum bus, Saturday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fields and sons, slfcnt Sunday at Fort Ancient. • • • Mrs. H. D. Feirley Is spending this this week with her mother, *Mrs. Harry Kramer, of Oxford, Na. STM la eat la ticca 1st*. Idtt, ISMt, WV4, SSW, *4W, Rita ISWf IT* rla. M-la, or I % yd*. Si-la, Ha. Ill, faar-alcea Safer sat la feaM- lad aarrlafa , kfankal, aaeaaa, feaaaat •ad baatiaa, Camslcia tactracilaitc. Scad N| far EACH dress rallera, SSd far rack akadlawark aaitern, ta All- D IET LANE BUREAU. 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