The Jamestown Journal, Volume 77, Numbers 17-52

PAGE FOUR THE JAMESTOWN JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1954 This an' That Bobby Avila, Mexican second baseman for the Cleveland In­ dians of the American League, re­ cently bought the Mexico City club of the Mexican Winter League. Avila will manage the team and play second base . . , Milt Lip- pitz, a 300 pound Chicago bowler, broke a hip when someone tossed him a baseball. He tried n one- handed catch and slipped on the bowling alley . . . Bill Wnmbs- ganss of Cleveland made the only unassisted triple play in world se­ ries history, against the Dodgers in 1920 . . . Lou Little, coach of the Columbia University football team was an infantry captain in World War I . . . When Marion Motley, the Cleveland Browns’ great fullback retired this year because of an old injury to his right knee, it left four men on the squad who were with the team when' It was formed In 1946— Otto Graham, quarterback; Dante La- velll, end; Lou Groza, tackle; and Frank Gatskl, center . . . Birdie Tebbetts, manager of the Cincin- 'natl Bedlegs, was graduated from Providence College in 1934, He ma­ jored in philosophy , . The larg­ est number oL-horses ever to run in one race was 66, in the Grand National Steeplechase at Liver­ pool, England, in 1929. Jefferson Wins Second In County League Heavy bats of Jefferson Monday afternoon pounded out a second place In the Greene County Base­ ball League as Spring Valley was felled by a 4-1 score. Gene Kiser, the winning pitcher held Spring Valley batsmen to six singles while his teammates were picking up 12 safeties, four of them for extra bases. Jefferson opened its scoring in the first inning with two runs batted in by Curtis and Beard. Curtis rapped a triple and Beard banged out a double. Two more runs scored in the second when Thane Bock, the backstop, clouted a triple with two men a- board. Roger Guthry also tripled in the fifth inning. Bob Pickering absorbed the loss with Jim Goodwin as his catcher. Jefferson; with its 4-1 record, fin­ ished second to Grcenevlew, which went through five games undefeated. Greerteview Rams Are Champions The Greeneview Rams Blade it five wins with no losses by defeat­ ing Spring Valley. 12 to 4. in the final game of the league. JThe win leaves Greeneview as th# unde­ feated champions of Greene County Unbeaten Record nnd s,vc thcmthe right to piay in Greeneview still holds their un- j the District tournament this spring, beaten record after defeating Jcf- ^h° baseball team has a lot to be ferson, in the Greene County Base- Proud of as it has been a few years Greeneview Retains QUITS CAGE FOB LAW COURTS . . . George Mlkan, 30, great basketball star of De Paul U. and Minneapolis Lakers, re­ tires to law practice. Mlkan, 6- foot. 10 Inch center, scored 10,963 points In 7 years with Lakers, sparking them to • pro titles. Breaking on top in mid-season form, Pigskin Pete, The Sporting News’ football expert, chalked up a .731 average in his gridiron perdic- tions of September 24-25. Pete called the turn on 38 games while missing on 14. Here are ten of Pete's selections for games for the weekend of Oct. 9: TELEVISION -GAME OF THE WEEK Wisconsin over Rice Misslppl State over Tulane UCLA over Washington , Michigan State over Indiana Southern Cal over Texas Christian Fordham over Boston U. Colorado over Arizona Army over .Dartmouth Texas A & M over Houston SPECIAL Illinois over Ohio State Students To Take Conservation Tour October 11th has been set as the date for the annual Soil Con­ servation Tour for high school child­ ren of Greene County. Last year 11 school sent a bus load of children on the all-day tour. The tour is conducted by having eight stops where different con­ servation practices are explained to the children, Each bus load has a definite schedule as to time to visit the various practices. Specialists from the Soil Conservation Service and County Agricultural Extension Service are stationed at the various stops to explain the practice and to answer any questions, The eight stops this year consist of 1-Erosion, 2-Terraccs, 3-Contour strip cropping, 4-Opcn Ditch, 5-Sod Waterway, 6- Farm Ponds, 7-Multlfloni Rose and 8-Trcc Planting and Woodland Management. ball League, Tuesday evening, Sept. 28, by beating them n score of 3-0, behind the two-hit pitching of Ned Pettit. Gene Kiser pitched a one hitter for Jefferson but his mates were charged with five errors on the Greeneview diamond, Pettit fanned 18 Jefferson hitters to keep intact the only undefeated skien of the league. The Silvercreck-Ross con-; solldation now has won four strnlght | games, Thayne Bock caught the loser and Leroy Allen was the other half of the winning battery. since the county was won by an undefeated team. They also have the distinction of winning the first championship for the new consolidated Greeneview schools and are sure It won't be the last. The season record Is as follows: Grecnvlcw 7, Bcllbrook 3, Greeneview 6. Cedarvlllc 1. Greeneview 2, St. Brlgid 0. Grcenevlew 3, Jefferson 0, Greeneview 12. Spring Valley 4. Patronize Your Advertisers DAYTON AND SOUTHEASTERN BUSLINES, INC. Fbone 4-9341 Jamestown, Ohio Schedule Effective September 14, 1954 ChlllkoUte, Washington C, If. Fairborn, Dayton Division Leave Dayton Leave Xenia Leave Jamestown Leave Jamestown East Bound East Bound East Bound West Bound 9:30 10125 10:45 H ilo •1J00 •1:55 •2:15 *2:25 *5:30 *6:25 *6:45 *6:40 •n:oo *11:55 12:15 *sh9:25 *fe;oo •f8!55 •fans 12:10 s6:oo s6:55 s7:15 JAME8TOWN-SPIMNGFIELD XENIA-HILLSBORO cave Jamestown Leave Springfield Leave Xenia Arrive Hillsboro 11:10 10:00 10:25 11145 *2:25 *1:30 •2:00 *3130 *8:40 •6J00 *6:30 • 8:06 fshl2:lo •fshii:30 Leave Hillsboro Arrive Xenia 8:40 10:00 *12140 *2k.00 *4!40 *6100 WASHINGTON G. H. - - GREENFIELD Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Greenfield Washington CH . Washington CH preerifield 8:00 8:40 9:07 9:45 *12:45 *1:28 •2:46 *3:25 *5:15 *5:55 *7:15 7:55 —denotes P. M. ftiday only « Saturday only i — Sunday ft Holiday* only h - Frl.-Bun. ft Holidays only 1ft. Read And Use Classified Ads THE TOLL THEY TAKE CASH LOANS ON YOUR IN RGCORD T IM E ! Any Amount 525 to ’1000 Can be arranged an your lignatere, year aefe, er famllwo. 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